The Newest Entitlement for a Morally Bankrupt Nation

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by James A. Bacon

This is it: the final straw. I’ve had it. I’m ready to (figuratively) burn the place down.

President Joe Biden has moved to cancel student-loan debt for 43 million borrowers in an initiative that the Wharton School of Business estimates could cost taxpayers $300 billion over the next ten years. Students from low-income families qualifying for Pell grants would get $20,000 in debt forgiveness while others would be forgiven $10,000.

This action is wrong on so many grounds that I barely know where to begin. As some have observed, the primary beneficiaries of forgiveness are America’s educated elites. Americans in blue collar occupations get nothing from this arrangement. The move also rewards deadbeats by offloading bad-debt burden to taxpayers. Those who made sacrifices to retire their debts take up the slack through their taxes for those who couldn’t or wouldn’t pay off their loans.

The Biden administration is effectively transforming student loans into another income-transfer entitlement benefiting debtors and the higher-ed institutions that enabled their debt at the expense of taxpayers and those who honor their debts. This is more than a fiscal outrage. It is a moral outrage.

According to the Biden administration, the initiative will “reform” student loan repayments to make college more affordable to low- and middle-income borrowers by creating “income-driven repayment plans” based on a borrower’s discretionary income. This means, in effect, that the federal government will subsidize students borrowing money to earn degrees with little market value. Students can indulge in dance, feminist theory, post-modern critical studies, or whatever, secure in the knowledge that Uncle Joe will bail them out of their poor decisions.

As far as I can tell from the White House Fact Sheet, there is nothing that requires colleges and universities to depart from Business As Usual. The fact sheet does say that colleges “have an obligation to keep prices reasonable and ensure borrowers get value for their investments, not debt they cannot afford.” The Biden administration claims to have taken “key steps” toward that goal but does not enumerate them.

Whatever adjustments colleges and universities will be required to make, it’s safe to say they will continue admitting students who are poor credit risks. College drop-outs will continue to number in the hundreds of thousands. Thousands more students will continue borrowing money to pursue majors with minimal market value. And higher-ed institutions will continue to admit students at any cost to generate revenue to pay for their bloated administrations, Taj Mahal facilities and commitment to “social justice.”

Yes, that last part is perhaps the worst. As we have documented on Bacon’s Rebellion, many Virginia colleges and universities have taken on the mission of facilitating social justice — informed, of course, by their left-wing sensibilities, which means discrediting the founding fathers and the principles this country is built upon.

It’s bad enough that the cost of attendance has gotten so unaffordable. Here is the Biden administration chart showing the growth trend:

It’s bad enough that Virginia’s public universities have created intellectual monocultures — environments where non-leftists are afraid to express themselves openly, and dedicated themselves institutionally to the cultivation of grievance, victimhood and envy under the name of “social justice.” (The great irony, of course, is that universities themselves are systems of hierarchical privilege that reward those at the top of the power structure and exploit those at the bottom.)

I have warned about these trends frequently on Bacon’s Rebellion.

Now I’ll be expected, as a taxpayer, to subsidize this dysfunctional, parasitic, and intellectually bankrupt system. Well, to be technically accurate, I probably won’t have to pay higher taxes. The $300 billion cost will be added to the national debt over the next 10 years, fueling long-term inflationary pressures and accelerating the nation’s pall mall rush toward hyper-inflation or insolvency or both.

I refuse to subsidize the destruction of the way of life I hold dear. Increasingly, I’m of a mind that America’s — and Virginia’s — higher-ed system has little left that’s worth preserving. We need to defund the putrefying husks of established colleges and universities and fund the creation of parallel institutions for job training, higher education, and research. The fate of the country depends upon it.

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92 responses to “The Newest Entitlement for a Morally Bankrupt Nation”

  1. VaPragamtist Avatar

    Just to help me understand the argument, how does the author feel about other loan forgiveness or programs for “free”/reduced education (Public Service Loan Forgiveness, loan forgiveness for teachers in high demand fields, GI bill, Pell Grant, etc.)?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Republicans are torn with this one. They’re in a tizzy about equity in the wealth redistribution.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Thanks for asking. Those programs were passed by Congress. Something about power of the public purse. Thanks again mr. Pragmatist. Then at least we could hold it against at the ballot box all who voted for it. Now congressional Democrats in competitive races will try to have it both ways. Bad luck to them.

      1. VaPragamtist Avatar

        That doesn’t quite answer the question. So first, how do you (and/or the author), feel about the programs that already exist? I’m trying to discuss the policy side, not the political side.

        Second, since you opened the door to the political side–would you be OK with this new forgiveness program if it was passed by Congress?

        Third, can’t you hold this against the President at the ballot box if he or someone within his administration runs in 2 years?

        Finally, doesn’t this executive action protect Republican members of congress from having to vote against it and making themselves a target?

  2. Teddy007 Avatar

    Considering that about 50% of those who start college never finish, a lot of the debt is held by people who do not have a degree. Also, one does not pay for Harvard with federal student loans since the annual amount is capped well below what Harvard cost.
    If one wants to worry about the blue collar types and paying bills, then the best thing to do would be to raise taxes on the upper 10% enough to balance the budget. Deficit spending is nothing more than deferring taxes into the future. Also, maybe there would be a federal law that no federal loan can be forgiven.

  3. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    When tuition increases as a result of this don’t be surprised. Big Ed see’s that Big Gov will guarantee bigger loans for BS degree’s.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    300 billion? All you need is 75% cotton 25% linen rag paper and ink. No problem!

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      The amount of the money supply that exist in cash is very small. Money is not printed. It is created with bookkeeping entries.

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        First, these were approved by Congress. Second, you say not a peep. What do you mean? Alot of conservatives have been concerned about out of control spending for years, and these conservatives have been branded by the Left and many in the media as radical, and extreme! I would agree these need to be looked, along with a whole lot of other spending, as we don’t have the money to pay for them.

        What are we going to do about the Federal debt?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yeah, they say but then how they choose specifics is interesting.

          Federal Debt? When Trump changed the tax code and it was all paid for with deficit/debt where was the Conservative outcry?

          We Have Federal Farm Bills and PPP loans. Where are the Conservatives?

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            First, a lot of Republicans have deficit blood on their hands too, including Trump. But by no means all.

            The tax code has belonged to Biden and the Democrats since January 2021, they now own it. They could have changed it, they could have fully reversed Trump’s tax cut, but didn’t. Why? Probably so they could ram through more spending and claim they were paying for it with higher taxes.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            The Dems have never been famous for spending cuts, right?

            It’s the GOP that has claimed that high ground.

            And remember they voted against the auto and bank bailouts after the mortgage debacle.

            They were willing to let the economy go belly up…

            Then Trump comes along and does two trillion dollars of tax cuts that are not paid for and directly add to deficit/debt.

            And they voted for PPP loans and Farm subsidies, and tax code loopholes like carried interest and stepped-up basis and more.

            Yeah, the Dems are guilty – of something they are always guilty of – they do not claim to be fiscal conservatives like the other side does and then votes for deficits for tax cuts.

          3. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            So you ignore what I said at first, Republican’s have deficit blood on their hands too. But please, spare me the lecture and your nit picking of stuff. Carried Interest was in the draft Democrat plan, but it went away, so now Democrats own it. And don’t forget their planned give away to the rich in blue states with the SALT deduction.

            Do you believe in a balanced budget? Many Republican’s want to work to one in 5 to ten years, but it never happens. No Democrat that I know of even remotely say they want one. I would support a plan to get to one in say 5 years, with a combination of major spending cuts, tax increases, and means testing for a number of entitlements. Would you?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            No , did not ignore and give you credit for recognizing it.

            Carried Interest and other are not just “Dem” only issues. The GOP should be on it also. Right?

            You’re right on the SALT but when you do the SALT at the same time you do tax-cuts that are not paid for… that’s not fair tax policy.

            re: ” Do you believe in a balanced budget? Many Republican’s want to work to one in 5 to ten years, but it never happens.”

            You gotta be kidding. When Trump has both houses of Congress, did he balance the budget or get tax cuts not paid for? He made it worse and all those “conservative” GOP went along with it like puppy dogs.

            You can’t balance the budget without increasing taxes or big, big cuts for both the Military and Medicare.

            I’m in favor of a combination of tax increases and cuts. I think the military has way too many bases even after the past closures and I’d support increasing the premiums and co-pays for Medicare.

            And I do favor means-tested entitlements across the board.

            And if you check the tax code, you ‘ll see that many already are. Many of them drop to zero when income increases.

            I support the same approach for taxing investments – why do we not tax them as income like we do for wage income?

          5. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I gotta go and give you the last word on everything except one point on carried interest, and agree with you 100% on that point.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            enjoyed the discussion. Thank you.

      2. Isn’t that called what-about-ism? I thought you objected to that.

        The truth is that the entire federal budget is overrun with subsidies, cross-subsidies, loan guarantees, loan forgiveness, regulatory favors and other forms of income distribution. They are part of the problem. Outside of housing, however, all other programs are dwarfed by student loans. To those with power and influence go the spoils. Our nation has descended into corruption.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well no. It’s called double standards where you call out others for something but don’t care for similar “outrages” and the difference is largely partisan not non-partisan.

          Are you saying the student loans dwarf the farm programs or the PPP loans or the TCSJ tax cuts?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          No such a thing as what-about-ism when it comes to money. It’s all debt.

          Lemme ‘splain. Government spending is very much like household spending. A woman(Democrat) will buy something she doesn’t think she needs if it’s on sale for 50% off; a man(Republican) will spend twice as much for something he thinks he needs even with a most disreputable dealer.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Student debt is held by about 3% of students in private colleges, 40% of students at state schools and 80% attending HBCUs. The solution is clear. Pick better parents.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Could you provide a cite for this.

      From Brookings:

      “According to the Department of Education’s College Scorecard, students who graduated or withdrew in 2017 or 2018 from elite or highly selective colleges and graduate programs (as ranked by Barron’s) owed about 12 percent of all student debt in those years, but account for only four percent of all borrowers.”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oops, Harvard. 3% of Harvard students carry debt. And it’s closer to 50% for State schools (48%). Nevertheless, picking better parents is always a good plan.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          The 3% is for gauranteed federal student loans and is only for the undergraduate level. However, there are many Harvard students who have private loans since it makes more sense for an organization to make private loans to an Ivy league student.

  6. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    This is not debt forgiveness, it is debt shifting, from students and graduates who agreed to the loans, to the general public who had no say. What is lost in the discussion in most media is that this was never approved by Congress, how can the National Debt be increased by hundreds of billions without Congressional approval? It was also not paid for. Nobody’s taxes went up, President Biden just shifted debt which already is over $30 Trillion, with no plan on how to pay it down. How?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      He’s going to let the ever-so-poular religious 6-3 SCOTUS tick off yet another segment of the up and coming generation. Roe v. Wade anyone?

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Roe v Wade has nothing to do with this.

        But WV v EPA is more direct, which said EPA has limited authority to issue regulations, it must be approved by Congress. It should be shot down in the courts big time long before getting to them, and they don’t even have to take the case.

        Congress has to approve increases in debt limits, how is that going to go?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          okay, see if you can follow. Dobbs threw the midterms into question. The MAGAs were looking great. Then, a buncha Catholics imposed their religion on the US by overturning RvW. Suddenly, Dems look a whole lot better than the force-the-14-yo-rape-victim to birth anencephalic baby while in death throes.

          Now scotus will toss this and garner more dem votes.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I believe I mentioned that your anti-Catholic rants were getting old. Now they are getting very old. They would be deleted and you would be cautioned by most social media and most monitored newspaper that comment pages. Jim puts up with it. I disagree with him.

            There are a bunch of collective descriptions of people you could put in that sentence that would get you banned. Catholics – a religious heritage, not a political description – is apparently a safe choice. Just not with me.

            Stay with the screen name.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “The arrest sparked outrage on social media. Government critics said the move was an effort by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to consolidate support from his religious and conservative ahead of elections in 10 months.

            The charges were based on a joke Gulsen (a Turkish pop singer) made during an April concert in Istanbul, where she quipped that one of her musicians’ “perversion” stemmed from attending a religious school. A video of the singer’s comment began circulating on social media recently, with a hashtag calling for her arrest.”

            Don’t worry, maybe your boys and girls on SCOTUS will have it happening here soon.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            free speech much? censorship much?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh, don’t give him a hard time. He can’t help it. He surrenders free will to a higher power. To some, sacrilege is blasphemy. Oh wait…

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Last I checked, once baptized and confirmed, you left the Catholic church in only one of two ways, feet first or excommunicated, which in the good ol’ days was followed immediately by the first.

            Now, since I don’t recall receiving an email from Rome with a bell, book, and candle emoji in it, the Church still considers me a Catholic. Until then, I’m a heretic like Martin Luther. Consider my posts to be another 95 feces (a very funny Gahan Wilson joke, btw).

          6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            And I thought self-loathing wasn’t really a thing.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            See, there ya go. Martin Luther was just a self-loathing Catholic. Must’ve been his credit card debt from buying indulgences.

            The anti-Church posts ain’t anti-Church posts after all. Just two Catholic boys discussing the merits of mumbo jumbo. With an ocassional mention of the role of the Church in the hastening of death and destruction of millions of souls.

          8. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

            Truly repugnant.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wait. The ecumenical SCOTUS will outdo it. So, will I.

          10. FYI – A 2022 Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll found that 64% of U.S. Catholics (and 40 % of Catholic Republicans) think that abortion should be legal in most or all cases

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But only 5 count. Well, one Pope and 5 followers.

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      What’s the point? What does this program, which was approved by Congress in a bi-partisan fashion, in an effort to save businesses and employees from bankruptcy because the Government decided to shut down the economy, have to do with the issue at hand?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        It has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Whoever is pulling the puppet strings on Senile Joe Biden wanted a handout ahead of the mid-term elections. Our empty headed president (who claimed he was appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965) went along. After all, his handlers were threatening to withhold both his afternoon pudding and nap.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          A.The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes substantially from 2018 through 2025. The resulting deficits will add $1 to $2 trillion to the federal debt, according to official estimates. The debt increase will be larger if some of TCJA’s temporary tax cuts are extended.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            What the hell does that have to do with the subject at hand?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Has a LOT to do with the govt handing out free money.


          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Cutting taxes is not “handing out free money”. It is letting people keep more of the money they earned. Forgiving loans that were entered into willingly by adults … now that’s “handing out free money”.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. When you give tax cuts and pay for it by treasury notes – you’re handing out “free money” no different than student loans.

            Used to be you guys that claimed to be Conservatives would RAIL about the deficit and debt and how spending was not paid for.

            What could be worse than tax-cuts NOT PAID FOR?

          5. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I responded in another post, this tax cut has been owned by Biden and the Democrats since 2021. They could have changed it in order to reduce deficits if they wanted, but didn’t. It is now theirs too!

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you mean as in a year or so?

            You forget here. The Dems DID just pass legislation that, in fact, increased taxes and reduced the deficit and debt…

          7. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            It was a spending bill, geez.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep, but paid for, no?

          9. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            No, because they, like you, argued the Trump tax bill cost too much. They, and you in your thinking, should have reversed that tax bill in 2021 to be honest with their convictions, and reduced the annual deficit. This was a spending bill.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            The TRump bill did not cost “too much” – it totally ballooned the deficit/debt.

            The Dems DID roll back some of those tax cuts, right?

            Should I put a table here showing year, deficit and debt ?


            The Dems have never claimed to be deficit hawks but the GOP has for decades claimed they are the deficit hawks.

            The problem is they like to cut taxes but they can’t cut the spending to pay for the tax cuts.

            The Dems don’t mind taxing the rich to pay for stuff. That’s been their game for decades.

          11. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Regarding Trump ballooning the deficit. Never mind we had a pandemic, just ignore that and pretend it wasn’t so, and pretend the Dem’s did not agree 100% with all that damn spending, and then passed even more when they took control in 2021 (and no, there was no tax increase then).

            But again, I agree many Republicans including Trump did not pay any attention to the deficits and that is a problem for me.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Larry to the rescue with DNC propaganda!
      Hey, Lar – first, the PPP was enacted by a bunch of fools called Congress to compensate for the bunch of fools in the SCIENCE! fear porn Covid/lamestream media and was known UP FRONT that if you kept the people on the payroll, you got to keep the money.
      No one put the gun to the heads of the Womyn’s Studies majors who, for some reason, can’t get a job. Also, Lar – another example of why not to trust the gov’t – you use the program as designed, then they use it against you. Remember privacy concerns? Oh, that’s right, they don’t apply to political enemies, like MTG and the evil non-Covid vax people who didn’t want the death shot.
      Read the Mar-a-lago raid affidavit yet?
      What’s the official line there?
      Also, UVA et al should have skin in the game – if not paid back, take it from your endowment…then maybe UVA would quit admitting people not qualified. In fact, Jim Ryan’s salary should be lowered by the bad debts. What do you think? Good idea?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Walter, do you think Biden is also limited by Congressional Law on what he can do or not?

        And for Congress itself, where are the Conservatives on other loan programs?

        You wanna ding Biden but give Conservatives in Congress a bye?

        UVA only does what it does because of Congress and Conservatives than enable him.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          So…no reply to the questions…so guilty on regurgitating Dem propaganda.
          Power of the purse belongs to Congress. All Presidents are supposed to be subject to it. Biden can’t do what he did. Queen Nancy said so last year. Everybody knew that…until his feckless regime and brazen illegality made them toxic, so let’s buy votes from the kids we have been indoctrinating.
          I’m not giving the Congresscritters a bye – they are idiots. They should not be paid for a deficit or any time we operate without a budget. They should not get a pension. And if the gov’t shuts down, then the gov’t workers shouldn’t get paid. Might encourage the idiots not to be idiots…but it is hard for a narcissist not to be a narcissist…
          UVA does what it does because it is full of hypocritical Marxists…who love money and power and hate dissent – save our democracy!

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so how is this not Congressional power of purse?

            Is Biden doing illegal?


            If you’re not given congresscritters a bye.. not sure I heard you whine about it prior, no?

            Why/how can Biden do this if it is not authorized by Congress to start with?

            Oh, and I’m or or less opposed to this but also opposed to tax cuts that are not paid for, subsidies for crops, carried interest, stepped-up basis, PPP loans and bailouts.

            I’m consistent and not partisan on fiscal things unlike Conservatives these days who claim to be fiscal conservatives but are anything but.

    3. Yeah, that’s another example of our moral corruption. Got any more?

  7. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    The answer is to end government funded student loans for graduate and undergraduate students. Instead of applying for loans, require them to apply for needs-based, performance-based government grants funded with annual Congressional appropriations. Limit these grants to undergraduates. Make continued eligibility contingent on maintaining a C average. Let’s eliminate the administrative cost associated with repayment plans or seeking repayment. And best of all, by doing this, we’ll eliminate the next round of vote-buying, loan forgiveness before the next election.

    1. I think I could live with that.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim, I don’t mean to get too personal but facts are facts. You went to an elite DC prep school. Did you pay for it? You went tot UVA. Same questiion. And grad schools. My point is that if you had a ride, what gives you the right to critique those who got loans? What gives you the right to represent “blue collar” people?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Power of the purse is the issue that will kill this, Peter. The rest is details.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      I went to public high school and worked my way through UVa waiting tables during the school year. The loans I freely took out have long been paid back with interest.

      The corrupt, senile, blithering idiot we elected president is trying to give a handout to the least economically stressed Americans.

      That’s not right and you know it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You did it right. I give you credit. This is not Biden alone though. This is a whole bunch of folks. And I don’t agree with it.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          It’s not Biden at all. That catatonic clown isn’t calling the shots. Hell, he can barely read the words from a teleprompter. He went to the Naval Academy graduation and proclaimed that he had been appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965 – the year he graduated from college.

          The man’s not there. He’s gone.

          The real question is who is calling the shots in the White House. I suspect Susan Rice but who knows? It sure as hell isn’t Slow Joe.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            He’s not as senile as folks think but the key point is that it’s not him alone and it NEVER IS.

            He /his team is authorized by Congressional vote to do this.

            And it will be legally challenged.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There is no working through it anymore. Period. When I was paying just under $1000 tuition for a Va State school, a girl I dated was paying $90 for SDSU.

        At the time, I did it by booking 1,800 to 1,900 hours per year at minimum wage, nearly a full time job. It took 6 years because I ran out of money twice. I did it without debt, but did get a MasterCard in my last semester.

        Work your way through college today? Sure, you can do it, but you better be making $75,000 and be prepared for a pay cut when you graduate.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Great. Let’s solve the root problem. College tuitions have been rising far faster than inflation for decades. Why? Where is the accountability for that? And, for the record, I worked and borrowed to get through school. I could have gone ROTC. I could have joined the service out of high school and then gone to college on the GI bill. I could have gotten an associates degree at NoVa Community College and then transferred. All options that the whiners who want their loans paid off still have.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Student loans enable the higher College tuitions. The more you loan (and forgive), the more they will charge.

            Not about Biden per se. Bigger problem than just him.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The why is easy. Funding cuts for state schools and student loans. The perfect storm.

    3. My parents paid for my education, just as my wife and I paid for our children’s education — in essence, our parents paid it forward, and so did we.

      I did not undertake a contractual obligation to borrow money and promise to pay it back, then renege on my obligation.

      Do you want me to acknowledge that I was blessed because my parents were able to help me, as I was able to assist my children? Done. I was blessed. I was more fortunate than others. But I don’t take on debts I cannot repay. I don’t buy a $1 million vacation house, borrow a lot of money, renege on the debts, and then cry for a bailout just because someone else is able to pay cash for the same house.

  9. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    In a basement apartment somewhere near the geographical center of the US, Trump’s 400-pound hacker creates the messages for conservatives in the nation. The core is that President Biden can never do any good. Emails from conservative websites are parroting the content and dudgeon of this article. The Fauxy Team will be shouting the same breaking news. Once , on a cross country road trip passing through several time zones, we heard the identical messages from Hannity and others within minutes of one another. It’s an incredible phenomenon. It’s more polished by the time it gets to Virginia but no less cuddled in outrage. Gotta give the conservatives credit for the big horn.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Perhaps it is the true power of honesty. No script needed. You will never have to remember who you told what lie to.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        PPS: Fauxy News reports that former AG Bill Barr is tired of the right wing outrage over the Mar a Lago search warrant. Truth to power. Or truth from
        former power.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Bill Barr speaks seldom, clearly and without artifice. Twice a great attorney general.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            a man of integrity….. 😉

            Would he have ordered Mar a Largo? 😉

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        confusion here on honesty?

  10. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    We can’t complain about the lack of teachers and not consider loan forgiveness. Higher Ed will raise tuition. But does this mean moving forward I wouldn’t have to pay the first 10,000 of my student loan if I were to go to school next year? It’s not the forgiveness that gets me, it is the poor stewards of spending that bother me.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Kathleen, you confuse me. What is the “fix”?

    2. If loan forgiveness for teachers moving to Title I schools is an agreed-upon condition of the loan, then I have no problem it. The key is, teachers have to live up to their end of the bargain, even if they discover that teaching in those conditions is not what they bargained on.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        And … if the loan forgiveness is legislated by Congress and not arbitrarily implemented by whoever is pulling Biden’s puppet strings.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Does anyone else wonder why some things only Congress can do but this – Biden can do? Is what he can do basically enabled by law that Congress did pass? Or is Biden just doing illegal stuff like Trump?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Virtually no one wonders most things you wonder, Larry. You are unique.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Gotcha. Glad you and others do understand you sure don’t show it though or you do and don’t care much, eh except when Dems do it.

        sounds about right.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey! Here’s yet another. Just got an email from SSA, and old folks qualify….

    “Internet access is necessary for work, school, healthcare, and more. Unfortunately, high speed internet remains unaffordable for too many households. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) runs a program, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), that reduces the cost of getting online for people with limited income. Many internet providers offer fully covered internet plans – meaning you may even get high-speed internet for free.

    If your household income is 200% or less than the Federal Poverty Guidelines or someone in your household participates in certain government assistance programs, you may be eligible for the benefits the ACP provides. Visit the ACP website to see if you qualify. Please do not contact Social Security with questions about the ACP.”


  13. DJRippert Avatar

    And why did Biden double the level of forgiveness for Pell Grant recipients. Aren’t the Pell Grants student aid? A kid grows up in a poor family. Then, he gets a Pell Grant to help pay for college. He graduates with a degree. Why is he now more needy than anybody else with a college degree? The kid is no longer poor. He is an educated adult. Why should that person get twice the loan forgiveness?

  14. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Stole the words from a lot of us.

  15. Richard Smith Avatar
    Richard Smith

    This is simple…
    Loan forgiveness is plainly UnConstitutional.
    AND… Federal Student loan, hell, all federal loan programs are UnConstitutional…

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Victoria Frankenstien… grab your rosary beads boys. Humana, humana, humana. The value of an education.

    No sperm, no egg, all mouse. Mr. Smith, your spare parts have arrived.

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