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The Wonk Salon, July 13, 2011

Putting State Funds to Work

Frustrated with too-big-to-fail banks that have pulled the plug on small business lending? Put state tax-revenue deposits in a locally owned bank willing to lend to small businesses in the state.

Getting the Facts on Child Abuse
Government Accountability Office
According to government figures, nearly 1,800 children died last year of maltreatment. And those numbers probably under-state reality given the difficulty of local officials in compiling the data.

Enforce Sex-Offender Registration
Heritage Foundation
Sex offenders are running loose. Uncle Sam needs to enforce state participation in the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.

Prevent Unintended Pregnancies, Save Billions in Publicly Financed Medical Care
Brookings Institution
Unintended pregnancies cost taxpayers roughly $12 billion a year in medical care for women and their infants. Policy makers should increase investments in proven pregnancy-fighting strategies.

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