The Open the Books Webinar

In a recent post Dick Hall-Sizemore, a retired Virginia budget analyst, critiqued the Open the Books methodology for calculating the size and cost of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion bureaucracy at the University of Virginia. He based his observations in part upon Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski’s explanation provided in the Jefferson Council webinar shown above.

This discussion has resonance beyond UVA. Open the Books is using the template it developed for UVA to conduct deep dives into DEI at other state universities, most recently the University of North Carolina system. It’s fair to ask: How does one measure the size and cost of DEI? Who do we classify as a “DEI” employee. How much of his or her salary do we count?

By all means, let the debate begin.


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44 responses to “The Open the Books Webinar”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Some folks think DEI is not a terrible thing at all nor the money spent on it.

    It's primarily a conservative angst.

    Open Books, public policy sounds like a wider movement than just DEI… is it or is it really an anti-DEI thing?

    1. Turbocohen Avatar

      DEI has given a boost to the reverse discrimination lawsuit industry. NC, FL and a few other states understand this.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do you believe in DEI for handicapped veterans?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          That was already addressed for all "disabled" by The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
          And of course has been abused…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but is it “right” in concept? Are there people who are disadvantaged that we address to help?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. We should be mean to everybody.

            Get real. Do we need a federal law for everything?

            How about everybody abide by the Golden Rule? If everybody abided by the Golden Rule, we'd live in Utopia, amirite? So why don't we live in Utopia?

            If all men were angels, we should have no need of government.

            That government is best which governs least.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            so Colleges CAN do DEI “golden rule” without the govt interfering…? have you gotten into some catnip or something?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No they can’t. That is illegal, and immoral. The Golden Rule encompasses treating all people as you wish to be treated. I don’t wish to be randomly favored for my skin color, nor do I wish to be treated worse for my skin color. DEI imposes differing standards for different people on an arbitrary basis of mostly skin color but then all sorts of other “victim” classifications. That’s the problem with all Marxist “laws” – they violate Natural Law to create the Marxist Man as God, and can never get there no matter how many people they kill or how much power they abuse.
            I’ll govern myself just fine. Now you do the same – you are free to give away all of your money until you have equalized everything. Big question – are you going to equalize according to US standards, or world standards? Just asking because the bottom 5% in the US live better than 68% of the world. I think you need to be a good global citizen.
            I’m very thankful to live in the USA, even with you Marxists doing your best to turn it into a gulag…

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “The Golden Rule encompasses treating all people as you wish to be treated. I don't wish to be randomly favored for my skin color, nor do I wish to be treated worse for my skin color.”

            Then don’t treat others that way. Note, I am not saying you do, I am simply explaining the limitations of the Golden Rule. It is about one’s own behavior and nothing else. It is not meant in any way to be used as a weapon to control or criticize the behavior or beliefs of others.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Thank you for the theological explanation. Do you believe in God, Troll? Since that came from (shhh – time to run to safe spaces) Jesus, is it valid?
            How am I imposing anything or trying to control anything by citing the Golden Rule? Is not EVERY SINGLE LAW an imposition of control? (Hint – yes, it is)
            So, when is such an imposition proper?
            But let’s examine further your ridiculous statement. (This will be fun)
            “It is not meant in any way to be used as a weapon to control or criticize the behavior or beliefs of others.” – Then you do not believe in the Golden Rule because you have criticized my beliefs. Is that accurate? That you and your fellow Leftists do not believe in the Golden Rule? Objectively, it appears you don’t based on things you advocate and double standards you celebrate. Or do you, like all humans, fail to live up to the ideal?
            So then by what standard do you and your fellow Leftists claim the right to pass (immoral) laws and enforce them? What is the propriety of YOUR laws? By what standard are they valid? What about “MY truth” and “my lived experience?”
            See, this is the problem with Leftism, in your crazed desire to flip reality and make Man into God – to supplant God – you have to do and believe ungodly things to obtain, and keep, and enforce power. Lying is good. In fact, lying is DOUBLEPLUS GOOD because it furthers the cause of Big Brother.
            How about murder? Is murder wrong? Since the Bible is pretty clear on that one, does that make the prohibition on murder therein invalid? That archaic book also has things about lying (oops for modern Leftists) and stealing (ditto)? Are those things “wrong” or not? They are. Everyone knows that in his heart. This might be termed “Natural Law” and unfortunately for Leftists, no matter how many millions of people you kill and jail and lie to, the Natural Law will prevail. The people may be beaten into submission, but that little ember in the heart that knows there is a difference between right and wrong will still glow. It’s human nature. It’s built into us (trigger warning) by DESIGN because we have been created (‘nother trigger warning!) in the image of God – imago Dei.
            So, the Golden Rule is a great way to judge whether a law is valid or not. And since it came from the author of Truth, beauty, wisdom – everything (read John 1:1-5) – I’ll stick with the Golden Rule and call out everything in opposition to revealed Truth.
            Let’s give it a test – if someone engages in destructive behavior, are you being loving by telling that person that the behavior is good? Are you lying to help the person, or are you lying to help yourself and avoid the trouble? If you love someone, you tell them the truth.
            (I must be a “Christian Nationalist” – the source of all evil for the evil authoritarians! I’m sure the FBI already has me on the list, but you can go run to your Big Brother overlord masters and make sure)

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            "Then you do not believe in the Golden Rule because you have criticized my beliefs. Is that accurate?"

            Hopefully you understand your logic error here, Walt. I simply stated that the Golden Rule is not intended to control others. That is pretty obvious to anyone who reads it. I did not say I was following the Golden Rule when I criticized you. In fact given that very few people would wish to be criticized, it should be pretty obvious I was not.

            Nice screed you wrote there, btw. Pssst… check out that line preceding the old Golden Rule… that's a toughie, eh…?

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Nice try, Troll…evading answers again, as usual
            YOU SAID – "It is not meant in any way to be used as a weapon to control or criticize the behavior or beliefs of others."
            Since you criticize me, under your own statement, then to be consistent you must not believe in the Golden Rule, or you are a hypocrite. Besides just flat out wrong.
            So do you believe in the Golden Rule or not?
            This is like how many sexes and is cheating in elections wrong? I can never get any straight answers from Leftists…

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            "Since you criticize me, under your own statement, then to be consistent you must not believe in the Golden Rule, or you are a hypocrite."

            I just said I was not following the Golden Rule when I leveed criticism at you. As I said, that much is obvious. I never claimed that I was. Unlike you, I am not saying "I follow the Golden Rule and according to it you should not do so and so…" To point out your fallacy in applying the Golden Rule is criticism plain and simple – nothing more, nothing less.

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And still no answer.
            You’re a by any means necessary guy, aren’t you?
            And you didn’t say that in your original statement.
            Know people by their fruits…also said in that certain book…

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I didn’t have to say that. There was no indication I did. That was your straw man creation. Btw, you know nothing about my fruits.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            To me the Golden Rule supports a DEI philosophy. If I were in a class or race of humans who are experiencing the residual impacts of a generational caste system and structural impediments to advancement that others do not face, I would certainly appreciate any efforts to provide a more even playing field. I would also likely recognize the need to provide such assistance to those worse off than me.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Exactly and without question.

            That's were student aid and scholarships come from – to help those who might need it.
            That's why those on sports scholarships get them and get additional help with the academics if they need it.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            so… the anti-DEI folks are those “haters” that Walter talks about?

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Golden Rule is also , live and let live.. be inclusive and accept that there are different folks in this world and as long as they are peaceful and loving… what the hate thing about?

            Why must we demonize those that are different from us ?

            Why can't we truly want others to have an equal chance at a good life?

          16. CJBova Avatar

            Never heard that version. Rabbi Hillel said “Whatever is hateful and distasteful to you, do not do to your fellow man. This is the entire Torah, the rest is commentary. Go learn.”

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. I always say Religion is a menace to mankind… Lots of examples… Lots of “advice” and “commandments”… and then…. do unto others… not much to learn there other than the truth.

          18. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            "Religion is a menace to mankind?" Are you serious?

            Perhaps I am missing your irony. If you truly mean that, then sorry, you've invalidated any argument you are making.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            Religion is a menace to mankind. Look around you.

          20. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            Sorry, Larry, you’re dead wrong. Good luck in your after life.

            Oh wait………forgot………you don’t believe in that. Good luck decomposing in your VA grave, wherever that may be.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            You're confusing religion with belief in God. Think about it.
            Look around you at what is being done in the name of religion.

          22. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            Eric the half a troll,

            So, 5+ decades of Affirmative Action (now illegal for college admissions) were not enough? How long does the handicapping end and merit take over?

            Please provide an end date. Ten more years? A quarter century? Never?

            Curious minds want to know

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Did you not read Kerry’s story?

  2. Turbocohen Avatar

    DEI immorally excludes, discriminates AND penalizes based on race. NC meeting of the board of governors nailed it. https://www.northcarolina.e
    After that read, here is an IHE article that breaks it down for liberal deep state kooks. https://www.insidehighered….

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Good. I hope they do use this same methodology with other institutions. They’ll eventually pick on one that will take issue, back it up with the books (assuming no porn star payoffs entered as legal expenses) and slap ‘em silly.

  4. What's the OPENtheBOOKS research show for HBCU 'Didn't Earn It' expenditures?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      or college sports?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Okay… this is a bothersome question. Are you being deliciously snarky?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Good. I hope they do use this same methodology with other institutions. They’ll eventually pick on one that will take issue, back it up with the books (assuming no porn star payoffs entered as legal expenses) and slap ‘em silly.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “By all means, let the debate begin.”

    Seems like the debate was over after Dick’s posting…

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Columbia Law Review’s website is shut down after publishing an article critical of Israel”

    Will TJC weigh in to defend the need for open and honest debate or will this be where they will be taking UVa in July…? Is an anti-DEI campaign just the beginning…?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Will they bring McCarthyism back so we have folks "investigated" to find out if they secretly support DEI? 😉

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “By all means, let the debate begin.”

    Seems like the debate was over after Dick’s posting…

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    Everybody in this discussion is missing the point. There should be no need for "Open the Books". The cost of programs like (but not only) DEI should be well known to the people who run America's universities. Those (audited) costs should be freely shared with groups like the University of Virginia's Board of Visitors. I'd argue that those costs should be freely shared with the public too – for public universities.

    The fact that "Open the Books" exists is an indictment of the people running America's public colleges and universities. The lack of transparency from higher ed administrators can be explained one of two ways:

    1) The administrators are incompetent and make decisions without understanding the costs, or …
    2) The administrators are dishonest and intentionally hide the facts and figures from the Boards that are put in place to represent the people / voters / taxpayers who actually "own" public colleges and universities.

    Either way – the administrators need to be replaced.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I agree in concept. Now get the GA to make it happen across the board and get rid of the exemptions … Not administrator's fault per se if the law says they must, no excuses after that.

      All manner of govt agencies State and Local in Va evade "open books" long before and far beyond DEI.. so you really do KNOW the REAL POINT of the DEI folks with respect to Open Govt… not so much..unless it can be a culture war weapon.

  10. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Dick Sizemore critiqued the Open the Books analysis with no knowledge of the methodology they utilize to source the data. OTB's conclusions are validated down to the penny with publicly obtained data.

    OTB is a respected organization with an unblemished record of uncovering government waste across the US. I suggest Sizemore take the time to contact them, asking for validation and their data source links. They will provide it without hesitation. Here is their website link:

    OTB gave all of the information links corroborating their $20 million DEI overhead analysis to the Ryan Administration. They asked the Administration to provide their equivalent data that would prove their counter claim that DEI is only 55 people (not 300+) and about $5 million in direct expenses (not $20MM+). The Administration's response was "we do not have the back up data."

    Those are the facts.

    So, Mr. Sizemore, whose analysis is correct and who is lying? I think it's pretty clear. Once again, President Ryan and his cohorts are the guilty party.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If you look at the agencies/institutions that they "investigate", you'll see they are mostly "left" and they ignore the ones that are "right":

      And they seem to be allied with conservative organizations like the Manhattan Institute and is run by Conservatives and GOP.

      1. Wahoo'74 Avatar


        So what? You are stating that OpenTheBooks is wrong simply because they’re conservative? Read my note again. They provide corroborative data down to the penny that the Ryan Administration did not refute. They also focus on Progressive/leftist states and city governments since they are the ones who overspend and impose increasing tax rates to fund their social justice programs. It’s pretty simple.

        Do you criticize the “liberal” DNC (and Hillary Clinton) for funding the now debunked Stelle Dossier that falsely accused Trump of Russian collusion….for 4 years? Or are you part of the fringe Far Left that still believe Russian collusion is factual in the face of proof that it was a manufactured hit job?

        I believe in fact, not dogma.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m thinking I’d like to see some balance that is less focused on just some. Both left and right are ripe for this and both deserve to be looked at. So, a biased group that only looks at select organizations opposite from their viewpoints. On the Russian “collusion” – have you looked at the wiki for ” Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections”? got lots of useful info and factual references throughout. People who were unregistered foreign agents DID go to jail!

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          It's a right-leaning group that likes to investigate left-leaning groups, right?

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