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“The State Cut our Funding” — the Excuse that Never Stops Giving

College students — a future of endless debt servitude.

Students attending Virginia’s four-year colleges and universities will pay an additional 5.2% in tuition and fees compared to last year, according to the latest State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) data. Tuition leaped 6.8% but that was partially offset by a modest 2.3% increase in mandatory fees, covering such things as student health, transportation, athletics and transportation, reports the Loudoun Times. By contrast, the Consumer Price Index increased 2.1%.

Dan Hix, SCHEV’s finance policy director, blamed inadequate state support, noting that General Assembly funding covers only 53% of educational costs, far short of its 67% target. Despite initial promises to increase funding by $100 million (presumably this fiscal year — the Times is not clear), the General Assembly came through with only $5 million more, he said.

Let me get this straight. The state didn’t cut public support but actually increased it by $5 million (essentially keeping funding stable) yet colleges and universities are blaming the state for a 6.8% increase (4.1% over and above inflation) in tuition? Really?


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