The Wonk Salon, July 20-21, 2011

Maine Leads the Way in Market-Driven Health Care
Heritage Foundation

Maine tried Obama-styled health insurance reforms and found they didn’t work. Now the Pine Tree State is trying market-based reforms.

Time for Progressives to Think Natural Gas
Progressive Policy Institute
Want to get a fast, cheap, 10-20% reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions? Back out oil- and coal-fueled electricity by fully utilizing existing natural gas power plants with excess capacity.

States Fail to Report Many Clean Water Violations
Government Accountability Office
States can do a better job of reporting clean drinking water violations.

Public Sector Unions Influence Wages More than Pensions
Center for Retirement Research
Pension benefits are legislated, not bargained, putting a premium on lobbying influence, not union membership numbers. But union clout does seem to influence bargaining outcomes for wages.

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