The Virginia NAACP Has Proven Itself an Obstacle to Improving the Educations of Black Children in Virginia Public Schools

Courtesy Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce

by James C. Sherlock

I just read that the NAACP has issued a warning against traveling to Florida.

Which must have come as a surprise to the 3.5 million Black citizens of that state.

It did not surprise the NAACP board of directors chairman Leon W. Russell, who lives in the Tampa area. His defense: “We haven’t told anybody to leave.”

I decided to check the Virginia NAACP agenda for education.

I checked to see what they advocate to change the lives of the tens of thousands of Virginia Black public school students who can neither read nor perform math at grade level. Some of these public schools in inner cities have not provided a basic education to Black students for generations.

Certainly the NAACP must be pushing hard for basic changes. Not just pressing for more funding, but also for measures to ensure that children go to school and giving parents alternatives to schools that have failed them and their children.



NAACP and COVID. In September 2021, more than 18 months after initial COVID school closings and more than 12 months after Catholic schools had opened safely in Virginia, the National NAACP was still talking about what must be done “before resuming in-person instruction.

It’s number one priority for schools was:

1. Protect Public Health: Before resuming in-person instruction, schools must ensure the physical safety of all students, staff, and communities. Safe in-person schooling must also include prioritizing educators and school staff in local vaccination efforts.

When educators and school staff jumped the lines on vaccinations and still stayed out of the classrooms in school divisions such as Richmond, not a word from the NAACP.

In the battles over requiring masks in schools, the Virginia NAACP issued a statement against optional mask wearing in schools in February of 2022, nearly two years after the initial school shutdowns over COVID.

The Virginia State Conference of the NAACP (Virginia NAACP) abhors the passage of Senate Bill 739 (SB 739) with Senator Chap Petersen’s amendment where parents are allowed to opt their child out of wearing a mask in school without an explanation required.

His sly tactics will now increase the odds that hundreds of thousands of Virginia’s children may spread and contract COVID-19 while in school.

The state NAACP “abhors” the bill. “Hundreds of thousands of Virginia’s children may spread and contract COVID-19 while in school.”  “Sly tactics” on making masks optional.  In 2022.

Black student educational deficits pre-dated COVID and were greatly worsened by overreaction during COVID in the closing of schools to in-person instruction. Closures aggressively supported by the NAACP itself.

Where does the Virginia NAACP stand now?

It is impossible to understand how in good conscience the state NAACP refuses to address the elephants in the room — the disgraceful rates of illiteracy and innumeracy of Black public school students in Virginia, violence in schools, and stratospheric chronic absenteeism.

Yet here is the 2023 Virginia NAACP education agenda:

The Virginia NAACP will continue to advocate for the highest standards of learning, safety and equity in Virginia’s public schools which includes:

  • Protecting and expanding funding for Virginia’s public schools;
  • Funding and requiring at least one nurse in every school building in the Commonwealth;
  • Expanding broadband access across Virginia by investing in rural and low-income communities to ensure a standard of internet access, quality, and affordability;
  • Requiring recurring cultural-competency training as part of the teacher certification process, with standards determined by a diverse group of education, civil rights, and community leaders;
  • Defend the teaching of America’s true history including Black history and reject all attempts to remove curriculum due to political pressure;
  • Establishing a grant fund for school systems to hire mental health professionals and reallocating state funding of school resource officer (SRO) programs;
  • Encourage each administration to commit to and prioritize funding to Virginia’s HBCUs.”


  • School choice (the NAACP opposes it);
  • More school hours;
  • Year-round schools;
  • Improved attendance;
  • Increased safety (instead, see “reallocating state funding of school resource officer [SRO] programs” above);
  • Anything else to restore fundamental learning to grade levels.

Now, instead of demanding better outcomes from and options to schools that have failed generations of students, the NAACP supports eliminating the “high stakes” standardized tests that reveal educational discrepancies.

It has been said, accurately in my view, that

For the NAACP leadership, shifting the NAACP’s focus to address more pressing problems such as black-on-black crime, out-of-wedlock births, and failing schools would risk losing funding and status.

Thus the Virginia NAACP proclaims it is “Still Fighting Jim Crow” 127 years after its founding.

Other Black organizations are not having it. Contrast the NAACP to the optimistic, forward-looking, opportunity-focused and actively pro-capitalist Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce.

The Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization committed to the growth and development of our member partners and those businesses that wish to partner with them. Our goal is to facilitate the economic empowerment of black-owned businesses in Northern Virginia and the success and development of the region.

The NVBCC educational initiatives feature lessons in entrepreneurialism.

Read the Richmond Free Press, but not the NAACP, when that Black voice opposed the 2019 elimination of truancy officers in Richmond schools.

Bottom line. Until the NAACP readjusts its aim, they are shooting behind the rabbit and have become by choice irrelevant to the discussion.

The NAACP, faced with a choice between its White progressive donor base and the people it purports to represent, has chosen the former.

As even race entrepreneur Al Sharpton, in a brief moment of clarity, recently said: “progressive for who [sic]?”

Updated may 23 at 22:29 with last two sentences for clarity.

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45 responses to “The Virginia NAACP Has Proven Itself an Obstacle to Improving the Educations of Black Children in Virginia Public Schools”

  1. VaNavVet Avatar

    Oh it is so easy to criticize from behind your keyboard. Surely the good captain feels that he knows more about the needs of the black community than its members do!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hey! That’s why they paid him the big bucks.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        At first, I thought that he was merely following Kerry’s model of using any hook to channel her narrative on shutdowns and masks. Instead with education like so many things White men have been telling Blacks what was good for them for tens of decades.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Sometimes I wonder about the left. When organizations like the NAACP oppose school choice and vouchers aren’t they telling White (and Asian and Hispanic) people what to do (i.e. keep your kids in God awful government schools)?

          Maybe a compromise is in order – Only offer school choice and vouchers to non-Black people. That way, nobody will be telling Black people what to do.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            Sadly, I don’t think that it would work as White men will continue to tell black and brown communities what is good for them!

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Learning to read and write is good for “them” and all kids for that matter. Perhaps if we focused on that we could build a better country for everyone.

          3. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            NOTE: School choice (and charter schools) also puts kids in “God awful government schools”.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Read what I wrote about the NVBCC and Richmond Free Press. Are they not Black community members?

      The NAACP, choosing between its white progressive donor base and the people it purports to represent, has chosen the former.

      As even race entrepreneur Al Sharpton, in a moment of clarity, said “progressive for who?”.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        The members elect the leaders and provide input on issues so when one attacks the leaders they are actually attacking the members of such organizations. Agreed that it is better to let the members speak and not let outsiders assign their own narratives.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I “assigned” the Virginia and national NAACP “narratives”.

          It is nonsense to think that in any political organization that the “members” have as much influence on policy as big donors and party professionals.

          Never will.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            The members have the power of the vote!

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    From W.E.B. Dubois 1906 “Address to the Country”. Given at Storer College Harpers Ferry, WV.
    “And when we call for education, we mean real education. We believe in work. We ourselves are workers, but work is not necessarily education. Education is the development of power and ideal. We want our children trained as intelligent human beings should be, and we will fight for all time against any proposal to educate black boys and girls simply as servants and underlings, or simply for the use of other people. They have a right to know, to think, to aspire.”

    1. Nathan Avatar

      It grieves me that the NAACP no longer represents the interests of those is claims to represent. Nor does it reflect the wisdom of those who actually experienced slavery and its aftermath.

      “There was never a time in my youth, no matter how dark and discouraging the days might be, when one resolve did not continually remain with me, and that was a determination to secure an education at any cost.”

      – Booker T Washington

  3. Lee Faust Avatar
    Lee Faust

    An excellent factual article. The duplicity in the NAACP hurts
    black children….yes, hurts their own children…only because of
    alignment with the teachers’ unions. And yet they are still
    willing to yap about FL where millions of black children have benefited from open schools and soon to be broader school choice

    1. Monica Wright Avatar
      Monica Wright

      I just love it when white people tell me what I should care about and how I should care for my children!

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Vice versa is every bit as attractive.

        1. Monica Wright Avatar
          Monica Wright

          Lemme know when that happens in policy and practice.

        2. Monica Wright Avatar
          Monica Wright

          Let us all know when that happens.

  4. WayneS Avatar

    I just read that the NAACP has issued a warning against traveling to Florida.

    Did they explain why they did this?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll


      1. WayneS Avatar


        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Rock on! Hank Wilson is back.

  5. Nathan Avatar

    Many of those shouting the loudest to prevent middle income and lower income parents from having viable choices, have their own children in private schools.

    Isn’t that hypocrisy?

    Check this out:

    North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Declares Emergency Over School Choice ‘Scheme

    Cooper failed to mention that he sent his own children to a private school, and that the vast majority of those using school choice programs such as vouchers or education savings accounts across the United States are (and have always been) in the lower and middle classes.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I saw how interested the Obamas were in having their daughters attend DC public schools. I think anybody holding elected office should be required to send their kids to government schools unless their locality offers school choice / vouchers. Like ethics rules, it would just be a requirement for holding office.

      1. Nathan Avatar

        Democrats are largely beholden to teachers’ unions at the expense of children and their education. We saw that clearly during the pandemic, and it continues.

        The teachers’ unions support Democrats, so Democrats are subservient to the demands of the unions. It’s about power and self interest over what’s in the best interest of our youth.

      2. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        There hasn’t been a single POTUS of any stripe that’s sent their kids to public schools, primarily for security reasons, not ideological ones.

      3. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        There hasn’t been a single POTUS of any stripe that’s sent their kids to public schools, primarily for security reasons, not ideological ones.

  6. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    “Which must have come as a surprise to the 3.5 million Black citizens of that state.” Something tells me that it doesn’t come as a surprise:

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      With the rocket growth of Florida’s population, the number of Black Floridians is now estimated at 4 million.

      Most come from blue states.

      They obviously missed something about both the states they left and the state to which they migrated.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        “Most come from blue states.” Do you know this? The question is whether black immigration to FL (as opposed to organic population growth) increased since Desantis came to power in 2019. Based on the numbers here, I don’t see that the population bumped up in any meaningful way. It’s really white people who have driven growth of the state.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          “It’s really white people who have driven growth of the state.”

          The Census Bureau disagrees.

          In 2000, Florida’s Black population 12.4%

          In 2022, the Black population of Florida is estimated by the Census Bureau (and the Florida chart you provided) at 17%.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Again, not sure what case you’re trying to make. What it looks like you’ve cited is relative percentage of the population, not overall population growth that you initially mentioned. In 2000, the population of FL was 16MM; in 2021, it was 22MM. In 2000, the black population was 2.8MM, in 2021 it was 3.75, less than 1MM in growth in 21 years, whereas FL grew ~6MM overall. Furthermore, the crux of your argument is what happened after 2019 when DeSantis took over (i.e., NAACP issued their travel warning b/c of him, not for FL in general). Can you demonstrate that black growth increased through immigration from blue states? Do you know who Dwayne Wade is? He probably has a few things to say…

          2. WayneS Avatar

            In 2000, the black population was 2.8MM, in 2021 it was 3.75, less than 1MM in growth in 21 years, whereas FL grew ~6MM overall.

            Yes. And 1 million out of 6 million is 16.67%. This is essentially the same as the percentage of blacks in the overall population of Florida.

            That means the black population rose at the same rate as the overall population. That is certainly not indicative of any significant migration of blacks out of Florida.

            As far as where they moved from, you have a point. Based on the census data I found, it does not appear that blacks arrive from “blue” states at a higher rate than from anywhere else.

          3. WayneS Avatar

            In 2000, the black population was 2.8MM, in 2021 it was 3.75, less than 1MM in growth in 21 years, whereas FL grew ~6MM overall.

            Yes. And 1 million out of 6 million is 16.67%. This is essentially the same as the percentage of blacks in the overall population of Florida.

            That means the black population rose at the same rate as the overall population. That is certainly not indicative of any significant migration of blacks out of Florida.

            As far as where they moved from, you have a point. Based on the census data I found, it does not appear that blacks arrive from “blue” states at a higher rate than from anywhere else.

          4. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Again, not sure what case you’re making. The “explosive growth” of the population of the state of FL that Sherlock alludes to is among whites. The graph shows this:

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    The first mission of our schools must be to teach all kids to read and write. Everything else must be secondary to that. To do that other resources are needed, but the top of the list must be literacy and numeracy. Without literacy and numeracy there are no prospects for a good life for any kids.

    The SOLs show terrible and declining performance. Fix the critical failure and many other problems will lessen and can be worked on in turn. Fail to fix the critical issue and more generations of kids are condemned to marginal lives.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I wrote Florida off my family potential travel destinations list some time ago. Seems like the NAACP is a little late to the game… better late than never, I suppose…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I am sure you are missed.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Surely not a personal attack from Sherlock… not on BR…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You assume I was not sincere. They will miss you,

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            How very brave of you to stand behind your own words so…

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Glad to hear it. On the many occasions when I visit Florida I am surprised by the sheer number of people visiting. It’s getting crowded.

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