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The Wonk Salon, August 5-6, 2011

State Should Give Public-Sector Employees a Hybrid Pension PlanThomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

Recent General Assembly reforms aren’t sufficient to keep state pensions actuarially sound. Virginia should institute a hybrid Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution plan.

The Myth of Tax Flight
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The impact of taxes on the decisions of people to migrate from one state to another are trivial. States can raise taxes without fear that their wealthiest citizens will flee for lower-taxed climes.

Yes, There Is a Big Payoff for College Education
Center on Education and the Workforce
The popular wisdom is right: Advanced education does lead to higher incomes on average. There are exceptions. A few high school drop outs earn more money than some college graduates. But overall, education pays.

Digital Education Reforms in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
From the Florida Virtual School to the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School, other states are showing how virtual education can deliver superior results.

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