The System Is Rigged… and Trump Ought to Know

The system is rigged!
Building a big, beautiful tax break

Back in the day, Virginia was one of the most reliable Republican states in presidential elections.  That changed in 2008, with the election of President Obama.  Current polling indicates that the deeply flawed Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton has a double-digit lead over Donald Trump.  The core of this support seems to be amongst college-educated whites in the Washington, D.C., suburbs.

Now there is more trouble ahead for “The Donald”!! The lead story in today’s New York Times details how, after filing for bankruptcy, Trump’s New Jersey casinos owed the state of New Jersey $30 million in back taxes.  The article discusses how, after Chris Christie ascended to the governorship, the state settled for 17 cents on the dollar, or slightly less than $5 million.

And Governor Bob was indicted for, amongst other matters, riding around in a Ferrari?

— Les Schreiber

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3 responses to “The System Is Rigged… and Trump Ought to Know”

  1. CrazyJD Avatar

    >>And Governor Bob was indicted for, amongst other matters, riding around in a Ferrari?

    Yeh, seems like it’s Republicans who suffer indictments, not the likes of Hillary et. al. And when Hillary gets elected and puts her cronies on SCOTUS, there won’t be any protection for guys like Bob.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      geeze Crazy – don’t you mean IF Clinton is elected?


  2. The double-digit lead in Virginia of the ‘deeply flawed candidate’ may nonetheless reflect the support of college-educated whites in the Washington, DC suburbs — but has there not ALSO been a substantial falling off of support for the other candidate from NON-college-educated whites, whom he has presumed to be his core of support?

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