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The Wonk Salon, September 23, 2011

Comparing Public- Vs. Private-Sector Compensation: Private Wins by a HairBoston Center for Retirement Research

Private-sector workers earn about 9.5% more than state-local government workers with comparable skills. If benefits are included, total compensation is just about equal on a national level.

Immigration Assimilation: It Takes Two to Tango
Center for American Progress
Historically, Americans have put the burden on immigrants to assimilate, emphasizing the learning of English and naturalization. But there is much that communities can do to hasten the process.

Make Government Data Machine Readable
Cato Institute
How to make government more transparent: Make government data machine discoverable and machine-readable.

Want More People on Food Stamps? Eliminate the Fingerprinting Requirement
Public Policy Institute of California
Apparently, not enough people are applying for food stamps in California. Eliminating the fingerprinting requirement could increase participation by 7%. No guarantees, though, that the some of the new enrollment won’t be fraudulent.

Helping Patients Share in Decision Making
New America Foundation
Every medical procedures involves tradeoffs between benefits and risks. It’s a good thing for patients to be involved in making the decisions. State legislatures should revise their informed-consent laws to help make it happen.

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