The President Had Somewhere Important to Be

Credit: Getty Images

by James C. Sherlock

The caption of the photo:

“US President Joe Biden looks down alongside First Lady Jill Biden as they attend the dignified transfer of the remains of a fallen service member at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware, August, 29, 2021, one of the 13 members of the US military killed in Afghanistan last week.”

I watched.  I am sure I had lots of company.

  • Virginia Veterans — nearly 730,215 — one out of 10 adults.
  • Virginia active duty (89,303) and reserve military (25,977) = 115,280
  • Virginia Army National Guard 7,500 soldiers and 46 armories
  • Virginia Air National Guard 192nd Fighter Wing at Langley AFB Hampton – approximately 200.

In an unblinking story for The Washington Post, Matt Viser exposed a failure of leadership and understanding of the moment that was a direct insult to all Americans.

The President was there to representing us all. He shamed us.

For Biden, it was all about his son Beau, a military lawyer that served in Afghanistan. From the Post:

“When he just kept talking about his son so much it was just — my interest was lost in that. I was more focused on my own son than what happened with him and his son,” Schmitz (the father of one of those killed) said. “I’m not trying to insult the president, but it just didn’t seem that appropriate to spend that much time on his own son.”

“Schmitz did not want to hear about Beau, he wanted to talk about Jared. Eventually, the parents took out a photo to show to Biden. “I said, ‘Don’t you ever forget that name. Don’t you ever forget that face. Don’t you ever forget the names of the other 12,’ ” Schmitz said. “ ‘And take some time to learn their stories.’ ”

Whatever the appointment was for which Biden constantly checked his watch, not just on the tarmac but, unbelievably, during conversations with the the families of the fallen, it must have been very important.

“Some of the grieving relatives felt a need to interact directly with the president after losing their loved one, including Jiennah McCollum, who married Rylee McCollum just six months ago and is due to give birth to the couple’s child next month.”

“Gigi wanted to look him in the eye and hear him,” McCollum’s sister Roice said in a text message to The Washington Post, using Jiennah’s nickname.”

“Roice recounted that Jiennah left disappointed. The president, she said, kept checking his watch and bringing up Beau.”

Farewell wishes.

Schmitz said he grew agitated every time he saw Biden check his watch. And at the end, there was another outburst of emotion.

As the families began loading back onto their bus, one woman grew emotional and began screaming in Biden’s direction across the tarmac.

“She said, ‘I hope you burn in hell! That was my brother!’ ” Schmitz recounted.

Dear God.

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72 responses to “The President Had Somewhere Important to Be”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    When you elect an empty suited buffoon you get empty suited buffoonery.

    Biden kept checking his watch because his afternoon pudding snack and nap were overdue.

    As for Beau – Biden should have only mentioned him in passing. At least he didn’t dwell on Hunter’s Navy career which lasted one month before he got thrown out for failing a drug test. In order to get into the US Navy Reserves Hunter Biden needed two waivers – one for being too old to qualify for the program and one to overlook a past drug-related incident. Gosh, I wonder how he got those waivers while his father was Vice President?

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Statistically speaking, the majority of the Baconites have less time left than we spent in Afghanistan. Hell, Iraq for the majority of them.

    I suppose they could spend that time finding fault, griping, and reflecting bitterly, or they could plant trees in whose shade they’ll never rest. Nah!

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You’re wasting time and energy and brain cells here, too.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Too? Then perhaps not.

  3. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Let’s be easy on Slow Joe. He probably just learned to tell time on an analog watch. I’m surprised the Post and NYT haven’t put out a contract on the photographer who dared to take the picture.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s his dead son’s rosary that he wears next to his watch. I don’t expect you’ll feel any shame.

  4. Rob Austin Avatar
    Rob Austin

    It’s as if he truly believes he is a Gold Star father. Back off, Joe; your son came nowhere close to the sacrifice of the thirteen heroes who were killed as a result of your unbelievable inability to think clearly. Go back to your basement in Delaware and cash those checks coming your way from those credit card companies.

    1. Steve Gillispie Avatar
      Steve Gillispie

      They’ve dried up. Now he’s cowering in his basement hoping the Chinese don’t expose the rackets he’s been running with his son and brothers and the amounts of money “the big guy” has skimmed.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, I wasn’t shamed until I read this. Oh wait. No. It was gas.

    In case you forgot her name, it was Cindy Sheehan.

    Oh, then there’s this…
    Peggin’ the shame-o-meter yet, Capt’n?

  6. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    Come on man, they had died 4 or 5 days ago.

    He was probably hoping to get out of there before the Politico revelation broke that the military knew exactly where and pretty much when the attack was going to happen.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Obama derangement syndrome. Trump derangement syndrome. Biden derangement syndrome. At some point it becomes clear the problem ain’t them….

      1. Steve Gillispie Avatar
        Steve Gillispie

        Seems to me that was Rippert’s point

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Yes it was my point. We elected a raging egomaniac from New York and got raging New York-style egomania. Then, in a who is the less awful moment, we elected a doddering yo-yo from Delaware and got a guy who keeps checking his watch as the bodies of servicemembers his incompetence helped kill come back to the United States.

          As much as I think Virginia would be better without McAuliffe’s second term … Terry would have been a better president than either of them.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            For some reason, y’all need to be told one at a time. He wears his dead son’s rosary on his wrist next to his watch. Feel bad? Nah, you’re too far got down the hate trail.

          2. Rob Austin Avatar

            Wear the rosary there he may, but rosaries are NOT looked at, the are run through fingers. The picture clearly shows nothing but a watch being visible, and Droolin’ Joe is looking at it, wondering what it is.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hope you never lose a child.

          4. Rob Austin Avatar

            Nice obfuscation. (Look it up.)

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well then, in that case, I hope you do.

          6. Rob Austin Avatar

            Well isn’t that nice? A true humanitarian you are – hoping someone – anyone – loses a child. You are beyond any redemption.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Atheist. No soul, so not expecting redemption. Sort of like you shouldn’t expect to get smart.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar

            1. It’s a bracelet made from Beau’s Rosary.
            2. People don’t look at Rosary’s they run them through their fingers and pray the 12 steps.
            3. That bracelet is behind the watch.
            4. Hilarious when a “atheists’” is lecturing others on traditions regarding Catholicism.
            5. Careful, you’re gonna suffocate with your head so far up POTUS Biden’s as$ you can’t breath.


      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There’s hope for you.

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Which of those syndromes put on that disgraceful performance at Dover?

  7. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    If true, the stories that have been conveyed about this are disturbing. As a leader it is your job to take that parents grief, anger and hatred. You’re not suppose to say “well I wasn’t at fault”. You’re suppose to say I am sorry for your loss and act like a leader.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    The Biden excuse machine was busy again today as our Commander in Chief took the stage to dodge responsibility and accountability for what nearly everyone (including people in hie own party) see as a fiasco.

    “To those asking for a third decade of war in Afghanistan, I ask, ‘What is the vital national interest?’” Biden said.

    Who are “those”? Typical strawman argument.

    “There’s nothing China or Russia would rather have, want more in this competition, than the United States to be bogged down another decade in Afghanistan,” he said

    Another strawman argument. I guess that should be expected from the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz who now sits in the Oval Office.

    Per the AP … “In Biden’s view the war could have ended 10 years ago with the U.S. killing of Osama bin Laden, whose al-Qaida extremist network planned and executed the 9/11 plot from an Afghanistan sanctuary.”

    And what administration was in the White House 10 years ago?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      He ended it. Said he would. Did. And hasn’t walked anything back. How unpolitician of him.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        13 American servicemembers are dead in a country where no American servicemember had died for over a year before Biden’s “extraordinary success”.

        The fact that he described the withdrawal as an “extraordinary success” only proves that he believes his supporters are some of the dumbest humans on the face of the planet Earth.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          A whole year?! How many American soldiers have died in the Ukraine? Oooh, how many have died in Somalia in, oh say, 10 years?

          Well, Biden just guaranteed than not one US serviceman, er, serviceperson, will die in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future, possibly EVER.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Well, Biden just guaranteed than not one US serviceman, er, serviceperson, will die in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future, possibly EVER.”

            Yeah, not even close to being true.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          Don’t waste your breath, he’s a partisan sycophant.

    2. FluxAmbassador Avatar

      Biden has not only not dodged accountability, he’s been one of the only honest descriptors of the facts on the ground.

      There was never going to be a withdrawal that didn’t result in chaos – that’s not what happens when an occupying force leaves without having the support of the people in the nation they were occupying. The only options were to get out or to stay. And getting out without any losses – either to us or the people there who did support us – is a fantasy.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        That’s a lovely false dilemma you just ginned up.

        You keep soldiers on the ground until you evac all civilian parties.

        1. FluxAmbassador Avatar

          American armed forces had been withdrawn from VietNam for two years before the fall of Saigon. Removal of forces doesn’t equal the end of evacuation efforts.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            We didn’t have Civilians in Saigon after the troops withdrew. We did however abandon our allies there and a good number of Yards and South Vietnamese were “re-educated” and or “murdered” for helping us.

          2. FluxAmbassador Avatar

            “As the last American commander in Vietnam left, a force of 7,200 American civilians employed by the U.S. Department of Defense stayed behind…”


          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh dear. Facts.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            MAC-V SOG begs to differ when your declaration.

            Hey, don’t let facts get in your way.

      2. Yet,,, surprisingly… The Najibullah regime managed to last two years after the Soviets pulled out.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “No Man Left Behind” — comes from 3 Marines left to the Khmer Rouge who tortured, killed, and multilated them in the Mayaquez Incident, yet Ford is best known for pardoning Nixon.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams


      It dates to the French and Indian War and was coined by Robert Rogers.

  10. FluxAmbassador Avatar

    Since we’re pulling quotes, these two might be relevant as well:

    “Mark Schmitz had told a military officer the night before that he wasn’t much interested in speaking to a president he did not vote for…”

    “And her feelings appeared to be influenced by her overall views of Biden’s politics…”

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      So those statements somehow make their grief unimportant?

      Spoken like someone who has never served. There were plenty of folks who’s children died that were rocking “not my president” bumper stickers. I’m sure you had a completely different opinion of them, but that’s because you’re a hypocrite.

      1. FluxAmbassador Avatar

        It doesn’t do anything about their grief whatsoever.

        It does demonstrate that they’re inclined to grade Biden’s performance on an unfavorable curve.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          So that again means what? You wanted to disparage them for their political beliefs, isn’t that no better than Trump?

          1. FluxAmbassador Avatar

            I’m not disparaging anything. But the commentary here started from the position that these people were disinterested third parties when going into the article itself revealed that not to be the case.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            False, you want to discount them opinions because of their political beliefs.

            If you didn’t move the goalposts would you have anything at all?

          3. FluxAmbassador Avatar

            I didn’t discount their opinions at all. I just expanded the background material.

            But it’s telling that you think what I included does discount their opinions.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He has the ability, as amazing as it may seem, to divine motives from statements of fact. It’s part of his Napoleon complex. Short people, ya know?

            Not worth engaging that gear.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar

            That’s exactly what you did, you invoked their words as a means to discount their grief and shield POTUS Biden.

            “But it’s telling that you think what I included does discount their opinions.”

            Yeah, you can think whatever you like, but you haven’t displayed the level of intelligence to read minds.

  11. DJRippert Avatar

    The Washington Post is reporting that the Taliban offered to let the US military take responsibility for security in Kabul. We refused. Even the Post calls this a “national disgrace”.

    It’s 25th Amendment time. Biden’s cabinet needs to insist that Biden be carefully tested for signs of dementia. If he gets a clean bill of health from independent doctors then they should make that clear and we’ll chalk up this whole Afghanistan withdrawal as simple incompetence. If they find evidence of mental decline (that will surely accelerate) they need to do their duty.

    I see one Republican congressman (Madison Cawthorn) has sent a letter to Kamela Harris calling on her to invoke the 25th Amendment.

    “Joe Biden’s physical inability to lead is not a political talking point — it’s a demonstrable fact,” Cawthorn told Fox News on Thursday evening. “He is not mentally fit to serve as president of the United States.”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Your hero.
      U.S. Representative Mark Meadows nominated Cawthorn to the United States Naval Academy in 2014, but his application was rejected before his 2014 car accident; Cawthorn had claimed during his congressional campaign in advertisements that the accident “derailed” his plans to attend the Academy.[8][12][13][14] Cawthorn subsequently said that at the time of the injury, he knew only that he had been nominated to the Academy and that he had expected to be accepted, and added that he never said that he had been accepted before the accident took place, but could have applied again later.[15][16] But in a lawsuit deposition, Cawthorn admitted that he had been rejected before the accident.[7]

      I can see him now, rolling down Pennsylvania Ave. in his up-armored Rascal with his two pearl handled 45s.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Cawthorn? Mr. “Dread” killing fellow Americans? Dread, but would.

      If Bush had done the right thing and not left it to others to withdraw, there could have been no student debt today.

      Money for War, none to educate the poor.

      BTW, why is it these Republican presidents like signing agreements to surrender on dates where the actual business of withdrawing is left to their successors?

  12. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Much of this “discussion” not worthy of Americans. Look at the picture again.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I just learned something new… Biden wears his son’s rosary on his wrist next to his watch. Wow! Is this how Catholics behave?
      “Brett Baier of Fox News has pointed out that Mr Biden wears his late son Beau’s rosary on his left wrist above his watch,…”

      You can bring this hubris up in confession. Couple of Hail Marys should cover it.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    War is the highest morality of which we are capable; always fought for the best of reasons, for liberty, against tyranny, for manifest destiny. Never for greed or acquisition.

    “To Iraqi citizens… don’t burn oil wells.”
    “Wait, wha…what did he say?”
    “He said, ‘To the Iraqi citizens… no concern, all’s well.’”
    “Oh, ’cause it sounded like a ulterior motive for a moment.”

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Let’s put this one to rest. It’s just a case of an old man jumping to conclusions and lashing out in ignorance. How could he possibly have known that Joe Biden wears his son Beau’s rosary on his wrist, even though it only takes 20 seconds to find dozens of articles and photos, like this one,
    where it was touted to be a “wire” during the debates.

  15. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No retraction? No apology? Such disrespect shown by a full bird to his commander in chief.

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Men of honor? HA!

    Tell me Capt’n, is a lawyer of less value than a backseat passenger? BTW, Beau served in Iraq, not Afghanistan.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      That just means a Lawyer will be more of a man then you’ll ever be.

  17. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    I notice that “Nancy” has 24 or 25 comments on one short post. Getting pretty frantic. Perhaps struck a nerve.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      26 comments out of 67 total to be precise. They all employ either an excuse, whataboutism or personal attacks.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Jerked it, huh? Must’ve struck a nerve.

      Mike had more honor in his trigger finger, Capt’n.

  18. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Didn’t realize that people aren’t allowed to look at a personal memorial object as per the rules laid out by the husband of Joddie bait.

  19. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    If Biden is guilty of anything it is following a withdrawal plan created by Trump. Also curious that the blog is a big Biden bash although Trump rarely got a mention and he was a far worse president.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      By definition, and to answer the Capt’s headline question, wherever a President of the United States — the most powerful man in the world — is scheduled to be next is more important than where is now leaving.

  20. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    James, (Bacon, not Sherlock)

    Congratulations. In the year I have followed this site, you’ve just allowed a petty political, non-Virginia related, slime piece to be posted to “Virginia’s leading politically non-aligned portal for news, opinions and analysis about state, regional and local public policy.”

    Why not just run Op-Eds by Marjorie Taylor Green? They’d be more relevant.

  21. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    Apparently, 3 of my”comments” have been removed. Mr Sherlock could you explain why that was done and why there was no notice or explanation posted about it.

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