The Washington Post’s Sleazy Tactics

by Kerry Dougherty

For those who are new around here, I spent 42 years in newspapers. I may not know much about many topics, but I have a clear, first-hand understanding of daily journalism.

Until rather recently newspapers did a pretty good job of breaking news stories on deadline, while reliably getting it right. Not easy.

But for the past 15 years or so, as newspapers circled the drain, they offloaded experienced editors with skills and standards and replaced them with young, agenda-driven propagandists.

The result? Stories filled with mistakes, half-truths and the occasional lie.

It’s gotten to the point that I can barely get through an entire newspaper without wanting to hurl it at a wall. Many of my former colleagues feel the same way.

Here’s just one glaring example of misinformation spread by a number of Virginia newspapers last month.

Which brings us to The Washington Post’s newest controversy: Its “outing” of the woman behind the enormously popular “Libs of TikTok” on Twitter.

This Twitter account is genius. The anonymous person running it simply Tweets out bizarre TikTok videos produced by far-left freaks. The videos are public. She doesn’t tamper with them.

These jaw-droppingly weird videos include oddballs who believe they’re cats and non-binary teachers who like to tell their little charges all about trans life.

In recent weeks, with Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill in the news, the account featured a number of TikToks made by woke teachers bragging about how they groom very young children to question their gender or explore their sexuality in the classroom.

Ordinary decent people were horrified.

The Washington Post wasn’t.

Instead, this newspaper that once brought down a corrupt president decided to go after the person who simply gave these repulsive videos a wider audience.

On Tuesday the Post proudly ran, “Meet The Woman Behind Libs of TikTok, Secretly fueling The Right’s Outrage Machine.”

In preparation for this magnificent “expose,” Post reporter Taylor Lorenz sent the following email to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary, Christina Pushaw:

(After the story was written, of course.)


Giving someone exactly ONE HOUR to respond — as if there’s something urgent and time-sensitive about the story — is a cheap trick.

This is how that works: If the recipient of the email misses the message or is unable to respond, the reporter feels free to write that the subject “refused to comment.”


And the corporate media wonders why we loathe them.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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16 responses to “The Washington Post’s Sleazy Tactics”

  1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    If the Post had been in Moscow, its title would have been Pravda. Had it been in Berlin, it would have been Der Stuermer.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Kinda funny you mentioned Pravda. That’s what I’ve been calling Wapo – among other names associated w/the East German Republic, China, Soviet Russia …

    2. Funny you mention Berlin…… Apparently the person who gave up the Twitter site poster is bankrolled by Germany. Doesn’t he and Taylor have to register under FARA for supporting/promoting a foreign government’s objectives?

  2. vicnicholls Avatar

    I would add about the “one” who used Twitter code against rules to get LoTT’s personal data, bankrolled by a foreign govt. Also apparently used connections within Twitter to do this, since the “one” was a former worker.

    So the data was gotten illegally.

    This Taylor Lorenz being was going after LoTT’s family (photos) AND went after someone on IG because they had a close name to that. This self same being stopped all commenting on her Twitter account except for folks she approves.

    You left out that this Taylor being was whining and crying – check that story out because you’ll see she is an even worse hypocrite for doing this. Not mentioning her bosses that stood up to her.

    Remember also that WaPo is one of the papers that is suing to get the names of those who complained to the Governors’ report line on education issues – get the connection between what they’ll do to folks?

    War. Total war. We will not stand for this and are taking strong action.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    WaPo has it’s faults and then some and yes, is guilty of bias and sometimes outright mistakes but compared to Conservative media, it’s no contest.

    Lies and misinformation are the norm. They don’t cover news that is not ‘culture war” for the most part either.

    The funny thing is if WaPo is as bad as Kerry and others like her say it is, then why do they continue to read it – every day? Why not find Conservative media that is “better” and let it win the competition for readers?

    1. Lindsay Dixon Birckhead Avatar
      Lindsay Dixon Birckhead

      Conservative media already has won the competition for readers… They have not won the war for platforming… yet.

  4. Another example of the Left’s strategy of ‘when you can’t win the debate — you shut it down’.

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    I remember the good old days of journalism. A report would be printed without comment from a party mentioned. That courtesy is a more recent innovation. In the case at hand, it seems a comment would not have made a difference. Where’s the beef? Kerry’s karping seems to be getting thinner.

  6. Ruckweiler Avatar

    The Washington Post, the fishwrap of record, is sleazy? Who knew? Growing up in Northern Virginia in the ’60’s my Dad subscribed to the Washington Evening Star.

  7. VaNavVet Avatar

    If one is a major poster on Tik Tok can they really expect to keep their identity a secret? So Kerry actually believes what she hears on Tik Tok where folks will say and do most anything for clicks. Somehow she often comes back to the “Don’t say gay bill” and demeaning teachers by association. Kerry should read Matt Hurt instead. It is amazing how she can distort a story about the comment practice of the Post to fit her narrative.

  8. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Usual lack of outrage to the outrageous. Condoning of sleazy tactics as long as they are to the detriment of people you “loving” Lefty types deem enemies, as opposed to people who disagree with your self-proclaimed brilliance.
    LOTT did nothing more than pick out already posted things to “fuel the outrage machine” – I’d say to show just how many sickos are out there, proclaiming look at me! I’m a groomer! I hate (take your pick)!
    Didn’t Shapira do something similar recently in his crusade to destroy VMI?
    And WaPo did dox her. And then denied it. From the same hypocrite “reporter” who cried that people are mean to her. It is outrageous.
    And I now can confirm the Vet is a Lefty troll repeating “Don’t say gay” bill.
    And Larry, unlike you non-thinking Lefties, people who think for themselves can’t escape publications like the comPost or the NY Slimes and read all sorts of other sources, which exist despite shadow banning and censorship and form our own opinions, instead of repeating the propaganda from the high command. You might want to try it sometime… For all you believers in the church of “climate change,” you might want to read some articles on wattsupwiththat… I know, I know…you fear being shunned and kicked out of your church for heresy… But, there are a lot of different takes on climate change, Covid response, CRT, DEI, SEL, ESG, the “insurrection” (did you know the guy behind the framing by the FBI of the Michigan idiots got transferred to Washington DC and was there on January 6?)…
    The truth is out there…

  9. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Usual lack of outrage to the outrageous. Condoning of sleazy tactics as long as they are to the detriment of people you “loving” Lefty types deem enemies, as opposed to people who disagree with your self-proclaimed brilliance.
    LOTT did nothing more than pick out already posted things to “fuel the outrage machine” – I’d say to show just how many sickos are out there, proclaiming look at me! I’m a groomer! I hate (take your pick)!
    Didn’t Shapira do something similar recently in his crusade to destroy VMI?
    And WaPo did dox her. And then denied it. From the same hypocrite “reporter” who cried that people are mean to her. It is outrageous.
    And I now can confirm the Vet is a Lefty troll repeating “Don’t say gay” bill.
    And Larry, unlike you non-thinking Lefties, people who think for themselves can’t escape publications like the comPost or the NY Slimes and read all sorts of other sources, which exist despite shadow banning and censorship and form our own opinions, instead of repeating the propaganda from the high command. You might want to try it sometime… For all you believers in the church of “climate change,” you might want to read some articles on wattsupwiththat… I know, I know…you fear being shunned and kicked out of your church for heresy… But, there are a lot of different takes on climate change, Covid response, CRT, DEI, SEL, ESG, the “insurrection” (did you know the guy behind the framing by the FBI of the Michigan idiots got transferred to Washington DC and was there on January 6?)…
    The truth is out there…

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Kerry is upset that a Twitter account dedicated to outing private citizens has been outed… sounds about par for the course…

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      The account doesn’t “out” people. It republishes public TikTok videos. Meanwhile, WaPo doxed the LOTT creator. And this happened…
      You people are terrible. And think you are so morally superior. You are not.

  11. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    More on disgusting, hypocritical “standards.”
    I like the doxxing, then lying that WaPo didn’t doxx (it linked to her real estate license with all her personal info), then deleting that link, then basically admitting that the doxxing wasn’t important, it was the harm she was causing gay and trans people by exposing their own public videos…

  12. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    More on left wing hate factories, who pretend to be protecting “our community” or “our Democracy” but are really just hate-filled authoritarians with mental problems who want everyone not just to accept, but to celebrate and promote their problems…
    In the name of diversity! Inclusion! Equity! (Unless you disagree…)

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