Teacher Evaluations: No More “Culture of NiceAmerican Enterprise Institute

Something’s wrong with teacher evaluation systems that rate 97% of all teachers satisfactory or good. It’s time to find ways to rate the quality of the teaching, not the quality of the teacher.

How to Recruit More Minority Teachers
Center for American Progress
Minority students comprise 40.7% of all students in the classroom but only 14.6% of all teachers. Because teachers can be positive role models for students, school systems should expend greater effort recruiting and retaining minorities.

Florida’s Patient-Centered Medicaid Reform Saves Millions
Heritage Foundation
If Florida’s patient-centered Medicaid reforms were replicated nationally, Medicaid programs could save up to $28.6 billion annually. The secret: Increase patient choice of health plans.

More Strife Inevitable with Public Employee Unions
Manhattan Institute
The interests of taxpayers, public employee unions and welfare state beneficiaries are fundamentally opposed. There are three broad options to dealing with the conflict: (1) restructure union pay and benefits, (2)  cut spending, or (3) raise taxes. Take your pick.

Stronger Fathers, Stronger Families
Urban Institute
The New York “Strengthening Families Through Stronger Fathers initiative program focused on creating better employment opportunities for non-custodial fathers. The result: Participants increased earnings by 22% and child support payments by 38%.

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