The Richmond Times Dispatch, “Hate Groups” and Journalism

by James C. Sherlock

The Hanover County School Board (HCSB) is seeking legal assistance in reviewing its transgender policy from the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a conservative legal organization that provides its services pro bono.

ADF’s key values that it goes to court to defend are religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.  It has  won 80% of its court cases and played a role in 64 victories at the United States Supreme Court.

The HCSB, the target of an ACLU lawsuit, wants to know if their transgender policy is defensible in court.  ADF offered to review the policy and advise on modifications if any and a defensive strategy for free.

Seems reasonable.

But not to the Richmond Times Dispatch (RTD).

The lead on the RTD story

The Hanover County School Board agreed Tuesday night to allow a Christian conservative legal advocacy organization that some call a “hate group” to look at the board’s “equal educational opportunities” policy — the policy at the heart of the board’s contentious actions regarding transgender students that prompted a lawsuit filed against it last December. (emphasis added)

Interesting choices of words and parentheses. I don’t think I am going out on a limb calling that sentence biased narrative shaping  Which would be fine on the editorial pages. The story is on the front page of today’s print edition.

Other recent ADF Virginia cases. In another ADF Virginia case,

High school French teacher Peter Vlaming was fired from his job in West Point, Virginia for declining to refer to a female student with male pronouns even though he consistently accommodated the student by using the student’s preferred name instead of the student’s given name. Vlaming is suing the school board for violating his rights under the Virginia Constitution and Virginia law. ADF attorneys, along with allied attorney Shawn Voyles, have appealed his case to the Virginia Supreme Court.

On March 3 of this year, the Supreme Court agreed to hear it.

ADF also attorneys helped LCPS teacher Tanner Cross file a

“lawsuit against the school district. The trial court quickly reinstated Tanner so he could continue to teach while his lawsuit moved forward. After the Virginia Supreme Court upheld the trial court’s order, the Board agreed in a settlement to make the reinstatement permanent.

A Hate Group?

So ADF is successful. But a hate group?

Let’s look at who calls the ADF a hate group. The story, we must assume purposely, does not share that information.

There are two organizations that the press goes to for hate group lists: the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL labels the Alliance Defending Freedom “a prominent conservative advocacy group.” Note the ADL, unlike the RTD, did not feel it important to label the organization Christian,” a leftist dog whistle.

That leaves us with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Bingo.

ADF and SPLC.  The SPLC has drifted away from pleading in court. Since 2000, SPLC has participated in two Supreme Court wins; since 2011 the ADF thirteen.

SPLC, unable to beat them in court, has labeled the ADF a hate group in a transparent effort to shrink their donations and get them banned from social media. And provide fodder for every “journalist” looking to discredit the ADF.

Both ADF and SPLC are non-profits, so we can look at their mission statements and their finances.

From the Southern Poverty Law Center’s 2020 IRS Form 990:

“The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the south and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.”

475 employees, 161 volunteers

Total revenue: $132,918,576

Net assets and fund balances: $587,803,614

Case Cost Expenses: $3,958,271

From the Alliance Defending Freedom’s 2020 IRS Form 990:

“ADF is committed to transforming law and culture so true freedom can flourish.”

319 employees, 957 volunteers

Total revenue: $65,187,555

Net Assets and fund balances: $42,813,699

Case Cost Expenses – not separately described.

You would think with the financial advantages, SPLC would dominate, or at least break even in the courtroom. That organization may wish to review its pleadings and results for trends. And assess why ADF has six times as many volunteers.

For another view of the SPLC, readSPLC denounced as ‘thoroughly disgraced’ after labeling pro-life, family organizations as ‘hate groups’ .

“Once a respected civil rights organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center has destroyed its own credibility because of its blatant partisan agenda and discredited fundraising scheme. It has devolved into a group that attacks and spreads lies about organizations and people who do not agree with its far-left agenda.”

The RTD.

Speaking of far-left agendas, back to the Richmond Times Dispatch. When did that paper’s journalistic standards disappear? And why?

The Hanover County School Board story was certainly worth writing. But it was nothing more nor less than the board, being sued, seeking the best pro bono legal counsel to make sure what they were doing is defensible in court.

The lead sentence in today’s RTD story is a disgrace. So is its failure to identify the discredited source of the “hate group” citation. For RTD editors, these days those errors appear to be considered features, not a bugs.

But, for the record, I do not consider the Richmond Times Dispatch a hate group.

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40 responses to “The Richmond Times Dispatch, “Hate Groups” and Journalism”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    When I joined the staff of a competing paper in 1972 I found out that the RTD is really known as the Richmond Times Disgrace. At least to some. Back then if course it was its knee-jerk conservative positions, and history of supporting segregation, that engendered disdain. From one extreme to the other….

    It really is getting worse. Now Bob Brown is leaving the payroll. I have fewer and fewer reasons to subscribe.

  2. George  Walton Avatar
    George Walton

    Its scary that a hate group like SPLC has assets of $600 million.

    For the record, I consider the RTD to be excellent for wrapping fish guts.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I still don’t like the term hate group being thrown around. I am sure there are some staffers at the SPLC with egalitarian motives. Just not enough.

      It is a bit surprising to me that, since the organization apparently is only dabbling in litigation now, that they continue to get donations at a high level.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        I still don’t like the term hate group being thrown around.

        I understand, but what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say. The SPLC calling ADF a hate group is one of the most egregious examples of the pot calling the kettle black I have run across in a long time.

        Whatever the Southern Poverty Law Center may have once been, they have been a sick, disguising joke for at least the last 20 years.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          They like the ACLU have strayed away from this founding principles and pick and choose which values they wish to defend, instead of defending for all.

      2. George  Walton Avatar
        George Walton

        Beg to disagree, regardless of the possibility of some altruistic employees, SPLC is an organization with a long history of hateful conduct.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          SPLC is an organization that for two decades has exhibited dysfunctional conduct. It has:
          – largely withdrawn from the courtroom;
          – named those with opposing political views hate groups;
          – failed to benefit those they claim to represent; and
          – been embroiled in scandal.

          That is a clear description of the SPLC. No need to call it a hate group. We err when we adopt leftist terminology.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Have you no respect for fish guts?

    3. Virginia Project Avatar
      Virginia Project

      SPLC is one big fat litigation target just begging to be sued

      the “hate group” stuff is industrialized defamation

      and one day they’re going to apply that label to the wrong people and someone’s going to sue for the whole $600 million and get it

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I’ll bet you guys are really miffed that two teachers would file suit to establish an unconstitutional right to ignore the direction of parents when it comes to the education of their children….

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams


          As it’s been discussed before Mr. Cross brought suit because he was suspended for using his First Amendment Rights at a school board hearing. Which are the grounds that the Court sided with him on and the settlement of his reinstating.

          LCPS based his suspension on their own contentions about actions that never occurred. The VASC ruled in his favor, legally the matter is dead. To continue to bring it up and argue merits that were not part of the case, is pointless.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams


          As it’s been discussed before Mr. Cross brought suit because he was suspended for using his First Amendment Rights at a school board hearing. Which are the grounds that the Court sided with him on and the settlement of his reinstating.

          LCPS based his suspension on their own contentions about actions that never occurred. The VASC ruled in his favor, legally the matter is dead. To continue to bring it up and argue merits that were not part of the case, is pointless.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            There are two parts to Cross’ suit…

            “Other claims will proceed in Cross’s suit, which was amended to seek the transgender policy’s repeal. Alliance Defending Freedom, which represents Cross, sought a temporary injunction to prevent enforcement of the policy. The judge didn’t rule Monday, but indicated that he might rule between Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The second part of Cross’s suit wasn’t before the court and he is not the only party.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I agree but it is an active case now and it is the suit I am referring to above. It is pretty clear he should have the right to public comment. I still feel like there should be ramifications to threatening your boss publicly that you will not follow a duly enacted policy but the courts either did not consider that or disagreed. Fair enough but the remaining suit is something different.

            The courts may still side with the teachers but my larger point still stands… protected speech or not, the teacher’s position is that they do not have to follow the requests of parents if they disagree which is exactly counter to the recent positions of players like the Virginia Project (which is who my comment is directed to). The difference here is the parents being overridden here have trans kids – I see no other factor at work.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If LCPS had not abridged Mr. Cross’s 1st Amendment rights this suit probably wouldn’t even be considered. They opened themselves up to further litigation in doing that. I don’t agree he threatened anyone, he made statements which were within his right as a father and a member of community.

            Is 8040 a result of a SB voted upon measure where the public was engaged or was it just a policy adopted through LCPS?

            I don’t know what Virginia Project has stated, but they don’t speak for me.

            My only concern is that individuals rights are not violated within the confines of the Constitution and all measures enacting policy’s like 8040 get a public vote that way all parties have stake.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I believe they took public comment on 8040… that is where Cross stated he as a teacher would not follow such a policy if it was adopted. I concede this was still found to be within his rights.

            My comment above (that you responded to) was directed to Virginia Project. Their position is well published when it comes to parents having the final say on every aspect of their child’s education.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I appreciate that you’re seeing that he was within his right and was unfairly targeted for those statements in the eyes of the Law.

            Also, thanks for the clarification on your comment. Ultimately parents do have the final say in a child’s education, they either entrust a public institutions where they’ve had input in the school board and have a method of redress if they see anything that disturbs (within reason) them or they can opt to pay for private school. I think the former has been shown as a façade in some cases over the last year, where SB’s are acting in their own interests and will silence those whom which don’t agree.

            Beyond the 8040 policy that is outlined in the book “Race to the Bottom” which has ties to Virginia.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I had an old colleague use the ADF one time. They seem to know how to get things done.

  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    What is insane is the inconsistency on how we address the mental and emotional capacity of minors. If we believe that because of the state of a person’s mental and emotional development, we don’t permit the death penalty to be imposed on anyone under 18 or even a mandatory life sentence without parole, why do we think a person under 18 can make permanent decisions about “changing” their gender? Is it unreasonable for parents to choose what books their children should be exposed to in school? Shouldn’t there be some level of consistency?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The whole “person under 18” thing is a movement that seeks, relishes really, gratification or validation or both by the mutilation of children.

      The insistence of adults on their right not to wait until children reach adulthood for this mutilation is perhaps the most profound evil in America today.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Using a different pronoun is hardly “mutilation”.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Nice try. My comment is about “gender transition” in kids.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “High school French teacher Peter Vlaming was fired from his job in West Point, Virginia for declining to refer to a female student with male pronouns…”

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The suits wish to give these teachers the right to override the direction of trans kids’ parents and their doctors (who I assume are over 18)…

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        You lost me at “trans kids”.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “Lesser humans” then…??

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            There is a reason we protect children with laws. They are unable to protect themselves.

            You may believe that children as young as six understand their sexuality as the “model policies” stated. You may believe they are competent to make choices. I do not.

            You are clearly comfortable with adults making decisions for children about their sexuality and intervening medically to change it. I am not. Under any circumstances.

            You are welcome to your opinion. I am done with you.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I do not believe that anyone is surgically altering six year olds.

            You are comfortable with teachers making decisions for children and ignoring their parents instructions regarding their sexuality.

            As far as intervening medically, I don’t believe teachers have any say in that at all. Any surgery would require parental consent. Do you think parents have no say in this as well? You prefer the state….

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    When I joined the staff of a competing paper in 1972 I found out that the RTD is really known as the Richmond Times Disgrace. At least to some. Back then if course it was its knee-jerk conservative positions, and history of supporting segregation, that engendered disdain. From one extreme to the other….

    It really is getting worse. Now Bob Brown is leaving the payroll. I have fewer and fewer reasons to subscribe.

    The ADF is quite out front and vocal about its Christian viewpoint (see website), so I’m not sure that adjective was unfairly used. I’ve always been amused by SPLC’s hunt for hate groups, given its deep animosity for anyone who disagrees with it.

    Four sessions back, my last one as a contract lobbyist (this story is why), I was retained by the Virginia Poverty Law Center. But my friends at the dominant utility happily told every legislator who would listen I worked for SPLC. VPLC shares a similar name, and it’s hardly right-wing, but it is NOT affiliated with the SPLC. Republicans who had been my friends were yelling at me about it in hallways, and business groups said I had a client who sued them. No, that is SPLC….but the damage to my reputation and earnings ability were done. It was fine. It was time to move on.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Christian” was not unfairly used, but it was unnecessary to the story and unfortunately it is a dog whistle these days nonetheless.

      I am sorry to read about your experience in that tar pit.

      Unfortunately, the fact that some GA legislators did not understand the difference between VPLC and SPLC does not surprise me. Nor the fact that many failed to question the rumor.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Oh, c’mon. They all have nicks, the Virginian Pileup, Daily Mess, etc.

      Nothing is ever lost…

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      Sorry about your denouement. Perceptions can be amazingly persuasive while being amazingly wrong. But you knew that.

      Long ago when I moved to Richmond (yeah, I’ll always be a “come here”) the companion paper to the Times Disgrace was the News Loser. Monument Avenue was aka Losers Row and The Village was the spot. The News Loser in those long gone days was still mourning massive resistance in the afternoons.

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Sounds as if Hanover County might be a good place to buy property, establish a business and raise a family. While downtown Richmond, on the other hand, appears to be a good place to set up a hookah lounge or go on welfare.

  7. Rtd has become an intellectually lazy, untalented company

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hate Groups and Journalism?

    They’re not the same? Like apples and Granny Smith’s.

  9. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “some call a ‘hate group’”

    Well, “some” people DO call the ADF a “hate group.” And “some” people think that Jews in black helicopters run America.

    ADF should insist that the RTD run an opinion piece written by ADF, which explains their side of the issue. I’m confident ADF will knock it out of the park, and its detractors will look—to “most” people—small by comparison.

    If the RTD is willing to allow cues from “some” people to influence the stories it covers—and, more to the point, pursues—then that will reflect poorly on the RTD. If the RTD wants to become a progressive paper, it can. And, in so doing, I think they’ll make themselves less relevant in a society that isn’t really that progressive at all.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    So we have now a gym teacher and a french teacher who are supported by Conservatives (Christian hate groups or not) who suddenly believe their rights to their own ideology trump the rights of the student’s parents when it comes to the education of the child (well, only the trans kids, of course). Where is Ian Prior now…??

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You remember that one of the primary objections to the Virginia Board of Education’s Model Policies was that it encouraged school employees not to notify parents, don’t you?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        To which Ian, et al screamed “Parent’s Rights!!… unless your kid is trans, of course then screw you!!”

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