The Phoniness of “March” Coverage

march on washingtonBy Peter Galuszka

Today is the  50th anniversary of the March on Washington that attracted hundreds of thousands of people from various backgrounds and one purpose: to register their support of change in America’s perpetually strained race relations.

At the time, I was 10 years old, spending my first full summer in West Virginia where we had moved from the Washington area the year before. I remember it on television and obviously there and wasn’t a player. I remember segregation in the DC area and the march on the Glen Echo amusement park but in West Virginia, there weren’t many African Americans. One was the veterinarian who took care of our two Beagles.

But reading all the gushy coverage in some of the same newspapers that diminished the event in their annoyingly condescending way when it actually happened is a bit much. The Richmond Times Dispatch, which, if one looks through the dusty stacks, hardly supported integration and like many Southern newspapers held “Negroes” in perennial contempt.

These were still the days when “Negroes” who traveled south of the Mason-Dixon line consulted the “Green Book” available at Esso gas stations (if they were permitted to enter) that told them what hotels, rooming houses and restaurants might let them in.

I was looking at a photo the other day of passenger cars on the old Atlantic Coast Line railroad — a major conduit from New York and DC through Richmond and on to Florida and other points South. Coach cars were segregated with “colored” signs. The “colored” cars had basically the same seats but the “white” seats had headrests and the “colored” ones didn’t. Separate but not exactly equal.

Apparently, the RTD didn’t really note Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech, but then The Washington Post pretty much missed it. The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Miss. ran this headline: “Washington Is Clean Again with Negro Trash Removed.”

That kind of treatment was typical. Just a few years before, there was a big court martial when a drunken Marine drill instructor forced boots at Parris Island to go on a forced march in the South Carolina salt marshes. The boots got stuck in the mud and some drowned when the tide came up.

When photos of witnesses were released, they included one black Marine and several white ones. Some southern papers, including the one serving Wilmington, N.C. airbrushed the black face away before printing it. Even the Associated Press would send story after story about “How Negroes Behave,” emphasizing debauchery, alcohol, shiftlessness and adultery.

So, it is something of a hoot, and also rather sad, about how some of those very same Southern newspapers are trying to rebrand and reposition themselves with gushy story after story this week about the march.

The tragedy is that many younger readers won’t ever know what the papers were really saying back in the day. Meanwhile, you have the old style racism thrusting its head again with new voter ID laws in North Carolina, Texas and soon, Virginia. A Republican creation, these cards are designed to cure a non-existent crisis with voter fraud and keep African-Americans, Latinos, the elderly and the poor from casting their ballots.

What goes around comes around.

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35 responses to “The Phoniness of “March” Coverage”

  1. Breckinridge Avatar

    I was raised by parents who were openly ashamed of Virginia’s segregationist practices and our many segregationist relatives and ancestors. And I was raised on de-segregated military bases, meaning home movies of my birthday parties with all the neighbors present caused a few tense moments. I had no idea what the hubbub was about – my friends were my friends.

    The big difference between you and me, Peter, is you refuse to see the progress and you refuse to forgive the old sins. I think you honestly believe that the RTD is just waiting for the chance to bring JJ Kilpatrick back and re-fight the lost cause. The editors who failed to cover the civil rights movement, or who actively propagandized against it, are dead and discredited. But your hate keeps you going.

    Your refusal to accept progress, frankly, makes it hard to move forward. People who have moved beyond the attitudes of their parents and grandparents resent being treated like they haven’t. But racial politics is so ingrained and such an industry now, the Left really can’t give it up. You just keep fighting the 50 year old battle, meaning the real problems of today get ignored. Dr. King’s dream is not yet a reality, I agree, but there is a lot of blame to go around. Nobody is standing in the school house door to keep black students out — people like McDonnell are now standing in the door to demand they have a chance to actually learn and advance.

    But racism is a human problem, a global affliction, not unique to Virginia or America.

    We’ll go through it again in a few months as we relive the Kennedy assassination, the other defining martyr of the age (and I so look forward to the makeover the Left will provide for that commie-hating, tax cutting pragmatist.)

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Thank you Breckinridge –

      Dr. Kings words and actions suggest that he might well agree. The man did not preach hate. He preached love. And the forgiveness to actuate it.

    2. Well I found useful perspectives in BOTH Peter’s AND Breckinridges thoughts including what they disagree on.

      I went to a segregated high school. I graduated in the years when the lunch counters downtown were the sites of – for want of a better word – ugliness – which is inadequate to describe what some humans did to others in the name of race.

      My parents were racists. It took me some years to figure out that I was not and ashamed that I did not stand up earlier than I did for what was right.

      re: ” progress and not forgiving”

      I’m sorry Breckinridge – when the President of the US is depicted in cartoons and language from people the way he has – overt racism – couched as “politics” , I take umbrage and the people doing this – are not that different from the ones that stood outside lunch counters in Fredericksburg shouting “go home Coons”.

      What I’ve learned is that indeed racism is a human condition but back during Massive Resistance days, one also learned – you don’t get rid of it by hiding from it – you have to put yourself out there – like your parents did.

      otherwise, the racists will not only continue but they’ll view silence from others as reason to be emboldened.

      we have to stand against it – as long as we see it… when we say ” we’ve made great progress” – the racists see this as vindication for their contemporary actions…

      I’m to PeterG’s right…and to your left (on some political things). I’m passionate about the racism that we had – and when I see it personalized to
      a President, I KNOW that despite our “progress” – we have way too many
      that cannot accept the fact that the President is a black man.

      that’s bad.

      and I’m totally concerned that the same kinds of people who wanted to see Kennedy dead – and CHEERED on the day he died – would be fine with the same fate for this POTUS….

      we’re not there yet Breckinridge. We have a ways to go – and maybe we’ll never get there – but those who know and care should NEVER EVER let overt racism exist without opposing it. As long as the racists think they can get away with it – they will.. just look at the narrative right now.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Give me a break, Breckinridge. So I am supposed to “forgive” and whitewash everything. How about telling a lie? Is that ok?
    If the Richmond newspaper had run an honest story owning up to its coverage, including reprints, I would respect them. Instead, they, and others, are deluging us with happy little stories that present a kind of manufactured and false history.

    What would you and Reed have me do? Sing “Springtime for Hitler?”

  3. reed fawell III Avatar
    reed fawell III

    Here’s my best take on Dr. King.

    His message is extraordinarily powerful. It’s expressed in his words and actions. His public actions authentically matched and magnified his words. This is precious and rare. It gives his life and its memory enormous power.

    Rare is the man who changes everything that follows after him, and grows larger with time. Rare is the man whose message and actions grow over time to the point that others cannot ignore them. And the deeper others probe and understand the message and the meaning of such a man’s life, the more conscience and intellect urges them to meet the standards it set.

    Dr. King may well be such a man. Like Lincoln, for example.

    If this happens Dr. King’s dream expressed by his words and actions will work over time to drive and constrain ever more people. This group will include ever more of those many who profess his memory because they can no longer in the good conscious of an examined life avoid or reject it. And will come to consider it a well earned gift if they learn to embrace it instead.

    Of course, this does anoint anybody to sainthood. Quite the reverse. I suspect that Dr. King, like Lincoln, fought a fierce and unrelenting struggle, and did it every day, to earn the life that had such profound consequence. And that it was nip and tuck, could have gone either way, most all the time.

  4. Martin Luther King was a very flawed man – as was Kennedy…..

    what’s going on is not really about King other than his leadership role in something that directly affected the lives of millions of people.

    He was the most eloquent of messengers but he was also a simple man.

    there were other civil rights leaders – and many of whom, including King were investigated by J. Edgar Hoover…

    John Brown was a leader. Frederick Douglas. Booker T Washington. and dozens/hundreds of others who also confronted the injustices against their race.

    In fact, you can look here to see that King was preceded and followed by a plethora of blacks fighting the same cause:

    King is as much a symbol to Blacks – as the man – just as Obama is and you can feel the resentment of some whites of black kids singing songs about him.

    I was not born nor will never be a black man but I do know that white folks view of events varies in huge ways from black folks views of the same events.

    There are blacks alive today that were called coons and spit on in their hometown diners. Blacks that had firehoses pointed at them at dogs sent to attack them.

    these are not long ago memories – these are moms and dads right now.

    I see the celebration of Martin Luther King – as a black celebration that I unquestioningly respect – no matter how “overboard” it seems to be.

    I have not walked in their shoes and I’ll allow them their view of the past and I’ll step up with them to confront and rebut continuing racism.

    King is a man worthy of high recognition and even adulation by members of his own race – but it’s what he represented that changed the nation – even the world.

  5. MLK’s speech 50 years ago and the Civil Rights legislation that followed was the high water mark for liberalism in the United States. Liberals fought for Civil Rights; conservatives did not. The liberals of that time deserve credit for their moral clarity and courage.

    Alas, liberals are still living off the moral capital they earned in the mid-1960s…. Actually, they’ve squandered the moral capital, and more. But through commemorations, news stories, movies (the latest being “The Butler”), memoirs, etc. etc., they strive to continually re-live their glory days.

    But the real world moved on. While there may be residual racism in our society, it is balanced by affirmative action, preferential university admissions, minority set-asides and a host of government programs. While roughly half of black society in the United States has achieved escape velocity and now participates as full equals in mainstream society, the other half (along an increasing number of whites and Hispanics) remains trapped in a system that destroys the family structure, saps initiative and provides ready-made excuses for failure — it’s all the fault of racism and discrimination — that inhibits the kind of inward soul-searching that people need to undergo to improve their condition. The human toll has been extraordinary. The KKK could not have devised a system better designed to perpetuate poverty, misery, self-loathing and a retreat into ignorance, drugs, misogyny, violence and child abuse/neglect.

    Contemporary liberalism has much to atone for. When I see Peter G opining on how deficient our society still is in terms of race relations — and he is not alone, he reflects the view of many — my reaction is, look in the mirror, dude. You and your ideological soul mates, the architects and defenders of the welfare state, are largely responsible for what you denounce. As far as I’m concerned, liberals who defend the status quo are the moral equivalent of the 19th century slave owners, who claimed that their slaves were better off than the free-man proletariat in northern knitting mills. In raw numbers, the number of lives lost or ruined because of their social engineering exceeds that of slavery and Jim Crow combined.

    1. re: high water mark of “liberalism”

      I agree with Peter – what a PILE!

      I’d argue that the high water mark was the election of Obama, no?

      and you righties still don’t believe it!

      shut own the govt! impeach the POTUS!

      jesus H keeeerist…

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    What a pile!

    Where does Bacon get of saying that half of all blacks in the U.S. are trapped in a “system” that he rudely describes? After the social programs of the LBJ era, African-Americans indeed started to break off. Poverty rates went from half to a quarter (I have no idea where Bacon gets his figures). When you say “half” in the “system” is that poverty? What are you talking about? Much of the welfare state ended in 1996. There is still too much poverty and it doesn’t affect just blacks — maybe even consider the Bush Recession.

    “In raw numbers, the number of lives lost or ruined because of their social engineering exceeds that of slavery and Jim Crow combined.” What? Where is this from? The GOP candidate for Lt. Gov.?

    The trouble with Bacon and his racism is that he just doesn’t like tv shows and movies that don’t project African-Americans in the way he wants or somehow thinks they should be. Don’t like “The Jeffersons? Sounder? The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman?

    Maybe he would like this: The other day I saw a 1930s flick with Clark Gable and Myra Loy. They are being peddled around in a pedicab by a black guy. Loy starts shouting (in her cute hat), “boy! BOY! Stop immediately!”

  7. Here is an example of the sadism that liberalism afflicts upon the people it supposedly wants to help:

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    This little article in the totally unbiased National Review is the best you can come up with? Jimbo, you are losing your touch. Maybe your mind is still on the South Carolina beaches.

    Hot flash! Grade inflation has been prevalent for years and isn’t confined to Berkeley’s affirmative action programs. Even at your beloved U.Va., back when it was all white male, there was the “gentleman’s C” so daddy’s Lil’Boy could move on to the investment bank or car dealership.

    Also, I don’t know why you hold me personally responsible for affirmative action although I support it. When LBJ had his Great Society, I was all of 11 and 12 years old. I was Troop Bugler in Boy Scouts, not a voter.

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Peter, for the life of me, I just do not see how you can so lightly brush aside an article such as the one Jim brought to your attention. It’s just beyond me.

    2. A search of the National Review website on the phrase “Affirmative Action” returns more than 5000 such articles – in the last dozen years or so and more than a hundred since January.

      ummm… would the National Review possible have an “agenda” on this issue?

      a credible site with balanced perspectives?

      Good LORD Bacon! that’s pathetic!

    3. National Review is biased but it also practices reputable journalism…. just like the New York Times. Bias doesn’t make either NR or NYT inaccurate. You have to appraise the reporting on its merits…. which is something you don’t want to do. You’d rather label a conservative publication as “biased” and never have to deal with its facts or arguments!

      1. you would find articles from BOTH perspectives on the NYT AND you still read the NYT whereas I’m totally turned off by the one-side drum beat from folks like NR who do not practice objective journalism near as much as generate continuous one-sided articles.

        I label “biased” when they have a history of NOT presenting the opposing views Jim AND when you can find other publications that will approach the issues with both perspectives presented.

        NR is clearly a biased publication when it comes to affirmative action. They have a long history or presenting ONLY one view on issues.

        I STILL read publications that are one-sided but I do not consider them credible sources if their articles are primarily one-sided.

        I’m not an advocate of affirmative action. It has some significant downsides especially when it affects the descendants of whites who themselves don’t see themselves as having benefited from discrimination policies that favored their fathers.

        And I do not believe in giving preferences to people who are not qualified – that alone has pretty much destroyed affirmative action as a legitimate policy in the eyes of many.

        But the fact that black unemployment rates compared to whites has virtually stayed the same for 50 years is also undeniable. The fact that blacks are sent to prison at rates far higher than whites for the same crimes are also an indication that things are not racially the same.

        and just to show you how “biased” the NYT is – as you claim:

        where is the counter-opposing article in National Review?

        1. But I do have to ask. Why in the world would you even read the NYT or WaPo if you consider them too biased – in the first place?

          I won’t read NR because I KNOW it is. Not just one or two articles – but virtually everything in it is tilted and often references stuff that is blatant propaganda. Been there, done that.. and find it not an objective source of news but rather a mouthpiece for the Conservative “cause”.

          I KNOW NYT and Wapo lean left – but I also know they often present both sides of an issue and I’m always free to consult other publications to better calibrate a more objective perspective.

          you can’t do that with NR. You used to be able to do it with WSJ but less so now…

          the problem we all suffer from and need to be wary of is “confirmation bias” where we really become only interested in the articles that feed our own biases.

  9. Breckinridge Avatar

    I shouldn’t start these squabbles and then go to work, where I cannot log on. Hey, I think I can remember the words for Springtime for Hitler. Winter for Poland and France, right? But I will go with that. I actually did some research a long time ago on the American news media’s coverage of the Holocaust, including the crucial pre-war period when outside pressure might have had an impact on German behavior. I guess if the Times Dispatch covers some contemporary story about Buchenwald it needs to first flail itself for its failure to see what was happening and see what was coming way back in the late 1930s. No, you just want to dredge up the sins of the past because it works for your party’s politics. The people at today’s Times Dispatch are not responsible for what was done or written 50 years ago, and if sins last for multiple generations, than the racist Scarlet R should be worn mostly by Democrats.

    And Larry, please note what you said. How terrible that someone out there is picking on an African American president, and some of the abuse might be racial tinged. He is PRESIDENT. He won. Virginia has voted twice for a black president and once for black governor. To deny that progress is nothing short of blindness. If you are referring to the rodeo clown and his rubber mask, I’ve been seeing GOP presidents mocked with similar masks since Richard Nixon. Politics ain’t bean ball.

    And who cheered the murder of Kennedy? I don’t even think LBJ did, although he had more reason to than most. Even the Mob probably understood it was not really a good thing for them. That is a classic straw man. Never happened except on the ultimate fringes of lunacy, if it happened at all.

    1. re: ” And Larry, please note what you said. How terrible that someone out there is picking on an African American president, and some of the abuse might be racial tinged. He is PRESIDENT. He won. Virginia has voted twice for a black president and once for black governor. To deny that progress is nothing short of blindness. If you are referring to the rodeo clown and his rubber mask, I’ve been seeing GOP presidents mocked with similar masks since Richard Nixon. Politics ain’t bean ball.”

      to get elected IS progress but the overt racism is ever present reminder.
      The rodeo clown was just a blip. Have you seen the cartoons the last 5 years ? do you want me to post them again? where do you think those cartoons come from – the Virgin Mary?

      Politics is a tough business – but racism is off limits given our history of it including people killed and assassinated.

      What did Romney and Trump and others do in response to the “birthers”?
      did they stand up for what was right ? Nope.

      “And who cheered the murder of Kennedy? ”

      The Secret Service was afraid to go to Dallas because of the threats and yes…people did cheer when he died.. you can verify it fairly easily with GOOGLE.

      I don’t even think LBJ did, although he had more reason to than most. Even the Mob probably understood it was not really a good thing for them. That is a classic straw man. Never happened except on the ultimate fringes of lunacy, if it happened at all.

      He was referred to a a “n_gger lover” by folks in the south.

      do a GOOGLE search guy… there was concern on the part of the Secret Service before he went….

      “On the occasion of an Obama trip to Texas this year, Texas Observer Editor Bob Moser wrote about the obvious connections between the Birchers of the early 1960s and the tea partiers of today:

      The denizens of Texas nut country did not kill Kennedy that day. But many celebrated openly and joyously after Lee Harvey Oswald did. Birchers and Klansmen gloated. Elementary-school students in the Dallas ‘burbs broke into spontaneous applause. In Amarillo, a reporter witnessed jubilation in the streets, with men whooping and tossing their hats in the air and one woman crying out, “Hey, great, JFK’s croaked!”

      there’s plenty more ……

      where you alive then? you don’t remember?

      1. Breckinridge Avatar

        I won’t take responsibility for Birchers, Klansmen or Birthers, and of course the murder of Kennedy led directly to the passage of the Voting Rights Act — a bill LBJ could get passed but JFK never would. The vast, vast majority of Americans were shocked by his murder (and I have an interesting story about my experience, which I will share in November.) His staunchest political opponents were just as upset as the rest and to imply that the Birchers and Klansmen represented the GOP of 1963 is a blood libel.

        I guess I don’t visit the websites you do and I’m sure there are racist attacks on Obama out there. Many of the attacks and hatred toward Kennedy was based on his Catholic religion. That’s discrimination. Others were based on his Irish ancestry, and my Irish grandmother told vivid stories of what that was like well into the 20th century.

        But I will say this — if a former Republican president was offered a chance to be on that podium and passed, if Boehner and Cantor really passed, then shame on them for passing up a real opportunity to maybe set the record straight on which party provided a large chunk of the votes on civil rights legislation, from 1861 until the last authorization of the Voting Rights Act. That is a legacy they don ‘t seem to want to claim.

        1. Breckinridge Avatar

          It is of course noteworthy that the Republican Party of Virginia has never held a Lincoln Day Dinner, a staple event in states outside the Deep South. My GOP roots are through my father, and despite my Confederate maternal heritage I consider myself a GAR Republican, of the disappearing Mountain Valley variety.

        2. re: the same websites…. it’s been hard to miss Breckinridge… it’s not one or two websites – it’s a ton of them…. the same folks who align with the birthers and the secret muslim and other stuff.

          the problem I have is when a GOP stands next to one of these racists on one issue then says he’s not with them… on others… it’s a bit incredulous.

          In my book – you do not associate with racists – ever on ANY issue.

          in the GOP book it’s apparently to line up next to an overt racists on other issues as long as they don’t “talk” racist talk on THAT issue.

          in other words, the GOP knows they are racists but won’t disavow them.

          that destroys my trust.

  10. reed fawell III Avatar
    reed fawell III

    Revolutions that aim to free people are extremely risky business. How and who leads those revolutions can leave behind enormous good or harm.
    Those who do the former are considered to possess enduring greatness.

    However flawed the American Revolution, reasonable people have claimed that it has conferred enormous benefits on the world.

    Not least among those benefits was a work of genius inserted within the depths of its greatest failure. Therein its Founders left seeds that one day had a chance to grow and overcome the horrible injustice it failed to resolve.

    As to their failure at the time, likely the Founders had little choice. They could either try to force the solution of a grotesque injustice that at the time would blow up the entire endeavor, leaving 13 tiny states at sea to war with one another endlessly, think murderous Europe).

    Or they could build an alternative that was their last best hope to forge a nation under a system of governance that among many wonders best assured the ultimate destruction of the horrible injustice it left in its wake.

    To many Founders at the time, the founding ratified and enshrined that abomination. Yet history proves that to be a key to ultimate success. It was no accident, but the fruit of great men of great genius and flaws at work.

    Forgive a gross oversimplification, but it was this reading that Lincoln divined from the Founders words over years of meditation and work, testing and refining as he mined from within those words the wisdom and resolve that drove him through, and steadied him within, the storm to find his way in the end to his great accomplishments, only to be shot dead for it.

    His murder was the last abuse heaped on him from endless legions of intemperate men and the frustration of so many others without the vision or perseverance to see what he saw or do what he did to prevail.

    In any case, the story just told was the work of a nation and a few key people that helped it along starting in the latter part of the 18th Century and concluding in the seventh decade of the 19th. Of course, the story offered a new beginning on a still ugly but a far better field of play with all the hope and heartbreak ensued until Dr. King stepped onto that field to change everything for the far better yet again and earn a nation’s gratitude.

    I offer this in addition. The fruits of Dr. King’s grand work is only beginning to be reaped. Like Lincoln, his work has been much abused by all concerned without exception since his death. But like Lincoln learned from the Founders, and Dr. King learned from Lincoln and the Founders and others, there will arise leaders who have the vision and constitution to find within Dr. Kings words and actions what is needed to get this job done.

    In my view that’s his last and perhaps his greatest gift. And because of it surely future leaders will step forward and join the Founders, Lincoln, and Dr. King to finish what been going on for the past 225 years, and rectify a past whose crimes and consequences go back as far as mankind.

  11. Les Schreiber Avatar
    Les Schreiber

    Just a quick question.Why were only Democratic Presidents at the celebration today. George the First is elderly but why was’t the son there.It would have taken some of the politics out of the occasion.

    1. Who organized the event? Who was in charge of issuing invitations? Was George W. even invited?

      1. the invites were to “speak”. You did not need an invite to attend and make yourself a visible supporter which likely would have attracted media interviews, etc… better than “speaking”.

        They also could get their butts up in Congress and take a break from advocating repeal of ObamaCare and impeachment – and make a statement about this issue.

        It’s pretty clear where the GOP is on this…. and it’s not on this.

  12. I don’t think the people who killed Lincoln, nor King nor Kennedy or Medgar Evers or countless others are ‘gone’ they are still here and still shouting “treason”, “impeachment” and worse.

    We are still very much a divided nation and one indication is the fact that
    you can count on one hand the number of folks on the right who are marching arm-in-arm with blacks folks in Washington.

    I’m not equating people on the right with murders and assassins just pointing out that the folks on the right are not celebrating with the black folks and that says something both to blacks – and to racists.

    Imagine what might be possible in the next few years if Obama and other blacks were joined by the GOP opponents to – together – celebrate and perhaps build a bridge to each other for moving forward on some things like jobs?

    Instead – the right is basically AWOL from the celebration, no doubt in meetings cooking up how to proceed on “impeachment” or shutting down the govt or figuring out how to make it even harder to vote in elections.

    Mainstream GOP not only does not march with others to celebrate Marlin Luther King – they also will not send a clear message to would-be racists that they want them out of their party.

    When I see Boehmer and McConnell and other GOP leaders get up – on Martin Luther King’s 50 years march arm and arm with black leaders and openly condemn racism in their own ranks, I’ll change my mind.

  13. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database, in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.[38] The report also reveals that 48% of all hate crime offenders were motivated by the victim’s race, while 18% were based on the victim’s religion, and another 18% were based on the victim’s sexual orientation.[39] The report states that among hate crime offenses motivated by race, 70% were composed of anti-black bias, while 17.7% were of anti-white bias, and 5% were of anti-Asian or Pacific Islander bias.[

    Hate crimes still happen. We have made progress but more is needed.

  14. How many people from the right were on the mall today?

    How many were invited?

  15. ” Boehner, Cantor declined invitation to speak at MLK event”

    Health reasons kept former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush from the event, family representatives said. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush also declined an invitation, Daughtry said.

    Michael Steele, the first black Republican lieutenant governor of Maryland and a former Republican National Committee chairman, said event organizers told him that they were having difficulty attracting Republican speakers. He faulted GOP leaders for not making time to attend.

    an you did not need an invitation to ATTEND and join the march.

    A better job on invites could have been done – for speaking – but it’s also clear that the GOP has no motivation to attend in non-speaking roles either.

    Good to hear from you Hydra. Was wondering if you will still around! 😉

    1. why would the GOP make plans for that date other than at the least attending the event even if they were not invited to speak?

      If you’re a politician and you know that a date will have a scheduled celebration of MLK50 – and you not only don’t keep that date open but you claim you were contacted to late to avoid a conflict in schedule – what exactly are you saying in terms of not even planning on attending at all – speaker or not?

      why exactly should we feel the GOP is something other than feckless hypocrites on this?

  16. DJRippert Avatar

    Virginia has a despicable record on racial equality. From its slave-holding roots to being the capital of the Confederacy to Massive Resistance to the fact that Richmond settled its last school segregation suit in 1986 – Virginia has been a laggard in race relations. Oh yeah – and the Arthur Ashe statue controversy of 1991.

    The only real question is whether we have overcome our past.

    Outside of the Richmond area I think we have probably overcome our past. We elected the nation’s first black governor and I don’t see vestiges of our segregationist past. However, Richmond couldn’t get past the Arthur Ashe controversy in 1991 and there is an effort to fly a huge confederate flag in the Richmond area today.

    Virginia is probably OK but Richmond is still a work in progress.

    1. Breckinridge Avatar

      It isn’t just Richmond, but the problems are deeper in Richmond. It really manifests itself in some of the inter-government squabbles. The main reason you can’t get bus service from downtown Richmond into the ‘burbs is racial (and economic) bias.

  17. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    There’s no question my mind that the National Review piece is a cherry picked hit job. It purports to suggest that any African-American helped by affirmative action has the IQ of a near-moron or has personal character issues so profoundly negative that there’s no way he or she can function honestly.
    This is utter bullshit and if you don’t like my view, well too bad, but I’m not apologizing. Learn to live with it or stop reading me.

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Peter –

      No one asked you to apologize. And one suggested they wanted to stop reading your articles. I simple asked for why you dismissed the article so lightly. Thank you for the explanation. It gives me a chance to understand your views better and also to respond.

      I had a different reaction to the article. I didn’t see the student as a black student or a white student. I saw someone being harmed by a system that was failing him. And when I read of his learning experience, it recalled all the other experiences that I had experienced myself for years and that I had read about when researching the education articles posted on this website. That research brought back all my personal memories for years in school.

      Why can’t we change this. Millions of kids every year are mistreated by systems of education build to take their money and time while setting them up for failure and debt in return. How many of those kids are black? How many are white? I have no idea. They are people. People deserve better.

  18. re: ”
    Millions of kids every year are mistreated by systems of education build to take their money and time while setting them up for failure and debt in return. How many of those kids are black? How many are white? I have no idea. They are people. People deserve better.”

    This is even a worse problem for – for-profit schools.

    Anger grows over GI Bill profiteers

    where is the outrage for this:

    ” Phoenix, a giant among for-profit colleges, says it’s responding to the needs of the veteran workforce, offering practical training and skills.

    But Congress, the White House and veterans groups — spurred by complaints from thousands of veterans like Maddox — are cracking down on for-profit schools that have raked in hundreds of millions of dollars in GI Bill benefits. They say the schools prey on veterans with misleading ads while selling expensive and woefully inadequate educations.”

    This is where vouchers are headed if there are no academic standards.

    Govt gets blamed a lot.. what about this?

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