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The Wonk Salon, October 5, 2011

Yes, Private Universities Are Subsidized, TooAmerican Enterprise Institute

State aid? Chump change. When you factor in not-for-profit status and student loans, elite private colleges and universities receive greater public support than public institutions.

ESAs: Another Path to School Choice
Heritage Foundation
Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) offer several advantages over other forms of school choice, including the flexibility of allowing families to spend the money on tuition, tutoring, textbooks and virtual classes.

What to Do about “Dual Eligibles”
Urban Institute
Nine million Americans are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, creating an incentive for states to shift Medicaid patients, whom they help pay for, to the Medicare program, which Uncle Sam pays for — a trend that may undermine care for vulnerable populations.

Benchmark Assessments Do Help Math Achievement
American Institutes for Research
A study of 59 schools in Indiana found that the mClass and Acuity benchmark assessments had a measurably positive impact on student achievement in grades 3 through 8.

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