The Wonk Salon, October 28, 2011

How to Shrink the Prison PopulationNational Governors Association

With the cost of incarcerating the average prisoner running around $29,000 a year, states are looking for ways to reduce their inmate populations. Among the recommended remedies: use evidence-based practices to reduce recidivism and tailor release decisions on individual risk factors.

An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Pills
Urban Institute
The United States health care system could save a lot of money by preventing chronic diseases. No secrets here, just common sense. Get people to stop smoking and lose weight. Control diabetes. And prevent HIV.

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One response to “The Wonk Salon, October 28, 2011”

  1. Good trick if you can prevent chronic diseases. I have three that hit me out of the blue, and suddenly. Don’t know how they could have been prevented.

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