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The Wonk Salon, November 1, 2011

A Modest Proposition: Treat College Students as CustomersCenter for American Progress

Too many students fail to graduate from college, and among those who do, too many fail to acquire marketable skills. It’s a wild and crazy idea, but maybe colleges should make students their central focus.

Teachers Paid 52% above Fair Market Value
Heritage Foundation
True, teachers get paid less than other college grads — but they tend to have fewer marketable skills. Given the value of their pensions, retirement health care and job security, their total compensation is 52% higher on average.

Eat Taxes, Fat Boy!
Tax Foundation
The newest tax-raising craze in the 50 states: taxing sugar on the grounds of reducing obesity. Seventeen states now tax candy at a higher rate than other groceries, and four states collect a tax on sodas. Just one problem: Adolescents offset calories from sodas and sweets with calories from other sources.

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