The Wonk Salon, July 25-26

How to Hold Higher Ed More AccountableNational Governors Association

States need to insist  upon greater productivity at public colleges. A starting point is to track basic data like how many students are graduating, and how well are colleges meeting industry’s needs for an educated workforce?

How Much Is that College Degree Really Worth?
National Bureau of Economic Research
Parents would like to know, and policy makers should know, how much a college education contributes to a students’ future earnings. This study finds that the earnings premium of prestigious state universities is close to zero.

How Community Colleges Can Help Build a STEM-Savvy Workforce
National Governors Association
At least eight million of the jobs available to college graduates in 2018 will be in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professions. States should look to community to colleges to help build that workforce.

Reengaging College Dropouts
National Governors Association
Nearly 400,000 kids drop out of school every year. States need to set goals to reduce the dropout rate, track the data and provide more options for recovered dropouts.

A Demographic Portrait of Charlottesville
Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
The Demographics and Workforce Group at the Weldon Cooper Center has published a demographic profile of Charlottesville. It’s worth a look to see the analysis of rising housing prices and gentrification.

The Latest Effort by Wine Wholesalers to Thwart Competition
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Recent court rulings have challenged anti-competitive state laws regulating alcohol wholesalers. Now wholesalers are trying are lobbying Congress to allow states to discriminate against out-of-state wineries.

Tax Holidays Are Poor Public Policy
Tax Foundation
Tax holidays like Virginia’s yearly sales tax exemptions for the purchase of back-to-school and hurricane supplies are an ineffective gimmick that distracts lawmakers from fundamental tax reform.

Should States Exempt Groceries from the Sales Tax?
American Enterprise Institute
Virginia is one of 43 states that provides a full or partial exemption for groceries from the sales tax. There are more efficient ways to help the poor.

Local Law Enforcement Needs to Do a Better Job of Reporting Missing Children
Government Accountability Office
Missing children who are not found quickly are at increased risk of victimization. Local law enforcement efforts to report missing children to the national database are patchy.

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One response to “The Wonk Salon, July 25-26”

  1. Darrell Avatar

    Oh boy! Just what we need. Another acronym. Academics need to quit wasting time conjuring fancy names for meaningless reports. I have to ask. In an economy that barely generates 15,000 jobs a month, what Dipschitz Continuum did these geniuses use in their STEM cell research to generate 8 million tech jobs in 2018? Maybe they should have hired a Belushi alumni as SCRUM Master to point them to the real world.

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