The United States Supreme Court by a vote of 6 to 3 has overturned the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and awarded the 2007 Peace Prize to George W. Bush and the US of A Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Courts decision turned on the fact that Bush’s calling and performing at the September climate change “Summit” together with EPA granting exceptions and waivers for coal fired Big Grid power plants has done more to energize citizens concerning Global Climate Change than any slideshow, book or world-wide research report could accomplish.

On a related note: the Nobel Committees’ attempt to further raise the profile of Al Gore after he had already won an Academy Award and an Emmy demonstrates how the massive hurdle to overcome Business-As-Usual’s media campaign to obfuscate the real causes for concern about the trajectory of contemporary civilization. The success of the MainStream Media efforts sponsored by supporters of Mass OverConsumption is documented by the September 2007 WaPo-ABC News poll that found less than one percent of US of A voters thought Global Climate Change was an important issue for the 2008 presidential election.

In our column tomorrow at Bacon’s Rebellion (“Tulips and the Maritime Highway”), we list 18 (there are more) reasons why Fundamental Change in human settlement pattern, Fundamental Change in governance structure and the overarching need for Intelligent Management of Civilization are imperative. Global Climate Change is only one of the 18 key issues. As Jim Bacon likes to point out, there are far better reasons to be concerned about the reported causes and effects of Global Climate Change than the oft oversold direct impacts.


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8 responses to “THIS JUST IN”

  1. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Is there any truth to the rumour that Bush had ordered a FISA wiretap on the Nobel Committee then subsequently dispatched some CIA types to spirit them away to an undisclosed location to interrogate them to determine if their selection of Gore was a nefarious ruse by terrorists to force a wedge issue between the US and other countries?

    sorry.. my “bad”…

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Hey Risse,
    Before you tell us what is in today’s Post, let me tell you. There’s a story that densely populated cities are major contributors to global warming. So much for your “patterns of human settlement” bunkum.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Ha ha ha. Yeah, I tell you: That Al Gore and Hillary and BIll Clinton sure have made a mess of this country the last six years.

    I take it that you guys support recycling. Because you just ripped off a joke from last night’s “Saturday Night Live” to announce this no-doubt world-shaking (and certainly “business-friendly,” ahem) analysis that we are about to be treated to.

    Accepting the overwhelming scientific evidence on global warming must be tantamount to rejecting those “Virginia values” we keep hearing so much about.

  4. Anonymous Avatar


    For the record, Anonymous 1:47 wasn’t me.

    However the article does make a number of points I have previously made here.


  5. Accurate Avatar

    EMR –
    I truly believe you will deny it, but EVERYTHING that I’ve EVER read that you’ve written paints you to be a socialist through and through. You want people to live the way YOU want them to live and no other way. I know you will deny it, dispute it, whatever, but you flat don’t like free choice, you don’t like people doing as they please with land that THEY own. Your posts continually show that you are one of those who believe that the government knows and can instruct/maneuver/coerce/or force us into doing ‘what’s good for us’. You remind me of what a San Francisco city member said of banning plastic bags in San Francisco – He said, “Despite our efforts to educate the public, it didn’t work. So we banned plastic bags.” See, we can’t convince you, so we’ll force you. Great free choice there. America was founded because we wanted freedom of choice…guess what, we still do.

  6. NOT ED RISSE Avatar


    Here’s something to brighten your day.

    “ONE of the world’s foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize “ridiculous” and the product of “people who don’t understand how the atmosphere works”.

    Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, told a packed lecture hall at the University of North Carolina that humans were not responsible for the warming of the earth….

    “We’re brainwashing our children,” said Dr Gray, 78, a long-time professor at Colorado State University. “They’re going to the Gore movie [An Inconvenient Truth] and being fed all this. It’s ridiculous.””

    Read it and weep.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    On another front, three Americans have won the Nobel prize in economics for their research on how to most efficiently allocate resources. Essentially the research helps determine how buyers and sellers can maximize their gains from a transaction.

    Now there is a body of work that should be required reading for contributors to this blog.


  8. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Gray is yet another “scientist” that:

    1. – accuses virtually the entire scientific community of a “conspiracy” to lie (tell me again why Scientists would LIE?)

    2. – will not agree to have his althernate theory work peer-reviewed – even by his fellow skeptics.

    3. – cannot agree with other skeptics on an alternate theory.

    Has anyone noticed that the skeptics have not produced a peer-reviewed alternate theory of Global Warming?

    Why is that?

    One might think that the skeptics could/should organize as a group – and challenge conventional wisdom as their own peer group – peer-reviewed alternate theory(ies).

    What don’t they do that?

    These guys are “Holiday Inn Scientists” … i.e. ” No.. I’m not a REAL scientist – I just want folks to think I am”…


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