UVa Shooting Suspect Mug Shot

by James C. Sherlock

President James Ryan of the University of Virginia has decided to suppress the results of a written request that he and the Rector made to the Attorney General

…to conduct an independent review of the University’s response to the shooting, as well as the efforts the University undertook in the period before the tragedy to assess the potential threat Mr. Jones posed to our community.

The Attorney General’s administrative investigation is complete. President Ryan published a statement:

Making the report public at this time, or even releasing a summary of their findings and recommendations, could have an impact on the criminal trial of the accused, either by disrupting the case being prepared by the Albemarle County Commonwealth’s Attorney, or by interfering with the defendant’s right to a fair trial before an impartial jury. [Emphasis added.]

The press reports indicate that announcement drew criticism.

I will add to it.

“Defendant’s right to a fair trial”? Really?

How about the University’s wish to suppress what must be a blockbuster of a report about University misfeasance prior to the murders?

What they did after the murders is irrelevant to the case against the defendant unless they conducted an illegal search or suppressed evidence. Did they do that?

Any way you look at it, the Attorney General’s report could only help the defendant and his lawyers. The judge will ensure they get it.

So, the hesitance is allegedly about the jury pool. Hard to see how it could further harm the defendant. The publicity in the case so far has made him public enemy number one in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.

Dr. Ryan, and attorney, failed to explain why, if publishing the Attorney General’s report “disrupts the case being prepared by the Commonwealth’s Attorney” or makes the jury pool somewhat less ready to convict, that is a bad thing. Right now the defendant is lucky the death penalty was abolished.

Let’s face facts. If the report exonerated the University, the public would already have it.

If “even a summary” of the facts in that report can disrupt the prosecution’s case, then that team needs to prepare a new one.

The Attorney General chartered the advisory investigation at the request of the University for its use, so we assume it is not his to release.

But why haven’t we heard from the Rector, who is the President’s employer and asked for the investigation? Where is the DEI Division when a black student needs them?

This report contains lessons of vital importance to the safety of the state college and university system and to Virginia taxpayers and parents. God help us if another institution makes the same mistakes that were made at Virginia while that report is suppressed.

The Rector should release it.

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41 responses to “The Suppressed Report on the UVa Murders”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    It is about the civil liability, and the academia liability, and the Narrative puncturing (See SJP at UVA).
    But it is really good to see the care for a fair trial…from the Supreme Court clerk, UVA Law grad Jim Ryan.

    I don’t know…does Donald Trump deserve a fair trial? The J6 defendants? How about Derek Chauvin?

    All deserve a fair trial. I don’t believe any have gotten it. Now the defendant in this case might want to stay in Charlottesville because the social justice ethos might get him a favorable jury – maybe just one Antifa to hang the jury is all he needs. In an ordinary case before it became necessary to save our democracy (TM) by destroying our democracy, when Americans pretty much believed in equality under the law, the venue would be moved out of Cville. I am not a criminal lawyer, but I believe the CA is a bit of a social justice activist, and the jury pool is most likely to have some crazed Antifa type, so maybe staying in Cville makes the most sense…for Christopher Darnell Jones.

    In any event, what happened to the kids killed and shot is a natural outgrowth of the poisonous (intellectually and spiritually) DEI/CRT ideology.

    BOV – where are you? Would you please get serious about UVA’s EDUCATIONAL mission? Just do this one step – require SATs again. UVA dropped them (along with all the other “elite” schools) because they proved the reverse discrimination. This should not have to wait for another year of Youngkin appointees – it shouldn’t matter who appoints, but it obviously does after McAuliffe/Northam – do none of the 9 Dem appointed BOV members value UVA over partisanship? It seems obvious to me they are just political hacks. Quit being hacks.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      If it’s about the civil liability, why was the Virginia Tech shooting report released six months after the murders?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        And how much did Tech pay?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Original offer was for the state to pay $100,000 per death plus $800,000 (total) to those wounded to cover treatments not covered by insurance.

          Final offer was a total of $11m.

          The settlement was reached quite a while after the report was made public.

          More details …


          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I thought it hit $32 million?
            And the plaintiff bar has gotten better at extracting huge amounts since VT, but let’s not overlook the Jim Ryan CYA here…

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do you think they “learned” from the Va Tech experience?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Somewhat different situations but both shooters were mentally deranged. So, they didn’t learn enough, I guess.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            well they learned that the University and the State have a LOT of potential places where they
            may have liability, yes. And it’s not just Higher Ed. It’s just about any govt agency or facility
            and it’s a whole new world now with social media.

            I don’t think UVA is trying to evade accountability near as much as the State is much more
            wary now than they were before mass murders were occurring at schools.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Morgan Harrington, murdered by Jesse Leroy “LJ” Matthew Jr. – an employee of the UVa Medical Center

    Yeardly Love, murdered by George Hughley, UVa student and lacrosse player

    Hannah Graham, murdered by Jesse Leroy “LJ” Matthew Jr. – an employee of the UVa Medical Center

    D’Sean Perry, UVa student and football player murdered. Christopher Darnell Jones Jr, UVa student, charged.

    Lavel Davis, Jr, UVa student and football player murdered. Christopher Darnell Jones Jr, UVa student, charged.

    Devin Chandler, UVa student and football player murdered. Christopher Darnell Jones Jr, UVa student, charged.

    How many more, Mr. Ryan?

    The report needs to be released.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Coverups are part and parcel of the liberal elite.

    The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto.

    The UVa Shooting Investigation.

    Hours and hours of video from Jan 6 showing supposed insurrectionists calmly walking the halls of Congress while being observed and even “fist bumped” by security personnel.

    We’ll see how X’s lawsuit against Media Maters for America (a Soros funded group) goes.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ Making the report public at this time, or even releasing a summary of their findings and recommendations, could have an impact on the criminal trial of the accused, ”

    Ever heard of Dr. Sheppard?

    Boy, oh boy, would this site squeal if a verdict were overturned on appeal because of a PR from the university… even just an appeal being lodged would freak this place out.

  5. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    If the report contains any material, exculpatory information in the government’s possession, it must be disclosed to the defendant pursuant to Brady v. Maryland. The questions are: 1) does the report contain any material, exculpatory information; and 2) if, so does possession by the AG and UVA constitute possession by the government?

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It is about the civil liability. It always is. When UVA is the defendant.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Exactly. Civil liability and Jim Ryan’s job.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        And UVA is not the only defendant in liability cases. So is the Commonwealth. It is Miyares’ job to protect the taxpayers from the suits, too, just as when UVA was sued after the collapse of those balconies on The Lawn.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          And that report won’t be shared in a civil suit?

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Yes, it almost certainly will.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The AG appoints the University Counsel. It is the Counsel who is the University’s lawyer. But I take your point.

          Civil liability will remain when the report is released. Or subpoenaed in a civil suit. So The liability does not go away.

          That argument is weaker than one that suggests Ryan is trying to save his job. That jeopardy will remain as well, unless he has another job lined up and is planning to quit ahead of the posse.

          He has been widely rumored to be sought by the Democrats to run for Governor. Or higher. Maybe still true in today’s politics.

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

    Shooting: 2018
    Report published: 2019
    Trail of shooter: 2022

    Tree of Life Synagogue Killings

    Shooting: 2018
    Report published: 2020
    Trial of shooter: 2023

    Buffalo Supermarket Shooting

    Shooting: 2022
    Report published: 2022
    Trial of shooter: Federal trial pending

    These were the first 3 cases I found where the mass shooter lived and was brought to trial.

    Funny that none of these reports had to be held until after the trial of the shooter.

    Methinks Jim Ryan (a lawyer) is lying through his teeth.

    That report must be a real bombshell.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    If it is Attorney General’s report, clearly he could release it if he wanted to. Your beef is with him.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, he has to act in the best interest of his client, and at the direction of his client, not on what he personally wishes or Sherlock or Bacon wishes. Could the client agree to release this? But of course. But I’m sure all those options were discussed in camera. Clients don’t always take good advice from lawyers.

      Some reports of this nature are written to be released. Some of them are whitewash jobs from the start. Looks like this one wasn’t…

      It was a fascinating four years inside that office.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        So… it is in UVa’s best legal interest to hold on releasing the report (apparently Miyares agrees with that assessment – or even provided advice to that end). Pretty much what Ryan is saying. I guess JAB and Sherlock are better attorneys…?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          or they’re NOT in favor of the best interests of the state if it “protects” UVA?

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Ryan consulted with the Commonwealth’s attorney and counselors before making the decision. “Counselors” are not specified, but it is a logical assumption, based on the statement, that the “counselors” that agreed to the delay in releasing the report are those appointed by the AG to conduct the inquiry.

    As for the Rector, Ryan’s “employer”, the statement quotes Hardie as saying, ““We agree that we should postpone the release of further information until the criminal prosecution is complete to avoid interfering with or complicating the proceedings.” https://news.virginia.edu/content/citing-potential-impact-criminal-trial-uva-delays-nov-13-report-release

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      don’t be bringing out those pesky facts, now….

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You report that a group of University employees got together and made an unambiguously self-serving decision.

      – Ryan is guilty of failing to provide a safe environment, his primary responsibility.

      – The University Counsel was represented on the Threat Assessment Team that will shoulder a great deal of the criticism in the report. So. we are not shocked that he wants to bury the report as long as possible.

      If one of the “counselors was the University Chief of Police, same answer. He chairs the TAT.

      I recommended in my article that Hardie release it.

      I still do.

      But as you can see, I agree with your assessment of overriding self-interest in play on the decision.

      BTW, the BOV is the President’s employer, so the air quotes are not needed.

      1. And apparently, the BoV’s primary duty is to the Commonwealth, not to UVA (at least for the time being).


        So, is it in the Commonwealth’s best interest for the study to be released now? It’s most likely not in UVA’s best interest.

      2. And apparently, the BoV’s primary duty is to the Commonwealth, not to UVA (at least for the time being).


        So, is it in the Commonwealth’s best interest for the study to be released now? It’s most likely not in UVA’s best interest.

      3. And apparently, the BoV’s primary duty is to the Commonwealth, not to UVA (at least for the time being).


        So, is it in the Commonwealth’s best interest for the study to be released now? It’s most likely not in UVA’s best interest.

  10. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Okay, Sherlock, you’re the expert on every single topic so I should know better than to pipe up. Four years working for the AG taught me nothing. No, Miyares does not lose his legal obligation to UVA as a client just because he appoints a deputy, a deputy AG, to work for this school or that agency. He is is the school’s lawyer. And the report will become public probably when a discovery process forces it out, but if the decision now is to keep it under wraps, it is being done so in the best interests of minimizing the damage to some pending or future liability action. The crim defense lawyer will (or probably already has) also make a bid to get it, but even then the judge may keep it from going public.

    The various university counsel are (or were and I bet still are) officially senior assistant AG’s. But I bow to how smart you are….He didn’t appoint outside counsel and set up a Chinese wall (can we call it that now?) or if he had, Miyares would not have seen the report either. We the taxpayers are NOT Miyares’ clients.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh oh… now ya gone and done it.

      1. This will probably put me in the dog house with Capt. Sherlock forever, but I simply cannot resist:


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That’s so wrong on soooo many levels. By god but the 70s were great!

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Got it. Is this report similar to the VT shooting report that was issued after the nutcase Cho killed 32 people at VT?

      That shooting was on April 16, 2007 and the report was publicly released in October of that year.

      Interestingly, two families rejected the $100,000 per death offer from the state and won a wrongful death trial by jury worth millions. That verdict was overturned by the State Supreme Court on Oct 31, 2013.

      The elite don’t let the elite get sued by commoners.

      It’s been over a year since the UVa murders. No report.

      Is UVa hiding something or is this case that much different?

      Of course, the murderer in the UVa case is still alive. Cho had the minimal decency to rid the world of himself.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        must have been some real lefties on that Supreme court, eh?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Just elites appointed by other elites.

          If 32 people were murdered at a corporate campus by an employee of the company – do you really think the Virginia Supreme Court would overturn a jury verdict awarding the parents of the dead employees a monetary settlement?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            So .. GOP “elites” appointed that court? I got it.. Anyone who currently is in govt right now is by definition an elitist that will be removed when we vote in Trumpster type leaders, right?

            The concept of sovereign immunity is a liberal thing?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            You’re getting there on the elite thing. And … the state paid $11m in the VT situation so I don’t see sovereign immunity as applying.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            You don’t think that’s why the settlement was overturned?

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      When you’re focused intently on only one thing, “GET UVA”… all these other things are distractions and obstacles put there by apologists!

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Not sure why that hand grenade was thrown, but I will comment.

      First, thanks for your service in the AG’s office.

      Second, Two things can be true at once.

      I already wrote earlier in this comment stream that I took your point about the AG having overall responsibility for defending the Commonwealth. He does. But that apparently was not sufficient.

      But it it also true that “The Office of the University Counsel represents the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia in all legal and regulatory matters and provides advice and counsel to the Board of Visitors, the President, executive officers, and other administrators, faculty, and staff in their official capacities”. … The University Counsel and all Associate University Counsel are appointed by the Attorney General of Virginia. In addition to providing a full range of legal services to the University, they coordinate and oversee necessary resources of the Office of the Attorney General, and work with that office on the appointment and monitoring of outside counsel when needed to represent the University.”

      Third, Miyares did in fact appoint outside counsel for the UVa investigation and report. So you are mistaken. https://www.vpm.org/news/2022-12-09/miyares-selects-california-firm-to-investigate-uva-shooting

      Fourth, I have known for a long time that Mr. Iler serves as a Senior Assistant Attorney General and University Counsel at University of Virginia. That is his picture on one of my articles last year that described his office stonewalling my FOIA requests about this murder case.

      Fifth, I never wrote that the taxpayers are the Attorney General’s clients. I never thought they were. Now you have assured me that we are not. So, belt and suspenders on that issue.

      Sixth, we are in agreement that “(the suppression of the report) is being done so in the best interests of minimizing the damage to some pending or future liability action”. It also delays personal embarrassment and liability on the part of senior university officials.

      You might consider it possible that I wrote this article to point out the utter hypocrisy of the reasons given to the public, which did not include civil liability.

      So I am not going to jump on your grenade, just wonder what made you throw it.

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