By James C. Sherlock

Chloe Cole after childhood surgical transition to a boy (left) and de-transition to a girl (right) – Courtesy of Chloe Cole and the New York Post

The New York Post wrote recently:

At 12 years old, Chloe Cole decided she was transgender. At 13, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake.

Note the gracious acceptance of agency by this young woman, even though she made a “decision” at 12 that she was transgender.  Some clearly think that a child of twelve is mature enough to make such a decision.

We see no such agency proclaimed by her parents, pediatrician, endocrinologist or psychologist.  I am sure they were “supporting” that child.

No agency is apparently accepted by the state in which she lived.  The state in which her doctors were licensed.

Let’s examine the agency of the adult players in such matters in Virginia.

People organize into governments and give away some freedoms to ensure safety of themselves and their children.  

The federal government and the government of Virginia have not just abandoned children to monstrous trends in progressive tastes for re-gendered children. They actively encourage and ensure payment for the irreversible butchery of kids in that pursuit.

We now have a federal law that makes the genital mutilation of a child for cultural reasons a felony.  True, but only if those cultures are foreign.  

Progressives in America, who control the heights of the American culture as well as the federal government, are in love with such mutilation in support of the gender transition of children.

Having rejected God, progressives are applying for the position.

They consider surgical changes to children to meet their definition of perfection to be the culmination of a great arc of control that includes full term abortion and post-birth abortion as described so eloquently by Dr. Northam.

Hillary Clinton suggested in an interview with The Financial Times published Friday that the transgender debate “should not be a priority” for Democrats.  She avoided mentioning that the biggest “debate” is over the genital and reproductive mutilation of children.

Ms. Clinton, with an eye for deplorables, thinks there may be too many of them on this issue.

Let’s look into it anyway.

President Biden, a reliable remora to progressive trends, went on record June 15th with an Executive Order officially encouraging the surgical removal of healthy genitals and wombs from children as part of “comprehensive health care” in gender transition.  

Such surgeries proceed unimpeded in Virginia.  Indeed Virginia Democrats, ever vigilant, have ensured they are paid for by health insurance in this state.

Despite the cultural onslaught from the left, polls continue to show that by large majorities Americans are outraged by the surgical mutilation of a child to support gender transition.  

Fifty six percent of Americans recently polled in political battleground states supported an outright ban on the practice.  Thus the caution to Democrats by Ms. Clinton.

But those are not the “right” Americans.  They are not woke. 

Federal Government has two positions.  First, some forms of such mutilation are recognized as child abuse by the federal government.  Female circumcision or clitoridectomy of a child are illegal, designated as felonies under federal law, with up to a ten year stint in federal prison as punishment.  

The federal law banning female child genital mutilation or cutting has an exception.  The surgery is not a violation of that law if the operation is necessary to the health of the person on whom it is performed, and is performed by a person licensed in the place of its performance as a medical practitioner.

Yet the U.S. State Department, in an attempt to prevent genital mutilation tourism, declares that “the practice has no health benefits and can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems.”

Other surgeries, such as removing a female child’s healthy breasts, womb and genitals, are legal in America, have their own nonprofit support groups and are now officially encouraged by the President. 

From the White House fact sheet:

To safeguard access to health care for LGBTQI+ patients and address the LGBTQI+ youth mental health crisis, President Biden is charging HHS with taking steps to address the barriers and exclusionary policies that LGBTQI+ individuals and families face in accessing quality, affordable, comprehensive health care, including mental health care, reproductive health care, and HIV prevention and treatment. (emphasis added)

So we have a mental health “crisis” among kids whose families face “barriers and exclusionary policies” in addressing this crisis.  Certainly no state bans child mental health care.  None restricts HIV prevention and treatment. 

So why do those two sentinels stand guard on either side of “reproductive health care” for children?  We know why.  

Poll testing.

Virginia has one position.  Virginia law formerly neither supported nor banned the genital mutilation of children in any form.  It was silent on the matter.

But no more.  

Code of Virginia § 38.2-3449.1. Prohibited discrimination based on gender identity or status as a transgender individual was passed and signed in 2020 with Democrats in full control in Richmond.  The law prohibits health insurers from denying coverage for gender transition treatments, including surgery.

The bill contained no mention of the age of the patient. Governor Northam, a pediatrician, signed it.  He clearly considered it a piece with his infamous comments on post-birth abortion.   

In January of 2019, he told NBC Washington’s Julie Carey that a baby born alive could be “kept comfortable” and then “resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired”.  

For Northam and the Democrats in Richmond, the quest for the “perfect” child has no age limits.

Today I have asked the government of Virginia in a FOIA request to provide details on how many such surgeries are performed on children in Virginia annually.  I will be pleasantly surprised it they know the answer.  I will pass on the information in this space when I get it.

This would be the spot to proclaim my recommendations of what the Commonwealth might do to protect these children, but it is too complicated for a casual solution.

Perhaps the state should discuss it. We need a serious public study of the options and consequences of each idea for law and policy changes in Virginia. I hope the Secretary of Health and Human Resources will:

  • convene such a debate before a bipartisan panel;
  • oversee it with a Democratic co-chair – invite Danica Roem to sit in that chair;
  • ensure testimony from both advocates and opponents of the current hear-no-evil, see-no-evil approach;
  • broadcast it live; and
  • publish it on YouTube.

Bipartisan support is necessary if any law or regulation is to survive future elections.

Perhaps a proposal for a peer review requirement prior to proposed  medical and surgical interventions supporting child gender transition can offer a starting point for the discussions.

With most Americans wanting the procedures banned, that is perhaps a middle ground that is politically achievable.

The medical professions are already regulated by the state.  Consider a requirement for a pre-medical and pre-surgical state review of proposed child gender transition procedures by a panel of members of the boards that regulate the professions involved.  It might prove to get some bipartisan support in the General Assembly, especially if backed by Democratic members of the study group.

The details.  Female circumcision or clitoridectomy of a child, common as a cultural ritual in many countries, was once prescribed for girls in the United States as a cure for masturbation, hyper-sexuality and other cultural transgressions.  We have evolved.

Under 18 U.S. Code § 116 – Female genital mutilation, the parent, guardian, or caretaker of a person who has not attained the age of 18 years who facilitates or consents to the female genital mutilation of such person shall be fined, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.  

For purposes of this law, the term “female genital mutilation” means any procedure performed for non-medical reasons that involves partial or total removal of, or other injury to, the external female genitalia. 

Such surgeries are not violations if the operation is necessary for the health of the child on whom it is performed and is performed by a physician.  Yet the Department of State proclaims the “practice has no health benefits and can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems.”

Health of the person is a wide goalpost.  It includes physical or mental health.  But at least federal law criminalizes the act absent a diagnosis.

On the other hand, removing that same child’s breasts and womb is not only legal, but officially encouraged.  President Biden just signed that executive order with the express intent of making such surgeries more common.  

The President, you see, wants to ensure the health of children by making it impossible for them to have children themselves.

What could go wrong? Regardless of your position on medical and surgical gender transition in children, you owe it to yourself to read the story in the New York Post titled “‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders”.  

The stories are absolutely heartbreaking.

There are no “people with knowledge of the matter who have asked not to be identified” quoted in this article.  This is not The Washington Post. The story names the names of the incredibly brave victims who have volunteered their personal stories and images for the article.  

You will discover that:

Dr. Lisa Littman, a former professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Brown University, coined the term “rapid onset gender dysphoria” to describe this subset of transgender youth, typically biological females who become suddenly dysphoric during or shortly after puberty. Littman believes this may be due to adolescent girls’ susceptibility to peer influence on social media.

Dr. Littman 

often explores publicly the social influences in transgender surgeries for children.  Her famous paper on “rapid onset gender dysphoria” suggested the possibility of “social influences and maladaptive coping mechanisms” in gender dysphoria in children.

The mob.  Since the publication of her original paper, she of course has been under fierce assault by transgender activists.

The publication of the paper was greeted by the outrage of trans activists who denounced the paper and Littman, calling it hate speech and transphobic. Brown initially touted the paper as providing bold new insights into transgender issues, but then removed it from their announcements.

Brown University did exactly what one would expect of a coward of Brown’s extensive pedigree.  It turned and ran.  Wonder why Dr. Littman left.

The predictable Maoist reaction of the academic papers website that published the original paper was to demand from the author a “correction”.  It got one, but one that did not correct any facts in the original.

In her study, the “children described were predominantly natal female (82.8%) with a mean age of 16.4 years at the time of survey completion and a mean age of 15.2 when they announced a transgender-identification.”

Most (86.7%) of the parents reported that, along with the sudden or rapid onset of gender dysphoria, their child either had an increase in their social media/internet use, belonged to a friend group in which one or multiple friends became transgender-identified during a similar timeframe, or both.

Validation.The Post

article tells personal stories that validate Dr. Littman’s findings:

“I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”

When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old.

Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors.

“I can’t stay quiet,” said Chloe. “I need to do something about this and to share my own cautionary tale.”

Chloe …  joined Instagram at 11. “I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT content and activism,” she said. “I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends of my own.”

“Because my body didn’t match beauty ideals, I started to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I thought I wasn’t pretty enough to be a girl, so I’d be better off as a boy. Deep inside, I wanted to be pretty all along, but that’s something I kept suppressed.”

You will read in the Post story that the massive and sudden increases in transgender youth are “typically biological females who become suddenly dysphoric during or shortly after puberty”.

Experts worry that many young people seeking to transition are doing so without a proper mental-health evaluation. Among them is Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender, sexuality and identity. A transgender woman herself, Anderson has helped hundreds of young people navigate the transition journey over the past 30 years. Anderson supports the methodical, milestone-filled process lasting anywhere from a few months to several years to undergo transition. Today, however, she’s worried that some young people are being medicalized without the proper restraint or oversight.

Here is the story of another such girl.

Helena Kerschner, now 23, is part of a growing number of “detransitioners,” returning to the gender of their birth. She said her male transition (left) was “definitely triggered” by trans activists online. Courtesy of the New York Post and Ms. Kerschner

Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old de-transitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born a biological female, reports she first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her transition. … She said she felt political pressure to transition, too. “The community was very social justice-y. There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really personally.”

According to an online survey of detransitioners conducted by Dr. Lisa Littman last year, 40% said their gender dysphoria was caused by a mental-health condition and 62% felt medical professionals did not investigate whether trauma was a factor in their transition decisions.

“My dysphoria collided with my general depression issues and body image issues,” Helena recalled. “I just came to the conclusion that I was born in the wrong body and that all my problems in life would be solved if I transitioned.”

Rights activists.  

So where are the child rights activists, the civil rights stalwarts, the feminists on this.  When will they will speak out to protect the children?  How about the churches?  Virginia’s 40,000 lawyers?

I looked.  Their protests for the children permanently damaged, if present, must be mostly whispered.  There are honorable exceptions, but not many.

What is the position of Virginia’s children’s hospitals on the use of their operating rooms for these “procedures”?  I’ll ask.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).  The experiences of these children will cause readers to want to know what safeguards the medical profession has in place to protect them, given that the state apparently has none.

So let’s look at the policies of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).  That group of physicians that treats only children “supports gender transition”.  Fair enough.  

Let’s look at the background and the details.

We note that most of the breakthrough studies in surgical “gender transition” of children were originally documented in Germany in the early 1940’s.  We can assume they have been translated into English. We doubt the words were poll-tested.

But the AAP has clearly spent a great deal of effort on “messaging”.  We will pause and marvel at the sunny choices of words.  I will highlight some of them.

You will be pleased to read that “many medical interventions can be offered to youth who identify as (Transgender and Gender Diverse) TGD and their families”.  

Pediatrician members are offered a Gender-Affirmative Care Model (GACM).

Alas, the medical and surgical “interventions offered” to children and their families are only performed on the kids themselves.  We can surmise that a family plan for the surgeries, sort of like couples massages but with scalpels, would go mostly unused.

What the AAP defines as medical management with these children puts them on drugs to delay puberty.  But, to put it in a positive light, note that:

 pubertal suppression creates an opportunity to reduce distress that may occur with the development of secondary sexual characteristics and allow for gender-affirming care.

But medical management in this case is of course not gender-affirming for children at all.  It is gender-denying.  It blocks kids’ bodies from developing their natural gender characteristics.  

And who is kidding whom?  It permits easier surgical intervention once adults decide which gender to select.  

But, in the spirit of full disclosure, the AAP informs its members that “pubertal suppression is not without risks”.  

So they have an “opportunity”, but “not without risks”.

The actual cutting is described as “surgical affirmation“.  Gentle word, affirmation.  For not-so-gentle surgeries.

Surgical approaches may be used to feminize or masculinize features, such as hair distribution, chest, or genitalia, and may include removal of internal organs, such as ovaries or the uterus (affecting fertility).

These changes are irreversible.

So with this procedure, the child has “risk” of an endless array of post-surgical physical and mental problems.  But he or she also has one absolute assurance.  No natural children of his or her own.  Ever.

The AAP again:

Although current protocols typically reserve surgical interventions for adults, they are occasionally pursued during adolescence on a case-by-case basis, considering the necessity and benefit to the adolescent’s overall health and often including multidisciplinary input from medical, mental health, and surgical providers as well as from the adolescent and family.

“Typically” performed on adults, but “occasionally” not.  The AAP should check with Dr. Littman and Dr. Anderson on the use of the word “occasionally” in this context. 

Another AAP website defines adolescence as starting at age 10.  

So pediatric surgeons “occasionally” remove the healthy breasts, genitals and healthy wombs of children – as part of the AAP’s “gender-affirmative care model.”

For the record, I would be very surprised if more than a small percentage of pediatric surgeons and endocrinologists participate in this barbarous practice. Dissenters have ample medical and moral grounds upon which to decline.  It is likely most remember “First, do no harm”.  I wish they would organize against it.

But we are left to wonder how many physicians who honor the AAP’s  “gender-affirmative care model” with 10-year old patients practice in Virginia.

And wonder how they get nurses to participate.

And how often.

Updated June 21 at 7:18 AM




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114 responses to “The “Occasional” Butchery of Children”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Too young to drive. Too young to vote. Too young to buy cigarettes. Too young to drink alcohol. Too young to join the armed forces.

    But old enough to decide on voluntary, irreversible surgery?

    That just doesn’t seem right.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They could just spend a lifetime compensating. That’s not hard. Right?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Or turn 18 and do what they want of their own free will. This column never mentions, nor do I care, about adults altering their bodies any way they choose.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Read my other comments that include serious links. 1 in 2000 live biths have ambiguous genitalia. That’s a lot of kids, Captain. Do some research. Very often these ambiguities are resolved close to birth, sometimes incorrectly. Should the kid have to wait until 18 to correct some doctor’s eff-up?

          Thought you said you painstakingly reseach your poop. And, I mean poop in the context of Naval usage.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “Very often these ambiguities are resolved close to birth.” They certainly are. But of course they don’t fall into the category of gender reassignment, which was the subject of the article, but thanks for sharing.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You just fire, look, aim. Read the ABC article. Carefully.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Just guessing, but I am going to suggest that physicians use the presence or absence of a Y chromosome to resolve genital ambiguities in children.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Having XY chromosomes does not mean that a person is male. It just means they most likely had male body parts at birth. Same without it, only female body parts.



          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Simple solutions for simple minds.

            Having XY chromosomes does not mean that a person is male. It just means they most likely had male body parts at birth. Same without it, only female body parts.



          6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            It is still not what I wrote about, but thanks again as usual.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Comments count. Your article? More LBGT baiting.

          8. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I read the ABC article.

            The original surgeon did not take the Y chromosome evidence he had, made the wrong choice, and screwed the kid up until a later surgeon fixed the first mistake.

            One bad surgeon does not good policy make.

            Even you can’t be suggesting that this mistake is the reason for the exploding number of gender reassignment surgeries in children. And you are not. This is a smokescreen. Not a good one.

            You have noted, of course, that I specifically did not make a recommendation as to state policy because it is a complicated subject. I recommended professional discussions.

            This and any other exceptions around which a rule is to be devised should be brought out in the discussions. Maybe they will invite you. If you want, I’ll put in a good word.

            But you don’t want a rule. You are welcome to your point of view. You have made it. Have a nice rest of your afternoon.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “One bad surgeon does not good policy make.”

            You want to make policy based on one transsexual reversal…🤷‍♂️

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s the usual approach here. find an anecdotal example and call it policy.

          11. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You have it backwards. I agree with you. I think example this is a red herring. Nancy brought it up, not me. I responded. Follow the chain.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Or turn 18 and do what they want of their own free will. This column never mentions, nor do I care, about adults altering their bodies any way they choose.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The child likely did not legally “decide”. In most states, and I assume New York is included, parents must give consent for any surgery on a minor (under 180>

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I assume you are correct. That is the core of my complaint. They are too young to decide. Their parents and their surgeons don’t have to live with the results.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Why do you think you know every case better than the parents and their doctors? You simply do not. Typical Conservative tyranny.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            This discussion is not a case study. It illuminates an exploding trend that is barbaric.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            But you wish to “regulate” this practice via government action to ban it for anyone under 18 regardless of parental and doctor input or concerns. That puts you (and legislators) once again smack dab between parents/patients and their doctors. That means you think you know better and your judgement will be correct in every case. Hubris plain and simple.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Why do you think you know every case better than the parents and their doctors? You simply do not. Typical Conservative tyranny.

        3. killerhertz Avatar

          In some cases the state decides. Progressive states are removing custodians that are not gender affirming. JAB shared an article of such an occurrence of this sort in VA last year.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You are correct. These cretins have the commanding heights of the `culture. When they take over government, even temporarily, they cause great damage.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Sometimes, the use of bold font excites antennae. The “former professor” at Brown left the institution to found her own research institute. A September 2018 article in National Review defended her research. But……she has been labeled a former professor in bold font. Most of us are “former” something or other.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Thanks for the note. Glad my writing excites you, I think.

      You assume, then, that she would have been happy at Brown. Seems a stretch. It’s Brown.

      The only news you could have broken is if National Review had attacked her research. It was at one time the leading conservative journal in America.

      But thanks for sharing.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Tain’t your prose that alerts but the covert insinuations. I assumed nothing of Dr. Littman’s inner thoughts as you would wish to infer. That’s the stretch. Your rear view mirror of NR is another tell.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          If you must assign insinuations, you’ve got nothing at all.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is fairly/strongly reminiscent of Conservatives attitudes towards homosexuality not that long ago. Their attitude has not really changed, they just ended up losing to the rest of society.

    Now, we’re dealing with transgender and it too is an abomination against all things decent and human ….from their view point. The age is really not their core issue. In their heart of hearts – with a majority rule, this would be flat illegal – all ages, end of discussion.

    I don’t know what the right path forward is but pretty dang sure it’s not coming from Conservatives who are more often than not, incapable of dealing with such complex issues in an intelligent and rational manner IMHO.

    Live and let live. If someone makes a mistake transitioning to transgender, how many did not and are happy? Does that matter at all to Conservatives? Nope, cuz the whole idea is wrong from the get go.

    Would be interesting to hear from Sherlock -ALL of what he would do about transgender writ large if he were king.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Take a deep breath, Larry. The article was about gender reassignment surgery in children.

      That child, when he or she turns 18, can do as he or she wishes and I wish them well.

      One more deep breath. Now, if you have an opinion on what I actually wrote about, share it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        looks like you’re getting the last word in for all commenters?

        So this is considered a medically acceptable procedure.

        You’d outlaw it in kids even with parental consent?

        You’d have the govt decide ?

        On what basis should this be decided by govt?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Have another soda pop and enjoy the rest of your evening.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


          2. killerhertz Avatar

            Admirable decision. I would have thought less of you if you said Pinot Noir.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I know.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Long ago? Larry, read the Texas GOP planks arrived at and published this weekend.

      God, bad enough he thinks himself to be.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        yep. The Hard Right is supplanting the Right.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          No. The Right’s colors are beginning to show. Damned few will leave.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Sherlock to Texas before US sells to Mexico? Great idea

    3. killerhertz Avatar

      They aren’t happy. Unless dying young from suicide is the “happy” way to go.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You simply do not know for each other person, kid and family. It’s not your prerogative at all much less the govt.

        If it’s a medically acceptable procedure and an adult makes the decision – what would you change?

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      Please reread the article. The subject is children, not adults. The question is whether a child has the maturity to decide to reassign their gender. Parental permission is something of a red herring. Parens cannot permit an underage child to drive because the state believes the child lacks the maturity to operate an automobile. The parents cannot permit a child to drink a cocktail in a restaurant because the state believes that the child lacks the maturity to consume alcohol. Parents cannot permit a child to buy cigarettes or vape products because the state believes the child is too immature to make adult decisions regarding the use of such products.

      Capt Sherlock’s opinion seems clear to me – he would not allow gender reassignment surgery on children.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I personally would not allow it, but I do not think such a law would be politically stable even if passed.

        I added this morning the recommendation for discussion by the panel I have recommended:

        Perhaps peer review prior to proposed child gender transition medical and surgical interventions can offer a starting point for the discussions.

        With most Americans wanting the procedures banned, that is perhaps a middle ground that is politically achievable.

        The medical professions are already regulated by the state.

        A panel of members of the medical boards that regulate each of the medical specialties involved in each case of proposed medical or surgical gender transition of a child can conduct a case review before permitting such procedures.

        That might gain enough bi-partisan support to pass a stable law. Repealing such a law, since it would only ensure protection of children from bad medical decisions, would prove hard to repeal.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Killing children by the millions is fine with those people, in and out of the womb. Why would a little genital surgery and chemical manipulation concern them?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      With/without .223?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      What the hell are you getting at Haner? Nobody is ok with killing children.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Ask Dr. Northam. But he will keep them comfortable while the parents decide whether they live or die. A true gentleman.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Another Conservative lie. Just can’t help yourself.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        Perhaps you weren’t aware of our support of the Saudi war against Yemen. Feel free to look into the drone strike numbers since Obama and the estimates of dead children due to violence and/or starvation.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          And nobody is ok with children dying from military strikes… even the blood thirsty Conservative hawks!

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Not defending them – especially the Bushes, Cheneys, and McCains.

      3. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Eric, as a rule I let the women fight the battles over abortion, but no question that the death of a viable fetus is homicide. Can be justifiable given the threat to the mother, but homicide nonetheless.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Your premise is that there are people who are driven to kill an otherwise viable fetus. I reject that premise. The less than 1% of abortions that are “late term” are almost all medically necessary or have some other factor that necessitates the procedure. Again, people are not “fine” with killing children and that extend to viable fetuses. These are horrible decisions that must be made – similar to placing a child with terminal cancer in hospice. The Conservative practice of vilifying parent and doctors coping with such circumstances is reprehensible.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is an issue upon which I have conflicting thoughts. First of all, I cannot identify with how it must feel emotionally to be of a gender that does not atch one’s biological body. I have read enough to realize that psychiatrists and psychologists have identified this as a legitimate phenomenon. Because I am not in a position to identify with what mental health professionals have said is often a deep psychological trauma, I try not to be judgmental.

    In addition, I have had some experience with a transgender person.
    Several years ago, a young woman in my extended family (“A”), who had
    previously informed her family that she was gay, went further and declared that she was undergoing transition to being a male.
    Her situation was substantially different from the girls profiled in
    your post. A was in college at the time she decided to transition to a male. Members of her family were quite surprised and some, especially her mother, had a difficult time getting used to the idea. Eventually, everyone accepted it. Today, after years of hormone shots and a double mastectomy, A is married to his long-time partner and seems to be well and happy.

    A’s transition occurred a few years ago when transgenders were relatively novel. There was not the spotlight that there is now. More importantly, the issue of young children being candidates for gender transition
    had not been raised. A’s transition took place as such an important decision should take place—over a relatively long period of time after careful thought and when A was mature enough to realize the consequences of such a decision.

    Young adolescents are notoriously subject to peer pressure. With the ubiquity of social media today, that social pressure is magnified. Being trans now is, dare I say it, almost considered cool. These kids are too young to realize the seriousness of a decision to transition to a different gender. I agree with the approach of Dr. Erica Anderson, to whom you refer. Transitioning should be a “methodical, milestone-filled process.” Any minor expressing a desire to transition should be taken seriously, but, at the same time, counseled to ensure that he/she understands the seriousness of such a step, as well as helping the kid understand why he or she wants to take that step. Perhaps there is something else going on that
    is making the kid unhappy and transitioning is not really the correct answer. To this end, I would be in favor of there being some sort of “waiting period” before a young kid could begin transitioning. It is important, however, that this waiting period be a supportive one, complete with counseling, and not one designed to shame the kid or bully him or her into abandoning the desire to transition.

    I have to admit that I don’t know what I would do if I were the parent of a 12 or 13-year old who was desperately unhappy and who felt that gender “dissonance” was the cause of that unhappiness. I would urge my child to talk to a counselor and to my wife and me about what he or she was feeling and why transitioning seemed to be the answer to whatever problems she or he were experiencing. Above all, I think, I would urge caution and go-slow approach. But, at some point, if deep mental stress (not just unhappiness) persists despite one doing all those things, a parent who loves his child and wants that child to be happy and mentally healthy, has to have faith in his child.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I have a friend who is a psychiatrist and has seen it all. Many times, she says, all the parents want is for the child to live.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Dick, I respect your point of view on this.

      You will note that I stuck 100% to deploring such surgeries in children.

      The key for me is that Dr. Littman and Dr. Anderson, herself transgender, have done the work to show peer pressure and social media are driving the massive increase in gender “dissonance”, especially among girls. That was the subject of the study for which Dr. Littman was attacked from the left.

      As I told another reader, when a child becomes a legal adult, I cease caring about his or her choices. Those are theirs to make with their doctors.

      But the AAP is a disgrace for its sugarcoating and support of these dreadful and irreversible procedures for children. First, do no harm, doctor.

      I absolutely meant it when I suggested Danica Roem as co-chair of a panel to probe what the state might do to stem the tide. As a transgender woman, she went through the process. I cannot think of anyone better to judge how early a child should be ushered through that same door. I would not be surprised if she, like Dr. Anderson, wants to put the brakes on gender reassignment surgeries for children. If she feels differently, I will not agree with her, but I will listen and respect her point of view.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I agree with your suggestion of including Danica Roem on the panel. But, it sounds as your mind is already made up, regardless of what the panel might come up with.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          On the big picture, yes. It is a moral issue with me. I am not flexible on that. But details matter.

          But, as you know, what I believe and what the Commonwealth does, if anything, are utterly disconnected. I just want to get the process right.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I added this this morning:

          Perhaps peer review prior to proposed child gender transition medical and surgical interventions can offer a starting point for the discussions. With most Americans wanting the procedures banned, that is perhaps a middle ground that is politically achievable. The medical professions are already regulated by the state. A panel of members of the boards that regulate the professions involved might prove appropriate and gain bi-partisan support.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Re: “stem the tide”

        Remember, these are parents making these decisions – the SAME parents that Conservatives have argued should decide their children’s education and welfare in general.

        So how and why are increasing numbers of parents deciding this AND they’re WRONG?

        Conservatives seem to be essentially arguing that the govt needs to step in to “stem the tide” of parents harming their own kids.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        Re: “stem the tide”

        Remember, these are parents making these decisions – the SAME parents that Conservatives have argued should decide their children’s education and welfare in general.

        So how and why are increasing numbers of parents deciding this AND they’re WRONG?

        Conservatives seem to be essentially arguing that the govt needs to step in to “stem the tide” of parents harming their own kids.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s way more than a chromosome and genitalia; it involves nearly every organ in the body and the chemicals produced therein. Those facts, society, and psychology are some of the aspects of gender assignment. Tossing in laws to satisfy religion cannot make it anything like easy.

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Excellent article with the usual idiots revealing their idiocy.
    The corruption of the medical profession is deeply disturbing. I have been used to the corruption of the legal profession for a while, but I was not previously aware of how bad things have gotten in the medical world.
    Politics over reality.
    The trans craze is a social phenomenon and the medical people are lying. The puberty blockers are not reversible.
    You can’t drink until 21, but you can be sure you are the wrong sex. Lia Thomas competing against women is fair. Men can have babies. A Supreme Court Justice, famous for being the first black woman on the SC can’t say what a woman is…huh?
    Anybody ever wonder why we are having such chaos in our airline industry?
    Don’t suggest it is because many pilots didn’t want to get vaxed… Or the staffing issues in hospitals….
    Seriously, we now have Sudden Adult Death Syndrome…and it’s a mystery!
    Did you hear about the IL congresscritter’s daughter, 17 yo, just dying in her sleep? Totally normal! This child mutilation is but one more example of the corruption of the medical profession.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      I think the COVID-19 pandemic made it clear how inept the medical system is.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It certainly didn’t help!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          gotta quite a few folks alive because of it, no?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, Larry, we don’t.
            Seriously, have you read any analyses not released by the CDC?
            Are you a pseudonym for Dr. St. Fau(x)ci? Or do you work for Big Pharma?
            You know there are studies out that admit the lockdowns/distancing were negative, right? (That was common sense to anybody with a brain, but I must remember who I am dealing with here)
            And you know that ivermectin and HCQ when used aggressively and early work, and that admitting that negates the “necessity” for EUA authorization and that EUA authorization protects the pharmas from liability and that the VAERS reports are off the charts compared to past history?
            It would appear that the Covid vaxes have negative efficacy and that the virus is mutating around the vaxes (it accelerates the mutations) and it appears that it affects the immune systems and other bodily functions in ways we still don’t understand (you know – science).
            And you also know that Covid, by itself, isn’t that deadly. From my own family – everybody has had it. 5 of us unvaxed – once. 2 double vaxed – once. A triple vaxed twice, and was pretty much sick the whole school year…
            I have eyes and a brain. I hope you get paid for your unremitting loyalty to Big Brother. Have you done your Two Minute Hate yet? Who is the target today? Kavanaugh? Orange Man?

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “They consider surgical changes to children to meet their definition of perfection to be the culmination of a great arc of control that includes full term abortion and post-birth abortion as described so eloquently by Dr. Northam.”

    You can’t post anything these days without weaving straight up lies throughout your narrative. The Conservative standard…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes. It’s become the standard and it’s catnip for the right.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Which chromosome makes Conservatives want to stick their noses in everyone’s genitalia?

  8. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    I think it is bad medical practice to let anyone under the age of 18 to transition. They are free to dress and identify as they gender but messing with hormones is permanent. If they still feel strongly at 18, good for them.

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I can’t help pointing out the irony of how most of those people who are so quick to cite the Virginia statute about parents having a fundamental right to make decisions about the upbringing of their children when it comes to education and wearing masks are opposed to extending that right to those parents who would make choices with which they disagree, such as assisting their children to transition to another gender.

    Also, genital mutilation is not the moral equivalent of transgender surgery. In one case, the person being cut on has no say in the matter; in the other case, the person being cut on, and that person’s parents, have requested and consented to the surgery.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      What once was considered a mental disorder is now a necessary surgical procedure. Riiight. The same chemicals used to castrate rapists are being used on children. We are living in the best timeline. Thanks boomers!

      1. Spironolactone, not cyproterone acetate, is what is used in male-to-female transition in the USA. The drug is also used for hirsutism and acne, but I know honesty gets in the way of that flashy, sensationalist tone.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          oh so even wikipedia is wrong?

          1. First off, they teach high schoolers that Wikipedia should never be used as a source, so your defense of it is cute.

            Second, my larger point is that these are used already beyond the scope of castration and transgender medicine. Your own link shows it being used to treat precocious puberty. But I guess using the same drugs to castrate sex offenders is fine to use on kids…so long as they aren’t trans.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            So you deny that lurpon has and is approved and used as a hormone blocker?

            Many pharmaceuticals are used for multiple purposes on and off label.

            Precocious puberty?! Every child has some degree of confusion growing up. That doesn’t mean we should be forcing them to dress in cute outfits of the gender that suits our fancy or chop their privates off. I acknowledge there are some sick parents out there. There always have been.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams


          Is a diuretic and if administered in 100 mg to 200 mg it can suppress testosterone production because its an androgen receptor blocker. Which is the pathway it can help with hormone related acne.

          It’s primary use is for hypertension and heart failure.

      2. Spironolactone, not cyproterone acetate, is what is used in male-to-female transition in the USA. The drug is also used for hirsutism and acne, but I know honesty gets in the way of that flashy, sensationalist tone.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        so this is the parents doing this?

  10. I see Sherlock’s War on Trans Children continues unbated. Let’s jump in.

    Littman’s “study” was removed because it was poorly done. First, the responses were sent by parents instead of children. This is laughably bad methodology because naturally a parent will assume the child was dysphoric “overnight” if the child kept it from their parents for years. Not to mention the selection of parents was biased towards sites critical of transgender care, biasing the results. It was obvious Littman had a conclusion they wanted to reach. A critique was done here:

    Now, here’s a shock: I mostly agree that transgender surgeries should until 18. Part of this is the logical nature that we should allow growing to stop before surgery, and part is to provide ample time for one to explore themselves, work through therapy, and see if that’s what they want. They may be happy with just hormone therapy. Surgery is not nor should be a requirement for transitioning.

    The reason it cannot be outright illegal is for fringe cases where a child’s dysphoria is so debilitating that it cannot wait. That would be obvious: poor grades, unusual behavior, limits on improvements even if the child is socially transitioning, etc. It’s worth noting that transgender surgeries have a 90+% satisfaction rate years after the surgery, so this idea that hordes of people are de-transitioning is cherry picking to push agenda. Shocking that Sherlock would do such a thing, I know, throwing about terms such as “Butchery” and other such sensationalist language.

    The goal is make sure nobody is misdiagnosed in either direction, of course, which is why comprehensive care should be provided to children who express signs of gender dysphoria, along with environments in which children aren’t afraid to come forward with such feelings. Those who do need to cease transition should also be given whatever assistance and care they need, both medical and mental.

    And hey, we have some common ground. And none of these surgeries can move forward without parental consent, which is good as few children are well-versed in their medical histories. And a parent rushing a child into surgery would be reckless at best.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Just when I think the Captain’s reasoning is as shallow as can be, he manages to spill out a little more.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You assert “the goal is make sure nobody is misdiagnosed in either direction”.

      To whose goal are you referring? If it is yours, few care. If you are speaking for someone else, please let us know who.

      The “goal” for most sentient humans is to make sure children are not irrevocably damaged before the age of consent. That is my only goal.

      If you think either chemically delayed onset of puberty or surgical removal of organs does not damage children and is good public policy, please let us know.

      Then at least we will know the terms of the discussion.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “To whose goal are you referring? If it is yours, few care.”

        Can’t respond to a well reasoned critique of his piece… slings insults instead… typical Conservative…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Early onset…

          A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution. -Jean-Paul Sartre, writer and philosopher (21 Jun 1905-1980)

          Some writers, OTOH, should allow themselves to be institutionalized.

      2. It’s the goal of a society aiming to raise happy, healthy children that will in turn be fulfilled, functional adults. If a teenager had breast or ovarian cancer I imagine your “goal of sentient humans” suddenly is flipped on its head, and the transgender argument has clear parallels to the cancer scenario.

        If either medical intervention allows the child to lead a happy, functional life, then it’s good policy. Contrary to the windmills you so vigorously tilt at, nobody wants to force children into a procedure they don’t want. Nobody wants a child to grow up with regrets. Which is why any surgery prior to 18 would have steeper requirements, including parental consent.

        As an aside, very curious you omitted penile circumcision from the article.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “If a teenager had breast or ovarian cancer I imagine your “goal of sentient humans” suddenly is flipped on its head, and the transgender argument has clear parallels to the cancer scenario.”

          If a child or teenager has any form of cancer it’s a travesty. Not sure why you invoked that into this instance because cancer isn’t a choice.

          Until someone is of the age of majority any body altering surgery should be prohibited to ensure that’s what they want.

          “As an aside, very curious you omitted penile circumcision from the article.”

          This is what is known as penis envy.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Pittman specifically stated her report was based upon parental responses and that the topic required further study.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Humorous aside: Just watched a nearly 70-year old woman break the men’s 40-yard dash… on her hands and knees.

    Went to take the trash out and found the spousal unit digging under the steps to the deck.

    “Whatcha doin’?”
    “There were 3 or 4 squirrels dashing under here, acting crazy and barking. I think one might be hurt or a baby may have fallen from the nest.”
    “Maybe they’re trying to get rid of something… like a snake?”

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Do their use an AR-15 for this type of surgery? ‘Cause that’s butchery.

    Oh wait, no. Because that’s done more than ‘Occasionally’ nowadays.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      Why are liberals so obsessed w/ the AR platform? Do you want us all to own AKs instead?

      You realize it’s not very different compared to other semi automatic rifles. However, the parts are standardized, manufactured to varying levels of quality, and therefore affordable to every socio-economic status.

      Besides, all we want are the same guns that the US government gave to the Ukranians and Taliban. It’s not much to ask.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    God screws up sometimes… even your god.

    Sometimes, back in the 40s and 50s, doctors just fixed things to their liking.

  14. killerhertz Avatar

    The easiest answer to all this transgender nonsense is to
    1. keep your children out of government schools
    2. keep them off of social media

  15. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Bishop Robert J. McManus of the Diocese of Worcester told officials at the Nativity School to remove the flags, which are meant to support justice and equality for Black and L.G.B.T.Q. people, saying that the school would be “prohibited from identifying itself as a Catholic school” if it did not comply.

    The school refused. This week, Bishop McManus said in a letter that he had “no other option” but to declare the school as no longer Catholic.”

    Uh yep.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Wow. that’s oughta get Conservatives up in arms!

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “However, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has co-opted the phrase and promotes a platform that directly contradicts Catholic social teaching on the importance and role of the nuclear family and seeks to disrupt the family structure in clear opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church.”

      Wow… a lot to unpack right there…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So you looked it up for the juicy parts. Catholic Church, justice orcs.

  16. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    I considered this overnight. I added WRT a state policy review

    “Perhaps peer review prior to proposed child gender transition medical and surgical interventions can offer a starting point for the discussions. With most Americans wanting the procedures banned, that is perhaps a middle ground that is politically achievable. The medical professions are already regulated by the state. A panel of the boards that regulate the professions involved might prove appropriate.”

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Final Version. Bipartisan support is necessary if any law or regulation is to survive future elections.

      “Perhaps a proposal for a peer review requirement prior to proposed medical and surgical interventions supporting child gender transition can offer a starting point for the discussions.”

      “With most Americans wanting the procedures banned, that is perhaps a middle ground that is politically achievable.”

      “The medical professions are already regulated by the state. Consider a requirement for a pre-medical and pre-surgical state review of proposed child gender transition procedures by a panel of members of the boards that regulate the professions involved. It might prove to get some bipartisan support in the General Assembly, especially if backed by Democratic members of the study group.”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That’s a poor assumption. Roe v. Wade was a 7-2 in a Conservative court.

        Elections ain’t the only threat to existing laws.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          So you think state regulation of the medical profession somehow raises constitutional issues? That they have no right to license and remove licenses from physicians? If so, 50 states and D.C. are out of compliance.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Not just physicians, but also State. The only instance where this deviates that I’m aware of, is Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). It allows Military Nurses or their Nurse spouses to practice in a state under the auspicious of their license in their home state.

            Federal Supremacy at it’s finest, but less headache than acquiring reciprocity or transferring your license every 3 years.

      2. Is this a panel to permit surgeries on underage children as a whole across the state, or a panel permitting surgeries on a case-by-case basis? In VA, you already need two letters from licensed professionals with the appropriate psychology education credentials on top of living as the new gender identity for at least a year. A kid cannot just claim to be XYZ and be scheduled for surgery the following month.

        Would this apply to all genital surgeries on minors that are not immediately necessary? Don’t think your reluctance to discuss male circumcision has escaped my notice. That’s done on literal infants and for no pressing medical reason, so you’re going to be consistent on your beliefs, yes? Or is the butchery okay when your holy book gives the seal of approval?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Would this apply to all genital surgeries on minors that are not immediately necessary? Don’t think your reluctance to discuss male circumcision has escaped my notice. That’s done on literal infants and for no pressing medical reason, so you’re going to be consistent on your beliefs, yes? Or is the butchery okay when your holy book gives the seal of approval?”

          Circumcision is a parental decision. As noted you’re a bigot, so butt out of other peoples Religious practices. As for your quip about it having no pressing reason, that’s false. It’s a phrase used by “foreskin reclaimers” who are against it for no other reason than it’s edgy. The APP has concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks.

          1. How am I a bigot? If a child wants to be circumcised, they can wait until adulthood, right? Why are they being forced into their parents’ religious beliefs? Why does your rhetoric magically go away when it’s a religious ritual? There’s no major health risk associated with foreskin. There’s no need to circumcise at birth.

            There is nothing here that violates a person’s right to practice their religion. I’d even say that circumcision before 18 is fine if the child ALSO consents. A baby, however, can’t even talk so you’d have to give it a few years.

            This isn’t to be “edgy” it’s a very real hole in your politics.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            By the very definition of the word and your usage regarding religion.

            “: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices”

            “Or is the butchery okay when your holy book gives the seal of approval?”

            The AAP would disagree with you on the foreskin, which is why your opinion on yours and not based on anything medical.

            Orthodox Jews don’t do it at birth and the decision is that of the parent.

            You weren’t consented on being born therefore your argument is invalid. Children can’t consent to receive medicine when they are sick nor do they have the capacity.

            My arguments aren’t based in politics, your strawman is noted and refuted. Stop being a foreskin reclaimer I’d you ever had any.

          3. You are all over the place now. It’s really is incredible how one contradiction can send you into a sputtering mess.

            Show me where I was prejudiced against any religion. I am not a “foreskin reclaimer” or whatever weird rabbit hole you fell into. I am pointing out a contradiction, and have specified my stance multiple times.

            The AAP says it has benefits but is not medically required. It is an elective procedure: a child will not die or be at high or even moderate risk if they forgo circumcision.

            You know what else the AAP endorses? Transitioning and gender-affirming care for transgender kids. So I hope you aren’t cherry-picking your support for them as an authority.

            Your statement about consent is goofy. A kid has a medical need to take medicine, so their consent supersedes their safety. And fyi, the parents’ religious beliefs are superseded there as well. Circumcision is not medically necessary, and there are scant health benefits for a child. Reduced risk for HIV and cancer? These aren’t common ailments for a three-year-old.

            I don’t think it’s a huge ask that the kid consents to elective surgery such as circumcision. It’s certainly consistent with my views on transgender surgeries.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’d be swell if you wouldn’t introduce “projection” into your comments, as it stands that’s just you twisting in the wind.

            I already did, but sure I’ll indulge you once again, perhaps this time with feeling.

            “Or is the butchery okay when your holy book gives the seal of approval?”

            Your intolerance towards other religious beliefs is the very definition of bigotry. That is evident in the words that you chose.

            Anyone that is spouting nonsense about circumcision in fact a “foreskin reclaimer” aka circumcision activist. The only contradiction that exists is that you’re conflating the complete removal of sexual organs with foreskin removal.

            “The AAP says it has benefits but is not medically required. It is an elective procedure: a child will not die or be at high or even moderate risk if they forgo circumcision.”

            Where did I say it was medically required? Strawman much?

            The AAP doesn’t endorse gender-affirming surgeries for children, you might want to read more and opine less. They support developmentally appropriate care, key word being developmentally.

            False, a child doesn’t have a medical need for medicine. Fever is the bodies way of fighting infection, we treat the fevers not because it’s medically necessary, but because of comfort.

            Cancer can happen to anyone at anytime, it doesn’t care if you’re below the age of majority. As a matter of fact cancer is pretty common, 1 in 285 children will develop cancer before age 20. There are plenty of health benefits, you just refuse to accept them as they don’t fit your narrative.

            “I don’t think it’s a huge ask that the kid consents to elective surgery such as circumcision.”

            Spoken like someone who’s never had a foreskin, yet feels no problem governing others bodies…humm a bit hypocritical aren’t we Rosy Palm, opps I mean Rosie.

          5. You have got tremendously thin skin if pointing out a contradiction purely due to religious reasoning constitutes “bigotry.” We are not a theocracy, no matter how much you wish we were. You cannot talk about genital surgery for minors as butchery but set aside one such exception because the Good Book says it’s okay. There has to be a pressing medical need, and a minute reduction in a rare cancer is not it.

            “Spoken like someone who’s never had a foreskin.” So, besides how creepy and weird you sound here, are you saying people who have a foreskin are happy with it being removed without consent? I think you are very hung up on circumcision and not the greater point of the parallels with transgender surgeries. I am really not that invested in the circumcision debate beyond that, If one believes transgender surgeries should wait until 18+, then the same can apply to similar elective procedures such as circumcision. We are not a bound by the laws of any one religion: if you think there’s a reason to except circumcision, it cannot be on religious grounds. The minor health benefits do NOT make it mandatory, and the AAP finds that gender-affirming care (including surgery) has large mental health benefits. So it CAN be excepted for under 18 operations if the mental health need is great enough.

            Here is the AAP supporting gender-affirming surgeries for youth where needed:

            Honestly I don’t think you’re worth any more of my time,

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “You have got tremendously thin skin if pointing out a contradiction purely due to religious reasoning constitutes “bigotry.” We are not a theocracy, no matter how much you wish we were. You cannot talk about genital surgery for minors as butchery but set aside one such exception because the Good Book says it’s okay”

            It’s always humorous pointing out someone’s bigotry and them acting like they aren’t bigots. It’s also equally humorous when that individual invokes a fallacy to bolster their opinion.

            There is not a single point in my comment where I wish that we were ruled in the name of any God. You, again however a raging Bigot of the highest order.

            You’re the one that invoked circumcision and conflated it with sexual reassignment surgery. So by the numbers this comment:

            “So, besides how creepy and weird you sound here, are you saying people who have a foreskin are happy with it being removed without consent? I think you are very hung up on circumcision and not the greater point of the parallels with transgender surgeries”

            You’re again engaging in Projection on the plainest of terms.

            False, you are invested and now you’re deflecting when called out on it. If you weren’t invested you wouldn’t have brought it up. I mean there is no logical connection between circumcision and gender-reassignment surgery. One is a flap of skin, the other are sexual organs.

            You should really read your own citations, especially when they validate my statements and not your own. So again we are at a point where you heavy on opinion and light on facts.

            “Eligibility criteria for gender-affirmative surgical interventions among adolescents are not clearly defined between established protocols and practice. When applicable, eligibility is usually determined on a case-by-case basis with the adolescent and the family along with input from medical, mental health, and surgical providers.68,–71 ”

            Furthermore, it’s now 2022 and puberty suppression has been found to dramatically impact development following it. If you disagree with that assessment take it up with recent AAP articles as well as NHS.

            “Honestly I don’t think you’re worth any more of my time,”

            I think you over estimate what your time is worth, that coupled with your completely and utterly ignorant opinions which aren’t based in science. You should refrain from discussing medical topics when you think a diuretic is for acne.

  17. Bernard Lane Avatar
    Bernard Lane

    Interesting divide between Biden admin on this & progressive countries such as Sweden & Finland.

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