The Wonk Salon, September 27, 2011

Mapping Infant MortalityHealthcare Cost and Utilization Project

A study of infant geographic patterns in infant mortality indicate that inequities in birth outcomes exist mostly in communities where there is low education attainment, a significant African American population, and high poverty rates.

Expanding Health Coverage to Low-Income Families
Urban Institute
Implementing the Basic Health Plan option under Obamacare, with a modified cost-sharing approach, would provide coverage for an additional 120,000 Virginians — two out of three who are eligible.

Why Are Urban Charter Schools So Successful? They Offer a “No Excuses” Approach to Education
National Bureau of Economic Research
The effectiveness of urban lottery-sample charter schools can be traced to their “distinctive pedagogical features” — their embrace of the No Excuses approach to education.

Improving Medicaid Delivery and Quality
Kaiser Family Foundation
Medicaid administration varies widely across the 50 states. Many are experimenting with new delivery models, trying new payments systems and utilizing Health Information Technology.

Helping Families Save for College
New America Foundation
The City of San Francisco is opening college savings accounts for 1,000 Kindergartners and seeding each account with $50. Just having the accounts makes families more likely to save.

Fostering Ties between Foster Children and Incarcerated Parents
Government Accountability Office
In 2009 some 14,000 children entered foster care due to the incarceration of their parents. States are using a variety of strategies to support the family ties.

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One response to “The Wonk Salon, September 27, 2011”

  1. ” A study of infant geographic patterns in infant mortality indicate that inequities in birth outcomes exist mostly in communities where there is low education attainment, a significant African American population, and high poverty rates”

    ….and…. no health insurance and minimal health care…

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