The Woke Are Coming for Your Doctor

by James C. Sherlock

I just finished reading a profoundly disturbing article by Robert Graboyes, a PhD. economist with deep personal and professional roots in Virginia.

“The Pall of Politics Descends Upon American Medicine”  is published in Discourse Magazine, a publication of  Mercatus Center at George Mason University.  It is subtitled: “A new guidance document for medical professionals emphasizes critical race theory and social justice at the expense of patient care.”

His subject is the 54-page Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts, or AHE, published in October by the American Medical Association and the American Association of Medical Colleges.

AHE is not benign, and is not posited as such.

It instead complements the other frontal assaults on the social fabric coming from the heights of the woke culture.

From AHE:

This guide is intended to raise questions about language and commonly used phrases and terms, with the goal of cultivating awareness about dominant narratives and offering equity-based, equity-explicit, and person-first alternatives.

They had acolytes at “equity-based.”

Mr. Graboyes’ opening assessment:

Politics, and in particular hard-left “wokeness,” is infecting American medicine’s bloodstream. The danger cannot be overstated. It threatens medical professionals, patients, medical science and America’s civic life. Like so many societal pathologies, this one seems to have turned septic during the COVID-19 pandemic. The most prominent symptom is a newly released document that is at once laughable and terrifying.

Medical professionals are now expected to traverse a linguistic minefield, abandoning hundreds of familiar expressions and replacing them with tortured academic cadences. Failure to conform, the document implies, is a severe moral failing.

This is not merely replacing the simple with the sesquipedalian. The doctor’s every utterance must contain an air of accusation. When someone is ill, it is because someone else is to blame. Previously, a caring doctor might have told an African American patient that his lineage makes him especially vulnerable to diabetes. No more. In woke-speak, the word “vulnerable” is verboten. Now, the doctor must refer to the patient as “oppressed,” “made vulnerable” or “disenfranchised.” Someone, or some grotesque societal failing, is to blame for the patient’s higher-than-average risk of diabetes.

The entire document reads like final exam essays written by a student who forgot to study—endless strings of half-remembered vocabulary words assembled randomly in hopes that the professor will count the words but not read them. Every med student, every doctor in America must endure hundreds of such homilies and conform or be weighed in the balance and found wanting. Doctors must abandon the notion that a patient bears some individual responsibility for his or her health status. Whatever ails you, somebody out there did it to you. In the search for scapegoats, AHE taps into the fashionable academic catechisms of critical race theory and intersectionality and swears fealty to both.

One constant of the progressive left: it is relentless. And everywhere at the same time. It is very difficult to counter their onslaught in a timely fashion. Mr. Graboyes has done so superbly.

One could hope this corrosive “guide” from the AMA will be ignored or laughed into hiding. But we have seen that nothing is too extreme — or too worthy of ridicule — to be taken seriously and amplified by a sympathetic media and the academy.

I strongly recommend Mr. Graboyes’ “The Pall of Politics Descends Upon American Medicine” to readers. It is well worth your time and consideration.

Before your next visit to the doctor.

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13 responses to “The Woke Are Coming for Your Doctor”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I think this document will be ignored by most doctors. They are too busy to spend their valuable time reading this stuff. I started reading the AMA document and was quickly turned off when I encountered the term “minoritized”. Any writer or document that contributes to the continual degrading of the English language in such a manner cannot be worth reading or taken seriously.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I am afraid that it will not be ignored by the medical schools. As a matter of fact, I can guarantee that some of them will teach it.

      1. I struggled to finish reading the Advancing Health Equity “guide.” Almost every paragraph has something objectionable.I made it to page 17 before I gave up.

        Minority means “less than” and is now considered pejorative.

        Disparities should be replaced with inequities.”Health “inequities,” in contrast, are explicitly defined as health differences that are avoidable, unnecessary,unfair and unjust.”

        How can they label all differences as inequities without knowing the reasons? I suppose for the authors genetic predispositions are inequitable?
        I agree they’re not fair, but they’re part of life! What would they suggest doing about it? Pretend they don’t exist?

        Conventional phrase: How can we promote healthy behavior?

        Suggested Health Equity perspective: How can we democratize land use policies through
        greater public participation to ensure healthy living.

        I’m sorry. That does not say the same thing. By their approach, people in less than ideal living situations have no responsibility for their behavior and choices because of land use policies?? Do they want doctors not to counsel patients, but go join some social justice organization?

        How did we get to this insanity, and how can we stop it?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Write the AMA and the AAMC and object. They will not listen, but it will make you feel better. The AMA will not have any really influence on this, but the AAMC will. Write your state Delegate and Senator and ask them to carry a bill to prohibit the teaching of this dangerous nonsense in state-supported medical schools.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        First year orientation when most things like this are handed out in a thick packet.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “We recognize the significant contributions that Native Americans/Indigenous peoples and people of African descent have made to this country, particularly to the fields of medicine and science. We celebrate the resilience and strength that all Indigenous people and descendants of Africa have shown in this country and worldwide. Their land, labor, bodies and minds—and those from other historically marginalized people and groups over the course of our nation’s history—have contributed to the wealth of this nation and, by extension, to the AAMC and AMA.

    The AAMC and AMA also mourn the loss of life and liberty of millions of others who have historically been oppressed, exploited, excluded, segregated, experimented upon and dehumanized in the U.S. over centuries, and acknowledges their historical trauma and the long-lasting impact this has had on them as an individual, their families and their communities.

    The AAMC and AMA understand that while the goal of health equity is inclusive of all communities, it cannot be achieved without explicit recognition and reconciliation of our country’s twin, fundamental injustices of genocide and forced labor. We must remember that we carry our ancestors in us, and we are continually called to be better as we lead this work toward the pursuit of racial justice, equity and liberation.”

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Nice cherry pick. You know that is not what is objectionable.

      1. Good to know that not everything in it was objectionable. Maybe like so often is the case you have to take the good with the bad and merely ignore the bad.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          That was a pro forma preamble to a destructive policy. Read the actual document and see what you think personally.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Hardly cherry-picking. This statement was front and center. We know who does the cherry-picking around here.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “We recognize the significant contributions that Native Americans/Indigenous peoples and people of African descent have made to this country, particularly to the fields of medicine and science. We celebrate the resilience and strength that all Indigenous people and descendants of Africa have shown in this country and worldwide. Their land, labor, bodies and minds—and those from other historically marginalized people and groups over the course of our nation’s history—have contributed to the wealth of this nation and, by extension, to the AAMC and AMA.

    The AAMC and AMA also mourn the loss of life and liberty of millions of others who have historically been oppressed, exploited, excluded, segregated, experimented upon and dehumanized in the U.S. over centuries, and acknowledges their historical trauma and the long-lasting impact this has had on them as an individual, their families and their communities.

    The AAMC and AMA understand that while the goal of health equity is inclusive of all communities, it cannot be achieved without explicit recognition and reconciliation of our country’s twin, fundamental injustices of genocide and forced labor. We must remember that we carry our ancestors in us, and we are continually called to be better as we lead this work toward the pursuit of racial justice, equity and liberation.”

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Dollar to your dime every professional organization has a similar publication.

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