The Transgender Wars — Part IV

This is the fourth part of a five-part series on the transgender wars in Tom Pafford

There is a song by Wendy McNeill, Ask Me No Questions, that reminds me of the Transgender Catechism. In the song, she meets a charming but unpleasant character who, like a chameleon, tempts her.  One verse sticks out…

I’ll say, can you see
It’s not about hope,
It’s not about truth,
Don’t be naïve
Just, come dance with me
I’ll keep you safe
Give you all you can take
I’ll make you happy

This Catechism is not about hope for you. It does not concern the truth about Trans. You would be naïve to think so.  But, if you embrace this Catechism, come dance with it, Trans will be given all they need to be safe. The Catechism will make Trans happy.

It’s a great story, just not for the rest of us. Here’s how the other half of the story is unfolding…

2017 — A hundred major corporations, ranging from Target to American Airlines to Best Buy, have signed on to an LGBTQ activist coalition supporting the “Equality Act,” which would federalize transgenderism, along with homosexuality, as “civil rights” categories in the law.

2017 – Officials with a school board in California, which recently drew controversy after a kindergarten teacher read two books to students about transgender issues, stated during a meeting on Monday that allowing opt-outs of discussions on gender identity and homosexuality would be “discriminatory.”

2017 – Teachers in Portland, Maine are now required to use students’ preferred gender pronouns and side with the children if their parents object to enabling their gender confusion.

2017 – [Canada] Last month, Alberta’s Child and Family Services barred a Christian couple from adopting a child because their religious views about sexuality — views shared by orthodox Jews and Muslims — were incompatible with “the official position of the Alberta government.

2018 – Parents in Ohio lost custody of their 17-year-old daughter Friday because a judge ruled that she should be allowed to receive therapy, including testosterone therapy, to identify as a boy.

2018 – A six-year-old Texas boy is being dressed and presented as a girl by his mother. At the same time, she is threatening the boy’s father legally for not going along with her plan for their son to live as a girl. Jeffrey Younger is currently prohibited by court order from affirming in any way his son’s sex, including imparting Christian teaching on gender and sexuality to James.

2019 – [England] A mother has spoken out after she was told her daughter could be taken into care when she complained her child was being “encouraged” to change sex… [mom was] deemed a risk to her daughter.

2019 — Today, medical scenarios such as girls as young as 13 and 14 undergoing double mastectomies and 17-year-old boys with penises of 9-year-olds, developmentally speaking, because of chemical puberty blockers, are now showing up… Under the nebulous concept of “gender identity,” children as young as 8 are receiving injections for gender transition treatment.

2019 – [England] Muslim parents protest [Trans] indoctrination.[10]

2019 – [Virginia] Arlington County Public School tells 5-year-olds about Trans.

2019 — Yale Law School Yanks Stipends From Students Who Work For Christian Firms.

2019 – Trans activists silence the science so they can claim it’s on their side.

2019 – [Richmond, VA] School board in Virginia may end transgender bathroom ban.

2019 — Stafford [VA.] superintendent makes changes to proposed Transgender policy.

2019 — Gloucester [VA.] considers amending bathroom policy for trans students.

2019 — Four VA School Systems [Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, and Fairfax County] Claim ‘Thousands’ of Transgender Students in Landmark Case.  Strange, since only 1% of population is Trans!

2019 — Loudoun County [VA.] School Board narrowly passes equal opportunity statement including sexual orientation, LGBTQ identities.

2019 – [West Point, VA.]  In a unanimous decision, the West Point Public School Board voted to terminate a teacher who refused to call a male transgender student by their preferred pronouns[1]

2019 – The House of Representatives passes the Equity Act.

Even a fool can see where this Catechism is taking our society — chemical alteration of children, children removed from the parents for objecting to the Catechism, churches and religious schools forced to teach the Catechism, fines and jail time for those who disagree, companies forced to accept the Catechism, and jobs lost for those who disagree with the Catechism. The list will certainly grow!

In Part Five I overview the Left’s Trans War in the Commonwealth and how it holds the answer to confront the Transgender Catechism!

Tom Pafford, an Annandale resident, is running for a seat on the Fairfax County School Board. View his campaign website here.

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One response to “The Transgender Wars — Part IV”

  1. As commented previously, “who cares?” I don’t disagree that these gender preference issues can cause dissension and even trauma within individual families faced with the myriad decisions that flow from gender — but in a school which already (supposedly) treats male and female students exactly the same, what’s the problem?

    It seems to me that BR normally approaches such matters from a libertarian point of view: that is, freedom of choice should be allowed absent a showing of harm to others. The question of what bathroom a particular kid should use is, to my mind, not a practical problem but an hysterical reaction (almost exclusively by parents, by the way, not the kids involved) to changing social norms. It’s been interesting to read the local newspaper coverage of Gavin Grimm, the Gloucester, VA high-schooler whose case has been in the Virginia courts: it’s not Gavin’s fellow students who are concerned, let alone protesting or writing to the paper, but their parents, and local churches, and the School Board’s highly politicized reaction.

    You cite the recent West Point case where a teacher was fired for refusing to address a “trans” student as a boy. Your link is to a Fox News account.
    Here is an excerpt from what Newsweek had to say about it, which I find more nuanced and therefore enlightening:

    “Peter Vlaming, a French teacher at West Point High School, was fired after the School Board voted 5-0 in favor of terminating his role. The decision was made after Vlaming disobeyed orders to refer to a ninth-grade student as a male following his gender transition. The case is believed to be the first of its kind in the state, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Vlaming, who has worked at the school for seven years, told the school his Christian faith prevented him from using the preferred pronoun of the student he still saw as female. The school recommended the 47-year-old be fired for violating school system’s nondiscrimination and harassment policies. The administrators also agreed with the pupil and his family that Vlaming’s treatment of him amounted to discrimination. . . .

    “”Tolerance is a two-way street,” Volyes [Vlaming’s attorney] told WWBT. “My client respects this student’s rights; he is simply asking that his rights be respected as well…The student is absolutely free to identify as the student pleases. The school board adopted one viewpoint and required Mr. Vlaming, at the cost of his job, to repeat that ideology, repeat that viewpoint. That’s where it’s compelled speech. That’s where it violates his First Amendment right he still retains as a public employee.””

    How do you expect a high school student to feel if his teacher stands in front of the class and (from the student’s viewpoint) repeatedly shames him? Do you, like the teacher, call such intolerance “Christian”-mandated behavior? You say, “Even a fool can see where this Catechism is taking our society — chemical alteration of children, children removed from the parents for objecting to the Catechism, churches and religious schools forced to teach the Catechism, fines and jail time for those who disagree, companies forced to accept the Catechism, and jobs lost for those who disagree with the Catechism.” No, this is about shaming a child for making a personally-difficult family decision that should be irrelevant to the school, but has been taken very personally by a teacher for religious (therefore irrelevant to the school) reasons. Who should make such decisions: the teacher, or the family involved?

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