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They’re Political; We’re Not

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

The Governor is pretty upset about a toolkit sent to its members by the Virginia Education Association.

The toolkit includes sample lesson plans that include teachings on racial identity and the Black Lives Matter movement.

“The Administration will not support a teachers union’s attempts to prop up a politically driven curriculum toolkit which contains tenets that go beyond teaching history, lesson plans, and operates as a political manual for the next generation of Virginia’s students,” Youngkin press secretary Macaulay Porter said in an email. “Virginia’s schools will continue to teach all history — the good and the bad.”

What is the Governor going to do?  Forbid teachers to use the material in the toolkit and use only lesson plans prepared by his Department of Education?  The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that Ms. Porter “did not respond to questions about which aspects of the toolkit the administration opposes.”

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