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The Rest of the Story: Other TJ Amicus Briefs

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Asra Q. Nomani recently posted an article listing several organizations that had filed amicus curiae briefs in the case before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in which the Fairfax County School Board is appealing a district court’s ruling that the new admissions process for the Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Technology is unconstitutional.

Lest readers of Bacon’s Rebellion get the impression that the School Board is out there all alone in its appeal, I thought a little balance was needed in this discussion. A look at the case file reveals a long list of amici filed on behalf of the school board. In addition to briefs from the United States, fifteen state governments, and several civil rights organizations, e.g. NAACP Legal Defense Fund and ACLU, there are three that are especially worth highlighting:

Asian American Youth Leadership Empowerment and Development for Youth and Families — “supports low-income and underserved Asian-Pacific American youth with educational empowerment.”

TJ Alumni for Racial Justice — “TJ Alumni for Racial Justice is a newly formed organization of concerned TJHSST alumni. Its board is composed of a multi-generational and diverse slate of TJHSST graduates with a broad range of talents. TJARJ is committed to fighting for racial justice at TJHSST until the job is done.”

Hamkae Center — “organizes Asian Americans to achieve social, economic, and racial justice in Virginia.”

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