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The Wonk Salon, September 11, 2011

Free Market Telecom Works in Texas
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Texas has deregulated local telephone service and promoted competition in video. Since 2001, the number of broadband subscribers has grown more than 1,015%.

The Unproven Case for Missouri Aerotropolis
Show-Me Institute
Missouri legislation would subsidize the air cargo industry at the St. Louis airport to the tune of $360 million under the guise of creating a globally competitive “aerotropolis.” But if the economic value is there, why doesn’t the private sector make the investment itself?

The Digital Teacher Corps
Progressive Policy Institute
Nothing else seems to be working. Let’s create a Digital Teacher Corps to unleash the untapped power of digital media to boost literacy among our most vulnerable children.

Oregon’s Adverse Selection Problem
Oregon Center for Public Policy
Oregon got off to a fast start in creating a health insurance exchange called for by Obamacare. Just one problem: Insurance plans in the exchange will be more expensive and less attractive to healthy Oregonians, potentially creating an adverse-selection death spiral.

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