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The Transgender Wars — Part V

This is the final part of a five-part series on the transgender wars in Tom Pafford

Around the 5th Century BC, Sun Tzu wrote a book on War.  No one comes close to what this Chinese master of battle devised. Chapter 6 in his book is titled, Week Points and Strong. Here is Sun Tzu’s advice…

You may advance and be absolutely irresistible if you make for the enemy’s weak points… Though the enemy be stronger in number, we may prevent him from fighting… Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots.

In Part One, I mentioned that Virginia has become a battleground for all things Transgender. Here’s how this came to be and why Fairfax County is important…

As you know, Fairfax County, Richmond, and Hampton Roads are Democratic Leftist strongholds. The vote there moves all of Virginia left. The Left has big goals for Virginia. Since 2013, major news outlets have stated that, “As Virginia goes, so goes the nation. Why? Because Virginia is a state that increasingly resembles the United States as a whole. Millions of dollars are funneled into Virginia to gain National momentum for a 2020 Democrat win and force the Transgender Catechism upon parents, children and society. I do not know their Virginia strategy, but it appears that Virginia is a must-win state.

Between 2015 and 2018, the Democratic Party controlled Fairfax County School Board (FCSB) “ushered in Trans policies allowing boys in the girls’ toilets, changing rooms, and showers.” Similar policies are enacted in other areas of the Commonwealth. In 2018, FCSB Policy 1450.56 was approved by a 10-0 margin, protecting Trans from discrimination.

Over the past four years, across the Commonwealth, several parents have rebelled. In Fairfax County, when policy 1450.56 hit the streets and as more and more hear about it, they have come forward to complain. But the FCSB allowed only “10 parents 3-minutes each to voice concerns” at FCSB meetings. Board members that opposed (and there were some) were labeled Anti-LGBT by Democrat news. However, the complaining had effects – all but one current school board member are not running for reelection.  The FCSB has shelved 1450.56 until after the 5 November election when new board members will be elected.

Why are they retiring? The Democratic Party does not want people to know what they are doing. They prefer to pass the Transgender Catechism without many knowing it. By removing the current School Board members, there is no one to blame. Their hope is that new board members will placate the voters and allow the Catechism to become policy.

So, how many Commonwealth parents have been complaining? Fewer than 100!  Why? Transgender is a background noise, not the talk around the dinner table.

How many in the Commonwealth know about the Trans agenda, the Trans Wars, or Transgender Catechism policies? Very few, maybe less than 2,000 in all.

The Democratic Party wants to keep it this way.

And, here is where Sun Tzu’s instructions apply. Because of these few parents rebelling, we are offered, on a silver platter, a weak spot. Attack this weak spot, inform the parents and voters of the Trans agenda, move them to vote and even though the Democrat vote is greater in number, they will be unable to put up a fight because we force the Democrats to reveal what they are up to. It is their vulnerable spot.

The Transgender Catechism can be stopped if it is widely broadcast! That if is a big “IF.”  Do you want it stopped?

Now that you know about the Trans Wars, the Transgender Catechism and the weak spot, for those who want it stopped, what can you do?

  1. Tell other Conservatives, Republicans, and Christians that need to know the information in this paper. Tell them about my website, This paper, The Transgender Wars, is on my website.  If you know people in Fairfax County, please let them know about this issue and The Transgender Wars paper.
  2. Tell your pastors, priests, and clergy about the Transgender Wars. Lead them to my website to read the paper themselves.
  3. I will email you my book, No Boys in the Girl’s Bathroom. Please ask for one at This 10-page book quickly explains what is taking place in Fairfax County and, by extension, the rest of the Commonwealth.
  4. For a $25 donation, I will mail you a yard sign, No Boys in the Girl’s Bathroom, that will arouse your neighborhood. Donations can be made at

Encourage the Rebellion started by the few! Reach out, educate and motivate Conservatives, Christians, Republicans and others in your local area.

Connect with others. Spread the word.  Stir up this Rebellion.

Tom Pafford, an Annandale resident, is running for a seat on the Fairfax County School Board. View his campaign website here.

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