The War on Asians, the Death of Meritocracy, and Assault on STEM

by Asra Q. Nomani

FAIRFAX COUNTY, Va. — This past weekend, about 100 families, students, alumni and community members Thomas Jefferson High School for School and Technology stood on the grassy lawn in front of the school and held a symbolic memorial service for the nation’s No. 1 high school.

“Remember the glory of TJ,” said Yuyan Zhou, a Chinese-American alumni mother, as friends stood around her with trophies and medals that symbolized many of the shining moments from the school’s history. “How many of you know that a high school can launch a rocket into space?” she asked, holding a medal around her neck and saying, “I have the medal…Help us preserve that spirit and keep TJ alive!”

They (and I, as a TJ parent) were also grieving something else: a war on Asian Americans by educrats and activists pushing the controversial ideology of critical race theory that is sowing racial discord and division in K-12 school districts around the country. Today, parents and community members launched a petition to have Fairfax County Superintendent Scott Brabrand and TJ Principal Ann Bonitatibus lose their jobs, following months of behind-the-scenes activities by the two officials supporting the anti-Asian attack on the school’s students and families. Yesterday evening, the Chinese American Parents Association of Fairfax County sent a three-page letter to the Fairfax County Board of Education, opposing the lack of “respect” that Asian Americans have been facing in the debate over TJ admissions.

Since the school’s birth in 1985 as a “Governor’s School,” specializing in science, technology, engineering and math, it had taken the community 35 years to build the school’s reputation as a premier high school. But it took the 12 Democratic members of the Fairfax County School Board only 12 minutes and 11 seconds in the dark of the night on Tuesday, October 6, during an online meeting in the middle of pandemic, to kill the school, eliminating its race-blind, merit-based admissions test.

Ideologues in the dangerous philosophy of critical race theory had just scored a major victory in their war on Asian-Americans. Like bigots and racists in the 20th century targeted Jewish students who secured admission to America’s Ivy League schools, activists are putting a hit on Asian-Americans who defy their thesis that “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” so oppress minorities that they cannot advance.

National War on Asians

This war on Asians is spreading nationally, with schools with large Asian student populations under fire to be decimated. In California, the San Francisco Unified School District is set to vote tonight to replace the merit admissions process to Lowell High School with a lottery. As I write, educrats there a ramming a lottery through a Zoom call, attempting to shame the school’s Asian American parents and students and others opposed to the lottery and blasting the racist “toxic culture” at the school, where Asian American students are 61 percent of the student body — rhetoric identical to the anti-Asian campaign in Virginia. In New York City, parents are facing a campaign to remove the academic test to the city’s selective STEM schools, including Stuyvesant High School and the Bronx High School of Science.

In Massachusetts on Sunday, as families in northern Virginia held their memorial service for TJ, parents, students and community members in the Boston Public Schools system held a protest to oppose a plan proposed last week for a “racial equity planning tool” to eliminate the academic exam to the school district’s three top schools, including the O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science. Like educarats in San Francisco, northern Virginia and New York City, Boston school officials argue that STEM school’s racial demographics “don’t mirror” the district’s demographics. They note “Asian and white students” are “meeting or exceeding expectations at higher rates” than Black and Hispanic students.

This summer, leaders at the Illinois Math and Science Academy, the state’s No. 1 STEM school, circulated a PowerPoint that reprinted the claim, “Math was never neutral.” They cited critical race theory and the “implicit bias in STEM,” to allege that “white male identity” dominates “what it means to be a scientist,” that “feminine and ethnic identities are not valued” and that mathematics should be called “mathematx,” to “signify a humanizing re-imagination of mathematics free from dominance of Eurocentric and White culture.

Fairfax County, Va., Battlefront

The rhetoric nationwide mirrors the language in Fairfax County, Va., where a small but vocal group of radical TJ alumni activists, espousing ideas of “social justice” and “anti-racism,” have been working with the Fairfax County Superintendent Brabrand, the 12 Democratic members of the local school board, the Virginia Education Secretary Atif Qarni, state Democratic politicians like Sen. Scott Surovell and TJ Principal Bonitatibus in an organized campaign to not only undermine the school’s selective admissions process but also the very idea of STEM at the school.

They targeted the TJ admissions test — and its successful test takers, so many of them Asian — to achieve the unconstitutional goal of “race balancing,” a form of social engineering based on race. The Pacific Legal Foundation, which battles civil rights issues nationwide, issued a stern warning that school board officials were acting unconstitutionally — with bigotry.

How does this war on Asian-Americans play out? With months of building a narrative of Asian students as doping illegally for tests, as the Education Secretary alleged, and then questionable parliamentary shenanigans.

12 Minutes, 11 Seconds of Shenanigans

On the night of October 6, Superintendent Scott Brabrand and his staff presented a “merit lottery” proposal to overhaul TJ admissions. Principal Bonitatibus said she would recruit a diversity of TJ students by going to “barbershops,” “cultural street fairs,” “soccer games” and “Special Olympics,” where the inspiring athletes qualify because they have intellectual disabilities.

As a tick-tock of the transcript of the “work session” reveals, School Board Chair Ricardy Anderson, a former principal and teacher, interrupted the start of follow-up questions, known as “go-backs,” to capture a “pulse of the board” on the question of “the assessment.”

The TJ “assessment” is a Quant-Q math and logic test and ACT Aspire Reading and Science test, an objective measure for identifying northern Virginia’s most advanced students in math and science. Over the next minutes, she benignly said she wanted to get a “consensus” and a “concurrence” to upend the TJ merit-based admissions test.

TJ parents watched at home, stunned. They had filed an ethics complaint against Anderson for speaking two days earlier at a protest by 15 people from a lobbying group, TJ Alumni Action Group, rallying to nix the text. “I speak for the board,” Anderson had shouted into a microphone, to cheers, saying that the board members believed in immediate action “now,” in an “imperative” moment.

In a YouTube video, I captured the the ethical lapse that happened two days before the “work session” and the highlights of the parliamentary high jinx. (The full video of the meeting is visible in the official Fairfax County Public Schools video, with the death knell to TJ starting at 2 hours and 37 minutes into the meeting.)

Anderson asked fellow board members to “please lower their hands,” so she could get the “pulse of the board,” “some feedback to the superintendent,” some “consensus taking” on the “assessment” to TJ.

Board members responded, saying they were “confused.”

Was she talking about the TJ “test?” asked a board member.

The TJ admissions director weighed in that there was actually a “battery” of tests.

Board member Megan McLaughlin wanted to “bring clarity” on the vote, and she asked if this was “for this year” and wasn’t a “long-term decision.”

“Are we talking about forever and ever?” she asked.

Anderson handed the baton to board member Karen Keys-Gamarra, speaking about the “Quant-T” and the “barrier” tests.

The tests now had a new name: the “barrier” tests.

McLaughlin said she still felt “uncomfortable.”

Keys-Gamarra said she had circulated some material to the board “that might help.”

It was still chaos.

‘A Little Confused’
“Are we in this moment directing the superintendent? Because I’m a little confused,” said Rachna Sizemore-Hizer, the only Asian American on the board.

No, Anderson insisted, interrupting and saying that she wanted to just help the superintendent: “We’re looking to get consensus, because we want to be able to give him substance of how to move on for Thursday, when he brings the next part of this presentation.”

Anderson kept diminishing what the board was doing, saying, “We’re not necessarily looking to give a direction” to the superintendent.

And then she asked for the vote, but then instructed board members to “lower their hands” because she had some “confounded” some issues, then told them to “raise your hand at this time,” when she wanted to get a vote on “removal of the assessment.”

The votes came in: 12-0. Kill the test.

Parents watching knew what this would mean: the death of TJ.

Sure enough, the next day, the TJ admissions office quietly added a new update to its website, rushing so quickly it misspelt the word “consensus,” stating:

“Based upon the School Board Work Session discussion on October 6, the school board concensus [sic] was that testing (Quant-Q, ACT Aspire Reading and Science) will be eliminated for this year, the application fee will be eliminated and there will be an increase in student enrollment at TJHSST. We do not have a window for the application process at this time.”

The test was gone. The lynchpin of evaluating STEM merit was gone. Instead of asking why school officials had consistently failed to educate Black and Hispanic students so they had high aptitude in math and science, the school board, superintendent and school principal had demonized not just the test but the Asian American students who do well on it.

The next night, Thursday, October 8, at the school board’s regular monthly meeting, parent after parent spoke up to protest the elimination of the test. I was among them, arguing that the elimination of the test represented the death of meritocracy and the death of TJ.

But the fix had long been in. The test was gone.

“It was a snow job in the middle of the night in the middle of a pandemic over videoconferencing,” says one TJ parent. “The Fairfax County school board was judge, jury and executioner to our amazing school.”

The school board and the school superintendent, Brabrand, had ignored our protests. Instead, that Thursday night, the school board struck through the word “merit” in a resolution they rejected anyway related to new public engagement.

For his part, Brabrand, the embattled superintendent, shared on the screen a response he would be sending to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Virginia Education Secretary Qarni, with his “diversity plan” for admission to the storied STEM school.

He forgot to include a critical word among the qualifications he’d be seeking from students: “STEM.”

Ten days later, this past Sunday, as students, parents, alumni and community members gathered for their memorial service for TJ, the iconic dome of the school rose high above them. They were mourning a loss but they were not abandoning the battle.

Zhou, the TJ alumni mother who stood before the group with a medal, declared loud and clear to friends: “We must continue to fight for our beloved TJ!”

Asra Q. Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, is the mother of a Thomas Jefferson High School student. This article was published originally on Substack.

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22 responses to “The War on Asians, the Death of Meritocracy, and Assault on STEM”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I support Mrs. Nomani and signed the petition today. I wish the TJHS family the very best in a difficult battle. It may be necessary to separate from public institutions and establish a private non profit academy that embraces TJ old mission. This may be the only path forward.

  2. Will be interesting to see how Northam plays this one. Anti-black or anti-Asian.
    He will probably try to frame this as a white supremacy thing ( even though Whites are a minority at TC.)

  3. Will be interesting to see how Northam plays this one. Anti-black or anti-Asian.
    He will probably try to frame this as a white supremacy thing ( even though Whites are a minority at TC.)

  4. fishclimbingatree Avatar

    One of the nuns in high school explained to us in a direct manner, as nuns do, that not all men are created equal. Having said that, it’s time to revisit why we bother to educate children. Isn’t the societal contract such that we want an educated work force? Otherwise, I have a ton of weeds that need to be pulled in my yard. A work force of 11-year-olds could knock it out in no time.
    As a tax payer in Virginia, I would like for every student in this school district who qualifies to attend TG. This acceptance rate of less then Ivy needs to go. Why would we as a society want to deny an educational opportunity to any kid who has the goods?
    I believe if this model had been followed, you wouldn’t see the lowering of the bar.

  5. fishclimbingatree Avatar

    One of the nuns in high school explained to us in a direct manner, as nuns do, that not all men are created equal. Having said that, it’s time to revisit why we bother to educate children. Isn’t the societal contract such that we want an educated work force? Otherwise, I have a ton of weeds that need to be pulled in my yard. A work force of 11-year-olds could knock it out in no time.
    As a tax payer in Virginia, I would like for every student in this school district who qualifies to attend TG. This acceptance rate of less then Ivy needs to go. Why would we as a society want to deny an educational opportunity to any kid who has the goods?
    I believe if this model had been followed, you wouldn’t see the lowering of the bar.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I support Mrs. Nomani and signed the petition today. I wish the TJHS family the very best in a difficult battle. It may be necessary to separate from public institutions and establish a private non profit academy that embraces TJ old mission. This may be the only path forward.

  7. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Here’s something you won’t see in the MSM. It’s from a former math teacher at Longfellow MS in Fairfax County. Vern Williams now teaches at Basis independent school in Tysons. I knew him casually when he was a 5th degree black belt in TKD at the same school my son attended when he was getting his 3rd degree black belt. Williams also lives in my neighborhood. I’m sure he has no recollection of me.

    “My Take on the Proposed TJ Admissions Process

    “Many have asked for my take on the proposed changes to the Thomas Jefferson High School admissions process. Once one goes down the road of politically protecting groups based on race or ethnicity it leads to very strange and contradictory circumstances. The nation’s number one high school somehow needs to be fixed because current politically protected minorities are not adequately represented in the student body. Ironically the wrong (politically unprotected) minorities claim over 70% of the seats at TJ. Over the last few weeks they have been demonized by the superintendent, the Thomas Jefferson Principal, and the majority of members on the Fairfax County School Board.

    “During my forty-plus years as an FCPS teacher I always made clear that I would never view my students through a racial or cultural lens. I am part of the old school crowd who still believes, as did Martin Luther King, that one should be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. The “One Fairfax” doctrine seems to suggest the opposite view. I sense that changing the TJ Admissions process is only the beginning. Every program for advanced/gifted students ranging from AP participation to AAP will be viewed through a racial lens instead of an academic/readiness lens. I feel that they will be diluted to the point of non-existence.

    “So what should be done to improve the admissions process instead of destroying it? Create a test that is prep proof (I could easily help with that) and truly test the higher level thinking skills needed for many of the advanced math and science concepts encountered at TJ. Keep the teacher recommendation as part of the process since middle school teachers truly know the capabilities, interests, and passions of their students. To suggest that they might show bias (as has been alleged by some) in their recommendations is an insult to every FCPS middle school teacher. Create a quality information/activities piece where students are asked to describe their successes as well as how they reacted to setbacks. I can discern between students who join Mathcounts or Science Olympiad in order to pad their resumes and those who join because they genuinely love math and science. Even if it means conducting interviews, the difference can be determined.

    “There are various groups of students who will apply to TJ. Some will apply simply because they view TJ as a ticket to a top university. Some have very little interest in TJ but will be pushed by their parents to apply. Then there are those who will apply because TJ is the only venue where they will be even remotely intellectually challenged. I have worked with and continue to work with such students. There are seventh and eighth grade students who are able to understand advanced mathematical concepts in some cases at a graduate school level. Some qualify for the USA Math Olympiad contest which involves solving six proof based problems during a nine hour time period. Because it involves qualifying by receiving very high scores on the AMC10/12 and the American Invitational Mathematics Exam, many adults (perhaps most) with strong math backgrounds would not qualify. Students who qualify in middle school continue to pursue similar math competitions and activities when they attend TJ. The superintendent and the school board need to understand that such students indeed exist and need the peer group and intellectual stimulation found at TJ. I’m not sure how many students compose this group but they and other intellectually passionate over qualified students would be forced to rely on the rolling of dice if a lottery is imposed. The good news is that the strongest TJ applicants will not be stopped if they are denied admission to the school. Because of online venues such as AoPS, students will always have a place to be challenged intellectually and to communicate with other passionate learners. But why should we prevent them in any way from attending a special math/science school built for them? Only if other concerns are at play. I suspect that we all know what they are.

    “As for finding potential TJ qualified students from all areas of Northern Virginia, I would be willing to help. Some teachers equate brilliance with putting commas in the correct place in English class and making very few careless errors in math class. I would gladly meet with middle and elementary school teachers throughout Northern Virginia to discuss traits of intellectually gifted students. I would also gladly award scholarships to students from areas such as the Mt. Vernon High School pyramid where there are low numbers of TJ applicants. These scholarships would apply to attending the Math Enrichment summer camp and small group sessions held throughout the school year. I have made similar offers before.”

    And, “yes,” Vern Williams is a black man.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Clearly there is a market demand for the rigor and challenge of a TJ environment. Somebody like Mr. Williams would be an ideal candidate to open a school and tap into the demand from families for this kind of education.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        TMT – thanks or sharing the highly practical insights and advice of Vern Williams. What a breath of fresh air. They resonate with a learning disabled kid who would not have advanced past the eight grade without teachers like Mr. Williams who gave those sorts of kids not only the chance to go to college and graduate school but to excel in their own way therein and thereafter, a kid who in his areas of interest in college, only got truly interested in the learning offered to him in the post graduate courses he was able to take in undergraduate school. Good teaching and learning is simple and highly complex, I have come to learn.

  8. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Here’s something you won’t see in the MSM. It’s from a former math teacher at Longfellow MS in Fairfax County. Vern Williams now teaches at Basis independent school in Tysons. I knew him casually when he was a 5th degree black belt in TKD at the same school my son attended when he was getting his 3rd degree black belt. Williams also lives in my neighborhood. I’m sure he has no recollection of me.

    “My Take on the Proposed TJ Admissions Process

    “Many have asked for my take on the proposed changes to the Thomas Jefferson High School admissions process. Once one goes down the road of politically protecting groups based on race or ethnicity it leads to very strange and contradictory circumstances. The nation’s number one high school somehow needs to be fixed because current politically protected minorities are not adequately represented in the student body. Ironically the wrong (politically unprotected) minorities claim over 70% of the seats at TJ. Over the last few weeks they have been demonized by the superintendent, the Thomas Jefferson Principal, and the majority of members on the Fairfax County School Board.

    “During my forty-plus years as an FCPS teacher I always made clear that I would never view my students through a racial or cultural lens. I am part of the old school crowd who still believes, as did Martin Luther King, that one should be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. The “One Fairfax” doctrine seems to suggest the opposite view. I sense that changing the TJ Admissions process is only the beginning. Every program for advanced/gifted students ranging from AP participation to AAP will be viewed through a racial lens instead of an academic/readiness lens. I feel that they will be diluted to the point of non-existence.

    “So what should be done to improve the admissions process instead of destroying it? Create a test that is prep proof (I could easily help with that) and truly test the higher level thinking skills needed for many of the advanced math and science concepts encountered at TJ. Keep the teacher recommendation as part of the process since middle school teachers truly know the capabilities, interests, and passions of their students. To suggest that they might show bias (as has been alleged by some) in their recommendations is an insult to every FCPS middle school teacher. Create a quality information/activities piece where students are asked to describe their successes as well as how they reacted to setbacks. I can discern between students who join Mathcounts or Science Olympiad in order to pad their resumes and those who join because they genuinely love math and science. Even if it means conducting interviews, the difference can be determined.

    “There are various groups of students who will apply to TJ. Some will apply simply because they view TJ as a ticket to a top university. Some have very little interest in TJ but will be pushed by their parents to apply. Then there are those who will apply because TJ is the only venue where they will be even remotely intellectually challenged. I have worked with and continue to work with such students. There are seventh and eighth grade students who are able to understand advanced mathematical concepts in some cases at a graduate school level. Some qualify for the USA Math Olympiad contest which involves solving six proof based problems during a nine hour time period. Because it involves qualifying by receiving very high scores on the AMC10/12 and the American Invitational Mathematics Exam, many adults (perhaps most) with strong math backgrounds would not qualify. Students who qualify in middle school continue to pursue similar math competitions and activities when they attend TJ. The superintendent and the school board need to understand that such students indeed exist and need the peer group and intellectual stimulation found at TJ. I’m not sure how many students compose this group but they and other intellectually passionate over qualified students would be forced to rely on the rolling of dice if a lottery is imposed. The good news is that the strongest TJ applicants will not be stopped if they are denied admission to the school. Because of online venues such as AoPS, students will always have a place to be challenged intellectually and to communicate with other passionate learners. But why should we prevent them in any way from attending a special math/science school built for them? Only if other concerns are at play. I suspect that we all know what they are.

    “As for finding potential TJ qualified students from all areas of Northern Virginia, I would be willing to help. Some teachers equate brilliance with putting commas in the correct place in English class and making very few careless errors in math class. I would gladly meet with middle and elementary school teachers throughout Northern Virginia to discuss traits of intellectually gifted students. I would also gladly award scholarships to students from areas such as the Mt. Vernon High School pyramid where there are low numbers of TJ applicants. These scholarships would apply to attending the Math Enrichment summer camp and small group sessions held throughout the school year. I have made similar offers before.”

    And, “yes,” Vern Williams is a black man.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Clearly there is a market demand for the rigor and challenge of a TJ environment. Somebody like Mr. Williams would be an ideal candidate to open a school and tap into the demand from families for this kind of education.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        TMT – thanks or sharing the highly practical insights and advice of Vern Williams. What a breath of fresh air. They resonate with a learning disabled kid who would not have advanced past the eight grade without teachers like Mr. Williams who gave those sorts of kids not only the chance to go to college and graduate school but to excel in their own way therein and thereafter, a kid who in his areas of interest in college, only got truly interested in the learning offered to him in the post graduate courses he was able to take in undergraduate school. Good teaching and learning is simple and highly complex, I have come to learn.

  9. sherlockj Avatar

    If you want to destroy America, this war on excellence will do it. And the Marxist critical theorists in some Education schools and in the BLM movement want nothing more than to destroy us. TJ is dead. Long live the private academy that I pray will replace it.

    1. “Marxist critical theorists in some Education schools and in the BLM movement want nothing more than to destroy us.”

      Very true, unfortunately.

      The United States has succeeded where many others have failed because what unites us has always been greater than what divides us. A core element has always been love of country. That’s now under attack.

      “How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps shows that to be a cohesive nation we have to uphold foundational truths about ourselves, our history, and reality itself—to be unionists instead of disintegrationists. Shapiro offers a vital warning that if we don’t recover these shared truths, our future—our union—as a great country is threatened with destruction.”

    2. VaNavVet Avatar

      You obviously have no idea what the BLM movement is about. It is directed towards a better America for all. It is so easy to merely call names than to try to keep an open mind and to feel empathy for others.

  10. sherlockj Avatar

    If you want to destroy America, this war on excellence will do it. And the Marxist critical theorists in some Education schools and in the BLM movement want nothing more than to destroy us. TJ is dead. Long live the private academy that I pray will replace it.

    1. “Marxist critical theorists in some Education schools and in the BLM movement want nothing more than to destroy us.”

      Very true, unfortunately.

      The United States has succeeded where many others have failed because what unites us has always been greater than what divides us. A core element has always been love of country. That’s now under attack.

      “How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps shows that to be a cohesive nation we have to uphold foundational truths about ourselves, our history, and reality itself—to be unionists instead of disintegrationists. Shapiro offers a vital warning that if we don’t recover these shared truths, our future—our union—as a great country is threatened with destruction.”

    2. VaNavVet Avatar

      You obviously have no idea what the BLM movement is about. It is directed towards a better America for all. It is so easy to merely call names than to try to keep an open mind and to feel empathy for others.

  11. VaNavVet Avatar

    Hopefully, the results of today’s election will go a long way towards helping the nation unite and to begin to rebuild those foundation truths.

  12. VaNavVet Avatar

    Hopefully, the results of today’s election will go a long way towards helping the nation unite and to begin to rebuild those foundation truths.

  13. […] The answer, naturally, is to lower standards. It’s the American way! This has had outcomes that are predictable to anybody who is paying attention–minority wars are real.  […]

  14. […] California is not the only place where these situations occur. According to an article by Bacon’s Rebellion, a small Virginia website, in New York City “parents are facing a […]

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