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The Wonk Salon, October 13, 2011

How Government Stifles Innovation in EducationAmerican Enterprise Institute

In areas from health care to green energy, government actively seeks to engage the private sector in fostering innovation. Not so in education.

Diagnostic Math Testing Helps Boost Student Achievement
Public Policy Institute of California
The mandatory Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project, which provides timely feedback on student progress that teachers can use, help boost standardized math test scores. The tests can be used to place students in appropriate math classes and spot those who need summer school.

“No Excuses” Helps Close the Education Gap
National Bureau of Economic Research
“No Excuses” charter schools in Houston, which increase instructional time and create a culture of high expectations, have a significant impact on students’ math achievement and a measurable impact on reading.

Power Flux
Aspen Institute
So much change, so many questions, for the electric power industry. Is consumer demand heading up or down? Are shale gas supplies here to stay? What’s the EPA up to? What does the Fukushima disaster mean for nuclear power? And what about China?

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