The Relentless Push for Child Gender Transition

Dr. Rachel Levine, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health

by James C. Sherlock

On the odd chance you missed it, the Biden administration announced a flurry of new measures today, designated the Transgender Day of Visibility. (I need to keep up.)

The Washington Post reported on the festivities. What that story did not report is the celebration’s most important “feature.”

HHS today announced Biden administration support for gender transition  for children.

For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their confidence while navigating the healthcare system.

Happy to know that HHS defines this as “gender-affirming” care — “affirming” and “care” are cute terms — “at any age or stage” of development.

“Early” adolescence is generally considered to be ten years old.

Earlier onset of puberty in girls is related to increased body mass index and race. Black girls have earlier puberty onset by about 9 months. So this policy discriminates by race, gender and body mass index. The “care” team at HHS apparently did not notice.

As for what the “case-by-case” situations for surgeries in adolescence include, no information is provided.

It is interesting to note that the policy document that is the source of the figure above comes from the HHS Office of Population Affairs.

The parallel one came from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Child Traumatic Stress Network – another subset of HHS.

Be mindful that young people are aware of the national conversations about access to gender-affirming care and the rights of LGBTQ+ youth, and acknowledge that any feelings or fears that arise from witnessing prejudice towards LGBTQ+ youth are valid. Be prepared to offer a space for them to process, ask questions, and plan for their safety.

That is an interesting paragraph.

LGBTQ activists insist on using social media to advertise the available gender “choices” — like a wine list. Check out Tik Tok. Your kids may.

They also insist on teaching gender identity in kindergarten (talking to you, Virginia Board of Education) to groom very young children without the ability to process that information to question their own identities.

Then they offer concern for their safety. Certainly full service.

Some Virginia parents and grandparents who absorbed the implications of the Board of Education’s Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students showed up at the polls and voted for a change.

We face at least three more years of this corrosive policy from the federal government.  For the Biden administration, this is considered energizing the base.

It is past time for Virginia to consider a bill like Florida’s new law that restricts teaching about sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade.

Perhaps Virginia law can provide free medical assistance for anyone who feels the need to teach 5-year-olds in a school setting about their gender identity options.

That would be the “caring” thing to do.

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65 responses to “The Relentless Push for Child Gender Transition”

  1. If only the left carried as much about children’s rights while living/growing/developing in the womb.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Womb, of course, being something detached from a living being having, and in need, of its own rights. Just a box the baby is shipped in.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Womb, of course, being something detached from a living being, and in need, of its own rights. Just a box the baby is shipped in.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        We see that you are still searching for where you lost your humanity. Let us know if you find it.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          My detachment from humanity occurred when humanity detached itself from reason.

          It is clear that, by that attribute alone, you are more than fully engaged.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    “Rachel” is woman of the year and “Lia” is the 500 freestyle NCAA woman’s champ.
    Proof that men make better women than women!

    1. touche! Facts are a b*****

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      One photo is worth…..”Lia” can dress anyway “she” wants, pee where she wants (at that age), kiss whom she wants, but she competes in the pool against the men. Or else in five years women’s sports are all but dead. Or we go to height and weight categories like in boxing. Give the short guys a chance to put on a skirt and win!

      I prefer the old fashioned anarchists who only wanted to kill cops and blow up buildings. These new social anarchists, who delight in destroying civilization and families, are far more dangerous.

    3. killerhertz Avatar

      When are women going to start being good at things? Pretty soon trans cooks will outdo them in the kitchen and they’ll have nothing left.

  3. Since more and more black people are waking up to the Democrats BS, it looks like they are making another group who will blindly vote for them, no matter what! In order for the Democrats to gain more voters, they have to screw with the brains of little kids! I can see it now, teachers convince little Tommy that the reason he hates girls is not because he’s 5 years old, but because he is gay!
    This is more like indoctrination then anything else! I hope more parents start homeschooling their kids because that’s the only way to keep them safe from these leftist Marxists who don’t realize that they are helping the people who are trying to bring down America! YES, this is how these things are done! You divide a nation just like they are doing! We also have our colleges full of professors who hate America! These Communists and Marxists need to be put on a plane and sent away from the US!!!

  4. Maybe one in 500 or one in 1,000 people are innately transgender. We should have compassion for them and make reasonable accommodations to them. But there is a huge element of social faddism in transgenderism. Some 20% of U.S. teens suffer from a mental health disorder, usually anxiety or depression. Ten years ago, no one suffering from anxiety or depression had to wonder if the cause of their malady was gender dysphoria. Now they do. Kids can find influencers online. And there is a cadre of adult therapists and do-gooders and virtue signalers who will back them up.

    It is safe to say that many of these anxious teens will grow out of their gender dysphoria — not all, but many, or perhaps most. It is a moral abomination to push hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery on these people at an age of over-active emotions and under-developed intellects who are desperately seeking affirmation in any self-destructive way they can. There are legions of people who have decided they are not transgender and deeply regret their life-altering medical decisions.

    If little Johnny is absolutely convinced he’s a girl, well, school officials can deal with him/her on an individual basis. There is no justification for putting unsettling notions into the minds of all children.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Now yours is a reasonable evaluation without cynicism, snark, or moral equivalency. I have no opinion regarding surgical attention in this regard nor am I aware of legions of regretful folks who so chose. Mental health assistance for the 20% of youth is a public health pandemic. And I agree with you that compassion should extend to those in distress. Some of the commenters here seem to prefer no compassion.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “50% are born that way, the rest get sucked into it?” Is that it? We don’t discuss sex with the children, eh?

    3. CJBova Avatar

      If the study showed 390 in 100,000 in 2017, should be nowhere near 1 in 1,00 now.

    4. VaNavVet Avatar

      Quite a step up from insinuating that teachers are grooming their youngest students. Yes, let the schools deal with the whole issue and leave the state out. Parents can work with the districts and the school boards on what is appropriate. If a students talks about having two mothers or two fathers and is being teased about it, then the teacher should be able to intervene without having to worry about a lawsuit as the “don’t say gay” bill allows for.

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    Now JAB wants a “don’t say gay bill” for the Commonwealth! Does he really believe that elementary school teachers are “grooming” their students? If so, how sad and delusional of him.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Nobody is teaching CRT! So why do you care if parents say no teaching CRT?
      There is no grooming going on!
      So why do you care if parents have a law saying don’t groom our kids?
      And it sure is “funny,” how so many kids are confused about sexuality…what could possibly be going on?
      Abigail Shrier’s suppressed book (another Lib smacked in the face by reality of the evil of her side) might change your opinion… (but likely won’t cuz you seem to be a True Believer Cultist of Wokism)

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        I believe in local control of education and that local boards should have the flexibility to make determinations with parental involvement. Keep the state out of it to the maximum extent possible. I also don’t believe in needless laws that lawyers can attempt to take advantage of for a quick buck which might sound familiar to you.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Local control and local boards with “parental involvement”
          Means what? Do parents have the right to set the education policies for their children or not?
          If the local board is crazy, can parents object? Or must they defer to “the experts” who are usually crazy?
          Sorry. The teacher unions and the whole “public school” apparatus needs to be overhauled. Actually, public employee unions should be illegal. And school choice needs to be implemented or else just give up. Let parents have the use of the funds or do it themselves. Somehow Americans got educated before John Dewey…

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Would you consider this evidence?
      Seems like the CRT debate…
      You’re lying! It’s a theory! Oh, well…transphobe!

  6. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Why would any thinking person support a minor’s transition to a different gender, most especially beyond wearing the other gender’s clothes and using affirming language? We hear constantly and consistently that the human brain is not fully developed until he/she is somewhere between late teens any early-to-mid-20s. No capital punishment for minors. No life sentences without the possibility of parole. All because of the state of brain development, so sayeth the left.

    Moreover, we don’t allow children to marry, drink alcohol, buy cigarettes or weed, bind themselves by contract. Yet, we hear the plea to allow children to change their gender and sometimes mutilate their bodies.

    But the story flips completely when it comes to changing one’s gender. Gotta be magic.

    There is no way that Biden or any of his freaks could answer these questions, much less an editorial writer or TV “newscaster.” Of course, no member of the media would ask him.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I think you will be hard pressed to find many (if any) teenagers that have gone through sexual transition surgery. Certainly no minors without their parent’s consent. I also believe you will be hard pressed to find many transsexuals of any age who rue their decision to transition.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Not true as to all points. A substantial number regret transitioning and transition back. A substantial number have a higher suicide rate. It is sold as a panacea and it is not. Also, many documented cases of teachers hiding grooming of a kid to transition. Also being used as revenge in divorce cases. Not a psycho parent there…

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “A total of 27 studies, pooling 7928 transgender patients who underwent any type of GAS, were included. The pooled prevalence of regret after GAS was 1% (95% CI <1%–2%). Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures. The prevalence of regret among patients undergoing transmasculine and transfemenine surgeries was <1% (IC <1%–<1%) and 1% (CI <1%–2%), respectively.”

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yes, Troll. The meta study proves what I said was not true?
            No, it proves what I said was true. And, we still don’t know how long. What if they checked back after 10 years? And did you read their conclusions, or just the headline (a you and Larry trick…) And of course, all the stories of regret don’t count, cuz you found a study! Like the studies on masking? Do these doctors engage in this type of surgery? There is substantial regret. And higher suicide numbers. And de-transitioning. In my opinion (see, that is how you assert an opinion), the doctors who perform these surgeries are violating their medical ethics as the “patient” has a mental issue and should learn to be happy according to biology. That’s not mean. That’s loving.
            “Based on this meta-analysis, the prevalence of regret is 1%. We believe this reflects and corroborates the increased in accuracy of patient selection criteria for GAS. Efforts should be directed toward the individualization of the patient based on their goals and identification of risk factors for regrets. Surgeons should continue to rigorously follow the current Standard of Care guidelines of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WATH).49

            Our study has shown a very low percentage of regret in TGNB population after GAS. We consider that this is a reflection on the improvements in the selection criteria for surgery. However, further studies should be conducted to assess types of regret as well as association with different types of surgical procedure.”

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Typical Conservative denialism… alas…

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Typical Liberal “compassion” that harms those they supposedly wish to help…but on purpose.
            Virtue is hard.
            Virtue-signaling is easy.

  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Tis a scientific fact that, as populations increase, genetic variants increase. Among people, this happens and means that such population cohorts increase in number. If y’all have a plan to address or accommodate these humans, please share it. If you disagree with the administration’s approach, share your wisdom. Being disturbed by efforts to meet this challenge fails to appreciate the underlying reality for fellow humans.

    The world at large teaches children about sexual identity. Schools can assist children to navigate a new world that is not within the common experience.

    BTW, the narrow popular vote margin that brought Youngkin to the governorship is not a mandate by parents to suppress transgender issues.

    1. Please cite some references that shows transgenderism is genetically based.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        A modest proposal until the cynicism of the last paragraph. Ideology causes blindness.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Pardon my reply error. Google “transgender and genetics 2023” for some current research reports, not media articles.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          There are not “research reports” and the data that is available isn’t peer reviewed therefore it’s BS.

          The more you pontificate the more evident it is that you’re pseudo-intellectual at best.

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          “I’m too lazy to cite references do the research yourself” What a cuckboy

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      BTW, over-the-top faux-intellectual comment. So much to unpack.

      You dove down a very deep hole. Referring to transsexuals as genetic mutants is at best amazingly insensitive for a man of the left. For the record, I don’t agree with you on that. Perhaps you can share a scientific finding to back it up.

      Speaking of which, scientists just completed the mapping of the entire genetic code. Perhaps they have a genome for your reference.

      Or do you have a theory of reverse Darwinism that you wish to put forward?

      As for the “world at large”, what a breezy way to refer to transsexual activism.

      “Suppress transgender issues”? So lack of activism is suppression? Were you a philosophy major?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Mr. McCarthy’s comment are never anything but pseudo-intellectually laced diatribe’s complete with misused words.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Mutant did not appear in my comments. Nor is the influence of the real world, by any measure, transsexual activism. Again, cynicism without reason is full of sound and fury signifying you know what. You may disagree with the opinion of others but deliberate misquoting and cynicism do not constitute adult response.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          So genetic variants are not mutations. Got it.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          It appears that you learned a new word recently have been misusing it since you were taught it. No matter how many times you repeat “cynicism” it doesn’t mean you’ve used it in context.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Another headline: “Arizona will require voters to prove citizenship and residency, angering activists.”

      Please share your philosophy on voting without either.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Typical deflection and suggestion of some moral equivalency between one unrelated topic and another. Stick to the topic.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I think you should take your own advise Jimmy.

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I believe I brought forward a better solution. Read it again.

      Leave taking care of children as they mature to parents and physicians.

      The schools should keep every kid safe, but neither the schools nor any other government activity have in loco parentis responsibility and certainly no authority in this matter unless abuse occurs and is proven by the proper authorities.

      The constant stretching by the authoritarian left for additional government control over the people, especially children, to meet their social agendas is societal homicide.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Google “transgender and genetics.” The result will produce research studies on the topic, not LMS stories.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Leave taking care of children as they mature to parents and physicians”

        Not to the child’s gym teacher then…??

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          What I find very odd is that you comment so much on LBGTQ+ articles asking for understanding, yes you’re letting McCarthy call them genetic defects without a single iota of care.

          Which further feeds into what I’ve said before, you don’t actually care, it’s just a means to and end.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I didn’t (and still haven’t) read those comments. I simply don’t have the time to read and comment on everything. If it makes you feel better, I don’t know whether sexuality is genetically derived or not – I have not really read up on that topic. Nonetheless, I would not consider it a defect if it were any more than I would consider genetic changes in human height or eyesight over time to be genetic defects. I don’t mean to imply that I think human sexuality is evolving (again, I don’t know) but clearly social norms are and these changes may impact statistics on the topic. But, once again, I don’t know as I have not read up or zeroed in on the topic.

            I hope this addresses your concerns.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It’s the first comment on the article and contained within the first sentence of that comment. You even chimed in on the thread that the comment started. McCarthy called them a genetic mutation, so you’re outrage is selective based upon which political party the individual making the statements is aligned.

            LGBTQ+ has been around since the dawn of humans. It was practiced often in all aspect of Antiquity, it’s not new.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Hmmm… I went back and read James comment… he used the term “genetic variant” which has a distinctly different connotation than the term you assigned to his comment “genetic defect” – I see you just softened the term a little to “genetic mutation”. As I said, I really don’t know if sexuality is genetically determined or not. I don’t really care whether it is or not – in my opinion that is really unimportant. Had he used the term “genetic defect” I may have taken issue with its use (had I read the comment to begin with). He didn’t and I really don’t think his term is any more pejorative when applied to sexuality than when it would be applied to increases in human height over time. And again, lest someone try to say I am saying something I am not, I take no position on whether sexuality is genetically determined or if it is whether or not it has changed over time. Those issues are unimportant to my position on the topic.

            Again, I hope this has addressed your concerns.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            A genetic variation is defined as the presence of differences in sequences of genes between individual organisms or species. A genetic defect is defined as a change to the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Genetic variation is the broad term, genetic defect is a subgroup of that term.

            I’ll just take it as you won’t lecture those whom agree along political lines with yourself, which is intellectually dishonest.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You take it wrong… I think I have adequately explained my position.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            No, you’ve deflected. You’re just not going to engage the poster because of his political ideals.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Simply not true. I do not agree with your characterization of what he said. As I have stated multiple times.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            He called them a genetic variation, they aren’t. There was a massive study done regarding the “gay gene”, which just for your edification is an insult to the LGBTQ+ community which found there was no correlation.

            You don’t have to agree, that’s your right. It just simply shows your dishonesty when someone who sides with you politically makes a disparaging remark.


          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry, but I simply do not see the offense you seem to see in the term “genetic variant”… even the article you posted used the term… you can say what you like about me but you are incorrect.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “you can say what you like about me but you are incorrect.”

            You can believe that but your actions speak louder than your words. You want to champion LGBTQ+, yet will not criticize those who you agree with in the political world for their missteps.

    5. killerhertz Avatar

      It’s an induced mental disorder brought about to bring forth the destruction of families. You don’t belong to your parents you belong to the state. It’s as simple as that.

    6. oromae Avatar

      Here’s wisdom.
      Two millennium of human experience say you and your fellow perverts are crazy.

      Furthermore, Youngkim does have a mandate from virginians who voted him into office. If you don’t like it, stuff it where the sun doesn’t shine. Undoubtedly, you’d enjoy that.

  8. A 2017 study/in the American Journal of Public Health said: “A conservative estimate extrapolating our meta-regression results, while excluding the latest National College Health Assessment (NCHA )wave of data as a potential outlier, suggests that the proportion of transgender adults in the United States is 0.39%, or 390 per 100 000, and almost 1 million adults nationally. It should be noted that this estimate may be more indicative for younger adults and that national surveys in the near future may observe higher numbers of transgender people.”

    With the current HHS policies in play at elementary and middle school ages, I’d expect the number to rise. Unfortunately, I would expect these 2009 Mass. Dept of Public Heath stats to rise too.
    Considered Attempting Suicide
    Heterosexual ——— 2.3%
    Gay or Lesbian ——- 4.4%
    Bisexual ————— 7.4%

    1. I bet the percent for transgender & gay suicides stays the same or goes up, in the coming years! No matter how much society excepts and welcomes them! No matter how many laws we change, or kids we teach! These are mental health issues that have nothing to do with how well the rest of the world treats these people! Yes, there are outliers but the majority have nothing to do with these people being bullied or mistreated by society!

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Gender identity is also a physical issue. Any collateral mental or psychological conflicts can be mitigated to some extent by a compassionate surrounding society.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Why? Why 30%? Because they’re not considered real or human?

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Don’t say gay served bacon and eggs style.

  10. killerhertz Avatar

    I think the division over this topic is even more reason for a national divorce. I hate these people with a passion and I have no interest in sharing a country with them.

  11. Diana Hoffman Avatar
    Diana Hoffman

    Let`s see what happens in Florida. It would be great if Florida impoves their mental health services for kids and teenagers. That why they could get professional help instead of listening to a teacher. Unfortunately Florida seems to have a mental health epidemic.

  12. oromae Avatar

    In 3 years time the rollback of insane policy will be massive.

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