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The Wonk Salon, November 5, 2011

Health Exchanges Violate State SovereigntyGoldwater Institute

Obamacare promises to give states flexibility in implementing state health exchanges. In reality, the feds control the providers who get to participate, control the plans and benefits and force states to enforce the individual mandate.

Report on the World’s First Social Investment Bonds
Rand Corporation
The United Kingdom has launched the world’s first experiment in Social Investment Bonds (SIBs).  A private financier pays the upfront cost of reforming prison inmates and pockets a share of the reduced cost to government if the programs are more effective than the alternative.

Kids Beware, Longer Schools Days May Be Coming
Wallace Foundation
Six hours a day and 180 days a year is not enough time to provide the education that American children, especially disadvantaged children, need to learn what they need to learn.

Education in an Age of Austerity
American Enterprise Institute
After decades of spending growth, educators had better get used to the idea of doing more with less. Federal stimulus spending is ending, state budgets are under  pressure and property tax revenues are down. Innovation and reform is the path ahead.

Information Sharing and Child Development
National Academy for State Health Policy
The Better Child Care Health and Development learning collaborative supports healthy child development through care coordination and linkages among medical providers and community services programs.

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