The Wonk Salon, September 7, 2011

Phew, Rest Easy, Teacher Evaluation Models Still Valid after Adjusting for Missing DataRand Corporation

Educational evaluation models for evaluating teachers on the basis of student performance still stand up after accounting for the fact that the data for some students is incomplete.

NYC’s Elite Exam Schools: Little Long-Term Impact
National Bureau of Economic Research
Everyone wants to get into NYC’s elite exam schools with their rigorous academic programs. But attendance has little impact on SAT scores, college enrollment or college graduation rates.

Race, Gender, Test Scores and Downward Mobility
Pew Charitable Trusts
One third of all children raised in the middle class will fall out of the middle class as adults. Crack and heroin use are major downers. Downward mobility also associated with lower test scores.

Redesigning State Government
National Governors Association
Hot trends in the states include closing prisons, changing teacher compensation and tenure, downsizing state workforces, reforming pension plans, and reviewing tax expenditures.

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