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The Transgender Wars — Part II

This is the second part of a five-part series on the transgender wars in Tom Pafford

A behind-the-scenes tug-of-war is happening between the Left and many in the LBG movement. You certainly won’t read about it in USA Today! But you can in Gay news outlets where Gay intellectuals state their concern over Gender Identity.

One such outlet is the Intelligencer:

As many of us [Gays] saw our goals largely completed and moved on, the far left filled the void. The movement is now rhetorically as much about race and gender as it is about sexual orientation. [intersectionality] prefers alternatives to marriage to marriage equality, sees white men as ‘problematic,’ masculinity as toxic, gender as fluid, and race as fundamental. They have no desire to seem ‘virtually normal’; they are contemptuous of “respectability politics” — which means most politics outside the left. Above all, they have advocated transgenderism, an ideology that goes far beyond recognizing the dignity and humanity and civil equality of trans people into a critique of gender, masculinity, femininity, and heterosexuality. ‘Live and let live’ became: “If you don’t believe gender is nonbinary, you’re a bigot.” I would be shocked if this sudden lurch in the message didn’t in some way negatively affect some straight people’s views of gays…. If the gay-rights movement decides to throw in with this new leftism, and abandon the moderation and integrationism of the recent past, they risk turning gay equality from being about a win-win process for gays and straights into a war between ‘LGBT’ people and the rest. That’s a battle none of us need to fight. Especially after the real war was won.

A male can be either heterosexual or homosexual. The same with a female. Their gender and their sexuality are intertwined, not separate. They accept who they are. Trans desire to separate who they are. The Left says this is normal. That is the War between LGB and the Left.

In another online magazine, Eating Disorders, Alex Redcay, at the time, a PhD student, attempts to put this War to bed. Redcay puts it this way:

First, the most important aspect to understand is that gender has nothing to do with sexuality. Let me say that again, gender (male, female, transgender, etc.) has nothing to do with sexuality (heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc.). Experts are partly to blame for our confusion because whoever came up with the acronym LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) married the two very different ideas of sexuality (LGB) and gender (T) so much that we are thoroughly confused. Let’s divorce LGB (sexual minority) from T (gender minority)….

Redcay compares the Trans/Gender question to a gingerbread man and calls it the GENDERbread person, specifically pointing out certain areas — the brain, heart, genitals, and the whole body.

The Genderbread Person, helps us to understand gender. The red heart of “attraction” is the only part that refers to sexuality or sexual orientation. This red heart is focused on whom we love and to whom we may be attracted, but this is unrelated to gender. Gender Expression [is] the entire outside of the gender bread person from head to toe showing that the way we look, act, and are perceived by others is our gender expression. However, our Gender identity is in our brain, our internal, deeply held sense of being male or female which is unknown and invisible to others, while biological sex is assigned at birth, mainly based on the appearance of anatomy.

Redcay omits the facts that in real people the brain controls all of these functions and it is a person’s DNA that determines male or female. The “appearance of anatomy” reflects that DNA. By using The GENDERbread person, Redcay poetically moves readers into accepting the separation of gender and body by avoiding real science. It also suggests that DNA should not be used as an indicator of maleness or femaleness. Note also, that the GENDERperson is taught to many in elementary schools.

Strange is Alex Redcay’s opening statement, “First, the most important aspect to understand is that gender has nothing to do with sexuality.” There is a specific reason for this statement. The scientific community has no proof that sexuality is separate from gender. Psychiatry does not back up Redcay’s statement. But, repeating this statement in hundreds, if not thousands, of websites, radio and TV shows, the Left creates the impression that the statement is truth. No one questions it; therefore, the Left never has to confirm it. And, with this “truth” firmly grounded in the minds of listeners, a foundation is laid on which to build the Left’s Trans agenda. The truth of this can be found in all Left-Wing literature. Everywhere, when discussions of gender and sexuality arise, they are now separated.

So, what is the real science? Part Three overviews the Left’s Trans War with the Scientific Community.

Tom Pafford, an Annandale resident, is running for a seat on the Fairfax County School Board. View his campaign website here.

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