The Real Fascists Next Door

Hitler, animal lover, with his dog Blondi.

by James A. Bacon

If you read the recent post, “The Fascists Next Door,” you would see that serious people at the University of Virginia — people who get paid actual salaries, not people who store their worldly belongings in stolen grocery carts — peddle the notion that middle-class Americans are fascists. Not all middle-class Americans, perhaps. Not the ones who think like them. Just those who wave the flag on the 4th of July, believe in the sanctity of the traditional family structure, and/or vote for Republicans. Apparently, such people are rooted in the mythic white-people past that gives rise to racism, sexism, and homophobia — in other words, fascism.

The Brainiacs who espouse such views about fascism, a doctrine that elevates the ideal of the all-powerful state, ignore the part where most middle Americans yearn to curtail the powers of the state. They also overlook the fact the fathers and grandfathers of these middle Americans, in all their toxic masculinity, waded ashore on D-Day into a hail of Nazi bullets on their way to, you know, overthrowing Adolph Hitler. Waving rainbow flags would not have chased the Nazis out of France. Indeed, if America had been counting on the snowflakes who melt from contact with college-campus “microaggressions,” we’d all be speaking German now.

According to the Middle-Americans-are-fascist line of thought, American patriotism equals rabid nationalism. Belief in the American nuclear family (in which most women work and few have more than two children) equals patriarchal German households where women stay home and bear babies for the Reich. Skepticism about “gender-affirming” surgery for transgender teenagers is the moral equivalent of throwing homosexuals into Nazi concentration camps.

As long as we’re labeling people “fascist” on the basis of strained analogies, I have a few comparisons to offer. (The main difference here is that my parallels are not strained at all.)

Who was the first politician since James I of England to make serious efforts to stamp out smoking? Adolph Hitler. A smoker early in life, the Big Nazi came to detest cigarettes. He called them unhealthy and “decadent.” The Nazi regime supported anti-tobacco research and suppressed the practice of smoking.

Who were the early 20th-century pioneers of animal rights? Why, yes, the Nazis. In 1933 the Thousand Year Reich enacted laws regulating the slaughter of animals. Hitler personally hated hunting, and he loved his German Shepherd Blondi. Nazi Germany was the first country to put the wolf under official protection, the first to host an international conference on animal welfare, and the first to ban the inhumane treatment of animals in the production of movies. Nazi chieftain Hermann Goering worked to end the practice of what he called “unbearable torture and suffering in animal experiments.”

Consistent with his views on smoking and animals, Hitler believed that meat-eating was harmful to humanity — and this was before anyone connected cow digestion with climate change! In his later years, he ate a strict vegetarian diet. He even disapproved of cosmetics because they contained animal by-products.

Who were the biggest early 20th-century champions of nature and the environment? You’re catching on — the Nazis. They established nature preserves, ordered the protection of hedgerows and wildlife habitats, and practiced sustainable forestry. They drew up plans to depopulate and “rewild” large swaths of Europe and replace domestic cattle with wild species such as the auroch. They regarded Jews, Christians, capitalists and communists as enemies of nature.

Hitler’s views on religion are a matter of scholarly dispute, but it is safe to say two things: He was not a practicing Christian, and he brought Catholic and Protestant churches under the boot-heel of the state. Other Nazis, most prominently Henrich Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg, developed an elaborate ideology based upon the pre-Christian tradition of tribal Germanic gods and hoped to destroy Christianity.

While Nazi ideology said that women should get married, bear children, and raise good little Nazis, Hitler himself did not conform to the expectations of the age. Indeed, his lifestyle was quite “progressive” for the era. He never married his mistress, Eva Braun, and he never had children. 

So, let’s review. Not only did Hitler love big government, he hated smoking. He was a vegetarian. He promoted animal rights. He was an early environmentalist. He was anti-church. He adopted an unconventional family structure. Based on those parallels, it looks to me like he would have felt quite at home as a faculty member of the University of Virginia! Oh My God, that must mean… UVa faculty members, like all political progressives, are FASCISTS! Pant! Pant! Hyperventilate!

Just remember, when people on the far Left refer to themselves as “anti-fascist,” they’re not talking about Hitler and Mussolini. They’re talking about you and me.

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20 responses to “The Real Fascists Next Door”

  1. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    I laugh at the progressives in Virginia that think people will bend their knee and bow their heads to the people that promote Critical Race Theory. These progressives need to visit rural Virginia or Texas and get to know the people that can shut down their food supply any time they want.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Talk about the MOTHER of ALL Stawmen!

    me think Jim is projecting a bit here to boot.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It seems to me that it would be advisable to get the thoughts of more than one student, or perhaps review the lesson plans or writings of the professors, before drawing such broad conclusions about what was being taught in that class.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A sample of one is tightly clustered about the mean. You needn’t explain variances.

      Wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible — upside down if necessary.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Who were the biggest early 20th-century champions of nature and the environment? You’re catching on — the Nazis. They established nature preserves, ordered the protection of hedgerows and wildlife habitats, and practiced sustainable forestry.”

    Teddy Roosevelt was a fascist?!

  5. JuniusQuercus Avatar

    Excellent post, as always, Herr Bacon! But Hitler and Eva Braun were married for about a day and a half, just before their deaths.

    1. The first give away that Middle Americans are NOT fascists — we don’t dress nearly as well.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Just remember, when people on the far Left refer to themselves as “anti-fascist,” they’re not talking about Hitler and Mussolini. They’re talking about you and me.”

    If the Foo…

    Neanderthal is more apropos.

    1. Jim Crow wasn’t ‘Middle America’ – it was Democratic [the party not the govt. type]

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        It was white Southern America regardless of party affiliation.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Survey says not true in South America.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Indeed, slavery was widespread (and still exists), but the issue TODAY in the USA is this, has the USA delivered on it’s promise of a color-blind society – that all men ARE created equal?

            We have always represented this country as different and better when it comes to equality, it’s the promise that immigrants see.

            But have we been living a lie in our classrooms with Happy Slave textbooks and in our public spaces with Jim crow memorials?

            If we want to tell the true history about Hitler and others, shouldn’t we tell the true history of our own country?

            It’s obviously an increasingly potent issue among many white Conservatives .
            It remains to be seen if less Conservative people, people of color and parents will agree with the Conservative view of CRT.

            George Floyd was a turning point for many folks, but one that many Conservatives refuse to acknowledge and even reject but are others, not Conservative on the same wavelength?

            So we have this political and moral upheaval ongoing, but will Conservatives have any more luck with it than they did with Jim Crow, segregation and massive resistance?

            I think they’re on a losing horse, once again.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


    “A majority (56 percent) of Republicans support the use of force as a way to arrest the decline of the traditional American way of life. Forty-three percent of Republicans express opposition to this idea. Significantly fewer independents (35 percent) and Democrats (22 percent) say the use of force is necessary to stop the disappearance of traditional American values and way of life.”

    1. Publius Avatar

      And a meaningless factoid from a meaningless commenter
      Full context (and who knows the survey sample)

      A majority (56 percent) of Republicans support the use of force as a way to arrest the decline of the traditional American way of life. Forty-three percent of Republicans express opposition to this idea. Significantly fewer independents (35 percent) and Democrats (22 percent) say the use of force is necessary to stop the disappearance of traditional American values and way of life.

      So how about the obverse – does that mean 65% of independents and 78% of Democrats support the disappearance of traditional American values and way of life?

      A meaningless, too ambiguous question. And can be influenced by how it is asked!

      Do you get fed left wing polls to back up your opinions as so called science? Because, of course, polls are always right! So shut up if you disagree with my poll!

  8. Publius Avatar

    For you skeptics… the alums are just making it up. The personnel don’t skew left. The students don’t live in fear. Speech isn’t being suppressed. The syllabi are all perfectly normal. The required Engagements classes aren’t predominately from the left side of the spectrum.

    The President of the University, with the Obama cabinet member he appointed to run the Democracy Institute, did call January 6 an “insurrection.” Similarly, no member of the Admin or professor has decried the Summer of Love, disguised as mostly peaceful protests. The head of the Center for Politics runs a Black Lives Matter banner when you go to that website.
    You can do the homework yourself. It’s possible some valid points are being made. Better yet, attend some of the Miller Center online events. Or read the so called experts on free speech who favor censoring free speech.

    Maybe people who went to the school and loved it have a valid point or two…
    But I’m sure you know better, as all open-minded Leftists do!

  9. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    Fascism isn’t tied to any specific political belief, it’s based upon the premise of forcible suppression of the opposition. The supposition of it being a left or right leaning is a pointless venture.

    “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    While others are viewing the political changes in this country as new and harsh divisions between liberal and conservative, between black and white, majority and minority, I’m enjoying more the division rising among Christians. Religion always trumps all others as the reason for bloodletting. As sad as was the Irish conflicts, in my view it was a win-win.

    Fascism? Communism? Nah! My favorite ism is schism.

  11. dsmithuva75 Avatar

    Hitler was also Anti-Capitalism….

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