The Most Woke Universities in Virginia

“Woke” as rendered by Bing Image Creator.

by James A. Bacon

Borrowing a methodology from a Harvard computer science prof, Jay Greene and Mike Gonzales with The Heritage Foundation have calculated a wokeness ranking for Virginia’s public universities: the number of times “social justice” appears in a university’s course catalog.

Measured by the absolute number of “social justice” mentions, James Madison University is the most woke (72 references), followed by George Mason University (59), and Virginia Commonwealth University (53).

Some universities offer far more courses than others, however, so Greene and Gonzalez introduce another measure: a ratio of courses that mention “social justice” versus courses that mention “Constitution.”

In The Daily Signal they write:

The term “social justice” appears in the James Madison University catalog 4.5 times as often as the term “Constitution.” For Virginia Commonwealth University, “social justice” is 3.1 times as common as “Constitution.” At George Mason University, it is 2.6 times as common.

For the historically black institutions, Norfolk State and Virginia State, their catalogs mention “Constitution” more often than they do “social justice.” The same is true for the flagship University of Virginia, as well as at Old Dominion University, Christopher Newport University, Longwood University, and Virginia Military Institute.

Judging by the verbiage in its curriculum, Virginia Military Institute is the least woke of all, the Heritage fellows say. It does not have a single course or program that includes the terms “social justice, “decolonization,” “liberation,” “white supremacy,” or “intersectionality” in its title or description, but it does have 13 courses with “Constitution” in the title. At the College of William & Mary, by contrast, the ratio is 17 to 3.

Longwood University and Old Dominion University course catalogs suggest little interest in wokeness either, they say.

Greene and Gonzales acknowledge that the key word searches are a rough measure that give only a “flavor” of wokeness. From my perusal of the UVA course catalog, many descriptions use language that imply an intersectional oppressor/oppressed paradigm without using easily identifiable woke buzzwords. But the Heritage writers’ first cut represents a good starting point for discussion.

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89 responses to “The Most Woke Universities in Virginia”

  1. Theron Keller Avatar
    Theron Keller

    Sadly, they don’t provide the raw numbers for each of the universities. Would have been quite easy to do, so disappointing.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Perfectly meaningless. Like tracking the ratio of self-aggrandizing statements versus praise/slander for our fallen soldiers by Trump… oh wait, no, that does tell you something.

  2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Wow — congrats to JMU! President Alger is alert and concerned about social justice and discrimination. I can’t imagine why any college would prefer to not be concerned about social justice and discrimination. Perhaps that is why they have a 96% student satisfaction rate. I also have heard that the number of new applications at JMU is increased significantly.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Because “social Justice” is not justice.
      There is a famous book, Commies don’t read it….because they are Commies, but it says to do justice equally to rich and poor…not to tilt the decision based on that.

      1. Theron Keller Avatar
        Theron Keller

        Excellent reminder of the true Giver of justice!

    2. Theron Keller Avatar
      Theron Keller

      “I can’t imagine why any college would prefer to not be concerned about social justice…”

      Because just like “Critical Race Theory,” the two opposite sides of the spectrum fundamentally disagree on what the term even means.

      This allows you to disparage your opponents from an assumed position of “moral superiority,” when, in fact, your dishonest denial of the disparate meanings applied to the terms actually makes your arguments invalid and your self-assigned “superiority” as fake as a $3 bill.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        I don’t see any reference to moral superiority or CRT. This is just about social justice and discrimination. This is about being woke. Conservatives have tried so hard to make this is a bad thing. But actually it should be a badge of honor.

        1. Theron Keller Avatar
          Theron Keller

          Looks like you need to read my comment all over again! 😀

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Quit hiding behind an obviously fake moniker. You are certainly no gentleman. Treating people differently solely on the basis of skin color or economic status is immoral and not what a real gentleman does. Social Justice is not justice. It is get even-ism, blaming people who have nothing to do with your status for your own behavior or lack of achievement. We all have free will. We all can’t start at the same place, and we will not all finish at the same place. That is why the only moral thing is to set a uniform set of rules and try to enforce them equally.
          Which the Biden admin is not doing. If you think that is justice, beware when you are the “enemy.”
          It is a travesty. An outrage. UnAmerican. Just like DEI and “social justice.”

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Thank you Walter. Your opinion means nothing to me and while you present them as facts, they are anything but.

          2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Thank you Walter. Your opinion means nothing to me and while you present them as facts, they are anything but.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You have every right to be wrong. It’s just a shame that you can vote…for policies that make things worse…and refuse to see it or acknowledge it.
            Lemme try a test – have Joe Biden’s policies made things better? Other than instituting American societal collapse, how?

          4. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I will pass on engaging with you. I learned a long time ago that when you wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig likes it. Have a nice day Walter.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oink oink! Should I threaten to sue you like all the good lawfare-istas do? Go E Jean Carroll (demented fabulist IN MY OPINION) and get $83 million? Do you have $83 million?

          6. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Haven’t you had enough failed lawsuits?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        In a discussion the pronoun choice “one” and “you” can affect the acceptance of a postulation.

        As for CRT, the authors (and the ABA) define it specifically. They cannot help it if the opponents refuse to accept that definition and insist on arguing based on a definition cut from whole cloth.

        One is entitled to opinions but the facts…

    3. Carter Melton Avatar
      Carter Melton

      Lin Rose hasn’t been president of JMU for almost 12 years. Come back to the sale.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        You are correct. I edited my comment to correct the name of JMU’s President. Thanks.

    4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Uncle Ron is happy, I’m sure…👍👍

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Whaaaaat?! Not Yoovee, eh?

    Woke? Well, maybe just one eye opened. Those are the lesser elite schools, the hoi polloi of the educated.

    BTW, have they used the same heuristic on “nestled in the green rolling hills of” in college catalogues?

    Speaking of woke…

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “A simple way to gauge how “woke” universities are is to search for certain terms in their course catalogs. The more “woke” words that appear in the titles and descriptions of courses and programs, the more left-leaning the university is likely to be.”

    Well “simple” is a pretty accurate descriptor.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    If really honest, the Heritage folks would address “woke” across the spectrum, from the Military to Corporations , to NGOs but if they did , they might sound more like a modern-day John Birch society – which may actually be a “tell”.

    Some of the same folks who bemoan the loss of Jim Crow “monuments” also have “woke” on their minds? hmmm

    1. Thomas Carter Avatar
      Thomas Carter

      Where were there any monuments to Thomas Rice, and who would bemoan their loss?

      1. The only statue of “Jim Crow” I’m aware of was in New York. It’s long gone and I doubt anyone misses it.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I dunno. Was he a Jim Crow type?

        1. Thomas Carter Avatar
          Thomas Carter

          He was Jim Crow.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            and there are monuments put up for him by UDC?

          2. Thomas Carter Avatar
            Thomas Carter

            Not that I know of, but the money raised by the UDC, the Confederate Memorial Literary Society and veterans groups was for memorial art – not “Jim Crow ‘monuments’ .”

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            might depend on who you are? Do you think folks whose ancestors were harmed by Jim Crow laws see
            it as “art”?

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Here we go. Lord have mercy.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Would you want a statue of Obama in front of your house dressed like a jockey?

          6. Would you want a statue of Obama in front of your house dressed like a jockey?

            Why? Do you have a spare?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            A business?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            A business?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            If my last comment was insulting to you, I do apologize.

          10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Not at all Mr. Larry. I would take a nice statue of Obama in prison pjs.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, I probably KNOW that!

          12. Thomas Carter Avatar
            Thomas Carter

            I’ll take Mr. Whiteheads words as a good time to leave it as I said. Art is art whether “folks” like it or not. The artists who created it certainly didn’t have “Jim Crow” as their motivation, either.

    2. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Still looking for a Jim Crow monument….perhaps the future Joe Biden Presidential Library and Petting Zoo might contain one.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I can provide you with links that explain the history of Jim Crow and the monuments associated with it and
        who put them up and why. Need it?

        1. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          Thanks for the offer, but I tend towards denial of need…except for naps, being both want and need. If the content of those links were not written by Douglas S. Freeman, I might very well dismiss them outright, anyhow. Slow readers must restrict volume through careful selection.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think I’ve got the drift… no need to keep beating that horse.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Phrenology — “Now where did I put my caliper?”

    My results might have differed, but a downloaded pdf of JMU’s catalog found 53 occurrences of “social justice”. But then, they offer course studies and a minor in “social justice”.

    OTOH, a search of W&M’s catalog returns five occurrences of “social justice”.

    Does that make W&M the most conservative? Good luck pushing that theory.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Pretty sure if one polled young folks especially ones headed to college, “social justice” is on their minds these days.

      As usual , conservatives are largely out of touch with realities. what’s different is their internet-enabled activism against things they disagree with but what it primarily does is show just how out of touch they are.

      “Conservatism” these days is not what Conservatism used to be. It’s like the Tea Party movement grew to address their grievances rather than the core fundamental conservative ethos. Today, one only needs to look at Trumps base including his Congressional “conservatives” to see and know that the word itself has been hijacked.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        If Conservatives were really for free speech and the free market, instead of driving to stifle the concept of social justice in all areas of society, they would be putting forth courses in anti-Woke sociology. I think they know, however, how many takers they would have.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          and they would be going after the commercials on TV that are now moreand more and brown and black, mixed marriage, same sex marriage, transgender…all the things the anti-woke folks got their rumps in an uproar about…

  7. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The ranking assumes the methodology is valid.
    UVA is “wokest.” Period.
    The Marxists at UVA are just better at using the Marxist code words to deceive and hide in plain sight.
    Once you have learned the Marxist Code to Normal American translation you can never unhear it.
    Short version – they project like an IMAX and mean the opposite of what they say…like “SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Why not have a list of the LEAST WOKE or “LEAST Social Justice” , etc… a POSTIVE, market-based approach that actually provides options for those that hate woke? 😉

      This is sorta like composing a list of the worst police depts in the US or some such.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        You do it!
        Be a short list. Hillsdale.
        Then some still Christian schools (since nearly all in the beginning were) and many of them have been corrupted.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Liberty? Reagent? Purdue? Many smaller religious ? If you want to change “woke” policies, provide
          market alternatives and let people speak with their feet!

          If people reject work by picking non-woke, UVA and others will bail.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How about UVA quit indoctrinating and get back to education? Why do I have to leave?
            Liberty and Regent are likely OK.
            Purdue, despite a decent leader, has the woke virus.
            The problem Larry is the Woke virus. It distorts truth. It does not pursue it. It actively suppresses it.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            A market-based approach would let “customers” decide what they like or not and send a message back to those
            who do not offer what customers want? Make an Edsel and the customers let you know?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – UVA does not have the “right” to indoctrinate students. The market answer is to provide the product wanted, not to ruin the product and make it less good. The Marxists in control have to go. Marxists can be there and teach even. But Marxists in control is destructive – Nothing but the State. That is not how you teach people to think.
            Why do you vote for the wrong people you vote for? You vote to change things. Or to keep the bad policies going. Why not just move to a place full of wrong people like you? (Maybe that is where you already are)
            But I don’t have to accept UVA being destroyed.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            ultimately the customers decide if UVA “indoctrinates” and is too “woke” , right?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. The BOV does. That’s why you have a Board. And ruining the value of the education drives down the value of “the company.”
            UVA is not worth the out of State cost. I doubt it is worth the in-State cost. Paying for a worthless credential is where UVA is headed. Credentialism will fail. It is failing currently. But glad you now found market religion and will be opposing the Green Nude Eel and the electric car madness.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wouldn’t it be like other things like deciding what programs/degrees to offer or not or what sports to offer scholarships or not, etc? If people don’t like what you offer or how you operate, they won’t choose you. Should such policies be focused on potential students or to alumni and others not connected to the University? Like a University in trying to attract women might state that they do not tolerate misogyny – as a selling point? Or they support diversity to encourage people of diverse cultures and backgrounds to feel more welcome? How about one that says Jews are not
            only welcome but bad behavior towards them will result in sanctions/expulsion? Is that indoctrination?

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So you are going to punish Jim Ryan for the anti-semitism?
            It is possible to do two things at once.
            UVA used to.
            To have academic rigor, AND to be an open-minded place. UVA’s obsession with DEi has made the Grounds less tolerant, less open, AND lowered academic standards. Please quit commenting about what you don’t know.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think Ryan may have erred in not following UVAs “woke” policies for all students. I would think that Jews
            have long qualified for “woke”/DEI type policies in higher ed given their treatment by some who don’t
            see them as deserving of equity and fairness as others, right? Right there is UVA… folks marching to
            say that…. along with others .. “we will not be replaced”?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think Ryan may have erred in not following UVAs “woke” policies for all students. I would think that Jews
            have long qualified for “woke”/DEI type policies in higher ed given their treatment by some who don’t
            see them as deserving of equity and fairness as others, right? Right there is UVA… folks marching to
            say that…. along with others .. “we will not be replaced”?

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That is why the Jews are presently getting red-pilled, massively.
            Generally liberal. Enslaved in Egypt and endured the Holocaust only to find out the other segments of the DEI/CRT crowd hate them as oppressors.
            Ryan loved to opine every time he could when it fit his narrative. Now, he can’t pick sides and is caught. He knows what was done was evil, but can’t condemn his disparate group of malcontent “allies” – and knows if he does, he gets kicked off of the Lefty Island. And that is the problem with DEI/CRT – it engenders hatred. It exacerbates separation.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            There ain’t been a UVA prez that you guys liked for how many years? Did you hate Sullivan also?

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You do not know what you are talking about.
            I don’t hate people. Not even Ryan. Or Baucom.
            I did not hate Sullivan. I thought she was a bland leader chosen for her sex. She was not as good as instilling Marxism as Ryan has been.
            Casteen was a little wet, but fairly innocuous. Generally liked. The bad elements were not being in your face promoted. He respected the honor system and Jefferson. The anti-American, anti-truth poisons slowly crept in while alumni (and Christians) slept, but I do not believe were actively promoted by Casteen.
            I think that takes us back to Frank Hereford. There was not indoctrination going on. We did have free speech. We had an honor system that worked. Teachers played it straight.
            To repeat, you do not know what you are talking about. Disagreeing with someone is not hate. I don’t hate you, and you’re never right!!!

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Could have sworn with your words that you DO hate Ryan. Perhaps you can clarify? And you DO seem to be saying that indoctrination was going on before Ryan with several Presidents? When you use words like “anti-American, anti-truth poisons”, you’re off into the wild blue yonder IMO and really don’t know or understand truth from fiction and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the “hate” word from you in these “tomes”.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Like I said Larry, you don’t know what you are talking about.
            DEI/CRT is birthed out of Marcuse and Friere and Foucault and the like, and made the long march through the institutions. It was happening under Casteen, but not so evident. Marxism is anti-God. Anti-God is anti-American because this nation would not exist without all those evil religious people who came over here to a wilderness and built a civilization based on the principles in the Bible. That is simply the truth.
            And you clearly don’t understand the ability to hate an idea, to hate sin AND to love people? You’ve never heard “Hate the sin, not the sinner?” Then I guess you ain’t from around here!
            Please just stop. The world is being destroyed by Leftist policies. Leftists, not appearing to believe in the God of the Bible, but in “my truth,” swear fealty to their non-falsifiable fake religion, no matter how much evidence piles up that their policies do not work, and so our slide into chaos, anarchy and poverty continues, but to the non-falsifiable fake religion true believers the problem is people like me who point out that you are wrong, why you are wrong, and don’t hate you.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter. So you admit this stuff goes all the way back to Casteen at UVA, right?

            re: “hate the idea, not people”. BS total… have you read some of your stuff ?

            When you said “the world” it kinda calibrates you , right?

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You do not know what you are talking about.
            I wrote my stuff. Telling people they are wrong is not hate. It is kinder than lying to them.
            The long march has been going on since the 1960s…
            Casteen actually was the beginning of monkeying with admissions. I am not accusing him of being nefarious, but he was part of the academy and just moved along with what was happening.

            In general, you do not know what you are talking about. You go with Dem talking points, or go find some “study” that you just read the headline, and if you actually read the study, you would see the limitations. In fact, there are a lot of papers currently being shredded for data manipulation – a bevy trying to build a case that the Covid vax worked and was not harmful. Science has been badly corrupted by politics and the race for the pig trough of federal research money, which also skews areas of inquiry. And then you resort to IMO, which is almost invariably wrong (you may have been right once or twice, most likely by accident!).

            But when it comes to UVA, you really don’t know what you are talking about. Did you attend? Do you have family who has attended? Have you read the FOIA laws? The “public health”/vaccine laws? The Patients’ Rights existing at every health system? Have you read the BOV Manual? Have you read the Virginia Statutes on appointing BOV members and their required training? Heaphy was and is a Democrat politician, first and foremost. He shouldn’t have been University Counsel to begin with! He was counsel to the unConstitutional J6 committee. Maybe he should have advised the crazed Dems (including Cheney and Kinzinger) not to destroy evidence… I am disappointed that Iler seems to be entirely focused on the Health System and does not appear to be addressing areas of abuse by UVA, like the sneaky reverse racial discrimination, which is supposed to be unConstitutional.

          17. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You do not know what you are talking about.
            I wrote my stuff. Telling people they are wrong is not hate. It is kinder than lying to them.
            The long march has been going on since the 1960s…
            Casteen actually was the beginning of monkeying with admissions. I am not accusing him of being nefarious, but he was part of the academy and just moved along with what was happening.

            In general, you do not know what you are talking about. You go with Dem talking points, or go find some “study” that you just read the headline, and if you actually read the study, you would see the limitations. In fact, there are a lot of papers currently being shredded for data manipulation – a bevy trying to build a case that the Covid vax worked and was not harmful. Science has been badly corrupted by politics and the race for the pig trough of federal research money, which also skews areas of inquiry. And then you resort to IMO, which is almost invariably wrong (you may have been right once or twice, most likely by accident!).

            But when it comes to UVA, you really don’t know what you are talking about. Did you attend? Do you have family who has attended? Have you read the FOIA laws? The “public health”/vaccine laws? The Patients’ Rights existing at every health system? Have you read the BOV Manual? Have you read the Virginia Statutes on appointing BOV members and their required training? Heaphy was and is a Democrat politician, first and foremost. He shouldn’t have been University Counsel to begin with! He was counsel to the unConstitutional J6 committee. Maybe he should have advised the crazed Dems (including Cheney and Kinzinger) not to destroy evidence… I am disappointed that Iler seems to be entirely focused on the Health System and does not appear to be addressing areas of abuse by UVA, like the sneaky reverse racial discrimination, which is supposed to be unConstitutional.

          18. LarrytheG Avatar

            long history of what you guys do:

            ” The Attorney General of Virginia’s climate science investigation was a civil investigative demand initiated in April 2010 by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who rejects the scientific consensus on climate change, for a wide range of records held by the University of Virginia related to five grant applications for research work by a leading climate scientist Michael E. Mann, who was an assistant professor at the university from 1999 to 2005. The demand was issued under the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act in connection with claims by Cuccinnelli that Mann had possibly violated state fraud laws in relation to five research grants, by allegedly manipulating data. No evidence of wrongdoing was presented to support the claim. Mann’s earlier work had been targeted by climate change deniers attacking the hockey stick graph, and allegations against him were renewed in late 2009 in the Climatic Research Unit email controversy but found to be groundless in a series of investigations.”

          19. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            As usual! You cite “consensus!”
            Consensus is not proof of anything!
            And the hockey stick is on trial right now, and is losing, but poor Mark Steyn, who is acting as his own lawyer, while fabulist Michael Mann has been provided a free left wing ideologue climate lawyer to conduct lawfare on wrong think. Unfortunately for Steyn, he is in a DC Court. Who knows if any blue city actually believes in justice any more.

            And thanks for proving my point about what you do…

            Billions of people got the Covid jabjabjab says Larry. Which only demonstrates the madness of crowds and the worldwide violation of the Nuremberg Code. Meanwhile, as the facts come out, the virus was man made, the shots don’t work, the shots have very bad side effects, worse than ever accepted before, but you and all the good lemmings will go find your manufactured (by manipulating data like Mann did) “studies” to try to shift the blame form the evil people who did the gain of function, lied about it, suppressed the criticism, and denied the therapeutics that would have saved lives, but you are such good people, better than those evil conservatives. Forrest Gump was profound about those who refuse to acknowledge what is plainly true…

          20. LarrytheG Avatar

            climate and covid skeptics going after UVA on science and woke so we have to have the GOP AG “investigate”?
            sounds like a mega maga rabbit hole!

            something like 5 billion people screwed up and went and got jabbed, right?

            Was Forest Gump a “conservative” or a “liberal” Ah yes.

          21. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            5 billion people may have gotten jabjabjabbed and that doesn’t mean anything other than they trusted the experts – who lied, AND to the extent mandated, violated the Nuremberg Code. That is a simple fact. Read it. #1 – “willing, informed consent”
            And you are complaining about Cuccinelli…how many years ago? (And he will be shown to have been onto something. Other scientists have criticized Mann’s data as shoddy, and don’t forget the group out of England that manipulated the data, and the recent tests run on the models that fail to replicate the last 10 years of history AND overestimate the actual change) That’s science. Not consensus. Climate change “science” is bogus – chasing money and fame and the truth is slowly escaping. Despite the best efforts of the narrative keepers.
            Forrest was wiser than liberals. Deal with it. He knew his limitations. (There is an implication there…)

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            ” Widespread concerns were raised by University of Virginia’s faculty and numerous scientists and science organizations that Cuccinelli’s actions posed a threat to academic freedom, and would have a chilling effect on research in the state. The university filed a court petition, and the judge dismissed Cuccinelli’s demand on the grounds that no justification had been shown for the investigation. Cuccinelli tried to re-open his case by issuing a revised subpoena, and appealed the case to the Virginia Supreme Court. The case was defended by the university, and the court ruled that Cuccinelli did not have the authority to make these demands. The outcome was seen as a victory for academic freedom.[1]”

            so just curious who defended Virginia’s interests? Was it the person Cuccinelli appointed to serve UVA or do UVA
            go get it’s own lawyers to challenge Cuccinelli?

            You’re a lawyer right? So how would that work?

          23. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            By appointing counsel. Not that difficult. And how many years ago Larry, having what to d9 with Surovell’s end run?
            But, why not go with the screw job on McDonnell by the Obama DOJ and Jack Smith? Overturned 9-0. Not a political hit. And not lawfare going on now. But cry like a baby because you have to endure a very moderate Republican being in power.

          24. LarrytheG Avatar

            Because we have real experience what the GOP will do if they can. But how can UVA appoint counsel if they have a AG-appointed guy on staff? He not working for UVA? McDonnell was a crook and you know it. He and wife bascially took
            bribes, no question. He got off on a technicality, IMO. No crying. You do what Surovell does when you know
            what you’re dealing with. Just don’t put up with that stuff.

          25. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And Herring wasn’t a hack? Give me a break. His Covid death shot opinion was wrong on its face. All your side does is play politics. Ruthlessly, lying and violence accepted for your noble cause…

          26. LarrytheG Avatar

            Was Herring going around and “investigating” like this guy? Yeah, Herring was a hack but not like Miares is or
            the GOP does. “Investigating” Higher Ed as a GOP feature is just plain dumb IMO.

          27. LarrytheG Avatar

            and they lived while millions who did not , died. Cucinelli is a symptom of the GOP sickness… they’ve been
            doing this for quite some time.

            yeah, yeah , yeah… after all is said and done including legitimate criticisms, what is the net result on agreement
            with most of the world’s scientists, govts, and businesses? The vast majority of people in the world and US
            believe climate science is real. Polls easily identify who the skeptics are… who know who you are.

            Forest cared greatly for Bubba and his family. I like those qualities in a man. Would like to see more from the

          28. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Edwin Alderman was tolerable.

          29. LarrytheG Avatar

            do you know that from personal experience?

          30. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            …..uh…well, I did, no kidding, stay in a Holiday Inn Express for two night’s this week…in Old Virginia!!

          31. LarrytheG Avatar


          32. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Precisely! Woke is a disease. It will eventually pass. How crippled or deceased the victims is yet to be determined. Regular doses of Ivermectin may perhaps mitigate the long-term, damaging effects of CRT & DEI. For those tight jawed, academic, self-proclaimed elites, we have horse wormers to ensure full application of appropriate oral dosage. My horses are CRT/DEI free and living the dream. Ivermectin.

          33. LarrytheG Avatar

            Apparently at UVA, “woke” goes back as far as Casteen?

            I’m sure Walter would fully approve of ivermectin.

            Conservatives have been fight “woke” higher ed for as long as I can remember but they change the name of what they are doing so it sounds different.

            same old. same old.

            one trick pony stuff

          34. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Calling a foul here, Sir. If you are going to require me to engage Google search in order to maintain debate at your higher level, then I must humbly retire…

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            geeze Chip… I’m totally disappointed here…

          36. DJRippert Avatar

            How does Purdue figure into your classification with Liberty and Reagent?

  8. VaPragamtist Avatar

    I think part of the problem is that the people designing the courses automatically default to CRT and its offshoots. While some actively seek to create a “woke” course, others try to be neutral but it just ends up going in that direction.

    An example: a few years ago VT’s Board of Visitors were concerned about freedom of speech, especially self-censorship. The VP for Student Affairs had his staff create a student leadership program aimed at promoting the ideas of free speech, democratic involvement, and principles of leadership.

    Staff took their mission and developed an extra-curricular program using the CRT-adjacent pedagogy they’re accustomed to/were taught in their own programs. The end result is just another duplicate of similar programs across campus where students are taught a CRT worldview and are afraid to push back and debate.

  9. I have yet to hear anyone define “woke”.

    In fact, it’s just another meaningless term that rightwingers toss around to make themselves look and sound wise.

    A few years ago the buzzword was “politically correct” yet today we never hear that term. “Woke” will disappear in another year or so, replaced by another meaningless phrase that will keep the goobers stirred up.

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