The New Racism: Fairfax Schools Edition

In impassioned remarks at a public hearing, Asra Nomani blistered the Fairfax County School Board for its anti-Asian educational policies, as seen in the video clip above. Nomani is well known to Bacon’s Rebellion readers as a leader protesting school board actions to stack the deck for admissions to the elite Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology against high-achieving Asian students in the name of “equity.”

Watch the clip. It’s about three minutes long. Nomani refers to a laughable survey conducted by Fairfax County schools on racial attitudes, which you can read about here. She also refers to the NYC Leadership Academy, an executive “training” firm that indoctrinates school officials in proper thinking about “culturally competent leadership,” which Fairfax schools are paying as much as $467 per hour for training and coaching. You can see the contract here.


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27 responses to “The New Racism: Fairfax Schools Edition”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here’s the problem. If you want change, you likely won’t get it this way. These rants might play well on FOX and in the echo chamber but hearts and minds ? You have to want/intend for people to listen to you – you know, the ones who may be in the middle and not yet figured out what this”anti-racism”, “anti-Asian” stuff is all about?

    Fairfax County is likely the most diverse county demographically in Virginia.

    Is her message one that resonates with Asians, Hispanics, Blacks and other people of color. If it does, then Fairfax will feel the heat. If not, they will likely ignore her. It’s not about her or his political philosophy, it’s about whether or not she actually REPRESENTS diverse people of color.

    1. CJBova Avatar

      Messages that don’t get picked up on news or social media don’t reach the wider audience. You don’t need to represent a particular group of people to call attention to a problem. In this case though, she is a member of the group impacted by anti-racist positions taken against the high school.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        If you want to motivate larger groups of people who then will push for change, do you do it this way?

        Is she calling attention to a “problem” that many in Fairfax would agree with or is she calling attention to a “problem” that right leaning folks have but not the wider population?

        Just raising hell won’t get you change unless you got significant others with you.

        Somewhere along the line, Conservatives have fallen into their own form of “virtue signaling”, i.e. grievance rants…. that other Conservatives like but maybe not anyone else.

        If a significant number of people are unhappy with the Fairfax leaders, trust me, they will feel the heat and react.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          We’ll have to count the votes on the petition to recall two of the libtwits on the Fairfax County School Board.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep. do the recalls have real legs?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Probably not. My understanding is that the recall results in a trial by a judge, not a re-vote. The judge has to find substantial incompetence and/or negligence. I guess it would depend a lot on which judge hears the case.

            However, the two impeachments of Trump were “show trials” too. There was no chance of the Senate convicting him. The trials did serve to publicize the issues at hand.

            My hope is that a trial for negligence / incompetence of two Fairfax County School Board members will force the media to cover the issues with the school board. That coverage could make a difference in a number of House of Delegates races in Northern Virginia.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t think a persons belief that there is structural racism that needs to be addressed – is “incompetent” nor “negligent”.

            There is strong policy disagreement. That’s what elections are for.

    2. The way you get change is to throw the bums out. The way to throw the bums out is to make speeches like Nomani’s.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You gotta get a lot more folks to throw the bums out that a few Conservatives raising hell.

        The claim is that the Asians in NoVa are up in arms and ready to throw the bums out.

        Is that wishful thinking on the parts of Conservatives or something real?

        Are Conservatives also coming to the defense of Asians being attacked on the streets?

        Who do the Asians trust on the range of issues – Conservatives?

    3. “People of color” is not a meaningful real-world category, and this idiotic term needs to head back to academia and stay there.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Great work by Asra Nomani continuing to expose the “too many Asians” bigotry of Democratic politicians. Non-violent protest isn’t just for liberals and refusing to yield at the very second that she was told to yield was a brilliant form of non-violent protest.

    Asian-Americans are the second largest racial group in Fairfax County. There are 221,000 Asian-Americans living in Fairfax County. The second most spoken non-english language in Fairfax County is Korean.

    Anybody who doubts that the Asian-American community can’t topple Democrats in the House of Delegates from Fairfax County ought to pay close attention this November.

    When I voted at the Republican unassembled convention in Fairfax County I saw a lot of Asian-Americans working for the various candidates.

    In my district (34th) Gary Pan will be running against lily white Kathleen Murphy. I will be contributing to Mr Pan since I am sick to death of the anti-Asian prejudice of Virginia’s Democratic Party, especially in Fairfax County.

    The road to Republicans retaking the House of Delegates runs straight through the Asian-American community.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    It seems to me that the ideology obsessed with race these days lies on the Right side of the spectrum…. that is if articles on BR are any indication…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Conservatives just LOVE to hear RANTS from other Conservatives… can’t figure out why?


      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Just like their favorite black candidates are the one’s who’s central message is that all past white crimes are forgiven! (Jack White a couple of days ago…)

        Hey, give this woman a kewpie doll, she got her rant on Fox and on BR (in this case, for the fourth or fifth time) simply by talking through the buzzer and getting gaveled down…I agree with her message, but it is lost with her tactics. The school board (which is ELECTED, Sherlock) is favoring the voting blocs that elected them.

        And really, Larry? Libs and hard core lefties don’t enjoy cheering on messages that fit their narratives? Kinda human nature.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I’ve already seen this this morning on Fox News, but not the whole three minutes. In all fairness, she got the whole three minutes and a buzzer went off. She spent much of the three minutes repeating things she had already told the board, in every communication medium possible, in a highly confrontational tone. At some point just shouting at people to create a confrontation you can take to social media or friendly news outlets becomes the show, and the message gets lost.

    1. emjak Avatar

      The Left does not have a monopoly on righteous indignation. The Left does not have a monopoly on confronting its opponents. The Left does not have a right to demand servile politeness from people and organizations that it treats badly.

      The honest expression of righteous indignation in the face of left-wing intolerance and indoctrination is a legitimate part of Ms. Nomani’s message.

    2. CJBova Avatar

      The message is lost when boards do not listen or respond. Just about every one has a chair who has the option to let a speaker exceed their three minutes by a few seconds. The message in not doing that is also clear–go away, we’re not interested in hearing you.

      Highly confrontational tone? When polite conversational tones get nowhere in situations like this, confrontation within reason (which this was IMO) is justified.

    3. Was Nomani “confrontational” or
      “impassioned”? Was it “confrontational” to call out board members individually on their anti-Asian racism?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Question is, what was she trying to achieve?


        1. DJRippert Avatar

          She was trying to publicize the fact that the supposedly liberal school board had been asked questions by a concerned Asian-American parent of a student at Thomas Jefferson High School which they refused to answer.

          I’d say she accomplished that mission brilliantly.

          The disdain for Asian-Americans by that school board is despicable.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you think she has actually got MOST of the Asians AND other people of color involved?

            Conservatives like wedge issues but is the Fairfax board is any real trouble of being thrown out by larger numbers of voters?

            Is this lady basically dancing for hard-right Conservatives.. the FOX news variety or is she going to get a lot of other parents involved and cause the board to back off?

            My view at this point is that she’s a FAV of conservatives but not much more.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I admire Mrs. Nomani’s courage, perseverance, and tenacity.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not exactly what most would call a positive force for change, though.

      But Conservatives seem to like her…

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      But her year long crusade has failed. This was just a worthless rant, her voice rising, her accusations piling up. In November you have a chance to do something that will make a change. Her tactics and behavior will lead to defeat…it will feel good right up until you lose.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Ian Pryor in Loudoun might have a better strategy. He has formed a PAC to influence the next school board election.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I do not agree with the folks who oppose in this case but I totally defend their right to organize and gain the numbers needed to change govt.

          I actually support citizen initiative like they have in other states like Colorado and California. But you do need to get the signatures – needs to be a significant bar but once you get it – then that is one legitimate way that govt can be held accountable.

          I just don’t think the current strategy of Conservatives to raise holy hell and attack and demonize individual people is a good way to go about it.

          Oppose the policies but dont target individual people which seems to be the modus operandi these days even in BR that puts their photos up as bad guys.

  6. Surf Ski Avatar
    Surf Ski

    Asra Nomani for school board

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