The Woke Attack Black George Mason Astrophysicist for Disrupting the Narrative

James Webb, former Undersecretary of State and NASA Administrator. Courtesy NASA

by James C. Sherlock

In WokeWorld, research will result in fierce attacks if it does not align with the “narrative.”

Even if that research is by George Mason professor and astrophysicist Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi, who is president of the National Society of Black Physicists.

The New York Times, in an article by free speech and expression reporter Michael Powell, tells the story.

Since 2015, there has been a legend accepted by many in the scientific community that James Webb, former NASA Administrator, was a homophobe. That story drove relentless and, happily, failed efforts to have the space telescope renamed.

The efforts failed for the seemingly simple reason that the story is false.

But the left won’t let it go.

Dr. Oluseyi reported in 2021 that there was no evidence that Mr. Webb, a champion of civil rights who took on George Wallace while NASA chief, was guilty of the homophobe charge. In fact, his penetrating research showed that it was a case of mistaken identity.

Dr. Oluseyi was instantly subjected to relentless, organized abuse that continues to this day.

Mr. Powell’s story explores both sides of the issue. He found that:

this was not just a battle over history, but a battle reflecting modern times, which is to say it has been deeply contentious and personal, leading to angry accusations among warring scientists.


But science has nothing to do with it.

Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi. Credit TED.

Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi. From his inspiring biography, we learn that

Dr. Oluseyi worked with the 2011 Nobel Prize winning Supernova Cosmology Project, developing detectors for a planned space-based telescope that will investigate the nature of the dark energy that is accelerating the universe’s expansion.

Today, he is a member of the team developing the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), which is America’s top priority observatory. He has worked on developing the LSST’s camera and is developing programs for analyzing the data it will collect.

George Mason is lucky to have him.

James Webb. Webb was Under Secretary of State in the late 1940s, perhaps the most momentous and productive period in American foreign policy from the end of World War II until today. He was subsequently the head of NASA who led the quest to put American astronauts on the moon and for whom the remarkable NASA space telescope is named.

Wikipedia on Webb. Dr. Oluseyi was curious about the story, enflamed in part by text inserted into Webb’s Wikipedia page, that Mr. Webb was a homophobe.

Dr. Oluseyi’s findings. Dr. Oluseyi published his deeply sourced findings on the matter in January of 2021:

I can say conclusively that there is zero evidence that Webb is guilty of the (homophobic) allegations against him.

Rather than exposing a bigot — as Webb was described in two popular articles reporting this story in 2015 — my research suggests that the purveyors of these allegations wrongly accused an innocent man who was, among more well-known achievements, a hero of diversity and inclusion in American government. He worked with Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy to use NASA facilities in America’s southern states to promote racial integration and equal opportunity in employment.

His research revealed that Mr. Webb’s critics blamed the wrong man.

Wrongly convicting one innocent person is also an immense injustice. The layers of failure that led to this misattribution of appalling behavior to James Webb, which has persisted for a decade and a half, are themselves appalling. This entire episode represents an example of shoddy investigative rigor from both scientific scholars and journalists. They all should have known better and they all should have done better.

But that report didn’t fit the progressive narrative.

Oluseyi  has been fiercely attacked by a progressive academic (sorry for the redundancy) mob every day since.

Sort-of-Scientific American. The response is exemplified in an op-ed in Scientific American in March of 2021. The author self-describes as “an assistant professor of physics and a core faculty member in women’s and gender studies at the University of New Hampshire.”

That article is part of Scientific American’s “Sexuality, Gender and Justice” series. Another cultural icon fallen to the left.

Scientific-as-long-as-it-furthers-the-narrative American would perhaps take up too much room on the masthead.

NASA’s Investigation. The Times reports that in November of this year, NASA’s chief historian issued an 89-page report. That report echoed Dr. Oluseyi’s findings that the accusations against Mr. Webb were, in fact, attributable to a different person at the State Department while Webb was there. A person who did not work for Webb and had a completely different portfolio.

Once more into the breach. That only accelerated the attacks. An example of the thoughtfulness of those attacks:

We can’t just exonerate a dead white guy who was in the thick of a repressive government.

The NASA report was dismissed out of hand by critics who admitted they had not even read it. There was apparently no need if one was a true believer.

Bottom line. But read the Times story. In fact, read all of the linked articles.

They will offer an object lesson, if another one is needed, on the mindless yet relentless cannibalism of the woke mob.

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70 responses to “The Woke Attack Black George Mason Astrophysicist for Disrupting the Narrative”

  1. So is this important or not?

    When a confederate statue is taken down, you sarcastically state how much it clearly will improve society. But then you treat naming a telescope after a dead guy with the same seriousness as a general drawing up the battle lines for a war over the fate of the country.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      First, you should look for a sample of when I wrote about a statue of a confederate. Then get back to us.

      Meanwhile reflect on who, exactly, in this New York Times story, treated “naming a telescope after a dead guy” as a war on gay people, slandered a distinguished historical figure as a homophobe and libeled a Black astrophysicist for pointing out their error?

      History will record it was not me.

      Finally, you ask if this is important. “Old news” is it? Nothing to see here? Mostly peaceful?

      Did I miss any other dismissive line used when a progressive does not want to talk about something that exposes the lies in the narrative?

      Ask the Times. They printed a 2700 word article on it this morning.

      They thought it was important.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      First, you should look for a sample of when I wrote about a statue of a confederate. Then get back to us.

      Meanwhile reflect on who, exactly, in this New York Times story, treated “naming a telescope after a dead guy” as a war on gay people, slandered a distinguished historical figure as a homophobe and libeled a Black astrophysicist for pointing out their error?

      History will record it was not me.

      Finally, you ask if this is important. “Old news” is it? Nothing to see here? Mostly peaceful?

      Did I miss any other dismissive line used when a progressive does not want to talk about something that exposes the lies in the narrative?

      Ask the Times. They printed a 2700 word article on it this morning.

      They thought it was important.

      1. I’ll have to concede I got you mixed up with Bacon this time.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Two moving parts and they’re interchangeable.

        2. how_it_works Avatar

          Not every conservative or Republican is enamored with “Lost Cause” mythology.

          It might seem that way, but hey, we ARE in Virginia, after all…

  2. Bubba1855 Avatar

    Folks…I clicked on the NYT article and read it…very enlightening.
    As an aside, I am now retired in South Carolina. We are building schools to beat the band…The local school board has a naming policy…New schools are not named for people…they are named for the neighborhood they are built in. I’m waiting for some local activist to claim that the local neighborhood name is ‘racist’…
    Pardon my French, but this shit never seems to end. What’s amazing to me is that major scientific journals continue to publish the crap of these ‘damn the facts’ activists.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Wokesters and the mainstream media …

    “But as the telescope neared completion, criticism flared. In 2015, Matthew Francis, a science journalist, wrote an article for Forbes titled “The Problem With Naming Observatories for Bigots.” He wrote that Mr. Webb led the anti-gay purge at the State Department and that he had testified of his contempt for gay people. He credited Dr. Prescod-Weinstein with tipping him off, and she in turn tweeted his article and attacked Mr. Webb as a “homophobe.”

    Those claims rested on misidentification and that portion of Mr. Francis’ article has been deleted without notice to the reader. Mr. Francis declined an interview.”

    Mis-identification. In other words, an out and out error.

    Deleted without notice to the reader.

    Then the coward who wrote the article declined to be interviewed.

    Typical leftists. Often wrong but never in doubt. And when proven wrong, they crawl under the nearest slimy rock to hide.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      None of the material presented in the several articles cited characterizes authors as leftists or rightists. They are identified as scientists and/or a science writer.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Only leftists spew idiocy such as …

        “We can’t just exonerate a dead white guy who was in the thick of a repressive government.”

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Nah, there is much idiocy spewed on BR. Righties are equally capable spewers.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Superior in most cases… take January 6th for example. A tourist group?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            The righties do spew. But they don’t try to hold all dead white guys who ever worked for the government in contempt. That was clearly a “tell” from a woke leftie.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, one of the most published of critics of Mr. Webb and NASA naming the telescope for him, describes herself as a “core faculty member in women’s and gender studies at the University of New Hampshire”.

        I leapt to the conclusion that she is a progressive. Get back to me if she is not.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Yes, it seems you leaped to a conclusion in the absence of any other material. Even if she is a “progressive” with respect to women’s and gender studies, the self-characterization is not conclusive. All that is conclusive is the leap you made.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I saw an albino gorilla named “snowflake” 55 years ago in the Barcelona zoo. She was not as rare as a conservative in women’s and gender studies.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      My personal favorite was the libelous insert in Mr. Webb’s Wikipedia biography page.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    99 times out of 100, if someone quoted a NYT article to a conservative, it would be summarily dismissed as the “lying lame stream woke media” unless of course the story aligns with a grievance the folks on the right are liking.

    There seems to be a lot of “smoke” on this issue but so far no “evidence”. I don’t know that one could say nothing else will surface. This is the way that a lot of “me too” stuff starts and then gathers more witnesses.

    I also agree with those who say that there is no question what NASA was doing in that era and hard to believe anyone in the leadership was unaware of it.

    I also think there is no question , the next NYT article that angers folks on the right will return the NYT to the dungeon of despicability.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    This looks like a guy folks on the right will like:

    ” Michael Powell
    Michael Powell is a national reporter covering issues around free speech and expression, and stories capturing intellectual and campus debate. ”

    Lord. Lord. The NYT is going to ATTRACT conservatives to it’s readership. Great great googly moogly! And it’s WORKING – they’re “gifting the links”.

    This must be some kind of fetid Woke conspiracy of some sort.

  6. The woke rarely lets facts interrupt a good personal assassination attempt…..

  7. Not even hard science is free from Progressive nonsense.

    “The Decolonizing Light project explores ways and approaches to decolonize science, such as revitalizing and restoring Indigenous knowledges, and capacity building. The project aims to developing a culture of critical reflection and investigation of the relation of science and colonialism.”

    I do wish they would leave the hard sciences alone. It would be nice to have at least some disciplines where facts prevail.

    1. Well, if nothing else, they are apparently more grammatically “progressive” than am I.

      My English teachers taught me that the word “knowledge” is uncountable, meaning it does not have, or need, a plural form.

  8. “We can’t just exonerate a dead white guy who was in the thick of a repressive government.”

    1) This is along the lines of: “It doesn’t matter if the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are false because they illustrate a greater truth”.

    2) It is also one of the most racist statements I have heard or read this year.

    3) I guess the next step is for president Joe Biden to tell Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi that he “ain’t black”…

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I read the articles. You speak of the “left won’t let it go” and Oluseyi being “attacked by a progressive academic mob.” Rather than a mob, it seems that it was primarily one person doing the attacking, with a couple of others, some anonymously, joining in. That is hardly a mob. The arguments made by the female professor are nonsense but “the left” or “progressives” as a whole should not be saddled with her perspective any more than it should be assumed that all conservatives or Republicans are antisemitic because Donald Trump dined with Ye and Nick Fuentes.

    Sadly, this episode illustrates what can be done by a few people in this age of social media. Lies and innuendo can be thrown out and spread quickly, damaging a person’s reputation.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Somebody’s being an “exaggeratti” perhaps? Nah! Not on BR…

    2. If this type of crap is being driven by a small number of “progressive” academics, why do you think Scientific American gives SEXUALITY, GENDER AND JUSTICE it’s own separate category in their magazine?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I don’t know. Although I am not a subscriber and seldom read any articles (not that I am opposed; there is just so much time in a day), I tend to agree with you. I don’t see a need for a category like that in that sort of journal.

    3. Stop making so much sense. Don’t you know that this site is built on narratives and generalizations?

  10. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The oft-criticized in BR NY Times article was well done in its portrayal of the largely internecine vituperation among a set of physicists and other scientists. For the woke newspaper to assist in correcting an injustice belies the post’s author’s condemnation of wokesters and the left. Broad brushes should be reserved for painting, not narrow ideological petard that miss the mark.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Nobody criticized this New York Times article. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

      If the New York Times wrote more articles like this one, I might even subscribe.

      Even the new CEO of CNN finds the “uninformed vitriol from the left” to be stunning.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You make my point. NYT is often bashed on BR for its editorials and articles. It was not criticized in this post. FYI and IMO, NY Times, in fact, carries many articles similar to the one highlighted in this post.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I am a Times subscriber, Mr. McCarthy. One of three newspapers I have delivered.

          The Virginian-Pilot is execrable most of the time, but it is my local paper and I am old fashioned.

          The Times makes me sad most of the time, but they do some excellent features like this.

          The most valuable player in that trio is the WSJ. No contest. The only one of the three that rigidly separates its editorial pages from the news, though the Times is greatly improved in that respect since it changed editors.

          1. We also get the dead tree version of the WSJ.

            They got busted hard 20+ years ago for running editorial content under the guise of “reporting”. They saw the light and did a hard separation of reporting and opinion.

            They subsequently frequently have had better reporting than either the NYT or Wash Post.

            The editorial content is still often toxic so you have to be careful which pages you turn to.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            We agree except with respect to the WSJ. Good to hear that the “greatly improved” Times is on a path to ameliorate your sadness.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            WSJ give equal space on the front page to opinion.

            You can only read the “left” half for facts and truth and not always 100% neither.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          You are probably right. I don’t know. I don’t subscribe. However, my guess is that The Times does carry “many articles similar to the one highlighted in this post” as well as many articles that are slanted hard to the left.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Informed readers need not fear articles “slanted hard to the left” any more than pieces on BR which, of course, are not slanted.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            the truth on high here in BR… snicker…

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            But they are free.

    2. I cannot make it though their paywall, but I trust you to report accurately on their story.

      I am willing to give credit where credit is due. Good job NYT.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        The link I provided is a gift link to which I am entitled as a subscriber. It should work for you.

        1. Thanks. I did not know gift links were even a thing, so I did not even try to link to the story.

  11. I’ve been threatening to cancel my subscription to Scientific American for several years over their periodic wallowing in wokeness, but there’s been enough interesting stuff to keep me hanging on and hoping they’ll get over it. The article that claimed that Docs weighing patients was racist almost caused me to pull the plug.

    1. Woke science will not prevent a bridge from collapsing or a rocket from blowing up on the launchpad. One would think that facts matter, at least with science.

      But alas, everyone and everything must be conquered and subservient to Progressive thought.

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      Is it racist to tell a Black patient that they are morbidly obese?

      Is it racist to tell a White patient the same thing?

      How about a Hispanic patient?

      Or an Asian one?

      What if the vet weighs my cat and tells me she’s too fat? Is that racist? Or maybe speciesist? (I would tend to agree that she’s too fat, she can’t jump up on the windowsill anymore!).

      1. Here are my “progressive” answers to your questions:

        Any criticism of any kind of any Black person is racist – unless “progressives” are the ones doing the criticizing, which of course, means the person “ain’t Black”. So, yes.

        Obviously not, nothing said about or to a White person can ever be racist.

        Yes, although once “progressives” begin telling Hispanics who disagree with that them “ain’t Hispanic”, that may begin to change.

        No. Apparently, “progressives” consider Asians “white people”. Most likely because so many Asians are able to succeed without their help (also see Hispanics, above).

        No, but only because “cat” is not a race.

        Yes. Be sure to report your veterinarian to the nearest “progressive” animal rights organization. Except PETA, of course. If PETA finds out you have a pet cat they might try to confiscate it so they can kill it at one of their “progressive” animal shelters.

      2. Here are my “progressive” answers to your questions:

        Any criticism of any kind of any Black person is racist – unless “progressives” are the ones doing the criticizing, which of course, means the person “ain’t Black”. So, yes.

        Obviously not, nothing said about or to a White person can ever be racist.

        Yes, although once “progressives” begin telling Hispanics who disagree with that them that they “ain’t Hispanic”, that may begin to change.

        No. Apparently, “progressives” consider Asians “White people”, which also means they “ain’t Asian” and are therefore fair game. This is most likely because so many Asians are able to succeed without any “help” from “progressives” (also see Hispanics, above).

        No, but only because “cat” is not a race.

        Yes. Be sure to report your veterinarian to the nearest “progressive” animal rights organization. Except PETA, of course. If PETA finds out you have a pet cat they might try to confiscate it so they can kill it at one of their “progressive” animal shelters.

    3. How about now?

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    99 times out of 100, if someone quoted a NYT article to a conservative, it would be summarily dismissed as the “lying lame stream woke media” unless of course the story aligns with a grievance the folks on the right are liking.

    There seems to be a lot of “smoke” on this issue but so far no “evidence”. I don’t know that one could say nothing else will surface. This is the way that a lot of “me too” stuff starts and then gathers more witnesses.

    I also agree with those who say that there is no question what NASA was doing in that era and hard to believe anyone in the leadership was unaware of it.

    I also think there is no question , the next NYT article that angers folks on the right will return the NYT to the dungeon of despicability.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    1984… saw one of these this past weekend…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      portable solar powered security cams?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Owned and operated by a city police department. Set it up on a corner and crime melts back into the alley where it belongs…

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          The one in your photo isn’t likely owned by the city PD, but rather by the owner or general contractor of that construction site.

          The city PD only puts their cameras on public rights-of-way, which that does not appear to be.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s an illustration. Don’t read much into the picture. The real one was larger, festoon with blue flashing lights, including on atop the mast, and had the city PD emblem on the side and sitting in the parking lot of a downtown mini-mart.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            The ones I’ve seen the local PD use don’t have any flashing lights at all. The last time I saw one in use was in an area near some apartments in Fairfax County where furniture and other trash is routinely illegally dumped (probably by the apartment management, if you ask me…it’s all the sort of crap that tenants would leave behind).

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The one in question was located at a Sunoco mini-mart in York PA on North Sherman Street. It was on private property, indicating some cooperation by the owners and would have had a commanding view of the intersection as well as the business.

          4. So, it doesn’t matter if the picture you posted is not accurate because it illustrates a “larger truth”?


        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          what keeps the cretins from “fixing” it? or is there another cam watching it?


          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It has blue flashing lights all over it. Anyone “fixing” it will be caught immediately.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m waiting for the ones that are on drones that move about from time to time and then “loiter” on some ledge or roof that cretins are not paying attention to. Such drones would “move” if they felt someone was coming to get them.

            I expect to see drones also as traffic monitors as well as license plate readers.

            I expect the first autonomous vehicles to be police “monitors”. Mobile cams looking for yahoo and similar behaviors and conduct, record, then go pick them up later.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Armed, to be sure…

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      Those are very common on new home construction sites. The ones they use have flashing red and blue lights on them so any potential thieves know they are there.

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And THIS is what happens when Republicans run a college…

    There will be “free speech” abundant. Comprehensible? Maybe not so much.

    Kavalier Kush next?
    Hokie Hooch?
    Dukes of Usquebaugh?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Spring of ’75 four students entered the Christopher Newport College of the College of William and Mary student center one night at 10PM just before closing and snapped two chalk lines on the floor along on wall of the dining room.

      Within 15 minutes, joined by a few others who were just hangin’ out, they had raised the first wall of what would become the first “on campus” bar and grill with an “on-off” beverage license in a Virginia state school.

      They sold their first beer and steak sandwich the next morning.

      The bar, eventually called “Schooner’s”, was a fixture on campus from that night until it was closed with the arrival of President Paul Trible, who considered the sale of alcohol on campus to be a distraction and setting a bad example for the students who then had to drive to off-campus bars to catch a buzz.

      Ironic, ain’t it, that within a year of his departure the school has entered into a partnership to distill and distribute a demon spirit?

      Regressives only succeed until they’re replaced.

  15. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Did you run this story past your black friend?

  16. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Good stuff. People are catching on to the Wokerati, and slowly but steadily dismissing them. They are embedded throughout society, so it will take time to dislodge them. But articles like this point out their silliness. And, when it comes down to it, most people don’t want to be associated with those people who’ve chosen silliness. Or the institutions those people have taken over. Those institutions will cease to be “institutions,” and become figures of fun instead.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Every movement has its silly or radical fringe. That does not mean that the main body should be identified or defined by it. That is, unless you agree that Republicans and conservatives should be defined by Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  17. democracy Avatar


    Now do the conservatives’ assault on Anthony Fauci.

  18. Ruckweiler Avatar

    Don’t confuse lefties with the facts, they know what they know, right?

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