The Wonk Salon, September 13, 2011

How Middle-Class Schools Are Failing their StudentsThird Way

Three out of four middle-class high school students fail to earn a college degree. As it happens, middle-class schools spend the least per pupil, pay teachers the least and have the highest enrollment to teacher ratios compared to schools in upper-income and lower-income school districts.

Virginia Third Grade Reading: Pretty Good, but Could Be Better
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
Student pass rates on 3rd-grade reading SOLs have improved substantially over the past 10 years, reaching 83% in 2010. But the goal of 95% is “questionable.”

When JLARC Speaks, Legislators Listen
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
JLARC’s 2011 annual report summarizes the watchdog group’s activities over the past  year.

A Blueprint for Restoring Virginia’s Prosperity
The Commonwealth Institute
Virginia’s center-left think tank hits the big themes: Pave the way for an economy that works, educate tomorrow’s workers today, ensure a healthy and productive workforce and create a 21st century revenue system for a 21st century economy.

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