The Wonk Salon, September 30-October 1

Paring the Texas Prison PopulationTexas Public Policy Institute

Believe it or not, Texans don’t execute all their prison inmates! Since 2005 the state has worked to reduce the size of its inmate population by providing more intermediate sanctions for parole offenders and funding more prison alternatives.

Time to Revise Back-Loaded Teacher Pensions
Center for American Progress
Most teacher pensions, which give disproportionate rewards to teachers who have taught a long time in the same state, aren’t as effective as they could be at motivating people to enter the profession. Restructure pensions to provide a more even accumulation of benefits.

Using Report Cards on Ethnic Health Disparities
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Report cards that assign letter grades based on race/ethnicity-specific measures are one method that states can use to document and provoke action on data related to racial and ethnic health and health care disparities.

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