The Variants Are Coming! The Variants Are Coming! The Worst One Yet!

by Kerry Dougherty

Looks like it has arrived.

I’m talking about the eagerly anticipated “Mid-Term Variant.” You know, the “worst one yet, the shape-shifting” variety. It’s the terrifying BA.5, which is spreading right now. And if that doesn’t have you trembling and reaching for an N95, the BA2.75 is on its way. From India!

This one is nicknamed “Centaurus” to compound the sense of danger.

Best of all, Centaurus is expected to surge in the fall. Just in time for the mid-term elections. Back under the beds, everyone!

Mail-in ballots are next. You didn’t think the left was just going to lay down and lose, did you?

They’re already busy across the country ginning up the fear and ignoring the fact that although the new versions of COVID are highly contagious they’re also milder than the original.

And medical “experts” continue to scold Americans for not getting boosters. Yet even they admit that the horrible-worst-ever-shape-shifting virus “easily evades” the current vaccines.

The vaxxed, boosted and perpetually masked Dr. Fauci — who went into hiding after he contracted COVID not once but twice in a two-week period — reappeared this week to tell everyone to be sure to get vaxxed, boosted and wear masks again.

Just like he did.

That’s a hard no, Doc. As a matter of fact, you’re the poster boy for the ineffectiveness of masks and boosters.

Nevertheless, Los Angeles County announced yesterday that it’s on the verge of another sweeping mask mandate.

California. Sigh.

Those of us in saner parts of the country realize that surges and lulls in the pandemic come and go regardless of masks or vaccines. As a result, many of us have moved on. Yes, we all know COVID is still out there and spreading. We also know — because we’ve all had it — that this is, for most of us, a mild disease, easily survivable.

But from now until November there will be those who believe that no runny nose should escape a stiff swab up the nostril to see if this might be a dreaded new variant. If it is, the CDC will tell the cold sufferers to take a test, stay home and then wear a mask everywhere they go for another week.

Shoot, in some places, they’re actually testing waste water to see if the virus is present.

News flash: If the only way you can tell if the pandemic is raging is to test the sewage, don’t bother.

Fact is, lots of people are infected. Few are sick enough to be hospitalized.

Don’t take my word for it. Here’s yesterday’s map of hospitalizations from The New York Times:

As you can see, large swaths of the country have zero hospitalizations. Here in Tidewater? The largest city, Virginia Beach with a population of 460,000, has exactly 22 patients hospitalized with COVID. That’s 7 out of every 100,000 people in the city. Frankly, I like those odds.

Norfolk has 39 in hospitals. Chesapeake has 16 COVID patients, Portsmouth has 4 and Suffolk has 8.

Doesn’t look like local health care systems are exactly collapsing under the strain.

If you want to wear a mask — or five — please do. Leave the rest of us out of it.

Most Americans are done with the hype. Healthy people no longer want to be told to cover their faces in public and shouldn’t feel guilty about refusing to participate in pandemic theater.

Shoot, even CNN’s medical analyst, Dr. Leana Wen, who once said unvaccinated people shouldn’t be allowed to leave their homes, admitted this week that although the newest variant spreads easily, it results in mostly mild illnesses that most people will risk.

“I don’t think that most people should have to change their daily activities,” Wen said this week. “But I do think people need to be aware of their risk of contracting Covid-19 if they don’t take additional precautions.”

As the American fear machine revs up Virginians can be thankful for one thing: We elected Gov. Glenn Youngkin. Unlike New Yorkers and Californians, we don’t have to worry about new lockdowns, forced masking or government vax mandates.

We voted that out when we voted common sense in.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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50 responses to “The Variants Are Coming! The Variants Are Coming! The Worst One Yet!”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    When you get old like me, you don’t believe in anything like the news even from good sources. News is about making money, not telling the truth. Some news giants are better than others. Some provide confirmation. So you take it in your stride, check the VDH dashboard, and believe in numbers to tell you when and how to stay safe.

  2. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Vaccines that don’t protect, masks that don’t work. Walensky and Fauci were wrong and continue to be wrong. Collins retired from NIH and is now making over 300K a year whispering in Biden’s ear double dipping while Fauci makes millions off his kickbacks from big pharma. Malone who invented the method being used by big pharma to make millions says that continuing to use his procedure will result in the body’s own immune system failing to recognize the variants as intruders. Meanwhile Grandpa Goofy is drooling on camera telling the Palestinian killers the US will provide them 100 million in health care.

  3. Lee Faust Avatar
    Lee Faust

    We’ve had the 3 shots and just endured the mild variant. Nothing to get excited about even though we are late 70s

  4. Just in time for the mid-term elections… who would have guessed at that timing?

    It’s the flu, get over it and live……

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Or, not and die.

  5. WayneS Avatar

    Centaurus? What’s up with that?

    Does it make people develop a horse’s body?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Satyriasis… tough to live up to the results, too.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        I thought Satyrs had goat legs.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Goat. Horse. When you’ve had so much wine you’re hallucinating, does it matter?

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Interesting these days how folks decide what they are going to believe or not.

    She says she rejects govt and science , like a lot of Conservatives these days – but she actually selectively believe govt and science, usually according to her own beliefs.

    No one knew much about the pandemic when it came to be and it’s been a catch-up game ever since, no question, but willful ignorance and purposeful idiocy have given the pandemic itself a run for it’s money.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    IF you say you don’t trust govt and science, about masks, and the impacts of the disease, how it spreads but you did get the shots… what does that really mean?

    If you REALLY don’t believe the CDC, Fauci, etc.. then WHY did you get the shot?

    When it comes to COVID – Conservatives and hypocrisy seem to be closely aligned …..

    I give the folks who refused the shots – credit for not being hypocrites – dumb – but at least they have integrity.

    But the ones who blather their butt off about all things COVID but got the shots – what the..????

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The difference is between their political issue argument and their actual beliefs. Don’t conflate the two…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Or inflate

  8. killerhertz Avatar

    I’m a pureblood in Fauquier county. I’m selling fluids at a premium for any of you boomers willing to cough up some BTC.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Close to 30 million people are under some form of movement restrictions as more cities and counties across China seek to quell resurgent Covid-19 outbreaks.

    The nation reported 352 new cases for Sunday, with the daily figure hovering over 300 for the past week, the highest level since late May. New infections in Shanghai jumped to more than 60 for Sunday, from near zero just over a week ago, spurring concern the city’s brutal two-month lockdown could be revived.”

    Hmmm, and according to the BR cheer squad, this virus, aka “Wu flu”, is man made in Wuhan, China.

    Now, just how stupid do you have to be to think they engineered this virus, and yet, don’t know more about it than you?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      In China, 30 million is a neighborhood.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Of course, that’s not the issue. We won’t even close a neighborhood. Maybe if Karen would just shut her mouth?

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hmm. Someday, with probability, I shall have an ironic pleasure.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Thanks for sharing, but that is too much information.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        😉 👞💩

    2. WayneS Avatar

      Won’t that cause severe burns?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Warm setting. American Pie setting.

  11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    The worst thing about the emergence of a new Covid variant is it gives Kerry an opportunity to pen another piece encouraging her “followers” to ignore public health officials and reject protective vaccines in her thirst for more political divisions over a very real pandemic and health crisis. Meanwhile more than 1000 US citizens are dying daily from Covid as Kerry scoffs. That is the equivalent of 3 airline crashes each and every day…. but keep up your campaign Kerry, I am sure you will do well in November and THAT is all that matters… right…?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Kerry scoffs! Thirst for more political divisions! Indeed, by implication, Kerry’s column kills! Three airline crashes!

      See her reference to the American fear machine.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        any different than other countries response to COVID? American Conservatives are weird. The “world” to them is the USA alone so if USA public health provides advice – it’s the “American fear machine” even though it’s pretty much the same advice we see in Australia, the UK, Germany, Japan, etc…

        NO surprise that on a world-wide basis American Conservatives see boogeymen everywhere.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Are you saying anything I wrote is untrue? Kerry does scoff, the daily death rate is still 1100, that is about three airliners worth of human souls, Kerry is encouraging her “clickers” to ignore public health officials and clearly sees this argument as a political vehicle. Where am I wrong?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You win. Kerry kills.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is you who says so… but thanks for validating my post as accurate… it is important to me…

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, sooner or later perhaps even somebody she knows.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, sooner or later perhaps even somebody she knows.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            6 Vietnams every year. Hooah!

        2. Clarity77 Avatar

          Larry, it just has to be noted and said, you are beyond pathetic as you have no self awareness. And thereby no wisdom to impart. Your posts as well as Nancy’s are simply the silly ditherings of leftist fools.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            My name’s not Larry… and don’t call me Shirley!!

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Kerry scoffs! Thirst for more political divisions! Indeed, by implication, Kerry’s column kills! Three airline crashes!

      See her reference to the American fear machine.

    3. WayneS Avatar

      The NYT says it’s about 400 per day as of today, July 15, 2022.

      Are you saying the NYT is wrong?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Here’s NYT:

          I honestly don’t know who or what to believe regarding covid. I’m vaxxed, boosted and careful. I do not wear a mask anymore except at the doctor’s office where it is required. I suspect I have been affected by a negative side-effect from the vaccine, but I have no definitive proof so I’m not making any claims or accusations at this time.

          I’ve taken a conscious decision to not worry about covid. I suspect it and its various variants will be with us forever – or at least until it, or some other disease, manages to kill us all off. However since there is nothing I can do about any of that, I don’t concern myself with such things.

          Most days I don’t even think about covid unless someone else mentions it (or posts a screed on BR).

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Would it be, in your humble experience, the first time?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          No. No it would not.

          But it could be the first time for some people…

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Would it be, in your humble experience, the first time?

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        The CDC was showing 351 as of yesterday. JHU has it at 472.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Yeah, the numbers are all over the place.

          The only thing I can think of to do about covid is to go for another ride on my recently acquired Ducati – just to practice social distancing, of course. I don’t plan on having any fun… 😉

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Oh the horror, sounds like an absolutely terrible time to be having ;P

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Yes, it is. But you know me, I’m always willing to do my part to prevent the spread of covid.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Such a benevolent soul you are good sir.

          4. Carter Melton Avatar
            Carter Melton

            You got a Ducati……Yo Rocketman !

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    interesting how folks reject the science but get the shots.

    sorta like folks who say they reject science but who live today because of medical science for their illness.

    That “science” is good and valid but that “other” science is false and wrong!

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Fairfax Co. graph does not seem to show much uptick yet, though certainly higher than near-zero levels last summer at this time, before delta came along.

  13. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Kind of heavy. Interesting take.

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