The Resistance Gathers: VMI Edition

by James A. Bacon

A group of Virginia Military Institute alumni have created a political action committee, The Spirit of VMI, to raise money to support political candidates who are friendly to the preservation of VMI institutions and traditions.

“Our mission and objectives are to stop the decay of VMI caused by outside legislative influence,” declares the Spirit of VMI website. The unpaid organizers behind the PAC will consult with “seasoned politicians and operatives” on how to spend the funds it raises. “We have a long way to go, but have a pretty strong start.”

In its own words, the group is dedicated to protecting the following:

  • The VMI honor code
  • The education of young women and men
  • The regimental system (VMI’s leadership system)
  • The class system (the foundational system building camaraderie and lifelong friendships among VMI years/classes)
  • The VMI ratline (the crucible for all freshmen)

VMI alumnus Matt Daniel discusses the thinking behind the PAC in an interview with WRVA’s John Reid. He makes it clear that the wave of negative publicity engendered by The Washington Post and the racism investigation ordered by Governor Ralph Northam were the impetus behind the group’s formation.

Northam, a VMI alumnus himself, struck a nerve when he joined state legislators in decrying the “clear and appalling culture of ongoing structural racism” at VMI in a letter to the college’s board of visitors. Some VMI alumni, said Daniel, felt “betrayed.” Many VMI alumni who had supported Northam in his run for governor now feel “buyer’s remorse.”

While conceding that there may have been “isolated cases” of racism of the type that could occur anywhere, Daniel told Reid he saw no sign of “systemic racism” when he attended the military academy in the 1980s. The military culture there is “equally hard on everyone.”

Bacon’s bottom line: The alumni rebellion is growing. Alumni are sick and tired of how Leftists are destroying the traditions and standards of their cherished alma maters. While Washington & Lee alumni with the Generals Redoubt and University of Virginia alumni with The Jefferson Council are focusing internally — working inside the system, engaging with the university presidents and boards — The Spirit of VMI is the first to get actively involved in electoral politics. The VMI group acknowledges the reality that changes on campus are being driven increasingly by outside forces.

Once upon a time, Virginia’s higher-ed system was thought of as highly decentralized. Each institution had its own governing body and was given extensive latitude to handle its own internal affairs, subject to limited oversight by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). But the Northam administration is dictating a “diversity, equity & inclusion” agenda based on the premise that Virginia’s colleges and universities are “systemically racist.”

The investigation into VMI is the spear tip of the assault. Northam’s entourage essentially wrote the RFP and selected a firm dedicated to fight against racial injustice. The law firm hired to conduct that investigation, Barnes & Thornburg, has been instructed (a) to compare VMI to other public Virginia colleges and universities, and (b) to submit recommendations for change. Many VMI alumni believe that the investigation will find what it wants to find. Alumni of other institutions should worry that “remedies” applied to VMI will be foisted upon their alma maters as well.

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28 responses to “The Resistance Gathers: VMI Edition”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Until the Jefferson Council forms a PAC and solicits donations to go after politicians like Ralph Northam it will not be particularly effective. In a state with no limits on campaign contributions you have to fight runaway liberalism with money, not words.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      You nailed that.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It WILL be interesting to see what the politicians are saying… agree… but I’m betting it won’t be to you guys liking… because there are a lot of others who ARE concerned about VMI and politicians DO listen to ALL voters.. not just the folks on the right.

        1. John Harvie Avatar
          John Harvie

          You said “because there are a lot of others who ARE concerned about VMI” and I’ll bet very few of those actually attended the school so have no idea what the hell they are talking about.

          The few smart enough I know to have attended did very well in all aspects of life, and I’m not just saying financially (so don’t go off on that tangent).

          My closest example, of course, is my grandfather.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            that’s true – but politicians are elected by the majority of voters – not the majority of VMI alumni.

            How many of the general electorate feel that VMI is doing things right and does not discriminate against blacks and engage in humiliation rituals?

          2. John Harvie Avatar
            John Harvie

            My sense is not even 1% of the general electorate knows about this thread, and more importantly even gives a rat’s a** about it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            This thread – yes. The issue at VMI – no. You can bet there are folks following it if it was in WaPo and other media…

            What do THOSE folks think?

          4. John Harvie Avatar
            John Harvie

            I, and I’ll bet most other Virginians couldn’t care less what your “THOSE” (whoever they are) folks think.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, no. It actually IS your fellow Virginians, many who live throughout Va and read the media accounts from not only WaPO, but RTD, Roanoke Times, and others and many of your fellow Virginians are black folks who DO CARE about racism in public and private institutions. Remember Massive Resistance, Jim Crow, and the more recent issues of Charlottesville, confederate memorials, etc…???

            VERY much on the minds of many Virginians… just add the VMI issue to the others.

            Then factor that into politicians who need votes to get elected. It all fits together.

  2. sam elias Avatar
    sam elias

    I think the guy said that he never saw the Confederacy glorified. The new market ceremony, the statues, saluting stonewall, the songs and flags…does none of that strike him as glorification? What the heck else is it?

    1. owen dunlap Avatar
      owen dunlap

      Well VMI fought in the Civil war with the Confederacy once Virginia succeeded as im sure you know. It provided soldiers and officers for the confederacy. It was shelled and burned in 1865 . All these are fact that will never change – so yes there were and are symbols of the Confederacy around the campus. When he was at VMI ( also when i was) there was no ceremony at New Market – there was a parade on New Market day on campus to honor the dead cadets. Yes there was a statue of stonewall jackson ( sculpted by a new market cadet and the first jewish cadet at VMI ) – also of George Marshall and George Washington and lots of other monuments to veterans of all the various US wars that VMI alumni have fought in – the place has history all over post- and as cadets we ignored most of it all . There is also an arch dedicated to Joseph Daniels who was killed in alabama in a famous civil rights murder. Its also the same post that for the last 35+ years has hosted a summer program run by an AA VMI alumni that teaches young AA boys what they will be expected be able to do in a college environment wherever they went to school.

      Not sure what flags and songs you are talking about- and by the way – the only thing allowed on your walls what the honor court sheet and the sign out sheet if you borrowed something from someones room

      1. sam elias Avatar
        sam elias

        Confederate flags displayed, dixie and bonnie blue flag played. Cadets had to salute stonewall. Their rings are filled with confederate icons. Are you denying these things? Now, I agree that history is history and you can’t change certain facts. But history is taught in books, and statues and ceremonies aren’t history, they’re meant for veneration. So the guy in the interview doesn’t have a lot of credibility when he says that the confederacy was no big deal at VMI. I assure you it was and is, even if you’re blind to it because it’s everywhere on that campus. And if you’re African American, I assure you that you’re not blind to it.

        1. owen dunlap Avatar
          owen dunlap

          Sam – it appears we both only post on VMI topics here – you hate the school and and i love it – and we both can not seem to let something we don’t agree with slide by — rats only in the ratline saluted stonewall – mountain meet molehill – never heard dixie once and would not know bonnie blue flag from the national anthem of new guinea . It would be a sad world indeed if history was only taught in books.

          1. sam elias Avatar
            sam elias

            I don’t hate the school. You’ve said that a few times, and you’r wrong. I wonder if yu’re confusing hating racism, sexism, vestiges of the confederacy, refusal to change with the times as “hating your school.” Maybe you should reconsider what your school really is. Bottom line, VMI has a lot to offer and has produced top tier military leaders. But it’s stuck in the 1860s and by fighting even the most reasonable changes, it’s failing kids in the state who need to be reedy for the 2020s.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Despite your instance you don’t hate VMI, you’re comments regarding it speak otherwise.

          3. sam elias Avatar
            sam elias

            And despite your insistence that you love your school, it seems the aspects you love have nothing to do with educating minds and everything to do with maintaining a boys club steeped in the Confederacy at state expense. Go private if you’re so passionate.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I didn’t go to VMI, in fact my interaction with VMI grads is that it exploded their ego’s much like ring knockers. Is that a knock against the school? No, it is not.

            “it seems the aspects you love have nothing to do with educating minds and everything to do with maintaining a boys club steeped in the Confederacy at state expense.”

            Try again, my relatives are buried at Gettysburg National Cemetery having fought for the Union.

            Given how much you’ve discounted the words of individuals who actually attended VMI (you having not) your opinion and statements are invalid.

          5. sam elias Avatar
            sam elias

            So what do you care? You just think honoring confederates and authoritarian systems are cool? And you’ve discounted grads as well…non-white grads who say there are serious problems there.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Why wouldn’t I care, you’re making baseless claims and demeaning anyone who dares disagrees with you, you’re a bully.


            I’ve not discounted anyone, you however despite not having attended discounted the very individuals on this blog who have attended.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Why wouldn’t I care, you’re making baseless claims and demeaning anyone who dares disagrees with you, you’re a bully.


            I’ve not discounted anyone, you however despite not having attended discounted the very individuals on this blog who have attended.

          8. sam elias Avatar
            sam elias

            What baseless claims have I made? Please provide details. We can disagree without you making statements like that.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Your last comment was littered with them:

            “sam elias Matt Adams • 3 days ago • edited
            So what do you care? You just think honoring confederates and authoritarian systems are cool? And you’ve discounted grads as well…non-white grads who say there are serious problems there.”

            “We can disagree without you making statements like that.”

            Making statements like using your own words against you? Get off your high horse you lost any form of credibility when you attacked me in the first place.

  3. keydet16 Avatar

    As an alum, count me out, the last thing the school needs is a bunch of self-righteous obnoxious alums supporting Amanda Chase types for elections in the commonwealth. Whether these people like it or not change can and will happen its only a matter of time.

    1. Jake Spivey Avatar
      Jake Spivey

      Please got to the website, and read what the PAC’s mission is. These alumni are most definitely “not self-righteous obnoxious alums supporting Amanda Chase types”.

    2. keydet16 Change for the worst must be opposed by people of character and honor.

  4. Allen de Steiguer Avatar
    Allen de Steiguer

    Mr. Bacon, please stop using the term “leftist” whenever you oppose any action. There are many politically liberal alumni like myself out here to whom the assault against VMI is just as onerous as you “right wing radicals” think. Your, and other “conservative” members of our society, comments are well founded, but making this a partisan issue is a disservice to what you want to accomplish; it has the potential to seriously alienate those liberals out here who support the ethics, morality, and principles of VMI.

    1. owen dunlap Avatar
      owen dunlap

      ’83 here – yes i agree – i am in NC but if in Va before the flip flop on the medical school yearbook pic ( me /not me) i would have voted for Northam – after that and the letter he sent VMI to start this investigation and the way he did not even call Gen Peay to fire him man to man – he is the lowest of low in my book

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Jim is doing what many Conservatives are doing these days in purposely stoking the culture wars.

      Seems like everything has to be a war between the “leftists” and the “right” folks.

      “leftist” is a pejorative and as soon as you see Jim use it, you know what the rest of the blog post is really about.

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