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The Wonk Salon, October 12, 2011

State Spending Still Outpacing Inflation, Population GrowthJoint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Despite the recession, state spending over the past 10 years has outpaced inflation and population growth by a wide margin. General Fund spending hasn’t kept up — the growth comes from Non-General Fund spending.

Medicaid Errors Costs the State $ Tens of Millions
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
Improper eligibility determinations may have cost Virginia’s Medicaid program between $18 million to $263 million in FY 2009. Outright fraud cost only $6.1 million.

Rural Telecommunications Creates Jobs
Manhattan Institute
Rural telecommunications operations have a direct economic impact in Virginia of $241 million and an indirect impact of $118 million.

Housing Voucher Recipients Go Suburban
Brookings Institution
When people get housing vouchers, where do they choose to live? Surprise, surprise, half of them choose to live in the suburbs.

Rethinking Teacher Retirement
American Enterprise Institute
Schools recruit 300,000 teachers a year — about one in five new college graduates. No wonder it’s hard finding qualified teachers. How about hiring more older, mature second-career teachers?

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