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The Rise of Personalized Learning

IBM has just published five big predictions for the next five years. A couple of them are germane to Bacon’s Rebellion, but none more so than this. Personalized learning is a very different vision from Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which teach the same material to potentially thousands of students, but it’s just as revolutionary: “In five years, classrooms will learn about you, and personalize coursework accordingly. It’s the end of the era of one-size-fits-all education, and the beginning of personalized learning.”

Will Virginia’s educational systems embrace the change? Or will the naysayers pooh-pooh the potential? It will take time to figure out how to make things work. There will be false starts and failed experiments. But the potential benefits are staggering. Those who start experimenting early will be the first to reap the rewards.


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