The Left Is Lying: CRT Is Peddling Hate in Our Schools

by Elizabeth Schultz

After claiming endlessly that Critical Race Theory (CRT) does not exist, or that it is not being ‘taught’ in schools, the two largest teachers’ unions – the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, funded with teachers’ dues, – finally admitted they support it. In fact, AFT is so committed to CRT that the union announced a multi-million dollar legal fund to protect those who teach it to students.

In doing so, the unions confirmed, despite all the protestations otherwise, what parents already know: Critical Race Theory has been embedded into compulsory professional training for teachers and classroom practices across the country.

The NEA recently resolved to “oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.” Not to be outdone, the AFT headlined chief CRT advocate, Ibram X. Kendi, and hosted curated sessions, such as “Racial Diversity and White Culture: Using Picture Books for Anti-Racist Teaching”, and “Race, Racism and History: We Need to Talk.”

These unions are not alone, as 5,000 teachers pledged to continue teaching CRT this year. They not only know that CRT is in the schools, they embrace it. In fact, they have participated in purging and rewriting curriculum for years.

The Zinn Education Projection, to which the 5,000 teachers belong, has long embraced critical race theory ideologues like Nikole Hannah-Jones, as well as Kendi, who claims: “there is no such thing as a nonracist or race-neutral policy.” Both claim that any policy which results in an unequal outcome is racist.

Radicals like these require early adopters to carry their narrative. Lucky for them, the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Board and their Superintendent, Dr. Scott Brabrand, support their theories in Virginia. Their actions, like the $44,000 payday to Kendi for a one-hour presentation and a cache of his books, make Fairfax’s advance of social-justice ideology a bellwether county for the nation.

Whistleblowers in Fairfax County have asked “Why are we peddling hate?” Leaked documents reveal ‘diversity’ training which FCPS teachers and employees are required to navigate, including the central ‘Equity and Culturally Responsive Toolkit’. The Toolkit defines ‘equality’ as “Equal treatment, or inputs, in the name of fairness, involves treating all people alike without acknowledging differences in age, gender, language, or ability.

While that definition is fulsome and reasonable, the language continues: “Though considered by some to be fair, it is in fact culturally blind and often results in very unfair and unequal outcomes.

FCPS then defines ‘equity’: “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group. Equitable programs may make accommodations for differences so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals.

Their goal – the same outcomes for all individuals – perfectly reflects Marxist ideology. CRT sells a nifty-sounding concept, ‘equity,’ cloaked in divisive practices and poisonous ideology. It race-shames children, eliminates meritocracy, compels speech, and quashes American exceptionalism while falsely promising equal outcomes for all.

CRT hustlers are not, however, present solely in Virginia. A Portland-area middle school teacher admitted that the NEA was working to rid the district of any teachers who weren’t declared “antiracists.” Oregon educators also promote “ethnomathematics” by focusing on “Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction.”

In neighboring Washington state, embedding CRT starts further up the ladder. Documents obtained from a whistleblower reveal the State Board of Education has contracted with Washington Ethnic Studies Now (WESN) for their own professional development on “foundational theories and practices of Ethnic Studies, including Critical Race Theory…” For supposedly not ‘teaching’ CRT, educators are implementing plenty of CRT in their professional development programs.

Similarly, CRT-driven monies and training required employees to read and study Kendi’s book “How to be Anti-Racist” in Decatur, Georgia. The assignment accompanied a required two-day training period, during which teachers completed a “white privilege” survey and were separated based on their race. In the Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina school district, teachers were compelled to take mandatory training courses on “Race, Bias, Power, and Equity.”

When state boards of education, school boards, and unions in every corner of the country collaborate on messaging and compel the funding and professional development, then the equity gig – de facto ‘teaching’ CRT – is slated to be big business. Until more of the growing chorus of parents, teachers, and state legislatures step forward and speak up to stop the segregation, race-shaming, racializing, and identity politics, these radical policies will continue infecting our children’s education.

Elizabeth L. Schultz served as an official in the U.S. Department of Education, was twice-elected to the Fairfax County School Board, and is an education and public policy expert with more than 25 years of experience in asset management, information technology, and global and K-12 education. This column has been republished with permission from The Daily Wire.

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111 responses to “The Left Is Lying: CRT Is Peddling Hate in Our Schools”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    CRT must be stopped now. They have a substantial head start. I hope it is not too late.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, LEDs are easier on the eyes. Do they even make CRTs anymore?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, LEDs are easier on the eyes. Do they even make CRTs anymore?

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory. Voting starts in a matter of weeks, Virginia.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That’s not napalm. It’s Bengay.

      1. Biofreeze beats the hell out of Bengay any day!

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Steve’s old school. I’m sure he uses Bengay.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Tiger Balm!

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Funny how clear the CRT issue becomes in the upcoming election once you read the Great Prophet Kendi’s book.

      Funny how clear the CRT issue becomes in the upcoming election when one remembers that McAuliffe claimed it was a Republican conspiracy theory.

      I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot of quotes from the Great Prophet Kendi’s book as the election draws near.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      At least you’re honest regarding your true motivations, Haner. Props!! Way to cultivate cynicism.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Riiiiiiight. No political gain being sought by the posturing proponents. Sorry, this ain’t “history” or “equity” or “payback” or “sociology.” I took the time to read the man’s book and this is a power move on the Left’s part.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive


        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Conservatives: “Life is unfair!! Deal with it!”
          Liberals: “What happens if we try to make life a little more fair?
          Conservatives: “COMMUNISTS!!”

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            a little less unfair…. if there actually are disparities…

            I don’t see Conservatives venting their spleens because we provide additional resources to kids that have autism, but if you trade autism for a cultural learning issue – all hell breaks loose.

      2. Here’s where we are!

        During a recent episode of Muppet Babies, one of the show’s main characters, Gonzo, tells his friends he wants to wear a dress to a royal ball. His friends say he can’t, but a rat character becomes a fairy ratfather and turns him into a princess as Gonzo-rella. This is for 4 to 7 year-olds.

      3. Sorry, CRT wasn’t designed to put smiles on everyone’s face!

      4. I would say where we were in my world! “Love one another as I have loved you…”

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          ….and then what?

    1. CRT can and will hurt. Maybe not you, personally – you’re old enough that you’ll probably be dead by the time the real pain hits. However, some of us may have to live with the end results, which will NOT be equality, racial harmony and mutual respect among the various ethnic groups in this country. CRT is divisive at its core, and therefore can can never result in anything but more division, hatred and mistrust.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “which will NOT be equality, racial harmony and mutual respect among the various ethnic groups in this country.”
        Which you don’t have anyway. Doing what has been, or nothing, is not an option. Had 150 years to fix this and didn’t. Shame on us.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          We were just fine teaching happy slave, Confederate “heroes”, and ignoring things like Tulsa and Jim Crow but now to teach the actual Historical FACTS of these things is “divisive” and makes white kids “feel bad” about history and is “divisive”.

          None of these dolts cared a whit about how the lies that were taught made black kids feel… that we sent black kids to schools named for enslavers and segregationists…etc.. no problem back then…

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I graduated from public high school in Virginia in 1977 and I was never taught any of those things. We certainly were taught about Tulsa and Jim Crow.

            Maybe some Byrd Machine throwback areas of Virginia taught what you claim within the last 50 years but not where I went to school.

            It just didn’t happen no matter how often you claim otherwise.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            What was the name of your school?

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Groveton High School. In 1986 it was merged with Fort Hunt High School and renamed West Potomac High School.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Thanks. Do you remember TC Williams?

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Everyone remembers TC Williams, they made a movie about it.

          6. killerhertz Avatar

            Facts like the US was founded to preserve slavery? Just ask NHJ!

        2. I never said we need to keep trying the things we stopped trying 50 years ago. But replacing one set of lies, or incomplete truths, for another is not the answer.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s NOT lies to teach kids about the FACTS of history, and it’s dishonest to claim that teaching the facts is lying.

            Not replacing lies with lies. Replacing lies with the truth of the history. Like Jim Crow, like Tulsa, like the Red Summer.

            Can you not see this?

          2. I see it more clearly than you. I have never, I repeat never, opposed teaching the truth about our history.

            But I insist that the truth also be told about the present. And CRT is full of lies about our country’s present, and about solutions to the issues which do still exist.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            you say you don’t but you say you do support the folks who are advocating just that AND the other lies they are promulgating ad nauseum.

          4. I’m not much of a “joiner”, Larry. I don’t support very many groups. The views I express here are my own.

            I do not support those who would shy away from our true history and I have never expressed support for them. I also do not support those who would try to erase our history. And, I do not support those who perpetuate lies about our current state of affairs and who actively and outspokenly call for racial discrimination (as do the proponents of CRT).

          5. I’m not much of a “joiner”, Larry. I don’t support very many groups. The views I express here are my own.

            I do not support those who would shy away from our true history and I have never expressed support for them. I also do not support those who would try to erase our history. And, I do not support those who perpetuate lies about our current state of affairs and who actively and outspokenly call for racial discrimination (as do the proponents of CRT).

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wayne, you identify yourself as a Conservative and the folks who say that schools are teaching CRT are Conservatives and they are outright lying about CRT in public schools.

            Now, you are not a dumb guy, quite the opposite. Do you not see this?

            Do you REALLY believe what Shultz and others like Sherlock are saying about CRT in our public schools?

            They’re totally gaslighting the issue.

            Public schools have always been about helping the child reach their potential – whether they are high IQ or learning disabled, autistic, etc.

            But when only 2% of black kids reach the higher performing curricula – there is a problem because most of us know that way more than 2% must be capable of advancing.

            Finally, you’re the guy who told me that when you impugn entire groups of people – it’s essentially Ad Hominems.
            Do you think the labels that are being used in these blog post to describe all teachers, or entire school systems are pejoratives?

          7. No, Larry. They disagree with you. That does not mean they are outright lying.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In this case, she actually was outright lying… or selectively quoting to create a falsehood – I call that lying… you may not.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            No – they actually ARE lying and misrepresenting. I’ve shown you the actual sentence from Fairfax Schools about it – several times:

            ” “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group.”

            Do you think they said ALL Individuals?

            Wouldn’t all individuals mean that all whites would have equal outcomes also?

            Do you really think that is what they said?

          10. That clarifies nothing, Larry, especially since it is followed by a contradictory sentence. You latched on to one sentence, I latched on to the other. That does not mean one of us is lying. Unless you continue to accuse me of lying, that is.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            There IS a third sentence which clarifies the issue perfectly – that is why Schultz deleted it.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            I “latched on” to a lie, to something that was NEVER said in the school policy – it was made up by the anti-CRT folks that CHOSE to not include the germane sentence that DID explain what the schools actually did mean.

            It’s a demonstrable lie that defies common sense also.

            You ding Fairfax for not being “clear” when the one sentence that does explain was deleted by the anti-CRT folks.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            and this Wayne:

            ” The Left Is Lying: CRT Is Peddling Hate in Our Schools”

            what “hate” are they peddling?

            tell me… show me…

            Do you believe what they are saying here?

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            They’re lying Wayne . They’re misrepresenting what was said and I think you know it.

            What Fairfax is saying, perhaps not as explicit or clearly as they should, is that when there are significant disparities in outcomes on a demographic basis – like almost no blacks qualify for higher academic classes – that they think there may be disparities in how blacks actually learn and get educated in the grades leading up to the point where they would potentially be qualified. If only 2% of them get there and 25% of other demographic groups qualify, what does that really mean?

            Do you really think most blacks are lower in intelligence and/or don’t learn as well and that explains the disparities?

          15. killerhertz Avatar

            The purpose of public schools is to indoctrinate children to be good little soldiers. The American industrialized school system is based on the Prussian system after all.

          16. DJRippert Avatar

            If CRT was about teaching the facts of history this would not be an issue. Read the FCPS Toolbox link. This has nothing to do with the facts of history.

  3. What other ‘theories’ are going to be taught — Creationism? White men can’t jump? The Black race is inferior intellectually to Whites? The Middle East can’t handle democracy? The Islamic theory of gender differences? There are many other theories out there……

  4. FCPS then defines ‘equity’: “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group. Equitable programs may make accommodations for differences so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals.”

    So, it turns out “equity” really DOES mean equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.

    I wonder if a certain individual who posts comments here will continue to insult the integrity and intelligence of those of us who have been saying that very thing on this blog since the beginning of the discussions about CRT.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Perhaps, Wayne, the “equal outcome” for students is that each child is able to attain their full potential…. Did this never occur to you?

      1. Yes, but if that is the case perhaps they should clearly state as much.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          They DID. But folks like Schultz purposely misrepresent what they have said. She is not the only one – there are folks in BR doing the same.

          These folks are attacking public education across the board for their efforts to teach the facts of history and to ensure that all kids have equal access to resources and opportunities to progress – to reach their potential as individuals.

          Advanced curriculums that show lopsided representation by race is what they are talking about on outcomes. They are saying that the percentage who achieve those levels should not vary by race or gender or really any demographic group.

          I’m quite sure you are smart enough to know this and see how this issue is being misrepresented and teachers and public education demonized.

          1. Please post the clear statement to which you refer.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          In my opinion, they did in the preceding and following sentences but one can never be too precise in one’s language when the likes of Schultz is lurking. I will cede a point to you here.

          Consider the intended audience for this document though. Teachers are fully aware that the goal should be each child reaching their fullest potential and that each individual will have individual successes and failures. They likely saw no need to state the obvious.

      2. Yes, but if that is the case perhaps they should clearly state as much.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      It does not. Do you think, for instance, it means that ALL white kids should end up with the same outcome? Or all boys? Or all black kids end up the same?

      What it means is that the academic outcomes demographically should be about the same.

      The outcomes for black kids should be similar to the outcome for white kids or girls versus boys.

      And yes, if you can’t see this for yourself and want to believe the simple-minded idiocy being spread by those who basically refuse to acknowledge there ARE issues… then so be it.

      1. …so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals.

        That is what they said, Larry, yet you insist it is not what they meant. These people are educators, and therefore I assume they can write well enough to say what they mean and mean what they say. Is that a bad assumption? Do they need you to interpret for them?

      2. If it means “What it means is that the academic outcomes demographically should be about the same.” — why weren’t those words used? Are you saying the school officials don’t understand how to use the English language?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          They do say that – and the folks who misrepresent it fail to include it.

          “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group.”

          Do you REALLY THINK that the intended policy is for EACH individual to achieve the same outcome?

          Say, all white kids or all girls would all reach the same outcome? Do you believe that’s the polilcy?

          This is plain and simple misrepresentation of the policies.

          I would expect at least some of you who identify as Conservatives can see what is going on and stand up for the truth.

          I know that some will not and will continue the ruse because of partisan politics.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Why don’t you translate it for us Larry? You write things like, “Say, all white kids or all girls would all reach the same outcome? Do you believe that’s the polilcy?” At best that is an attempt to describe what the policy isn’t. Now try to describe what the policy is.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        Larry is exhibiting the liberal malady of SOI (pronounced as “soy” as in I’ll have some soy milk with my avocado toast). SOI is Sudden Onset of Illiteracy. Liberals suffer from this when they read something that contradicts their ongoing lies.

        McAuliffe says CRT is a Republican conspiracy theory. That’s a lie.
        Liberals say CRT is graduate level legal theory. That’s a lie.
        Democrats claim that equity does not mean equality of outcomes. That’s a lie.

        Now you provide clearly written documentation of how the largest school system in the state (and one of the largest in the country) defines equity and … SOI.

        Suddenly Larry can’t read.

        Words like “same” and “all” magically shift into new meanings.

      4. …so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals.

        That is what they said, Larry, yet you insist it is not what they meant. These people are educators, and therefore I assume they can write well enough to say what they mean and mean what they say. Is that a bad assumption? Do they need you to interpret for them?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It’s a lie Wayne. It’s NOT what is said about outcomes. ” FCPS then defines ‘equity’: “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group.”

          1. It was a direct quote – it may or may not have been completely in context, but to claim that it was not said is to deny reality.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The frenzy to which this topic whips them is indicative that it hits to close to home.

            Perhaps we can use “woke” vernacular and say they are “triggered”.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, to take a quote out of context and say it means something it does not is to deny reality (in an attempt to create a false narrative).

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            which is exactly what they are doing ….

          5. He did not claim it was not what was meant, he claimed it was not what was said. Two different things.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Which is “reality”, what is understood by reading a clause in context and with the accompanying clarifying language, or extracting a clause and saying it means something it doesn’t?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you REALLY THINK that what they are saying is that EVERY individual outcome should be the same?

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group. Equitable programs may make accommodations for differences so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals.”

            It’s fairly evident that is what they meant, given the exact quote.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That is only part of the “exact quote”. It actually reads:

            ““This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group. Equitable programs may make accommodations for differences so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals. For instance, men and women may receive equitable, not equal, treatment in regard to parental benefits at work.”

            Quite a different meaning in that context.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It’s not, but thanks for equivocating.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You don’t have to speculate, they clarify it for you in the preceding and following sentences. Quite clearly.

            Maybe what is going on here is that Schultz (and her cheerleaders) actually believes that women and men SHOULD only receive identical parental benefits (better yet none?). Or that children on the autism scale should receive no special considerations from teachers. It would be in keeping with her time on the FCPS board….

          12. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Ad hom, Strawman, Slothful Induction all rolled into one comment.

          13. By the way, what are “parental benefits” and what do they have to do with this discussion?

            I cannot find any mention of “parental benefits” in the posted article.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That is because Schultz selectively quoted from the document she referenced. You have to click through to the copy she provided in her piece:


            I’ve attached a snap shot. She specifically dropped off this sentence from the line she quoted which clearly changed the context from what she contended.

            “For instance, men and women may receive equitable, not equal, treatment in regard to parental benefits at work.”


          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Not relevant nor does it add context. Again, your confirmation bias is showing.

          16. Why do you suppose these educators used a workplace scenario instead of a classroom scenario as their example of alleged “equitable but not equal” treatment? Could it be that they do not want us to know the specifics of how they intend to apply their philosophy to the treatment of school children?

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Only if you are predisposed to disbelieve them in the first place. And why?

            If you look , if you actually do go read the policy of the schools they do try to explain the difference between equity and equality but the anti-CRT folks are not having it.


          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, I don’t. It was not written with you in mind at all. That is clear.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            this is an exact quote: “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group.”

            and yes – cherry picking words and phrases is dishonest when doing so changes what was actually said in context.

          20. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wayne – if you are really the person you say you are – you KNOW these claims really are misrepresentations and outright lies.

            Time to step up or admit, you are with them.

          21. Larry,

            I do not know the claims are misrepresentations or lies. I do know that the proponents of CRT are typically loath to have open discussions about their specific goals, so I am left to pick up little clues along the way.

            On those occasions when specifics are laid out, my BS detector flips over into the red when I see two contradictory statements in two successive sentences in what should be a simple definition.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I noticed that Schultz (as is typical for Conservatives these days – especially on BR for some reason) extracted the key phrase you find so offensive yet dropped off the next sentence which said “For instance, men and women may receive equitable, not equal, treatment in regard to parental benefits at work.” I get that is not the spin she/you wish but it does provide more clarity to the outrageous clause she/you quote.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You end up wondering if folks like Wayne are too easily convinced by fellow Conservatives outright lies OR he too is playing the same game they are.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If the rest of BR is any indication, the latter. As noted above, at least Haner is honest about it.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Quickest way to spot when the truth is being told. You three are here throwing broad brush ad homs around like they are candy.

          4. I like to keep all those dolts guessing.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            do you see the word “group”:

            “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group.”

            I’d like to hear from you on this. Do you REALLY think the policy is to have ALL individuals with the same outcomes – like ALL white kids end up the same or all boys end up the same?

            do you really think that is the stated policy?

          6. I did not mention “boys” or “white kids”. The statement I quoted referred to “all individuals. And I did not write it, FCPS did. So ask them.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            do you REALLY THINK they meant ALL INDIVIDUALS? When I said white kids – I said that on purpose to ask do you really think they actually meant all kids – as in all white kids or all girls or all of any demographics or do you think they meant rough parity percentages across the demographics so that a similar percent of blacks would achieve higher level academic performance or similar – not ALL black kids?

            What does common sense tell you?

            Do you really believe the anti-CRT folks on this?

          8. Common sense tells me that in this country, anyone who cannot clearly elucidate their ideas and plans using plain English has no business educating our children, no matter what curricula they are following.

            If what they say is so open to interpretation as to be as misunderstood as you claim, then they need to do a better job of explaining themselves – or they need to to go away and leave our children alone.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            To the intended audience (teachers) the meaning would have been plain as day. It is to me and I’m not even a teacher.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll WayneS • 11 minutes ago
            To the intended audience (teachers) the meaning would have been plain as day. It is to me and I’m not even a teacher.”

            No, you’re not displaying understanding. You’re displaying confirmation bias.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Doing a better job of explaining does not excuse outright lying and misrepresentation of facts which you KNOW is going on here, I think.

            who in the right mind believes the schools believe that ALL individuals should have equal outcomes ? Why would you believe that?

          12. Who in their right mind makes the following statement: Equitable programs may make accommodations for differences so that the outcomes are the same for all individuals.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you take that statement without the others that go with it… what does that mean?

            ” “This is the outcome of practices that result in the same outcomes for members of a group.”

            what do you think this is supposed to mean when they specifically say “group”?

            And WHY would you accept as true – statements that ignore this and conclude that it means all individuals instead?

            I’m pretty sure you can see this.

            The question is why you still side with the folks that are clearly misrepresenting the issue.

          14. What do you think they mean when they specifically say “individual”?

          15. DJRippert Avatar

            Read the Great Prophet Kendi if you want full definitions of CRT and equity. After all, he wrote the liberal gospel on the matter.

            Have you read Kendi’s book?

            Remember, he’s the guy who gets hired by school systems like Loudoun to explain equity and CRT.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            I know what is in Kendi’s book – have seen reviews both pro and con but do you REALLY BELIEVE the intent of the policy is for ALL individuals to achieve equal outcomes?

          17. DJRippert Avatar

            I believe the policy lays the groundwork for unequal treatment of different classes of students so that the measured results will be equal. As a hypothetical – if you assume a certain racial group commonly uses slang unique to that group you might give students in that group more time to complete a test where the questions are written in standard English.

            The teachers have failed and failed miserably to educate poor children. This is true despite increases in per student spending after adjusting for inflation.

            Those same failed teachers now want to invent a theory that allows them to set different testing and grading approaches to achieve measured equality.

            Too many Asians in TJ? What’s the answer? Work hard to make sure the non-Asians are learning the material sufficiently well to test into TJ? Oh hell no. That reeks of real work to the teachers and their unions. Better to implement a lottery and then declare the problem solved.

            CRT is a scam to excuse teachers from accountability.

          18. LarrytheG Avatar

            DJ – it’s not what “you believe” nor is it what the anti CRT folks are saying they “believe” either.

            And you’re just totally wrong about ALL poor kids. Some of them in some schools are doing well.. Even Sherlock has pointed this out.

            When only 2% of black kids qualify for enrollment in higher achievement curricula – that’s MORE than just “poor” kids… and you want to blame ALL teachers or the entire schools system – the VERY same school system and teachers who produce high performing white and Asian kids… geeze guy…

            Did you know that the percent of Asians who are in TJ who are low income is 2%, the same as for ALL black kids?

            But again – what you “believe” is NOT what is going on and you are being complicit IMHO with the lies and misrepresentations that are being done.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Is this the same Elizabeth L. Schultz who was outraged about putting tampon dispensers in girl’s bathrooms….?

    1. or tampon dispensers in the boys bathroom? Many schools now have assumed the role of transgender advocates and facilitators! Read Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        No, actually her beef was with “free tampons” in Girls’ bathrooms.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    We’ll know we’re on the right track when there is equity in bitching, so given BR’s response, we’re headed in the right direction.

    1. “Bitching” is a sexist term, so there can never be equity in bitching. Sorry.


      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well then, they’re included too. Vultures gotta eat too, same as the worms.

  7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    You know when Larry is trapped. He submits 30 comments (and counting) on the same post. Larry, you have now officially screwed yourself into the ground.

    1. Heck, I’m up to something like 23 comments on this thread, which I’m pretty sure is a record for me. In my defense, though, I was “doing battle” with two people.


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