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The Wonk Salon, November 3, 2011

The Strategic Importance of Advanced ManufacturingThird Way

Advanced manufacturing sustains millions of jobs and is a key source of innovation, productivity and exports. How do we encourage more of it? By setting up government programs to stimulate more R&D and capital investment.

Economic Development Tax Credits Don’t Do Much for Job Creation
Show-Me Institute
Tax credits are a favorite economic-development tool for state and local governments. But the economics literature says that the employment benefits are minimal.

The Impact of Globalization on New York
Center for an Urban Future / SUNY Levin Institute
No state has benefited more, and suffered more, from globalization than New York. Manhattan has prospered while Albany and Rochester have fared better than most. But the manufacturing sector of the rest of New York has been hollowed out.

State Debt and Liabilities: $4 Trillion and Counting
State Budget Solutions
When you tote up official state debt, pension obligations and other long-term liabilities, aggregate state indebtedness now exceeds $4 trillion. Among the 50 states in less-bad shape are Utah, South Dakota, Virginia, Wyoming and Idaho.

Inside the Nation’s Education Report Card
Education Sector
Everything you wanted to know about the National Assessment of Educational Progress but were afraid to ask.

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