Things Fall Apart: Peoples’ Republic of Charlottesville Edition

The Corner

by James A. Bacon

While various student groups at the University of Virginia are calling for defunding local law-enforcement programs, some parents of UVa students support a stronger police presence around the university after a wave of shootings last year.

An open letter addressed to UVa President Jim Ryan and university police chief Tim Longo voices support for bolstering UVa police patrols in areas adjacent to the university, such as the retail strip known as the Corner, the fraternity row along Rugby Road, and the residential neighborhoods around the university.

Noting that the City of Charlottesville police department is significantly understaffed, the letter states that since May 2021, the 2,000 students living on the W. Main corridor “have lived under the constant threat of automatic gunfire and faced the risk of being struck by stray bullets.” Charlottesville crime reports show that gun violence escalated in 2021, and members of the public reported “more shootings in the year to date than in the entirety of 2020,” the letter said.

(The article in the student publication The Jefferson Independent from which I’m drawing this account does not provide the date in which the letter was composed.)

“Prior to the increase in police presence, UVA students and Charlottesville community members endured almost daily automatic weapon gunfire,” says the letter, which documented a surge of six gun-related incidents on the UVa periphery last September alone, as well as a few others before and after. In one incident a UVa student in a restaurant restroom was struck by a stray bullet.

The letter credits the fall-off in shootings to an increase in city and university police presence, commends “senior administration” for its “courageous leadership” in keeping the university safe, and asks for UVa to stay the course.

Bacon’s bottom line: Local media have reported that the Charlottesville Police Department, which has been embroiled in controversy over the past year, is down 23 sworn officers and eight civilian positions. While police manpower shortages are endemic across the country, the situation in Charlottesville is aggravated by poor morale. In a survey last year, 90% of responding police said that fear of being targeted by leftist political groups and not being supported by higher-ups had caused them to reduce their normal policing activities.

Anti-police sentiment is strong among UVa students as well. Last year, several residents of the Lawn posted signage stating, “F*CK Tim Longo: UVA’s chief of police is a racist piece of sh*t.”

Last year, a columnist in the student newspaper The Cavalier Daily called for defunding the Charlottesville police after the “murder” of 18-year-old Xavier Hill, who was shot after a high-speed chase on Interstate 95. (A grand jury investigation found the shooting to be justified.) “At a broad level, there’s no correlation between more police and less crime,” stated the op-ed piece.

Parents of UVa students think otherwise.

Such is life in the radicalized community of the Peoples’ Republic of Charlottesville and in the university which lives within it in ideological symbiosis. Ideology reins supreme and blots out reality.

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66 responses to “Things Fall Apart: Peoples’ Republic of Charlottesville Edition”

  1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Oh well, go woke go broke…. Or full of holes.
    I believe we’re going to see more and more polarization. Either localities will have robust policing or next to none at all. And that’s fine by me. Let the citizens decide how they want to live. And with the new work at home model more and more people will vote with their feet.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      It’s woke, broke, and a complete joke.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        It’s a lost cause trying to explain to you guys that “woke” started as meaning to awaken from sleep and now is understood to mean “to be aware”. There is awareness on both the right and the left only concerning differing issues and that is not a bad thing. Avoid the shortcuts and spell out what you mean.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          it’s the current right-wing pejorative these days in tandem with “leftists”, replaced virtue signaling …

        2. how_it_works Avatar

          Awareness of a problem is one thing. Attempting to solve it via means and methods that have just exacerbated the problem elsewhere is where the “broke and a joke” part comes in.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Australia fixed their gun problem. Switzerland fixed their healthcare system. We’re just to stupid to copy off the smart kid’s test.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            Australia is a 3rd world despotic dump

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Been to Florida lately?

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            Well..on the latter…you’ve heard of things that run like a Swiss watch?

            At the other end of the spectrum, there are things that run like a Virginia government office…

            Seriously, Virginia culture is about as far you can get from Swiss culture and still be in a 1st-world nation.

            Well, maybe that’s not quite true. Louisiana and Mississippi…

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Nah, you were right. Virginia is on the boundary between 1st and whatever is above 3rd world. Bassett Va and Tampico Mx are sister cities.

          6. how_it_works Avatar

            Case in point, would you ever expect to see something like this in Switzerland? (Or most other states in the USA)?

            They can’t even get the font size consistent between two signs on the same pole:


          7. Merchantseamen Avatar

            So typical leftist (different than a liberal) It appears you do not like various cultures. So the people in Bassett are beneath you. At one time they made the finest furniture in the world. Till the like of the repukes and the demos trying to feel good gave those businesses away. You want everyone to subscribe to the Bluetopia model. Like NYC Chicago, LA, SF and many others.

          8. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Is is called God Given 2A. The goobers in gooberland can not remove that Right. It is ours and only ours. With your argument then Australia fixed the speech problem. Lets cheat off the “smart kids test and remove free speech. Sort of like Canada honk you horn go to jail. Its true they removed guns and now speech or expression. Now tell the truth do you want to live like that?

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            1) You have an unmitigated right to say, believe, disseminate, gather to discuss, and seek redress for a loss of your $#!^.
            2) You have a right to shoot $#!^.
            3) You don’t have to militarize your $#!^.
            4) You can hide your $#!^. No one can go through your $#!^ without a warrant.
            5) You cannot be compelled to spill $#!^ about youself, nor to clean up your $#!^ more than once.

          10. Merchantseamen Avatar

            You did not answer the question. YES or NO. Do you want to live like that? I will assume you will default to Freedom and say no.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You mean like the Ice Choad Truckers?

          12. VaNavVet Avatar

            Happens with both leftists and rightists. Always have to be mindful of “Murphy’s law”. So it seems like I can be correct to use “woke” when describing actions taken by conservatives as well.

          13. how_it_works Avatar

            Bear in mind that extremists on both sides tend to be indistinguishable from one another.

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Dude, it’s origins are black nationalism, i.e the Nation of Islam in the 30’s. It was referenced by Malcolm X to criticize his “I have a Dream” speech saying it lulled them to sleep.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            Google it and you will see that it comes from so called Black English. Sounds like Malcolm X was also using it in this regard when talking about sleep and awakening. You can’t just tie everything associated with “Blackness” to black nationalism or whiteness to white supremacy.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm no, despite what you’ve been told. You can’t believe everything you read in the Internet.


            Either research your opinions or don’t make statements that are false, you’ve got two options. You seem to double down on the false when confronted.

          3. VaNavVet Avatar

            Opinions by definition do not represent facts. BTW that is good advice not to believe everything or most things that you read on the internet. Many folks here do not believe the Washington Post either unless it suits their purpose.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Opinions by definition do not represent facts. BTW that is good advice not to believe everything or most things that you read on the internet. Many folks here do not believe the Washington Post either unless it suits their purpose.”

            So instead of admitting your own ignorance you again double down. Please feel free to point out where I’ve made issue with the post? That’s what is known as a deflection, so it’s safe to say you know you’re wrong and will not admit it.

          5. VaNavVet Avatar

            I did not say “you” but spoke in general terms about people on BR. My opinion could be wrong and it wouldn’t be the first time. That is how it goes with opinions. Everybody has one and you know what they are like. Again, I do not believe everything I read on the internet or in many newspapers and I am not alone. JAB has posted that he does not believe the NY Times or Washington Post with regard to Jan 6th. In conclusion, woke is what it is whatever that may be.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Then your comment was irrelevant and again a deflection as I indicated.

            Again, good for him, however since I am not him, it’s not relevant.

            Naw you’re just in denial about something you were just educated on.

  2. VaNavVet Avatar

    How about the reality of easy access to guns in the Commonwealth contributing to gun violence? Guns bought in Virginia are used in crimes up the coast due to the money to be made in their sale to criminals. Law enforcement should be supported and their jobs made safer by keeping guns out of the hands of the bad guys.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      We have an avalanche of gun crimes up Fredericksburg way these days. 90% is domestic disputes and road rage with drugs next and true stranger/intruder killings way down the list.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Stranger killings way down? What did you guys do? Take away Barney Fife’s bullet? Ban no-knock warrants?

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        The guns are committing crimes?
        Wow. Those are some guns.
        You know, an SUV killed a bunch of people at a Christmas parade in Wisconsin.
        I read a bunch of police reports for fun and profit. A knife killed someone. A baseball bat. My favorite was the bathtub. And of course swimming pools. Electricity killed someone during a thunderstorm. But guns with intelligence to commit the crimes themselves… Were the violent guns possessed by lawful citizens and just went loco all by themselves?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          crimes committed using guns – how’s that? Most people don’t purposely KILL others with SUVs or knives or forks or kumquats but with GUNS – right?

          People do get killed all sorts of ways but it’s the ones who are purposely killed by others – as opposed to accidents that are different and of the ones that are killed oh purpose – the weapon of choice in the US is the gun, right?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            By criminals, right?
            How many crimes do not happen because someone is armed? How many are lessened?
            The problem isn’t the guns. The problem is the person, many of whom live in Dem hellhole cities, poorly educated, growing up without a father, cuz the Dems love them so much.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, they are certainly criminals AFTER they use guns in commission of a felony. Oh and I so like your lat comment – no confusion there.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I made no comments about lats.
            Mine could use some work.
            And nice try – if you want to cry racist – go ahead and do it. But if you actually cared about POC like all you Leftists profess, you would get rid of the corrupt governments and education systems in those hellhole cities. Defunding the police hurts the POC. That’s not political. That is fact.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh I’ll let you do the talking, no need on my part! I do agree the “defund” thing was as dumb as a stump.. as bad and worse than other type idiocy emanating from the right… both sides do it.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Both sides do not do it Larry. Nice try.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            oh they do… you’re just blind to your half!

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – perhaps I need to tell you this to save you the embarrassment…
            The Society of Blogging Standards (the SOBS) have determined that the Costanza Rule applies to all of your comments. Therefore, all readers of your comments understand that the opposite is actually true.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            really ? might have to explain more … I’m said to be “dense”

          9. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Tell that to the Wakusha Christmas parade.

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wow. The evil guns have decided to commit crimes in Chicago over the weekend.
            Maybe because they are made of metal they like cold weather?
            But in any event, like Larry says, there ought to be a law!
            What? Really?
            Never mind…

      3. how_it_works Avatar

        I used to have a rental property in Fredericksburg. I sold it. That probably means I won’t have to pay someone to patch bullet holes. I noticed a steady decline in the quality of the tenants I was getting over the years.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Ashland creep?

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            Not sure what the cause was. The effect, though, is another rental unit off the market. It’s owner-occupied now.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Your neighbors thank you.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            I think most of the neighbors were renters too.

      4. VaNavVet Avatar

        Not to even mention suicides with guns which make up the clear majority of deaths.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yes – about 1/2 or so , right?

    2. Like Hunter Biden who violated two federal laws when he bought his pistol — he should have been sentenced to 20 years; then his fluzzy should have been arrested for throwing the sidearm away in a dumpster near a school…oh well…..

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        what the heck does Hunter Biden have to do with anything of relevance other than apparently he is right-wing catnip?

      2. The vast majority of gun crimes are not prosecuted by the DAs and the courts. Look at Chicago — there was a gang shootout with released felons shooting at each other. DA Fox did not prosecute because it was between ‘mutual combatants. The NYC DA was not going to prosecute gun crimes as felonies….. Hunter the Slime is the perfect example of a failure to enforce current laws.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Any source of data relating to “vast majority of gun crimes” not being prosecuted in Virginia?

          1. FBI & DoJ DBs

    3. Merchantseamen Avatar

      Have you tried to by a firearm lately? Try again.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    crickets on all the other substantial issues going on in the Commonwealth this week!

    this is apparently the only “woke’itch that can be scratched?

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    If I lived in C’ville I would consider hiring an armed guard for a night on the town. Get a group of friends together and split the bill. Awad Protection Services offers a licensed armed guard for 45 bucks an hour. 3 hours on the town plus a tip 175 bucks. Might be worth it. With the absence of law enforcement it could be the future.

  5. WhatMeWorryVA Avatar

    I guarantee no one in c’ville is subject to automatic weapons fire. Semi-auto likely. Automatic? unlikely….

  6. I loved the ignorance in “Prior to the increase in police presence, UVA students and Charlottesville community members endured almost daily automatic weapon gunfire,” says the letter, which documented a surge of six gun-related incidents on the UVa periphery”

    ‘automatic weapon fire’? ‘six gun’? That is complete stupidity and sloppy research….just what all have come to expect from these yahoos…or is that wahoos?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Wait a minute. It was in a BR blog – it has to be right. Right? 😉

    2. KLS, I think you might be confusing “sixgun-related” with “six gun-related” incidents.

      1. Ahhhhhhh. you are correct. My mis-read.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hookah anyone?

  8. Dwayne Lunsford Avatar
    Dwayne Lunsford

    “Automatic gunfire”; wow! Things must be getting sporty in ol’ C’ville these days. Fully “auto” firearms are extremely rare in urban crime environs and I doubt C’ville is seeing any full-auto gun play.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Stupid is as stupid does…

    “I ain’t takin’ no vaccine that causes myocarditis.”

    “But, the virus causes myocarditis too. You’re choice. You can get it while you’re healthy or while you’re sick.”

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Watched the Biathlon. At one point the Ukrainian women were in the top three. She hit two targets in the first 5 rounds and one more with 3 reloads. They’re going to have to shoot better.

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