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The Woke Never Rest… Because It’s Hard to Keep Up

James Madison University already has a Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) program. Now three WGSS professors are proposing creation of an “LGBTQ” studies minor, reports The Breeze student newspaper.

The program, which must undergo a lengthy approval process, would give students “access to a quality minor that would give them insight into queer lives,” says WGSS prof Kristen Kelley.

Sounds to me like JMU has a long way to catch up.

Consider that Virginia Military Institute, a military academy for chrissake, refers to “LGBTQIA+” in its diversity, equity and inclusion program. The “I” stands for intersex, and “A” for asexual, aromantic, or agender, according to Google. Not only that, VMI adds a plus sign to cover any permutations of sexuality and gender the other letters leave out.

Why no “I,” “A” or plus sign, JMU?

I’ll admit, wokism mutates faster than cockroaches after a nuclear war, so it’s hard to keep up. But, really, a gender program with only five letters? C’mon, JMU, you’ve got to up your game!


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