Seven GOP House Primaries on June 8

by Steve Haner

Virginia Republicans in seven of the 100 House of Delegate districts still have House nominees to pick in the June 8 primary. The focus on last Saturday’s unassembled convention for statewide candidates has overshadowed these races.

They will also be overshadowed by the Democratic nomination contests on the same date. But some of these Republican contests are showing signs of being heated, and with strong candidates picked for November could be some of the seats which determine control of the House.

In the three western Virginia contests, Republican incumbents seeking new terms face internal challenges. Three other contests have more than one Republican seeking to challenge an incumbent Democrat. One seat, House District 51 in Prince William, will have no incumbent on the ballot (Democratic Del. Hala Ayala surrendered it to run statewide).

For those of you Republicans or Independents who consider yourselves done voting until November, peruse the list and watch your email or snail mail for signs you are in one of these contested districts. Democrats, you’re all getting pushed to show up anyway by your statewide races. 

As official state-run primaries, early voting in person at the registrar’s office or by absentee ballot is already underway in all of these districts. Or show up June 8 and visit in line with your Democrat neighbors. I’ve linked to the Virginia Public Access Project summary on each race.

House District 9, covering parts of Franklin, Patrick, and Henry counties, sees challenger Wren Williams seeking to oust incumbent Del. Charles Poindexter from the ballot.

House District 22, covering parts of Bedford and Campbell counties and Lynchburg, is currently represented by Del. Kathy Byron but Isaiah Knight is seeking the nomination, too.

House District 24, Rockbridge and Amherst counties and parts of four other upper valley localities, has challenger Mark Reed competing against incumbent Del. Ronnie Campbell.

House District 51 in Prince William County is the fully open seat with no incumbent on the ballot. Republicans Tim Cox and Jeff Dove are seeking that party’s nomination.

Mark Earley, Jr.

House District 68, which covers parts of Chesterfield and Henrico counties and Richmond City, has a first-time candidate with bit of family history, Mark Earley Jr., son of the former attorney general and state senator. His competitor Mike Dickinson has run before unsuccessfully both for this seat and Richmond City Council.

The Democratic incumbent in the district, Del. Dawn Adams, is also being challenged in a primary. There might be no incumbent in November, when Richmond voters will also be deciding on a casino question to boost the turnout.

House District 72 covers part of Henrico County in one of the more ridiculously-shaped districts. Christopher Holmes and Tom Gardner are competing for a chance to challenge Del. Schuyler Van Valkenburg, swept into office in one of the anti-Trump waves.

Last but probably the best contest, House District 83 is mostly in Virginia Beach with a tiny bit of Norfolk. Incumbent Democratic Del. Nancy Guy won the seat in 2019 with a 27-vote margin over then incumbent Republican Del. Chris Stolle.

But to get a rematch against Guy, Stolle must first get past two other Republicans on June 8: Phil Kazmierczyk and Tim Anderson. Anderson has made a statewide name for himself suing Democrats over issues such as the removal of Confederate icons from the Old House of Delegates Chamber and the Office of Inspector General employee who irritated the Governor’s Office over the Parole Board.

Another Virginia Beach seat, House District 82, has been vacated by Republican Attorney General nominee Jason Miyares. The Republican nominee is being chosen by a convention process, not a primary, and the candidates are Kathy Owens and Anna Ferrell Tata, related by marriage to former Del. Bob Tata who held that seat for decades.

All of the primary races will be decided four weeks from today, but as noted voting is underway now. The party’s statewide candidates might have been chosen on that day, as well, but the other process has produced two positive results:  GOP nominee Glenn Youngkin has four weeks head start on the general election, and has already spent millions on paid media.

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19 responses to “Seven GOP House Primaries on June 8”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Tim Anderson is the best!

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Sadly, none in my area. However, we have some good unopposed (in the primary) candidates. Including Gary Pan in the 34th. Yes, Larry … another Republican Asian-American.

    By the way, Fairfax County is over 20% Asian – American. Continue to keep abusing those “people of color” at you risk, Democrats.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      I can’t wait. I know a lot of Southern Asian Americans, Asians, Asian Americans, toy with the education and they crossed the line.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        After 40 years in the technology industry in Virginia (for a global firm) I know thousands of Asian-Americans. My partner in my new venture is Asian-American. He owns most of the business and he runs the company. Same as the last company he and I started and sold at a profit.

        Asian-Americans are natural Republicans if only the Republicans in Virginia would pay attention.

        1. vicnicholls Avatar

          I’m working on that … at least in my area.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Ah… the old “X non-white Democrats are natural Republicans if only…” lament.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Tell that to Gary Pan or lieutenant governor candidate Puneet Ahluwalia or maybe even tell it to Winsome Sears, who is the Republican nominee for Lt Governor.

            Looks like the old “we’ll keep them on the Democratic plantation” theory is starting to fray.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I want the deck chair at the stern.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        All yours.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yeah, well despite your hopes and prayers it ain’t Capt. Chase at the helm. This might after all be a fast attack submarine…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive


        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Not a subject for jokes where I used to work.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But Boss, you don’t work there anymore.

            I would have said Scorpion, but evidence keeps mounting that it was not self-inflicted. They were touchy times and we kept straining those “cooler minds” in the 60s. If we only knew how often and how closely we approached making cockroaches the Earth’s sentient lifeform….

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But Boss, you don’t work there anymore.

            I would have said Scorpion, but evidence keeps mounting that it was not self-inflicted. They were touchy times and we kept straining those “cooler minds” in the 60s. If we only knew how often and how closely we approached making cockroaches the Earth’s sentient lifeform….

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Not a subject for jokes where I used to work.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I am surprised that Poindexter and Byron are facing primaries–they are two veterans and are certainly true conservatives. Are they opponents coming from their right or left? I like Poindexter–he is an old-fashioned gentlemen.

    I live in Schuyler Van Valkenburg’s (love that name!) district. I live near Bryan Park (center of Henrico County for those not familiar with Richmond) and was astonished when the last redistricting put me in Jimmie Massie’s district. He lived in the far western Henrico County. You are right that it is one of the more ridiculously-shaped districts. Obviously, it was drawn to protect Massie. Van Valkenburg beat him anyway in the first anti-Trump wave.

  5. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    Very helpful post. Thank you.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Lots of GOP folks unaware that they need to vote June 8, too.

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