This Didn’t Have to Happen

by Joe Fitzgerald

A year ago, the post-Thanksgiving surge was still raging, but there was hope in the imminent availability of vaccines. But 2021 would be the year of criminals who stormed the Capitol because they didn’t understand democracy and of their intellectual brethren who didn’t understand science or medicine.

Virginia set a record today for statewide number of new cases. That’s the third day in a row the number has been a record (12,112 Wednesday, 13,500 yesterday, 17,618 today.) Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro have seen a total of more than 20,000 cases as of today, and Harrisonburg-Rockingham will pass that milestone over the weekend.

The largest strain is on the health-care system. Hospitals are all but closed to all but the most serious illnesses and injuries. Nurses face not only the crush of cases, but the fact that those getting most seriously ill are the most stubborn in their denial about COVID. Those people don’t know enough science to get them to the first mid-terms of nursing school, but anecdotally many of them are abusive and sometimes violent in their resistance to COVID facts.
One post told of the man who refused a life-extending intubation because he didn’t believe in COVID. He left the hospital against medical advice and collapsed on the way to his car. Health care workers had to take time away from other patients to bring him back into the ER, where he died soon after.
He should have parked closer.

Those still spreading the disease could point to Delta being more severe and more contagious, and to Omicron creating more breakthrough cases. They’d be wrong. This isn’t breakthroughs infecting breakthroughs. It’s people keeping the pandemic alive until the next mutation by refusing masks, vaccines, and other precautions. Their sense of medicine and epidemiology is as great as the business sense of those who watched “The Apprentice” with slack-jawed reverence.

Much as we bitch and moan about crooked politicians, arrogant doctors, and marginally accurate journalists, some modicum of trust in institutions has always been a bedrock of this nation. If that trust finally collapses for good in the potentially horrible month in front of us, try to remember who got us here and who enabled them. Forgive if you must the malicious, malignant ignorance of some of our neighbors, but don’t forget what they’ve wrought and who’s encouraged them.

Judge them.

This column has been republished with permission from Still not Sleeping.

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53 responses to “This Didn’t Have to Happen”

  1. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    agree 100%

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Yeah, but it’s my body and right to choose as a good ‘Merikun.”
    “You’re talking about abortion, right?”

  3. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Feel better, now that you have that off your chest? Good; I hope so.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Hypocrites all around. How can one believe we have a duty to protect our neighbor from COVID, but a right to kill a helpless child? How, Nancy?

      COVID is a powerful reminder that we humans are not in control. Both COVID and abortion are powerful reminders of our base selfishness. Lessons all around.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        One BIG difference. Money. Daddy’s little 16-year old will always afford to fly to Sweden for a nice safe vaccine. Oh wait, no. The vaccine’s free.

        They’re reminders of the absurdity of the Pro-Life position.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Speaking of Sweden, remember when The COVID Nazi’s were all over them for their relaxed attitude? Funny, but overall its has basically matched the rest of Europe….

  4. This post is just more negative diatribe not based on the facts available. Vaccines are not stopping the virus. Lessening its severity. probably, but not stopping it.

    VDH reports: Vaccine Breakthrough in Virginia, 1-17-21 to 12-25-21: 88,143 infections, 2,550 hospitalizations, 969 deaths.
    As of 12-25-21, 5,727,986 Virginians have been fully vaccinated; 1.5% have developed COVID-19, 0.045% have been hospitalized and 0.0169% have died.

    1. John Martin Avatar
      John Martin

      do some more reading

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Sorry, Joe, but that’s a crock. I see the surge hitting places like Arlington and Alexandria, HARD, with the highest vax rates in the state, a bunch of leftists like you wearing masks in their home toilets. This bug is just going to get to everyone no matter what mitigations are taken. But if you are jabbed, the risk is far lower. Those who refuse are mainly killing themselves and those in their immediate families, not you or me or grannie.

      The VDH data comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated is convincing as hell — get the shots.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        If you look at the Mary Washington dashboard, if you have the booster, you are good… very few in the hospital.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        How about the NFL, NBA and college sports?
        If there is no real harm, why shut them down?
        How about cruise ships? The CDC says don’t go even if you are vaxxed and boosted. why?

      3. Joseph Fitzgerald Avatar
        Joseph Fitzgerald

        Lefties wearing masks in their home toilets? One of us is making shit up, Steve. Edited to add, maybe you’re privy to more information than I am.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Steve’s not above such exaggerations as he sits with the rightists atop the knoll awaiting JFK’s return.

          But, I’m confused about how he replies to CJ as Joe, and *poof* you reply to him. Is he prescient?

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      yes, but are the hospitals maxed out and limited in their ability to provide care to all? If you look at the Mary Washington dashboard – it shows that those who are vaxxed AND boosted are small in number… and to me that implies some level of immunity – certainly as compared to those who have less or no shots.

    4. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      “Lessening its severity. probably, but not stopping it.”

      Does’nt that make it worth a “shot”?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Similar logic with masks and other measures. If they don’t STOP it, they’re not worth it…

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg has asked the public to NOT come to the ER even if they have COVID – UNLESS they have” significant difficulty breathing, intense chest pain, severe weakness or an elevated temperature that persists for days.”

    I think the COVID thing is telling us something about our collective selves… that maybe some of us didn’t not really realize until now.

    Fear Porn?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Hospitals are overwhelmed because healthy but terrified people are going to ERs just to get the test….Yes, this has been a lesson in how to terrify the herd.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I was at Walmart today and standing in line at the pharmacy and a deputy shows up with his wife and his kids to get the shot… All were masked and Mom and Dad kissed through their masks…

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Media induced hysteria?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The big numbers are real. And the advice was that all should test before travel, gatherings. There were always more infections than testing ever caught. Now we have way more tests and voila!

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        BTW, Happy New Year, ya ol’ fart. Have a good 1st. Take two Advil now.

  6. Scott McPhail Avatar
    Scott McPhail

    It’s pieces like this that create opposition through their sheer arrogance . . .

  7. Matt Adams Avatar

    “Much as we bitch and moan about crooked politicians, arrogant doctors, and marginally accurate journalists, some modicum of trust in institutions has always been a bedrock of this nation. If that trust finally collapses for good in the potentially horrible month in front of us, try to remember who got us here and who enabled them. Forgive if you must the malicious, malignant ignorance of some of our neighbors, but don’t forget what they’ve wrought and who’s encouraged them.”

    You’re an uneducated f’ who would’ve failed high school biology if you had been smart enough to take it as a class. Omicron is the result of someone who was immunodeficient in SA (the only way the virus could live in a single subject and mutate as much as it did), not someone in the US. Delta is the result of India not having enough vaccines to distribute while you and your merry band of f’ withs clamor for boosters (it was running amuck in August of 2020 there).

    Trump is irrelevant, he has his booster. What people are tired of is losing this liberties for as$clowns such as yourself who have a vitamin D deficiency because you don’t get off the couch.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Seriously James, if you’re going to delete his scurrilous attacks on an anonymous poster because he calls them an “f’n drunk” then you shouldn’t leave any comment that actually attacks one of your authors that begins with “You’re an uneducated f’ who would’ve failed high school biology if you had been smart enough to take it as a class.”

      Just sayin’

  8. Virginia Project Avatar
    Virginia Project

    > refused a life-extending intubation

    Intubation is a death sentence for a “COVID” patient and this has been known since the nursing home slaughters in March-April 2020.

    Worst article I’ve ever read on BR, no close second. This is just bad science and bad policy wrapped up in strawman and it does not meet the quality standard I’ve come to expect from this site.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      50-50 at worst, or best. Guess it depends on your point of view, and whether or not it was in early 2020 or later. They learned again to “prone” the patients and that improved the odds.

      But still, a death sentence? Not exactly a stage-4 glioblastoma, and kind of a stupid way to start a rebuttal.

  9. VaNavVet Avatar

    Well said Jim and about time.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      “About time?” This political war, this delusion that human agency has any impact and thus we can blame others for this misfortune, has been going on almost two years now. I got the shots, wear the mask in crowds, but at this point I won’t be shocked if I get my turn. Damn good bug. Same mental deficit is behind the global catastrophe crowd telling me how to live, as if human agency can impact global climate. What a piece of work is man….deluded as all get out.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Individuals can impact their own lives and the lives of those around them by the decisions that they make. We do also have the shots, wear masks as appropriate, and maintain our bubble of fully vaccinated folks. This means avoiding indoor settings with people whose vaccination status is unknown. It also means testing as deemed necessary as the bug is good at infecting even those vaccinated. The point is to avoid infection if possible and to stay out of the hospital. Unfortunately, groups of people of a different mindset can exert agency by aiding in the spread.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        We call it religion.

        1. Thank you for saying so — indeed it is the only way to resolve Steve’s “delusion.”

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            In ancient times, our intrepid ancestors were overwhelmed by the mysteries and the complexities of nature and created polytheism to explain the miracles and contradictions in life.

            In the Golden Age (1850-1930) the simplicity of Newtonian physics could easil

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            When you can’t understand the mysterious complexities of life, you create gods and religion. Steve is polytheistic. If he played golf, he would undoubtedly believe in a golf god.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, it seem clear if one does not accept science with regard to climate that it’s not that a big a step to doubt other science like epidemiology.

        What we seem to have gotten to is finding the narrative one agrees with (regardless of whether it’s truly authoritative or not or consensus among credentialed experts) and seeing that as the reality.

        And if the experts themselves don’t agree, then trust anyone regardless of their background that says what one wishes to believe.

        Whether it’s a link from the CDC or an anti-Vaxx site, the anti-Vaxx site is as good or better than the CDC and govt sites.

        And the heck of it is that EVEN those who DO gets the shots and wear the masks, STILL DEFEND and support those that don’t and the non-science they like better.

        So both vaxxed and non-vaxxed Conservatives seem to still stand shoulder to shoulder and opposite the pro-science leftists.

        Am I wrong?

        1. Unfortunately you are not wrong. Anti-institutional and anti-science attitudes in this Country lately have simply eliminated the possibility of an objective factual basis for conversation. What is left but “gut reactions” and ad hominem attacks — that is, Facebook and Twitter?

      4. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” … This political war, this delusion that human agency has any impact and thus we can blame others for this misfortune, has been going on almost two years now. I got the shots, wear the mask in crowds…”

        okay – so there are two kinds of Conservatives – those that apparently believe the govt and epidemiologists and get the shots and masks and have agency , but those same folks also defend/support those who refuse to get the shots and wear masks.

        I’m not sure I understand it……….

        if you got the shots and wear masks – why and how and why does that differ from folks in the same tent who do not?

  10. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Boy, we all should have better things to do….and BTW I’m in San Antonio, not Dallas, so waiting perhaps for Crockett to return? The evidence is clear that this surge is a mutation that should be called the Arrogance Variant, and the people who think the vaccines and masks will protect them from getting the bug are being proven wrong. This will burn through the whole population, and the IFR numbers hold so 99 point something percent will get better and move on. And won’t it just be the ultimate rich irony when we do find out this was an engineered pathogen from a Chinese lab with American dollars….

    It is convenient (and politically useful) to blame the idiots who won’t take the shots, and while I have less confidence in the masks, it would be nice it people were more polite about it in crowds. But the virus is making us sick, not each other. Frustrating as hell to be entering Year Three.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’m not at all convinced we won’t see new variants as time goes by and the distinct possibility that they may not be as benign as the current one.

      I’m also convinced that “science” and vaccines will be the primary answer, not refusing to be vaccinated and relying on “herd” to get to the other end and certainly not listening to “smart people” telling us their own made-up beliefs about how the virus works or how all of this plays out.

      Eventually science WILL come up with an answer. Better vaccines, more knowledge on specifics, risk and mitigation, etc.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Crockett? Good. He can tell you all about the cancel culture, er cancel legend, and how he surrendered and was executed.

      If you have a day, wander out west on the 90 to Castroville. Best restaurant in Texas at the Hotel and Spa. As you leave town to the west, you climb a hill, on the top to the right. Definitely 5-star.

      Omicron hits the trachea, nose, and throat according to S. Africa. Good news, but I seem to recall some earlier discussion that the vaccine enhanced one type of antibodies but that there were two types found in the ENT area, and the blood, respectively. So maybe omicron was one of those “known unknowns”?

      You might want to repost some of your post as something other than a reply to me if Joe was supposed to see it.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Was looking for a road trip to the west. May check it out. Hillside seems to be the name…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes, yes. That’s the name. It’s been 8 years since I was there. Rooms are old, but it still beats a Hampton Inn or Homewood next to an Interstate. There’s another Alsatian restaurant in town. Apparently the white settlers were from our confused French-German region. North of Castroville is Banderas — another cool place to hang.

          Sadly, the best time to be there is the green months, April and May, when the hillsides are covered in wild flowers.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey, nice 3 part series describing Midway from the Japanese position. Really good.

    I’ll get the other two links after I watch them.

  12. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    I am curious where the numbers are coming from and what they actually mean. Positive contacts doesn’t mean an increase in hospitalizations. All reports I am seeing from various sources is mild cold like illness and symptoms similar to a cold from omicron, Delta is different. At home test kits are impossible to find, so where are the numbers coming from. Also the influx of illegal and Afghans I have seen in the Waynesboro who are unvaccinated are probably a one of the reasons for a spike in cases. I consider the article loosely based on half baked facts. We should have followed the suggestions in The Barrington Declaration and we wouldn’t be in this mess.

  13. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
    Carmen Villani Jr

    Just more fear mongering and ignorant to the facts. From the HHS website for hospitalizations in Virginia.

    ICU Bed utilization – 76.59% and only 23.57% are COVID

    Inpatient Bed Utilization – 74.61% and a mere 13.2% are COVID

    He is right about some level of trust being the “bedrock of this nation” but with all the lies coming from bureaucrats, politicians and those in the media, that trust has been destroyed. No American should trust these individuals.

    Doctors use to practice early diagnosis, early treatment, usually ends with recovery protocol. That got lost during COVID. Effective treatments are out there:

    Ivermectin –

    Monoclonal Antibody Therapy –

    Hydroxychloroquine –

    Now I am aware that you can find articles to the contrary so that is why it is up to the individual to do their own research and reach their own conclusions. There can also be found many articles on the ridiculousness of mask wearing. If nothing else, take the time to watch the interview between Joe Rogan and Dr. Peter McCullough and reach your own conclusions.

    It is a new year so we should take a new approach, not repeat the mistakes of the past which have proven not to work.

  14. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    According to the VDH Covid dashboard
    As of Dec. 31 there were:
    1/118/518 cases
    41,862 hospitalizations
    15,587 deaths

    According to the 2020 census, Virginia’s population is 8,631,393. This means that only 13% of Virginians have had Covid since March 2020.

    There have been an average of almost 12,000 cases per week since March 2020. If the average case lasts 2 weeks, then 24,000 people out of 8,631,393 have Covid any given time, or one person in 360.

    The odds of being hospitalized are 41,862 / 1,118,518, or 3.7%

    While even one death is too many, the odds of dying from Covid are 15,587 / 1,118,518, or 1.4%

    Media hype makes people think that most people you encounter have Covid and are actively spreading it, and that Covid kills half the people who catch it. Too many people actually believe this hype.

    I’m not a gambler, but I do trust these odds more than I trust most of the media. I’ve been vaccinated but not boosted since I have seen information from reliable sources, including CDC, that the Moderna vaccine I got is still 70% effective. So far vaccinated people are less likely to get severe cases or die form Covid. Also, Omicron appears to be milder even though it is more contagious.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      To put a 1.4% death rate in context, the acceptable cancer risk when considering carcinogens in your drinking water is 0.0001%.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Flip a coin. The odds of it coming up with two heads or two tails in a row is 0.5. 3 of each in a row, 0.25 … 4 is 0.125, 5 is 0.0625, 6 is 0.03125, 7 is 0.015625, etc., etc.

      So, 7 is our magic number — close to your 1.4% for death. Let’s play. You flip a coin. If it comes up heads or tails 7 times in a row, you commit suicide, ala Deer Hunter. As soon as the series breaks, I’ll give you $20 — the approximate cost of a vaccine. We play until I say we stop.

      Meh, I’m generous. Make it 8 in a row. That’s even much better odds than Covid.

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